Do you think that Yea Forums will hate on TES VI just like they do now with Skyrim?
I hope not, because that’d be stupid.
Do you think that Yea Forums will hate on TES VI just like they do now with Skyrim?
I hope not, because that’d be stupid.
Elder Scrolls games are not good.
Yes. We should hate on it because Bethshit and Todd Coward dont deserve our money.
skyrim is objectively a poorly designed game. It has shallow game mechanics and has horrible writing.
Don’t fool yourself. They grew up with Skyrim, and they’ll hate TES Hammerfell for not being Skyrim 2.
>will Yea Forums hate something mainstream
Dunno, will the sun rise tommorow?
If it's made with the Creation Engine ™, has day 0 dlc, a garbage collector's edition, patches that create more bugs then they fix, then yes, I'll hate on it and will gladly make 3 metacritic accounts to give it a 0.
Yes, shitting on the latest TES is an ancient tradition.
They're shit games. Morrowind is the only passable one.
>morrowind sucked
>oblivion sucked
>skyrim sucked
>fallout 3 sucked
>fallout 4 sucked
>fallout 76 sucked
yea it'd be stupid of us to hate TES 6
This is true. Even Daggerfall fans bitched about Morrowind and how dumbed down it is.
As soon as a new TES game releases, Yea Forums will praise the one before that. Right now we're seeing a lot of Oblivion nostalgia threads and skyrim hate threads. When the next game releases we will see skyrim nostalgia threads and people praising it.
So how is Bethesda going to their streamlining bullshit this time around? Skyrim was fairly simple as-is, but I wouldn't put it past the devs to make it even more braindead.
user are you ok?
take away skills entirely. make it an arpg with skyrim mechanics.
i'm still seething i spent my birthday money on morrowind all those years ago
Will the next TES game have any cute Khajiit characters in it?
But the Morrowind boomers will persist in those nostalgia threads, and the only time they’ll ever shut up is when they die of old age.
Copy-pasted FO4 leveling system.
I didn't play FO4, how fucking bad was it? Only heard they improvised the feel of gun combat and that's it.
I like Khajiits as well, but if you’re only interested in sexualizing them rather than their culture and characters, then you have a serious problem and need some professional help.
Anybody who has taken the time to watch Zaric's videos will resent this game. Not because they hate the series but because they love it.
fo4 leveling and perk system was unironically better than skyrims.
If its shit, then yeah it will be. Bethesda games have gotten shittier and shittier.
No skills, only SPECIAL and perks.
And it was actually pretty good.
Animals don't like you...
Try again, except this time without memeing.
That’s a good idea to an extent, actually. Even if you 100 your skills/attributes, you still get XP by playing the game, so you can get perks without abusing the legendary system.
They weren't wrong though.
Maybe they should actually make good games.
What do you mean? Morrowind boomers will still be annoying douchebags everywhere they go, and the only time they stop being annoying is when they die and take their nostalgia with them to the grave.
Well, you needn’t worry, then. I’m absolutely sure TES VI will be Daggerfall 2.
The real black pill here is that new Hammerfell fans will far outnumber Skyrim fans, let alone fans of even older titles. See:
He already sounds pretentious one minute in.
I don’t like having to grind levels to progress through guilds and quest lines. In fact, the whole idea of locking quests behind level requirements is fucking stupid.
If I want to level up, I want to do it while playing exactly how I want, not let the game secure a leash around me and drag me to do other things so I can do what I want.
This is what I liked about Oblivion and Skyrim, but more so in Oblivion. I had to get through quests to advance through the ranks, but none of them were level-locked, so I have total freedom to do what I want to do within the game. This is why I regard The Witcher 3 to not have as much of an enjoyable gameplay as Skyrim.
But it will be
heavily doubt it
Now try again without memeimg and this time with actual criticism of Morrowind.
>I don’t like having to grind levels to progress through guilds and quest lines.
Then don't do guilds, only the bare minimum to progress in the story. You don't have the right to demand everything be dumbed down to your noob level.
It's gonna be just like Skyrim at release. At first, there will be fun threads, memes, greentext stories and good OC, then after two or so months Yea Forums will turn contrarian and reeee because they realize it's waaaaaay too popular to be liked and they want to stay cool and edgy so they gonna shit on it, saying "we never liked it in the first place"
I still remember it like it was yesterday
I thought you were writing complete sense until you went full retard here
>t's waaaaaay too popular
Let me direct it back to making sense...
...Yea Forums will turn contrarian and reeee because they realize it's as wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle like all modern Bethesda games.
There. Wasn't that hard, was it, to understand the real reason?
sure that's why on most arguments the term "normie" was very present, right when Skyrim introduced thr elder scrolls series to the mainstream
Skyrim dumbed down an already dumb series.
Yes, mythic era Elder Scrolls or nothing
The fourth era is so fucking shit for everyone
The Thalmor trying to make a third impact and all
Normie is a newcomer who doesn't give a flying fuck about older Elder Scrolls titles or RPGs in general. They are hypefaggot trend followers who like what's currently popular. Publishers who are money hungry realize this and start catering to them and ignore the original demographic who uplifted their games in the first place. See the Zaric's video.
i'm gonna pirate it on release day then play 100 hours in 2 weeks then come on Yea Forums and shit on the game and talk about how it was a waste of money and todd should give me reperations
my dumb as rocks ex bought oblivion with her xbox 360. she eventually returned it and got a tennis game instead. point is TES was introduced to normies ages ago
Bethesda would have to fucking try to make worse content than
>Skyrim's main quest
>Civil War
>The Companions
>The Thieves Guild
>College of Winterhold
You can't make shit worse than this without going out of your way to be malicious.
I'm not a picky man. My only demand for the next game is that it has more RPG elements than Skyrim. That's the bare minimum everyone should expect of a series that's been on hiatus for over a decade.
Shouldn't be too hard, should it, Todd?
Love the lore
Hate the games
i want them to stop using that one guy to voice every guard in the world. hire a few hundred entry level voice actors so i don't have to have my immersion ruined literally every time i talk to an npc
Meh, I don't even give a fuck about that. The whole game could be text only for as long as it allowed you to build and use your character in more creative ways.
i would MUCH rather it be text than have that fucking guy invading my game with his 99999 voice clones. i literally play skyrim with the voices muted you understand me? i fucking hate it
>boots up dishonored 2
>oh haha bethesda published i'm sure that won't matter
>pick male protag
>it's the arrow in my knee guy
fucking done alt f4
They are big on that old boy network stuff. See Emil one of their "good bois" who gets to enjoy a nice exec salary.
with any other backend position i would not care at all about that, but the voices are so in your face..
>tes6 hammerfell out
>boot it up, i'm in a jail cell
>chaos breaks out, i am given a choice to follow an imperial or a redguard
>both voiced by the same guy
it's the inevitable end to this road. hire someone else you lazy fucks
The lore, you say?
Other than the companions being boring as fuck, what exactly was wrong with any of Skyrim’s factions? I quite liked Thieves Guild and the MQ was pretty decent too.
Thieves guild was full of plotholes and The College was clearly meant to be something more but was cut in development.
i like thieves guild but mages was lame imo
Nothing in the TG questline makes sense
>Mercer has been sitting on the Falmer jewel heist for TWENTY YEARS
>Instead decided to just steal pocket change from his failing guild
>How did nobody notice over two decades that shit was being stolen from the safe?
>Why did Karliah wait two decades for revenge?
>Why did Karliah shoot you with the paralysis arrow? Her excuse that she could "team up" with you makes no sense when she could have just killed Mercer then and there. How did she know you'd even believe her or that Mercer would suck at killing a paralyzed person?
>tes 6 will be so bad that people will look back at skyrim and say it wasnt really that bad
It happened with Oblivion, and it's going to happen again.
fuck, you guys actually do pay attention to this shit, huh? i've done thieves like 4 times, it's all a blur of garbage bethesda-tier dialogue that i ignore
this a million times, people keep praising it after so many years and thousands of hours into the game, i thought it was cool the first time i played it but it got really dull after 10-20 hours, i tried it with mods but they can't fix an ultimately broken and boring game
Even some normies complained about Fallout 4 being simplified, so hopefully they listen and decide to bring back some of the features that were cut from Skyrim, like spellcrafting, actually being able to make a class etc. Of course we're never going to get Morrowind 2 but even something like Oblivion would be a big improvement.
I just hope they'll add an extensive H.A.M.L.E.T. crafting system and maybe even a Battle Royale mod
I'm curious if tes6 will release on the nextgen consoles or not. Don't forget that skyrim was a fucking ps3 and 360 game, that is probably the reason for 75% of it's flaws.
I think Todd said or at the very least implied they would be released for nextgen consoles, in the interview he had with Geoff
>no Soule
It's already shit
do they need him? they have the rights to the shit he already made for them. just remix it, done.
It's retarded that a brainlet in magic would become the mega mage
Or that a hulking brute would be the king of stealthy thieves
The guilds shouldn't give you ranks if you don't deserve them. But maybe a guild storyline would be better if you didn't get higher rankings during it, the rankings were got in other missions, not focused on plot
TES VI is barely in pre-production so they just haven't hired him yet. At least that's what i choose to believe.
Why do you think we're mad about it? We pay attention to this garbage and have to comprehend it. The Thieves Guild is fucking insulting, and I can't believe Mjoll's questline to get rid of that trash faction was cut to meet the meme 11.11.11 release date.
yes because it will be bad
>do they need him?
Soule is like one of the pillars of the Elder Scrolls. He gives so much to the atmosphere and ambience of the world that it just wouldn't be the same without him.
Skyrim is legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played and I wanted to like it.
The werewolf thing should have never been a thing. It takes too much suspension of disbelief to accept that something like that would be allowed inside a city that prominent.
And the ridiculous notion that the Silver Hand are bad guys. The fact that there was no option to oust the Companions for Daedra faggotry as a paladin character is retarded.
It’s definitely a PS5 release.
>few hundred entry level voice actors
Is their dev team mute or what? Can't they just spend a day in the studio recording the various generic NPC greets and whatnot?
You guys will pre-order the super special edition, right?
By the time TES 6 comes out all the Morrowind fags will either have died or aged out of the system.
They will not be missed.
>No you didn't just play it for the first time and find it amazing.
>paladin character
Look at this nerd roleplaying in his RPGs
Well, Inon Zur is a great composer, his Fallout 4 soundtrack was excellent.
But Soule is on completely different level. Secunda is one of the greatest music pieces in my opinion.
Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion kick asa
>already prepare to dismiss all criticism to defend bethesda
like a true cucklord.
The thing is, Bethesda was actually trying to accommodate for roleplaying to some capacity before they started hitting the game to rush it out.
>You can destroy the Dark Brotherhood without joining them
>Destroying the Thieves Guild with Mjoll was planned before Riften got content nuked
I can imagine telling the Companions to fuck off with their furry offer would have happened if the game wasn't rushed.
Daggerfall makes Fallout 76 look good.
Fallout 76 is a huge pile of shit.
Thanks spell check.
If it doesn't it'll have at least 50% of its flaws carried over once again. Namely small numbers of units on screen. Loading screens. Small cities. Primitive physics.
I hope Starfuck fails and nobody gives bethesda more money, so they're forced into the same situation they had with Morrowind and create a game that'll put them on the market again. I also hope I can get a hot redguard wife in TES6 that'll give me plenty of cuddles and hot sweaty sex under the moonlight inside a comfy tent.
starfield will be vaporware, mark my words. there's no way it wasn't just reskinned oblivion again, this time in space. they thought they could shit out another FO4 tier garbage game but now after 76 they know they're not invincible. they're gonna scrap SF and focus on making TES6 look good visually.
He made Icewind Dale's music too.
The game isn't even in dev yet, they obviously aren't in the phase of making the music
I’ve wanted to flip off the College and give the Synod the Eye and Staff of Magnus.
Yeah, it could be that they’re not even close to having a functional alpha build to this day, all their resources and attention are being poured into Starfield.
But I like Skyrim.
Everyone likes Skyrim, it’s just that Yea Forums is full of incel contrarians.
>But I like Skyrim.
So did millions of other people
>Do you think Yea Forums will hate on-
>ALL guild and faction quests end with you (the dragonborn) beeing its leader
I fucking hate this shit
Got any more buzzwords you want to shit out? It's already been explained millions of times why Skyrim is a bad game, from its lackluster and clunky combat, it's atrociously bad writing, to its garbage gameplay loop of "enter dungeon > kill bandits/draugr/falmer > take loot > repeat."
Like I said, Skyrim haters on Yea Forums are incels with nothing better to do.
Last (you) from me.
>why Skyrim is a bad game
it was released 8 years ago, it also sold tens of millions
And what do either of those things have to do with it being a shit game? Bayformers sold a lot of tickets and made massive profits, are they good movies because of that?
They're pretty decent when you're drunk or want to dumb yourself down.
False comparison lol
Unless Bethesda has a huge renaissance TESVI will be a massive bomb.
Skyrim was objectively better than Oblivion. Skyrim hate wasn't that bad. It made a lot of improvements compared to Oblivion. It's still deep as a puddle though.
Did you just sneak that in there?
Not really, dumbo. Both are an appeal to quality via popularity. That something must be good because it's enjoyed by a lot of people.
To be fair didn't dislike TG that much but it was such a step back from Oblivion's thieve's guild. Hell I'm not even talking about the content but just the nature of quests themselves, it was completely different from stuff like dark brotherhood but in a good way like having stealing showdown between 3 people, these blind monks and preparing for the great heist by gathering all the necessary tools like those boots that let you jump absurdly high by buffing acrobatics and the quests mainly being focused on stealing shit and discovering secrets of different counts like this one nice count(was it Bravil or Leyawiin?) had a torture dungeon below his castle exclusively for Argonian immigrants. Just really fun stuff overall. Not to mention the mask itself with its ability is pretty cool.
lmao imagine the first goober to actually piece one of these turds together and take it out in public, how tf did it catch on