What am I in for?
What am I in for?
incest murder autism and rage if you dont know how to play it for a while
Anyone who is confused by the more casual of Paradox titles is surely a mentally stunted incel, or a nigger.
Protip: Use the char finder to grab a wife who is good at intrigue and make her your spymaster.
is it bad i actually got erekt?
reskinned keen dreams
a wet dream come true in vidya form
Blob simulator with a stupid amount of DLC.
>Blob simulator
what does this mean
To become so powerful that expanding your kingdom becomes so easy that you lose interest in the game.
Reading and left clicking
Find a wife who is a genius or attractive or strong, marry your sons to genius, attractive or strong women, and marry your daughters matrilineally to bloodlines. Then arranged marriages between members of your dynasty to concentrate good features and bloodlines. In a couple hudred years your dynasty will be filled with strong, attractive geniuses with multiple bloodlines and you can take your pick of heirs.
I play the AGoT mod, and can’t go playing too long before I go full Craster.
This. Especially if I play Valyrian. My daughters and sisters can't stop seducing me and I have a family of inbred bastards.
rape day
Game of Thrones mod is objectively worse than the base game. After the end is fun though as long as you turn off Adventurers and rebellions
Try pureblood mod
>Strategically making decisions like sending armies after smaller armies and not fighting bigger armies
>Marrying all daughters off matrilineally like a tactical genius, such grand strategy
>Pressing "plot" against the obvious target and strategically waiting for the game to take care of it for you
>Outplaying the game itself by choosing the good option in a random event clearly displaying which option gives rewards
>Watching one color grow while another diminishes, but strategically
>the funny horse
but ck2/eu4 dont know if HoI4 are literaly more complex than eu3/DH
they are easier but have more mechanics that you need to learn
Wtf objectively worse means
means that it's not better. Usually denoted to describe something that is not as good as the thing you're referring to.
>lol if you can't learn CK2 in your first session you are a brainlet
Not sure if bait, or just a redditor
>but ck2/eu4 dont know if HoI4 are literaly more complex than eu3/DH
You don't have to blob m8
>After the end
>Burgers need apocalypse to be medieval
>pureblood mod
what did they mean by this?