1.7 on PC fucking when!?
Rain World
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More Slugcats Expansion when?
What do they fix in 1.7?
It's just various bug fixes and new ending art for Monk & Hunter as far as I'm aware
Did they fix starvation glitch? Scavengers still grabe your spear on the back?
>tfw only ascended a few days ago after playing the game on and off since the release and restarting it at least two times.
It's really rewarding, but even in the end I felt some sort of primal awe when one of the voidworms decides to stop frolicking in all the LCL and help poor slugcat. Truly a better brother than him was never conceived.
Also I now have official right to mock monkshitters.
Now go play hunter you ninny
>shaded citadel
>five pebbles
>drainage system
>go play hunter
While I still remember these areas, I'd much rather not.
Those areas are a joke compared to the warzones that certain regions become when you play as Hunter
not soon enough
The Leg on Hunter is quite the experience.
I ascended as monk :3
You're still a complete and total fruit though
>Scavengers still grabe your spear on the back?
There's mod for that.
Damn, this looks good.
It's going to be fucking incredible. The team working on it is bigger than the actual game's, and it shows when you look at the sheer amount of content they're allegedly adding.
For instance
>Over 1500 new maps to explore spread across 9 new regions
That's almost as big as the base game, they're essentially doubling its size.
>22 dropwigs
based. fuck those niggers
I just hope they didn't expand it east past the LttM, because I have some ideas of my own of what to add here.
Looks to the Moon is going to be expanded into its own entire region if I'm not wrong
my dragon slayer achievement is 1 node short and I've killed greens, purples, whites, blues and an orange. who is my last target?
Blacks. No, srsly.
They like to reside in dark areas, figure it out from there
stopped playing for a while lads, needs some motivation to get back into it
stuck in Chimney Canopy, seems like ages till I can reach another place to hibernate from the starting point
i've met the blue alien and have headed this way after getting 'passage' during shoreline
any tips?
Go to Shaded Citadel, yes, really
FUCK Slugcats and FUCK Moon
I-I thought Rain World threads were gone forever ;_;
Birth and death are connected, into a cycle, or a spiral.
Calm down, Pebles.
where the fuck is that?
vaguely remember the orange eyeball friend pointing upwards with a symbol of one of the flies on it
so went to chimney canopy in an attempt to go up
While I realize this game has a bigger color pallet thatn 16bit, it very much looks like it from the art style. Due to this I cannot make myself like it. It just feels as if it's a relic from a by-gone time.
Through Industrial or Shoreline.
I'm carrying 3 pearls with me while going through shaded citatel for the first time, will I make it?
Jesus, how? This game's backgrounds are jaw-droppingly beautiful, some of the best backgrounds and pixelart put into a videogame IMO. The dev is now up there with SNK as masters of pixel art shit
Just store them in shelter, my dude.
found this old channel with super early indev footage. neat that slugcat's animations were pretty much finished this early in development
>pixel art
>It just feels as if it's a relic from a by-gone time.
How on Earth is it a bad thing? Hype shit deserve neglecting, obscure relics are made for love.
The Catsolotl
I bought this game on sale a month ago and I'm still too scared to play it.
Please tell me it's easier than a nightmare.
how the fuck do I deal with the blue tentacled fuckers in the Underhang? I'm playing completely blind and I feel the game hasn't taught me how to beat them at all, it's not like I have the infinite spears they require to take down or the time to wait them out.
>The dev is now up there with SNK as masters of pixel art shit
It's not even CLOSE how good some people are with sprites compared to this crap.
I was thinking if there is ever a sequel, just how are they going to improve the mechanics? If you think of the system as a whole, it’s pretty deep mechanically. They can't introduce new slugcats moves unless it’s forced like the ability to fly or some basic shit like that. How are they going to improve the mechanics?
I hade to savescum while trying to get two pearls through the citadel. Once a scav gets into your shelter you're pretty much fucked as there is no way you'll get that pearl back alive.
You can bait them. Think smart, thats all
What does the rivulet do?
In general it's definetly less stressful than Darkwood and not as skill demanding as something like Environmental Station Alpha, so go ahead.
Play Monk until you get the hang of the game. It's basically easy(ish) mode. Predators are less aggressive, the rain timer is consistently longer, and you don't have to eat as much. He does have limited speed and spear strength, though.
Or just man up and play Survivor. There's no lasting penalty for dying. Feel the game out at your own pace.
>this game was teased in a forum all the way back in 2012 and the gameplay stayed the same as it ever was
Detail != overall quality of the result, the goal is not to be as detailed as possible. I'd argue quite a lot of screens in RW are better than the stuff SNK put out.
Only other game that rivals RW in this is Abe's Odyssey.
>I feel the game hasn't taught me how to beat them at al
I think game teach pretty clearly that evading is a key. Blue sack fucks are blind, but have good hearing, use that.
Yeah that's what I'm doing, but it's still such a time waster, the rain is my top killer with these guys, not the monsters themselves. I guess I'll just git gud.
Thanks. I actually suspected that, it's nice to have it confirmed.
Throw rocks and duck into holes. Make sure you grab onto poles when jumping or they might hear you. They're completely blind, but be careful of them fumbling over you if you make a noise nearby.
They could do with tightening them up a bit. As they are, it's really easy to stumble when doing something completely basic.
we're posting rainbows now?
sorry for the image quality, I fixed the settings shortly after this
My copy is arriving today. I’m never opening it nor the package and going to store it and leave it. And now I can post a game in those rare copies of games anons own
They're not usually creatures you can kill. They will die in one explosive spear hit if you manage to strike the core, but chances are one of the tentacles will take the hit instead.
Climbing up Chimney Canopy isn't a good idea your first time through. Not only do you miss half the KINO of the game, but it's a pain in the ass and requires certain knowledge to traverse properly, like grapple worms or a max height rolling jump into a wall spear.
Well, they pretty much nailed it first time. But sloped surfaces and sloped bars (basically not grid-based map) would be a nice addition.
It only really gets hard in the later areas. Death is easily avoidable in the first and second regions. You can literally jump over the green lizards without anything else they're so slow.
But kill one different colored lizard at least. You will be rewarded with a passage. It’s important if you care about the lore, which the lore is great
The early areas are actually a major barrier for a lot of people, but that's mainly because they have to get used to the controls. Outskirts is a breeze once you get used to it. Until you go there as Hunter, that is.
Moves faster and breathes underwater, but rain timers are shorter for him
Does that mean he'll be able to live indefinitely in the underground areas that flood instead of get pelted with rain?
Sounds neat
>about to be eaten by his own creations
Is this going to be a mod or dlc? is this just coming to pc?
I only died once in outskirts and figured out the controls pretty much instantly. The only areas that gave me any trouble was that part of the Leg where two chameleons annoy you while you're trying to climb and unfortunate development.
But I've beaten all five pantheons in Hollow Knight and have been playing hard as shit videogames for decades, so i guess my blood is just infused with magical gamer powers now and it might not be fair to compare people to my standard.
It's a mod. Would be nice if the devs made modding easier so we didn't need to use shell scripts just to mod the game.
It's a mod
thanks user
where best to head next? backtrack all the way to shoreline and fine another route there?
assumed chimney canopy wouldn't be too bad since the symbol to enter is was only Lv3
Did you already visit Looks to the Moon? If so, using the 5 karma shelter in Industrial Complex would be a good path.
Thanks guys damn it I'm gonna buy this on PC now I'm used to play it with controller and love it having on the switch
The textures are still pixel art for the most part
From Industrial, you can go all the way to the right and you'll encounter a gate that leads you into Shaded Citadel. Shaded hooks up with Industrial and Shoreline as well as Memory Crypts, and Memory Crypts is where you want to go. Inside Shaded Citadel, you'll want to go down. If you find killer ferns you're going in the right direction. Your yellow helper should help point the way. Be warned, it's pretty dark in there, and there's some not-so-nice things lurking in the darkness. If you can find a scav and filch his lantern, you'll be golden.
Be warned, the gate to SC from Industrial takes 5 Karma, so you might want to build that up first, but it shouldn't be too hard as long as you've eaten a karma flower. Industrial isn't that dangerous.
The PC game natively supports PS4/Xbox controllers, there's probably some way to get a Switch Pro controller to work as well but I haven't tried it.
Steam has built in Pro Controller support
Does this game have SOUL or what?
yeah i've met the blue alien thing
and cool, i'll backtrack down into Industrial Complex and work towards that, have found that gate all the way to the east. wondered if it would have been too difficult considering it's Lv5.
thought i was doing pretty well in Chimney Canopy too, just got caught in the rain before i could reach another shelter. doesn't help that getting there quickly can vary so much due to the big birds wasting so much of my time.
cool, somewhere very dark does seem terrifying, but it's also got 'citadel' in the title which means it'll be free of the fucking birds.
thanks for help anons
Yeah, lots of soul.
He has a reason why he came to hate Big Sis Moon. But it’s also his fault too. Big Sis Moon interrupted Five Pebbles during his experiment, she fucked up his experiement so bad, it became The Rot. But Big Sis Moon did so unknowingly, she wanted to let him know he was consuming too much water, too much water that he didn't leave some for herself but it was bad timing for the Moon
It's liable to make you overdose on SOUL
Its overflowing with soul
During the Hunter's playthrough, it seems like he has at least some remorse for what he's done to her.
Can I somehow stop that weird sentient grass from taking my stuff? I found a ton of explosive spears and I can't even leave the room without them being stolen immediately
You have to be quick in jumping away when it touches the spear. The window is small though
Ran over them bare-handed, they may retract after that.
Thanks guys, also the little yellow guy started to show me short recordings, does that mean I triggered some story event without noticing?
it means youre getting closer
seriously fuck scavengers
Fuck you, invasive species.
Scavs will rule the world some day. They're basically proto humans
remove scav REMOVE SCAV you are worst purposed organism
Get lost, rodent amoeba.
Just you wait, pain will last only for 20 cycles, but we will remain.
>scavengers have been bros since I first met them
>run into a pack of them fighting off a bunch of lizards
>one of the scavs gets dragged of by a lizard but he is still fighting back
>want to save him because maybe they'll give me free food or something
>throw spear
>lizards turns around right before the spear hits him so the scavenger he grabbed got impaled instead
>all other scavengers go apeshit and try to murder me
high iq lizard plays
Those hips get me every time, goddamn
What is it? It better not be related to furry degeneracy.
>Why does a slugcat need that many lights?
Of course it is.
Give some source then. For purging purposes.
To keep track of his dirty scav killcount :)
You know exactly what it is
just sharing karma
Kelp no kelping pls
>not furry degeneracy
Reading from the pearls Moon looks like a person who can't keep her nose out of everyone elses business.
Probably where she gets the "big sis" label from.
Kinda like your average big sis
Well, she WAS the local group leader
Group senior. So she had the virtue of being older. Not a good metric for leadership after a certain point.
Big tongues going in small mouths is such a rare thing. God damn it's amazing.
just realized paid critics unanimously hated this game lol Jesus and they loved fucking fez
yeah it was pretty painful when it came out
thankfully steam score is more accurate
>tfw you can see the green lightning from all the way up there
Noice shot, mate.
Yo hold up what the heckuva is this? Clouds removed via dev tools?
excuse me but what is this
>rub that belly
Looks like mod fuckery.
Are King vulture masks any different from regular ones
They look different, don't know if they scare animals more.
It will scare green lizards while regular masks won't. Not sure if it works on reds though. It's also worth as much as a pearl if you trade it to a scavenger.
y helo ther
Curiosity almost killed this slugcat
All poleplants should be circumsized.
Sick dash
That image worth a hungred of bumps.
fuck what was it
Just plain bump.
no really what was it, shit doesn't get deleted for no reason
>The monk
How? I mean, don't you need to only eat fruit for 5 consecutive cycles without dying, when fruit only gives you a quarter of a pip in hunter mode?
I'm serious, just bump, but I have some ban-worthy images.
Popcorn plants still give full food and count for the Monk achievement. You can also cheese it by using starvation cycles IIRC.
There is some exploit to that, I suspect.
>Inside World
Would you a VR version of this game?
wouldn't work, VR is anything but tight controls
>you missed out on the slugcat plush
Why are the resolution and the controls so weird?
just beat it lads. this was such a great/frustrating experience.
time to read the entire devlog
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard the resolution is like that because the dev used a 1366x768 monitor, and the game was made with that resolution in mind. That's not easily changed for a game like this.
Personally I think the controls are pretty good, it allows for some neat advanced movement.
Because of the dev monitor.
Did anyone else noticed that the brother long legs from the garbage wastes can actually ear you and hunt yoy in hunter mode, like a normal daddy long legs? Also in hunter mode, the waterfall at the bottom of the level has that wall infection thing that is present in UD, and can potentially kill you if you get close enough.
I'd rather not.
Am I near the end? I'm at the shifting gravity zone of Five Pebbles and if the game has started pulling this bullshit it must be running out of gimmicks.
I'm loving this game and probably will replay it after I'm done though. I want to get my revenge on the fucking lizards, for one.
Perhaps around the halfway point. Once you beat the place you'll be like 60%
Another question, am I meant to bring some of these cell thingies to Moon from the other side of the map or will the game do it for me? I really don't want another fucking cross map hellquest like in Hollow Knight
You'll need to bring her one, but it's not required to beat the game or anything, just lore.
>or will the game do it for me
good joke, friend
You don't have to but if you have anything resembling a heart somewhere in that hollow chest cavity of yours you'll do it. If you're full, you can store one in your stomach. Just be careful if you take it out, it's easy to eat it by accident if you're not on full food meter.
There is no reward except Moon's gratitude.
I want to do it, I hope the path back is easier. No idea how you're meant to pull things out of your stomach, by the way.
> will the game do it for me
Ha-ha, this game will do nothing for you.
Yep, you can bring those. It's better to store one in belly.
And zero-g is not a gimmick, it's thematically appropriate and fundamental change.
Just hold eat button for a while, if you had something, slugcat will puke it out.
that's kinda gross
Think of it like having an extra hand
hey, actually, can I just store it in my stomach then use passage, or does passage remove that?
It’s not gross when it’s useful
Ancient greecs stored valuable coins in mouth.
also now that I know about that feature, couldn't I swallow a lantern for extra natural brightness...?
This game is super interesting and it's such a shame that it isn't very appreciated
Yes, items stored in your stomach are taken with you on passages, but items in your hands are left behind. but true bros bring Moon TWO neurons.
No, in fact, belly is the only way to take something with you through passage.
No, I haven't notice a difference.
Are pups ever going to be added?
You fucking assholes told me The Leg to Five Pebbles would be the hardest areas in the game but The Leg and the Underhang was actually fun as fuck with the grappling gimmick and Five Pebbles became easy when I figured out Unfortunate Development was optional. Subterranean on the other hand has killed me more times those areas now. Too little area to maneuver in most rooms with the blue grass and the centipedes are instant death if they touch me. Fuck those lizards that hang out in tight spaces too, and the grabbing plants. I fucking hate it all.
>finally get a hang of the first area
>next area I get to is full of pipes and water
>shit in the water drags me down and kills me
>cant even see it just deadly shadows
>only other way to go has this big red plant thing that looks like it is gonna fuck me up
>manage to make my way back to first area
I dont think I'll ever go back to that hellscape
It should be illegal to draw slugcat this thicc.
fuck scavengers
and fuck lizards
Do not fug the slug.
Fuck you nigger thicc slugs were built for fugg.
We must shill more, brother.
Congratulations, you turned back before it was too late. Try looking for other areas.
You should be able to. I'd fucking love to have a lantern, but I'm in the middle of nowhere in the Citadel without any source of light.
All I want is a mod that kicks me back to the exit of the last zone pipe I took rather than to the shelter on death.
Congratulations, you went into the newbie trap and came back out.
So what are everybody's gripes with Rain World? Anything you think is unfair or just not fun? Personally, I like the idea behind Hunter and the time limit but I would have preferred to be able to explore at my leisure and have fun with the new shit added rather than have to rush through areas and ignore everything. I'm playing on the Switch so mods are out of the question too so fuck
It is desire of a ultimate pleb scrub. Be ashamed.
>when I figured out UD was optional
see that takes all the fun out of it, you skipped all the good parts.
subterranean is a special kind of hell though, hunter mode especially has the pit of horrible centipede rape which is one of the only places you'll find a guaranteed red boi.
I didn't even know RW was out on Switch, then again I don't know why I'm surprised. Pretty much every Indie that isn't explicitly tied to a specific platform like Cuphead wants to and can be on it
>I'm playing on the Switch so mods are out of the question too so fuck
I was just going to say, there's a mod that removes the cycle limit for Hunter, it really makes it a whole new ballgame. Sucks that you can't.
I want to overcome new challenges, not old ones.
Clearly you haven't overcome them if you keep dying like a bitch.
don't make games
But I'm not dying to them.
That's why it's annoying.
I have to go through the motions to get back to the part that I'm actually challenged by. It just wastes my time.
So I stopped playing.
What is challenging you that it made you quit? Only time I started dying a bunch is when I got to Five Pebbles and that stopped once I chose a different route.
Some of mine:
>getting the lore is not fun. Finding the pearls is rewarding, but backtracking to Moon gets dull after a few runs.
>karma caching and starvation exploits are extremely lame
>the gameplay loop feels a little limiting after a few runs, some areas don't have enough purpose
Yeah, and the frame rate for the Switch version is complete fucking ass in some areas. Also crashed 3 times so far, but I'll get over it since it's been spread out over about 18 hours so far.
>What is challenging you that it made you quit?
Getting past the orange lizards while climbing the Wall.
The hike to get back to them is about 5 minutes long.
I was already frustrated having to grind up karma in Chimney Canopy in the first place though. Fuck Chimney Canopy.
I can't imagine how you go to the bathroom through the same corridor, since you was challenged by it once.
I want to fuck those supercomputers.
I don't go to the bathroom for fun.
Rainworld is the closest thing we'll get to a SSR game, and that's pretty rad.
>running out of piss bottles
C'mon user.
You know they are doll-sized? Right?
I'm pretty sure climbing up the wall will lead you to a dead end since that's where you exit Five Pebbles from. Just follow the guide if you're going up against areas that seem too difficult, it pushes you towards areas that have sensible difficult hikes.
Too late now. That's my other complaint - RainWorld is so open that it suffers from it. It's easy to miss out on all the kino - the dev should have done more to steer your attention.
But oh well.
Your opinions gets worse and worse.
Well so's my dick, so I'm sure it'll all work out
There is literally a guide that physically points you in a direction. Your first instinct should be to do what it says unless you really want to explore, in which case it's your own fault if you go into an area that's too difficult for you. This is also why areas generally have smaller Karma requirements to exit than enter so it's easier to leave an area you feel unprepared for.
Based video game journalist. You must be the top 1% of your kind as you made it out of outskirts and all.
exact same feel i got. hell, you even got nuko the slug
The only reason to climb up The Wall is if you want to get the Pilgrimage Achievement by finding the Echoes and maxing your Karma without Five Pebbles' help. On normal playthroughs you would be climbing down which is much easier.
I climbed up the wall out of curiosity. Wasn't disappointed.
Does Fruity Pebbles have any unique dialogue if you visit him after maxing your karma by yourself?
4th one should have a vulture's mask and "anything that moves"
He do not.
The map is so weird that it's easier to just memorize everything in your head.
The hunger system could be more developed, in lots of places you don't really even have to care about karma farming for the gates which takes away some of the survival simulator aspect. Then again the game works really well as a pure journey too so it's not really that big of an issue.
there's the idea that "everything in a game is doable if i just try hard enough", which is not necessarily an incorrect or misguided idea. in a stats-heavy RPG type game you might be able to see that an enemy is many levels higher than you and get the idea that you're supposed to come back later when you're more powerful, but in a game that's really light on those kinds of signifiers it's hard to know that an area is too difficult, or that you should come back another time. instead you might just think "wow, this area's a real bitch" and keep trying to plow on ahead.
i'm not sure how one would reconcile this from a design perspective either. the karma gates certainly help, but then again there's a fair few people in these threads who've mentioned having to grind karma to proceed, instead of trying a different route.
i guess in a typical metroidvania these would be the areas that would be inaccessible until you got a particular upgrade, which is a sort of metagame thing that most players would figure out or intuit immediately.
in Rain World there's places like Shaded Citadel's darkness or Chimney Canopy/The Wall's difficulty and platforming or Drainage System's swimming maneuvers that are possible to get through as a newbie with some difficulty, but either there's not quite enough difficulty to make them think 'oh shit i shouldn't be here' or else the game's base level of difficulty is enough to make them think 'welp i guess it's just super hard'.
tl;dr Rain World is the "going straight from Firelink into the Catacombs" of video games
I think it's intentional that once you get really good you'll just avoid fighting, eating and interacting with the creatures of the land and don't really need the shelters either as you just effortlessly pass through the regions on your quest for enlightenement.
So the artificer's gimmick is being able to explode on demand? Neat. What's with the glowy bit following him?
Lazy edit
If someone could leak the 2011/2012 rain world demo from the forum, that would be great
Unfortunate Development is kicking my ass. I heard the area is optional, but I seem to end up eaten by a blue fucker everywhere I try.
Hey, every iteration counts.
If you want to power through it, the correct way is up
Right before the long hallway leading to Unfortunate Development, the large Central room with a few Neurons and those large blue things, there's a little space underneath with red lighting. Go to the left of it and enter the hole leading in, the go down into the pipe system going right and then down. That will lead you further into the regular Five Pebbles area. Also remember that Daddy Long Legs hunt based on sound, so throwing debris to throw them off of your location is an option.
I have never played this game what is it about? Spoonfeed me
I wonder if the dev has read GLT, or vice-versa.
survival with only one jump button and a lot of emergent animations from it
send help
Your name: John Slugcat.
Your mission: Ascend to the next plane of existence.
You make a journey through various hellscapes and eventually find peace
Raindeer are janky as hell and ought to have been optional for progressing through Farm Arrays.
Managing hunger/food is a complete non-issue in my experience. Food is plentiful everywhere and other creatures potentially competing with you for food is hardly a thing, even though it'd perfectly fit in with the whole ecosystem simulation thing the game is going for.
The amount of backtracking necessary for collecting lorepearls is silly.
Some raw animal survival (no resource gathering, no involved planning - if you think, you think on the feet, you improvize or die) and exploration kino completely free of hand-holding, restrictions and plot interruptions. Also this is a game almost completely free of gamey abstractions like hitpoints, exp points and such. It feels very real.
What area sold you on the game?
For me it was Shaded Citadel, coming straight from Industrial Zone. I love environmental hazards and creepy atmosphere.
Sorry, Sluggo. Not even God himself can save you from the wrath of the red centipede
The Leg was when the game really started to wew my lads
I was sold on this game before it even came out, but the journey you go through from Memory Crypts to THE WALL is some of the best shit ever.
climbing the wall. the sound of the wind and slugcat being above all its predators was a very beautiful moment, especially after all the shit you go through.
My biggest gripe is the ending. Everything else you do in the game is a lot more meaningful and fulfilling than the final ascension, which ends the experience on a disappointing note for me.
All areas range from good to breathtakingly great, but 5P is a winner. How comes that a game about literal rodent also feature the best space-station experience?
But before that I understood what I've got into in Drainage. I fell for that trap and persisted through it.
I should probably pick this game up again. I remember having a blast with it UNTIL I reached Shorelines and the game makes me go through flooded corridors that I keep drowning in all the time. I know, git gud and all that but it still got frustrating.
At least the music in that area is good youtube.com
Development for Rainworld started as early as 2012 so probably just coincidences
You don't have to git gud, you have to grub squid.
Oh, I know but the squid always swam away from me. Even if I threw some food into the water. So I was just kind of stuck there 'till rain came down on me.
Well, you can go by the sea either.
how do i even see this screen after finishing?
Finish as Hunter, scores count only for him.
It's only on Hunter mode.
finished the other day, i still don't know for sure if it's one of the best games i've played in years or just one of the hardest
fuck hunter
How do you help him?
You bring him the neuron with some hot windows 5P activation codes.
Garbage Waste was when I really started to get into the feel of things, I still think its one of the better designed areas
Except for the bottom part with all the brother long legs, fuck em
>VERY fast slugcat ascending at incredible hihg speed
how about that ending?
That dumpster bother me to no end, because screen transition icons are yellow for some reason, it's like those goddamn wastes think that they are special in some way.
All the pipes are really clogged with trash I imagine
... guess i didn't want to see that side of the Underhang anyway.
you should, it's pretty cool
Just delivered the green neuron to Moon, together with the pearl
just how is this game so insanely good
We truly were blessed to have the couple devs slave away for years to deliver this game
They aren't corrupted by notion of "good game design" and they are good artists.
We're hopefully going to be blessed again this year once those modders finish slaving away on that fanmade expansion
I hope that it wouldn't be too much into the fan-fiction zone. I'm worried by that miro-vulture thing.
the slugcat designs should worry you more
"Everybody gets one. Tell him Spidey."
The problem is that those feel like neat gameplay ideas that had custom slugcats and storylines designed around them, so then you have to come up with an excuse for why this normal slugcat can double jump, and that's when you get into the awful fanfiction zone - "uh, well actually he is a cyborg with a jet in his back and cybernetic eyes"
>so then you have to come up with an excuse for why
They were either manufactured for some specific purpose like Hunter or just adapted/mutated in some manner due to their circumstances, but that's just a theory ;-)
And some of the slugcats are just butt-blasted.
this game really isn't my kind of game but the webms show off some pretty fucking neat mechanics
i'm glad people like it
I played this game 3 times and always end up being at blue girl. What other paths do I have in the beginning?
I'd of course love to be entirely wrong and relive the wonder of the base game
If you haven't finished the game yet, try to find another gate in Shaded Citadel.
If you have, there are some other paths that don't lead to Shoreline like Farm Arrays(if you go up) or Chimney Canopy.
I killed a giant centipede in Subterranean that was fucking with me and then a Green Lizard started chasing me, so I just said fuck it and went to the Shelter in the same room since I was full anyway. Last thing I saw was the Green Lizard carrying off the Centipede's corpse, and when I woke up it was inside the Shelter with me. It's sleeping and it's marked on the map, too. Did I accidentally tame it or some shit?
If you've beaten the game already, try doing a Pilgrimage run
>Did I accidentally tame it or some shit?
how fucking long is five pebbles christ I wandered for 20 minutes trying to avoid the blue guys, found zero save points and crashed into a blue light, fuck this gay world
just b urself
I want to die, help
You and me both
When life gives you platforms...
You went too far. Hang in there slugcat
what specific subzone am I meant to go to, I need at least one intermediate save zone
there's a trend in the game in some spots of exploring until you find where you're supposed to go or do, with no real direction
just fill your map boy
I just want one of those damn bird masks how many spears do I have to throw at their stupid faces?
cute slugcat
Just one, you're missing
im impressed
I want more cute art of slugcat plz.
nice crop
Was thinking about picking this up for switch. Has anyone her played it on switch? How was the port?
it's a fine port, the switch version is actually why it's been so popular lately
framerate drops are pretty common though, and i've crashed once or twice, but it's very playable and very good for the handheld format.
vid related, having an easy capture feature compared to pc is really nice
Nothing troubling here. Just me and my new favorite kelp neighbour together
please tell me this actually happened without mods
Yes. There is atleast one kelp at the bottom of Shaded Citadel that can follow you home. Seems like it can't eat you without its hole so it is merely extremely annoying
Doofus user, flinging slugats by the dozen off the ledge in underhang. Exactly how the fuck are you supposed to use the grapple worm, particularly in mid air? You can SORT of aim it, but once you're in the air, it flops around like a limp dick, and then you're shooting web all over the place.
Newbie user here, itt seems to launch in a way that keeps your momentum going in the same direction, like spiderman's webs. I'm able to use it pretty well for horizontal movement, absolute shit for anything else.
I've found the best thing is:
1. launch straight above
2. swing until you're moving as fast as possible in the direction you wanna go
3. release and press again, keep releasing and pressing until you're where you want to be
Those are some well-drawn sluggos
you can kind of just tell when something is drawn by a furry
If anything it would have fucking slimy sandpaper skin.
You can draw features on an animal without wanting to screw them
yeah i know...but sometimes you just know
user, have you ever seen a real cat?
Of course I've seen a real cat, I have 3 of them. It's just, there's just something about that image.
I agree with you user, and I'm pretty sure the other two who replied to you are furries too.
I knew it.
Well, fuck.
>getting all the arena unlocks
>trying to move from chimney canopy to sky islands
>at 0 karma
>to even pass through the gate, need to spend 3-5 minutes collecting food before sleeping again
>have to sit through the lengthy gate sequence, make a mad dash through lizards and vultures, do 3 backflip jumps, find 4 pips of food and make it to the shelter
>if a single detail goes wrong, have to die and start over, wasting 10+ minutes
These are my two favorite areas, and I've never had troubles with this gate in the past, but holy FUCK this is giving me issues
>Yea Forums is too fast
>/vg/ would be dead
/slowv/ when
It's fucking adorable. You've never seen a squirrel with it's cheek pouches full?
The game does a bad job of teaching you advanced shit. Imagine more slugcat dreams, where he dreams about slug cats rolling, and leaping, and flipping, Or dreaming about other animals interacting with each other.
On that last bit, imagine sandbox, with some animals picked almost at random, and slug cat sees them interact when he dreams.
Blue fuckers go by sound. You can tell when they hear you because shit lights up on their core. Landing ANY jump makes sound. So does using a grapple worm.
I stand corrected
I think I just saw two Daddy Long Legs mating.
Probably just trying to eat the other
what is sandbox mode?
A sandbox where you can fuck around with all the creatures in the game(gotta unlock them first)
>playing Coop mod online
>Sky Islands
end our suffering
Can furries just go extinct already? They should be lobotomized and used as slaves.
>I don't go to the bathroom for fun
>I go to the bathroom to WIN
>that pressure as youre carrying your buddy and have to deal with the underhang/sky island jumps with slight input lag
Artificer looks like my kinda character.
>youre carrying your buddy
Is your buddy a pup?
its just something the coop mod lets you do, considering you both share the same camera and it only follows one of you some of the parts in the game would be impossible
What a shame that the game does nothing to tell you this.
That's the point.
My first experience of the game was ruined because of this.
The guide is shit.
He only shows up occasionally. But always does point the right way.
>you both share the same camera and it only follows one of you
That sucks. The Warriors was borderline unplayable because of that bullshit.
how the fuck does the coop mod work?
Just beat Rain World, about to start Hunter. Tips?
Kill to the extreme
Now want to see someone edit this to be Hunter and No Significant Harassment
We don't know what NSH looks like, I say he's neon orange with lightning blue ear muffs.
at 2:00
Basically, He's green.
NSH has the Daily Dose colour scheme.
Hold on, why did Cycle 19 go down to 18?
>he knows not
hoo boy, enjoy your rapidly disappearing lifespan
Rain cancer
How can red slugcat die of cancer if everyone is stuck endlessly reincarnating?
He doesn't die
he just wakes right back up
Fuck, so I have a time limit? I thought this was just gonna be a straight hard mode with a stronger and more agile slug cat
You can download a mod to make it like that, but yeah, you're stuck with a 20 cycle limit, 25 if you visit 5P
He'll reborn once more.
Isn't 1.7 literally just two extra pictures at the end of the Hunter and Monk endings?
Cute! More like this?
Hard to search for because artists nowadays flock to twitter and its godawful browsing interface.
People love the RW/HK crossovers though and sometimes HLD as well as Dark Souls get included as well.
>watch some chinese HK videos (thanks YT algorithm)
>JP Fanta commercial parodies
>one of the episodes has slugcat in the back
lmao pretty good
>Hunter slugcat in the Hunter Class
You will come to hate the scavenger checkpoint between farm arrays and outskirts.
whew, I made it to subterranean. It took me until halfway through farm arrays to give up on bringing the grapple worm, it just kept getting dabbed on by the worms.
also, is the "X" cycle like a bonus cycle that goes away when you lose it?
Meant for local play like the arena, but bends some rules to let you complete the main story. Like someone mentioned before, you share a camera, but you can switch between the two with a button, and if some places are too fucked up to have 2+ retards hopping around to navigate, you can just stick to the other's back.
Have a new pic related
if I see a valuable collectable in the environment, does even touching it make it disappear next cycle if I hibernate without it?
>commence the jiggling!
oh yeah, and if one of you dipshits end up dead, you have to drag the other one back to shelter or you both die. chasing after your guy being taken by a lizard for 8 screens just for a vulture to swooce in and grab everyone is a normal occurrence.
someone said on here that there was a way to attach the vulture mask to your face so you don't have to waste a hand, was he telling me a falsehood?
>He has a reason why he came to hate Big Sis Moon
No he has not. Whatever experiment that he was trying to accomplish would result in him fucking suiciding and while it's justifiable for him, that goes against prime directive every iterator had.
Being mad that someone stopped you from potentially killing yourself and making someone a cripple in retaliation is not justifiable.
Not to mention, the entire experiment was lethal to moon too
Fuck Pebbles
Imagine the arguments they had
moon please crush my head between those thighs of yours
so I haven't seen my helper in a while. I went through farm arrays to subterranean after 5P, am I supposed to be going through filtration system now?
okay, don't tell me I needed a grapple worm. What do?
go back and go the right way duh
okay, don't tell me I need to swim down
I've told you about the cycle of rebirth man. I've told you dog.
Grab a squid and head for the under hang.
>cancer for multiple lifetimes
slugcat has had enough
I've seen picture of really fucked up slugcat in these threads some time ago. Like him actually dissolving into an incoherent blob that looks like core-less daddy longlegs. Was it a mod or something that I've missed in the base game?
It is just a picture unless you catch ass parasites.
Five Pebbles is betamax shitter who just blacklisted every other iterator as soon as he decided to go through with the experiments though.
He is literally incapable of handling bants.
slugo stronk
Well, you don't have to imagine, you can read them.
Aw, man, I was really hoping for mutation mod, but on a more severe scale rather than Pebbles speech and mod Moon's lung capacity ones.
I also wouldn't oppose an iterator mod. Imagine subtly tinkering with the world around AI (or your partner) - controlled slugcat in order to help him, while other iterators are trying their best to kill kot to the extreme by spawning enemies and influencing the legacy system.
Iterators don't have time for that shit, they are way too much up their asses, and it seems they lack instruments of population control. Also, making slugcat AI is a pretty big task, compared to lizards and such.
>making slugcat AI is a pretty big task
Pretty sure you could re-purpose scav AI, because they're as close to sluggo as it gets.
>Iterators don't have time for that shit
Ah yes, immortal beings who have unlimited time while stuck in their cans have very important business like creating rot or being dummy thicc, of course.
I mean what if Sliver of Straw's solution of the big task was implanted into the genome of a purposed creature that just happens to look like a slugcat of some sort, just like No Significant Harassment possibly created Hunter?
>because they're as close to sluggo as it gets.
They can't jump for a reason.
> solution of the big task was implanted into the genome of a purposed creature
That's some fanfiction-level ideas. And rot is accidental.
At least bump with something.
>Coop mod online
Is it stable enough? How does it handle prediction etc?
shouldn't he be eating it?
He is already full.
Use Parsec, user
Has anyone ever managed to do a no death run?
Yes, look for Snailturtle on Youtube, he probably did.
Wake up, remove more scavs.
That madman has done pretty much anything and everything
do you mean turtle toad?
So when are you people going to /vg/ for your daily threads?
When you stop bitching
So never I'm guessing
When did I bitch? Stop being mad.
when DMC stays in /vg/
Just because DMCunts are autistic ebin memesters doesn't mean you have to follow their example.
the difference here is that DMC can actually maintain a vg thread while a vg rain world thread would die in a day
It's not a dead end, it's just a really fucking difficult trek through dropwigs, huge packs of lizards (orange, blue and white), and some make shift ladders via spear throwing. I did it, and when i learned there was a different way into 5 pebbles through the zero grav area i couldn't decide if i was a pro for accomplishing it or the biggest retard for not seeking out the other path.
Somehow people have forgotten that /vg/ was created for the games that would hit the board with 10+ new threads a day and get irrationally angry about one out of the way thread they could easily filter.
to be fair, it was also created with the intention of housing threads which were always up, first to come to mind being SC2 threads, but there were a handful of others like LoL/dota and counterstrike, all of which had "general" threads on v at all times but usually didn't have any other threads being made about them. these again are different from rain world because there's more often no rain world thread than there is one.
lol was like one of the longest running generals on Yea Forums
ended up going back through the "hard way" on accident and got #BLUED
i just want to be free
Does it actually work online?
Does it work on pirated copies? (I bought the game on release but I have doubts I'll convince any of my friends to buy this game just to try out a co-op mod we don't even know if it works)
How many people can play?
Can you change settings? Dragging dead people sounds kinda interesting but I'm afraid it would be near impossible to progress while playing with people that never played this game before.
Also, could you give me a link to the mod?
What do i do when i've raeched five pebbles? Do go back?
>What do i do when i've raeched five pebbles?
What about going where he told you to?
i'm just wondering if it's worth floating around in their brain
Unless you want to try to leave 5P neuronless, nah
Late reply, but yes.
"1654.116 - PRIVATE [FORCED]
Big Sis Moon. Five Pebbles
BSM: Immediately lower your groundwater consumption to one fifth of the current intake.
BSM: Stop whatever it is you are doing.
BSM: Please stop!
BSM: As your local group senior I order you you you you you you
BSM: As your senior senior I plead
BSM: stop
Five Pebbles: You could not have chosen a worse moment to disturb me. You have ruined everything.
BSM: please
Five Pebbles: I almost had it. I will never forget this."
What happens if you do?
Nothing, its just funny eating all of 5P's neurons
does he get mad at you?
Doesnt even comment on it
I wonder if he was like oh good she finally shut up or oh fuck did something happen after this
Play Hunter if you want to find out that he's well aware of her situation
Are you?
I killed a DLL once and it felt GOOD
Slugcat needed to be more like this.
How bad is the input delay on switch? Also are the mods good enough for me to warrant buying it on steam instead?
look up "many slugcats" mod and see if that peaks your interest if not then go for switch I guess I bought it on steam
imgur period com/a/QvS5yU4
>imgur period com/a/QvS5yU4
I hate you
>Peaks your interest
It's a new food source for slutcat™ coming in 1.8.
w-what is it
slugcat blowing a scav
too late why did i open it
sad to see it go
I've mastueb8ed more than once to that cat, might give this game a go
hand in penis
Six Clouds over The Horizon
that's bretty good
would unironically prefer slugcat dominating the scav tho
fuck you stop giving me weird thoughts
Any of you have cats?
Yeah, she loves me!
15 dogs...
Would you a pet slugcat?
I used to have a cat, now I have a dog.
I'd take pointy-clawed kneading on my face over hearing a dog yap at nothing in particular, though.
Still love the stupid old pup.
Would you pet a jiggly long soap with overly grand goals in life?
>ywn get caught off-guard scavenging by a randy Slugcat and held at spearpoint while you're violated
damn bro ;_;
Just remove the vocal chords bro. Nothing like a dog having dry coughs instead of loud dumb woofs.
its no use
this is my favorite
I love the vulture and the lizard..
We are going down to ascend