Anyone still playing this?
Are you excited for 8.1.5?
Anyone still playing this?
Are you excited for 8.1.5?
Not playing it right now. Ill prolly return when zandalari trolls are available though. Still cannot decide what class to try.
No I quit after two months wpvp was fun but that was it
they have the most unique Moonkin form out of all of the Druid races. its based on Arakkoa skeleton instead of the reguler ogre/moonkin one.
I have a nelf druid already and want to try a class I havent leveled yet (you know, also because I want the heritage armor). Need to decide between monk or shaman.
I haven't played in months, and my only exposure is occasionally checking MMO-Champion/WoWhead to get furious about how god-fucking-awful the story is. I might come back for 8.2 whenever that comes around, but right now I have no interest in this piece of shit game with its terrible story and ruining of characters.
definitely not druid if you want to play as balance
their form and animation is derpy as fuck, its only good looking when you stand still
Have a paladin also already with the mage tower skins (holy's hammer and protection's shield/mace are gorgeous) so no point in making another one.
No, the game was getting really repetitive, and frankly I'm not very confident in blizzard as a company at the moment.
I'd go back if they dropped the sub cost, or made it free to play, but paying $15 a month for one game +the cost of expansions just isn't really good value.
Raidlogging for mythic Jaina and leveling alts for M+.
Looks like I won't get Famed Slayer but if I move up guilds again perhaps it's attainable next tier.
Fuck degenerates that raid 5+ days.
i stopped playing over 10 years ago.
Imagine playing world of Warcraft in 2019, just think about that for a minute.
Stoked for Rise of Azshara
blizzdrones really eat up everything blizz shits on their plate
I'm preparing for them to kill off Sylvanas, Azshara, Basedfang and other characters I liked when I was a kid.
Blizz still hasn't released them?
What's the excuse?
Before any of you retarded faggots actually resubscribe for this shit
>a raid with TWO (2) bosses, all dropped gear is the same level as current top level gear
Worthless for current content, will be worthless in 8.2
>Zandalari and Kul'tirans are just rehashes of pandaren and night elves; requires daily grinds to exalted and timegated quests
More allied race shit that is also worthless, grind so you can pay Blizzard $20 to switch
>profession quests that last 5 minutes and give you a purple item that does nothing
>copypaste wolf and horse mount if you do both factions' time-gated quests
As if you need any more rehashed mounts that you'll never actually use
>exactly one new pet for hunters to tame, and by "new" I mean it's literally the pet you used in Legion 1:1
Lazy even for Blizzard
>portal building that REMOVES old portals, making shit harder to get to, but hey at least they spent five months modeling a new building
And lastly
>Warlords timewalking, recycling old content nobody liked because there is nothing else to do
Literally nothing else in the entire patch
There is absolutely o excuse for this. They should’ve released them after the questline that alliances us with both factions because that would’ve made sense. It’s amazing how people still spend money on this absolute garbage
Literally more content than some of their old major patches and it's a half point patch
>paypigs still cough up money for this
I played this game since EU launch
I unsubbed for the first time a couple of months ago
Will renew my sub when classic hits
how the fuck can zandalari be monks? They got the shit kicked out of them by pandas. Shouldnt they hate them with passion?
>every armor is bugged or glitched
>still no trolls
>everything is timegated
if you still pay for this garbage you might be unironically retarded
Glory to our mommy
The reason is to string dumb fucks like people ITT along. Imagine staying subbed/resubbing to WoW when the general consensus is that this is one of the worst times to play the game solely so you can play this garbage content again on a different looking character. Blizzdrones really are something else.
>Started playing WoW a couple months ago
>Got to max level
>Did a couple mythic+ and heroics
How does anyone still pay for this? Fucking hell you must seriously hate your own existence to put yourself through this game. It's absolutely god awful. The BfA areas suck ass, no reason to do old content other than transmog but every chest piece looks the exact same except different color pattern.
i'm done with bfa. i'll play classic, and i'll try the next expac on launch. but bfa is written off, it's clear to me from their language and action that they are pushing to make next expac decent, and giving up on bfa, much like what happened in wod
I'm having fun leveling up my heart of azeroth, it's currently level 42, can't wait to reach 43 and unlock a new exciting azerite trait.
Imagine playing an MMO just for dress ups. Retailers are brain damaged.
We’re going home bros
if serious u should kill urself my man
There's a slim chance 8.2 will actually fix some of the shit design choices in BfA. But I don't see the story getting better until 9.0.
I get that this is the expansion they're using to retire the Horde vs Alliance faction conflict, but they could've done it in a better way than rehashing MoP's story, only 100x more shit.
BfA still has some redeeming qualities in some excellent leveling content (especially Zandalar) and the raids being good which makes it not as shit as WoD, but in the current climate of increased criticism pointed at AAA developers and publishers they're dropping the ball hard.
Ladies first.
but the only thing that was good about WoD was the levelling and the raids, BfA is just WoD with MoP's story
I have exactly what I need
Why I should play anything else?
Finally stopped studying, have a job and can afford a subscription, now everyone says the game is trash, what do I do?
Yeah but after two raids we still need to get two more raids and a 2 boss mini-raid out of BfA. WoD just had no content in comparison with only 3 raids.
And even with all the lack of replay value which makes the resources they take up a bit of a waste, I kind of enjoyed the Warfronts so far. But they should have something like a heroic/mythic version with higher difficulty or a PvP version mixing it up with a Battleground or Ashran. Maybe some variation in random events that pop during.
>Friends do nothing but complain and talk about how bad the expansion is
>Their guild still raids so of course they have to go raid to
>Always playing the bare minimum a week, probably not even 5 hours total outside of raid
>That'll be $14.99 a month, thanks
I'll never understand why they still put up with the same content if they hate it
WoD they abandoned pretty much straight after launch. BfA they still seem to want to "save". They kind of have to or everyone will leave for FFXIV's new expansion.
I stopped playinh in BFA after I got heroic ghuun.
Raiding with friends is a big social thing and a lot of people enjoy it regardless of wether or not the game is fun. 15$ a month to get together with a bunch of people 4 or 8 times isnt that expensive.
Not defending wow, but I am defending the social links it created.
>Still no new allied races which were the mayor selling point for a lot of people including me
Jesus fucking christ Activision. I'm losing all of my interest in classic too..
This. It works. So many people on /wowg/ unironically say "GAME IS GONNA BE REVIVED ONCE ZANDUHLARI PALADINS BROS"
The reality is if they released it when BFA launched, people would already have played and maybe quit, and they can't cuckold virgin shitters for another two months of sub money (:
Is the Zandalari racial still the most overpowered shit ever or have they nerfed it already?
>still playing after WoD
I started playing ESO instead.
This is what you have reduced me to Blizz. Fucking ESO is better than your shit now.
>this is the expansion they're using to retire the Horde vs Alliance faction conflict
Imagine being such a koala-brain that you believe this.
WoW is still active?
Last I read about it everyone hated the new expansion and Blizzard was deleting every single post on their forums complaining about the issues.
Stopped playing because none of my friends play and pugging is complete hell.
>m +6 380+
>join BG
>lose because faggots leave left and right and they don't know their fucking class
>classes are extremely basic
>GCD decrease for literally no reason and no new spells
So far it has been very shit. Only good thing about it is the art but that doesn't matter when the gameplay is utter shit.
Dropped early in Legion because of endless AP grind and boring or broken classes. And now people want Legion back for some reason.
Everything they're doing is pointing towards it. Multiple viewpoints in the raid, setting up another Horde civil war, Saurfang being the new Vol'jin in league with Anduin, Calia Menethil being set up to step in after Sylvanas gets ousted, Baine betraying Sylvanas and being imprisoned.
They can't keep doing the "put a warmonger on the Horde throne in an idiot plot to keep this going" forever
What? never heard about them deleting anything other than flagrant troll posts.
The only reason there are less people complaining on their forums, is that you can only post there if you have an active account.
i'm excited for 1.13
Because very single class was more fun to play in Legion, than the massive step back BFA was.
My time is better spent on FFXIV
>how the fuck can zandalari be monks? They got the shit kicked out of them by pandas. Shouldnt they hate them with passion?
Those were shitters loyal to Zul, not to the Zandalari Empire.
>shitter version of WoW
fucking lmao
What the fuck? no they weren't. They where regular zandalri shitters wishing to make zandalar great again.
better version of WoW*
>pointing towards it
Nice headcanon
Even Blizzard isn't retarded enough to remove the only shit that people like
No that was during Cataclysm.
>Anyone still playing this?
Plz kill me the guild I run sucks ass but its all IRL friends so I cant just leave. Arena is fun but thats about it
>Excited for 8.1.5
Im excited for 8.2 when the azerite system is finally fixed. Zandalari paladin might be cool but Im not jumping for joy over racials and having to level another character if I want it to become anything.
>gcd up the ass
>plays the same fucking shit with ff music and worse gameplay
>Worse gameplay
T. either didn't play or stopped at the free trial
I tried playing ret pally, it was extremely boring. I prefer prot
>It gets good after 100 hours
Yeah sure. So reaching max level removes the 2.5 sec gcd?
Ret is one of the more braindead pve classes, Id like to have that regeneration racial for 2s though like a 0 mana lay on hands
Monk gets XP bonuses
>GCD up the ass
>as opposed to the game with nearly every single skill on the GCD because ion's grandma should be able to keep up in apm too
Like? People haven't liked the faction conflict since vanilla because it's consistently been shit. It makes no sense. The factions always have to come together to defeat some big bad, and then there's an idiot plot that puts someone like Garrosh or Sylvanas in charge of the Horde to force it to continue.
So they're ending it in BfA and either making PvP non-canon/friendly wargames or replacing it with a new PvP system of Void VS Light.
BfA is the last we'll see of red vs blue.
why they dont just focus the story on the azerite thing instead of this dumb war?
While this would be a good change. It's never going to happen. It requires work, and that is not something Blizzard are into doing.
Why are you projecting FF14's problem to WoW?
>allicuck describes his shitty fantasy
stfu lmao
People don't want retarded cuck shit like gw2/ff14 wargames
We want to fucking rape your alli women and hang your corpse on a tree
because XIV doesn't have downtime unlike WoW
because XIV actually has ogcds, unlike WoW
out of all the problems with the game you pick the one thing that Ion's pig selling ponzi scheme does even worse
It'll probably shift in 8.2 considering the raid will be naga and old god minions again, and the war will shift to the civil war within the Horde, with one side aided by the Alliance.
Next expansion might be good. At least that's what I hope.
I play Horde. You're the idiot who doesn't understand that "evil Horde" is what they're getting rid of once and for all this time.
Whatever Sylvanas loyalists/evil Horde remains will be new antagonists in the 9.0 Shadowlands expansion. Jus like Garrosh and the Iron Horde.
So, do we get to kill Sylvanas at the end of BfA or is her plot armor too strong and that hack Christie Golden is going to redeem her and make her a beacon of women empowered, making all the male leaders seem weak and worthless in comparison?
Calling it
Either redeemed/heroic sacrifice against N'zoth, or new antagonist in a death-themed expansion.
Bwonsamdi, Bolvar, Eyir, Vol'jin, Helya, Gorak Tul. They're going heavy with the undead theme.
Sylvanas will become the lord of death, she isn't leaving. wow will die first and then Sylvanas
If it goes on a massive sale in the last few months I might give it a try like I did Legion.
One faction means less work so you can reduce WoW's skeleton crew even more.
No more arguments about faction imbalance too.
>They kind of have to or everyone will leave for FFXIV's new expansion.
I think that's inevitable at this point.
I already play it and can tell you that I like it a lot and the new expansion hype is real cause if there's one thing square knows how to do is leave you on the biggest, hypest fucking cliffhanger in existence.
I think a lot more people are finally going to abandon modern wow once and for all once the ffxiv expac hits.
Course there will be people jumping to classic, I don't play modern woo and am a heavy ffxiv player but I'm going to play classic with ffxiv.
XIV is like WoW used to be actually.
Nobody is leaving for FF14. Why would anyone want to play a shitty copy of a shitty game?
>Why would anyone want to play a shitty copy of a shitty game?
Yea, why would anyone want to play a casualized copy of Everquest?
>bob salami got a boss
>and I am going to DAB on him
>t. Chaduin
Fall 2021
>Nobody is leaving for FF14
Last month we got a whole raid group join our FC, they've been playing everyday since then. Everyone wants to join for the dark edgy expansion.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way, user.
It's okay.
We wont take TOO many players from you.
pretty much every mmo is getting influxes of WoWfugees because BfA is fucking dogshit
Personally Im just logging in for shit I like and spending the other 5 nights a week going through a backlog of games and projects since WoW isnt worth putting that much time into.
fuck mail wearers
Im still having fun re-leveling all classes and gearing my shammy and priest. Just finished unlocking all the allied races I want to play as.
Braindead fucking faggot.
They seem to go between shit and good expansions, so it might be.
So wait and see if it's good before buying it and rewarding ActiBlizz for pushing out low effort fucking crap.
wait for classic.
I don't have any hopes but I want Azshara and N'Zoth to win.
>Finish my study
>Have a job and money so i can afford shit i want
>Actually more free time than before i was a student
>Can finally play wow at peace
>Game turns into shit
Not fair bros, not fair.
never ever.
i'm still mad DH use leather armor instead of mail
same,I casually leveled several classes though, sated my nostalgia enough, stopped playing every time I got to endgame
>I don't have any hopes but I want Azshara and N'Zoth to win.
Might as well ask for the Earth to stop spinning so we can all be flung forth to our deaths
what if they pull thanos? seems to be the trend
I don't want to die yet, my heart of azeroth isn't high enough
>when you only play the game for cosmetics and not the gameplay
bfa players in a nutshell
Overall people will pile into FFXIV for the first month and leave when they finish the story. Some thing every expansion cycle since thats the way the game is built.
Short of some FF7 8 man raid setup that may pull some extra people to stay into the second month. The only people left after that or Mult class levelers and the people interested in FFXIV.
pretty sure they hated all of horde at some point, user
sadly, everything there is just the norm for wow these days but man that shit they pulled with the portals is next level retardation
And the expansion and the Nier raid. user, accept the truth, people will move on and stay in XIV
>people will move on to GW2
>people will move on to Wildstar
Survived all of these overhyped shit games and played them.
Except it hasnt happened in the life of the game. I think that 5.0 will be popular but your still talking about 2 weeks to level 8 man raid story in a week then leveling alts till 5.1 and the first raid.
Add more time for EX modes for those so inclined.
i got banned from the forums for saying "butt".
wtf kind of carebear retard daycare are they running at blizzard now?
What was your full post?
buy better games
still play. played since vanilla. currently 6/9 mythic. BfA's alright, better than WoD and cataclysm but worse than everything else
Why is picking a class in WoW the toughest decision of a man's life?
Literally kultrians were a bitch to model for armor
classes are also extremely similar
DK, outlaw, fury warrior for instance has you hit one attack until another one lights up and then you hit that.
I quit when I couldn't stay in a guild for more than 2 days without getting kicked out because I'm a tremendous fucking FAGGOT
Fuck off
because you have to play for 50 hours before you reach relevant content and can see whether or not you like playing that class at max level
and because you have to go through all the shitty quests you hate all over again every time you level one
"stop talking out of your butt"
I've never played Wow but have had lots of friends who do and talk about it a lot. Right now the game seems to be in a massively shitty state. Gw2 and wildstar came at times where Wow still had something going for it. I don't think the entire wow community is going to quit but a lot already have and more are sure to follow.
I have been calling people faggots in Trade nonstop in hopes that I get suspended until after Classic launches.
>t. lucky slotmachine sperg
user just make your own group.
Stop being retarded or join a guild
Will they ever top Ulduar?
They did with ToT
Why is there a social credit system in wow with raiderio
>t.antisocial sperg
Because normalfags are braindead clickers and autists want to filter them out but they also filter out people who genuinely want to advance as well. It's shit. I've even been rejected from groups when I'm 15 - 20+ ilvls over the recommended just because my arbitrary score doesn't meet their demands. Fucking dumb.
Because people are too retarded to interact anymore and just want to see how big your number is. Too much pressure on artificially difficult, timed content to risk taking a chance with randoms
Can't be social if anyone else isn't, retard. And no, asslicking for your guild master isn't being social, it's just so you'll get into the raidgroup, fag.
Because item level is not a good indicator of skill
Autism. Autists can't stand the thought of socializing to find decent people to play with, so the pug for people to play with based on recorded performance. I joined a guild that was doing at most +9s and within 2 weeks found enough good people who just needed a push to consistently get 12s to 14s in time or just over.
Why didn't you just run the same shitty dungeon you don't need over and over to increase your number?
I love this comic, it reminds me of teen girl squad
Because people want to find good people and autists want to find autists
Because people are lazy as shit
>Just run 9s to increase your io score
>Oh you can't run them because your io is low
Because it's boring and if I have to do that all the time just to join other dungeons I might as well play better games. Shit system. Shit addon.
Showing what keys you've ran isn't a social credit system.
it was always like this fag
>380+ for a 6
Yes and? its there group their rules hate it? Run your fucking own group
you usally have to work your way up m8. you also have your own key.
BfA was so bad it made me unsub for good
I've been playing on and off since vanilla but BfA was the final nail in that coffin
I'm free
No you're not. You wouldn't be here right now if you were truly free of this game.
t. a guy who feels the same as you
Is anyone still raiding?
Whats your current progression?
What are you playing?
I'm 7/9M and I feel nothing but hatred for this raid, it's not good at all.
Mekk's fight is literally trivialized with a DK
No it wasn't.
>run your own group
>literally can't because no one plays this shit game anymore because of spergs like (You) hindering others from advancing
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
Just going a guild man, gotta socialize in an MMO!
I'm just here to see how Blizz is fucking up this time, that's it
It's just fun to watch that sinking ship
>DK trivializes Mek
Give me the details, user
despite what you hear, the raids and mythic+ endgame are still top tier
I just hit 120 on my DK. Unholy is pretty fun.
Still trying to get to 325 so I can jump into warfronts. Sitting at 295.
I'm amazed at how inactive 99% of guilds are. Probably the least active the game has ever been really.
mass gripping the robots into a mass entanglement
6/9m starting mekk progression this week
>the raids and mythic+ endgame are still top tier
good one user
>Logged in on an old character I had from WotlK
>Out of 800 people I was the only one online
>Judging from the last online statuses there were still five active characters
You literlly just have a DK run to the middle of the room or up more north and he grips them and then a druid single roots.
You never have to worry about robots with a DK in your raid for that fight.
It's fucking horrible and it makes p1 a literal snooze fest as you can just afk heal everyone.
And stormwall isn't better at all either.
It is unironically deal with one boss mechanic every once in a while on the boats, and then dealing with a couple of boat mechanics on the main stage while fighting the actual boss.
Ah ok. Yeah that's pretty cool. If only my guild had a druid
>I want to get carried
Fuck right off
9/9H (my guild doesnt have enough ppl for mythic)
Holy Paladin
we have tons of druid with no bdk :(
Look up the timing for when they released the Dreadwake mount that required the 6 months of sub time to get.
Then look up the date that 8.1.5 is coming out.
Purely a coincidence.
>99% of guilds
t. Hasn't left they're inactive guild
Go into trade and look for an active guild or leave your server if it's so dead.
You still have to worry about people being shrunk though, right?
With a WA you have a green square if your good and a yellow if your getting too close, and red for telling you to NOT move at ALL.
And when wormhole generator happens you just don't move if your big, I know it sounds harder than it seems but it's really not, just small people move first and then that's it.
I am really into Zandalari but why they have to kill off best King?
This. I only play still because my guild is fun as fuck to raid with. If I wasn't in this guild I would have quit shortly into Uldir and never looked back.
'cuz nu-Blizz wants stronk womyn to lead their races, haven't you noticed already?
Everywhere you look there's a female in charge while the males are reduced to bumbling fools who are apologetic (Anduin) or just do everything they're told (Nathanos). The patriarchy died with Varian.
>Complaining about needing to be 380+
You can get 385+ from one week of doing shit. 380 is fucking shitter tier dude.
>playing with a group of people is now getting carried
Fuck off you elitist sperg.
>isn't 380+ with all the gear you can get
Super yikes
>still playing this heap of garbage
Golden rule of every mmo
If you disagree you are a shitty neckbeard Virgin
I'm pretty sure it was the Zandalari the Pandrean fought, everything I can find references it was them and Zuldazar. I'm open to hearing evidence of otherwise, but from what I'm reading I see nothing of Zul.
>its the game fault I can't do anything
Super yikes
This comic had me dying laughing. It’s absolutely true and I hate it.
Nah I've been guildless while leveling my DK. DK is on a med pop server
>med pop server
fucking RIP. Any server that isn't full pop is basically dead.
They are though.
The system only exists because item level is a terrible indicator of skill due to it being braindead easy to get gear in this game. If gear was harder to obtain and more meaningful, you would see IO start to go away and item level become the standard. Then shitters like you would complain about how a player is more than their item level and how it's dumb, like when this whole fucking thing started in WotLK.
The fact is that there is no discernible way to tell how good a player is without playing with them. Things like item level and IO help identify the better players but it's not foolproof.
>The system only exists because item level is a terrible indicator of skill due to it being braindead easy to get gear in this game
Thats been my biggest gripe with BFA as it stands now. Some chucklefuck altaholic makes a fresh 120 and spendsa week doing WQ and maybe the warfront and he has a 385 ilvl. Go all the way through mythic BFD for 2 months and pound out weekly M+ with some lucky titans and you have the same gear but 15% more health and damage.
>Get called out for being a bad
>Lol imagine playing this game
Imagine being such an insecure faggot that you go into a WoW thread to complain about an easy game that you quit playing because you're bad.
Turn back while you still can, Jaina is making me miss G'huun with the rng bullshit.
I REALLY want to race change my Cowadin to a Zandalari.
Yeah, it's fucking stupid. Mythic raiding is fun on its own merits though, which is the only reason I still do it. It's fucking lame that the exact same gear (just with better stats) drops from the highest difficulty shit.
When will they write out this piece of shit mary sue?
no and i can't even get excited about new allied races because it's almost a year since release and also the worst fucking thing is that even as a new race, it's still gonna be the same boring levelling process, the same shitty content at the end, so what's the fucking point? it's like when they added necromancer to diablo 3, i don't want to play your game again with a different coloured character at the centre of the screen, i want actual content
You have no idea how much money Blizzard makes with their race balance carousel and account services. There's literally no chance of them discarding that.
I'm in the same boat except I'm not even sure I want to play classic anymore.
How is he a mary sue? He doesn't do anything besides send you on errands and fuck Sylvanas.
Most of our core is capable of getting CE but we have a few people holding us back that can't into interrupts, mechanics, defensives, etc,... I was getting super fucking aggravated on Grong last night because we wiped for 2 hours due to this fucking DH constantly flip-flopping on the adds and fucking up everyone else's interrupt timers. And our GM is a Disc Priest that consistently fucks up multi-sided strike, and doesn't even run keys so he's falling behind on gear now too. We have a couple other players that just don't put up numbers and don't do proper mechanics as well that need to be benched. Officers are being too lenient in my opinion, but they've benched dead weight before so I know they'll most likely do it if we don't progress past Opulence this week.
Imagine having such shit taste you still play the game even though it's a flaming heap of garbage.
Nah I play other games now, enjoy your trash.
>Playing WoW past Cata
What are you fucking dumb?
I want to marry and impregnate a Void Elf.
I have a good group of friends that I play it with, which is the only thing keeping me subbed. I know being social with other people is a difficult concept for your autistic ass, so you won't understand this.
I've been holding off playing Shaman and Paladin for MONTHS because I'd rather not pay for race change to Zandalari. I'm already gonna do that for my Druid...
I wish I could stop caring about the WoW universe. Even though I no longer play the game and am deeply dissatisfied with the direction of 90% of the lore from mid MoP onward, Azeroth still occupies a non-zero amount of space in my idle thoughts.
I'm going to lvl one.
>People think Classic will "save" WoW.
WoW is consumed by a virus. Viruses spread to all parts of an organism. Classic is going to be full of the same shit that plagues modern. People aren't gonna be super friendly and optimistic in your Scholomance run. They're going to speedrun it and then leave without a word when the item they want doesn't drop from Rattlegore.
So how are Zandalari Paladins getting their powers? The Light? Rezan coming back somehow? Vol'jin as the new Loa of Kings?
No, but I've been thinking about it a lot recently. But I also remember why I quit in the first place, and nothing about that has changed.
Not to mention they are going to play around streamers not random people.
Other loas, in the new raid there is a paladin of kragwa.
>7/9 N
>DH tank, BDK tank, Rogue in 2s
I dont like raiding at all but its a guild of 9 people and 8 of them only want to raid. Every week since week 1 of bfd we do the same thing on raid night. We throw up a pug listing, we wipe on H Champions for an hour on the first swap, we all decide to stop bothering and split into M+ groups, my group blasts through 10s no problem, the other tanks group scrubs out on +4. Im trying to get people to skip the first 90 minutes of every raid night and just go straight to M+ because aside from our 2nd tank we arent that bad.
this by default just isn't true. I mean sure it wont "save it" but no one is saying that anyway you retard.
Itll make some quick money regardless since it requires subbing to modern WoW to play
This is what I fear. That the people who bother with classic won't aggressively defend and live by example the idea of server community and just enjoying the game. I really hope there's a RP server--they hold on to community the longest.
I am playing through the old zones with my friend, and goddamn, I never realized until now how boring and soulless this game is. The interaction with other people always helped me forget that. But with all these empty zones, you can truly experience the game by itself, and it sure is shit. It never occurred to me before just how BAD the quest design is or how much of the music they keep on reusing in different zones and how little transition there is between the songs. I'm afraid for what I'll feel when I go back to Classic.
>RP server
>without transmog, or any major locations, or 95% of the lore
Remember me?
>those letters
it was too obvious
>Wiping on Heroic Champions
Find a new guild. Seriously dude. Just start a new guild with your good M+ group. You are just going to end up quitting out of frustration if you don't. Either that or drama will get started one night because the good players will just get so SICK of dealing with scrub shit that one of you will snap and then everything collapses.
>Taking this long to understand what a Skinner’s Box is.
He had so many death flags and Talanji was so obviously going to replace him that he was dead from the start. Really sucks too, since I'd been wanting Rastakhan to show up for years.
Real RP niggas just kept another set of clothes on them. I will definitely miss transmog though.
Still waiting on servers for every expansion.
I should be able to re-experience other points in WoW besides as early as possible if I want to. MoP was good.
Did they remove the content gate yet?
MoP is one of the best expansions and one of the least played because muh pandas xd
So whats going on with that?
Whats this RNG bullshit I'm hearing, I'm a Rshaman and I honestly want to heal that fight just to see how fucking necessary 3 of the Spirit Link traits are needed.
no joke zandalari pally with mythic chosen tmog & class mount looks kino as fuck on ptr
Didn't he beat those two Night Elf people who are supposed to be like the most powerful people on Azeroth or some shit?
Do a class trial friend.
I would use some pieces of that but I don't think the whole set looks good on them. The mount is really fucking good.
>Implying they'd let Chad King Rastakhan live
It's fucking cartoony how Rastakhans entire council was out to get him, shit was fucking retarded
Image and Icefall RNG can make p3 almost impossible.
That describes pretty accurately how this guild got founded last patch. The biggest issue is the other tank doesnt actually want to tank but waiting for a pug tank with such a wild range of skill really wears on a lot of people. Hes a great arms warrior, he just picked up prot so we can have 2 tanks. Now he wont stop until we get another regular tank on a server with absolutely nobody on it. The last two guys we recruited basically just came for a weekend, get boosted to 390 in our M+ group and transferred servers. One of our irl friends left us as well and server transferred for a mythic guild, hes at 5/9 M and Im glad hes having fun
>played Warlock in MoP
>Kil'Jaeden's Cunning and stacking haste to offset the haste debuff
>Demo could tank with Dark Apotheosis glyph
>green fire
>in the new raid there is a paladin of kragwa
Do you mean the upcoming raid or that one troll before Conclave?
I mean in the siege of dazalor yeah, I'm not sure if he was removed but he was on the ptr.
Too bad you cant get either of those things without the thing thats apparently least important you retard
>People are still playing this garbage of an expansion
Fuck off to /vg/ you faggots.
95% of the lore has been raped to death. anyway you would be surprised by the amount of story in vanilla.
transmog is for queers and unironically people looked more unique when they were patching together what they could come by
Not a good indicator at all. You won't really know how much you enjoy a class until you're at cap and in basic gear. Anything before that and your class isn't really functional yet. Once you start getting around 380-385 ilvl and you have all DPS rings unlocked on azerite, is when you start to get a feel for how your class is actually supposed to play. This is really annoying if you're newer or coming back and not sure what to play as you can't tell what's shitty to play because of design and what's shitty to play because you lack gear.
Reminder that the 100% based Warlock dev in MoP got fired for asking the community for feedback on Warlocks on MMOchampion.
Blizzard deserve to burn
>good players will just get so SICK of dealing with scrub shit that one of you will snap and then everything collapses.
I'd kill for them to bring back 10m mythics. Yeah they didn't have the prestige of 25m but me and the 9 other people I played with were all around the same skill level, liked being around each other, and had a very good time spent:progress gained ratio. Having to field 10 other people with varying degrees of skill and tolerable personality killed the game for me. Most of us gave 20m raiding in WoD a solid shot and quit raiding entirely afterward.
I don't think any of those guys between Opulence and Conclave are Paladins. Could've been some PTR placeholder.
Oh maybe, did they removed that paladin npc from the raid? I know is a small part of this pic but there are so paly skills there.
I'll never get over that. They nerfed locks one time literally just because they wanted less people to play it. How anyone plays this trash game is beyond me
I'm not going to defend blizzard but that guy made warlocks broken as fuck during mop ofc blizzard tuned them down in the next exp.
You fucks better have a legitimate reason to keep paying to play this garbage.
I don't raid and mainly RP
they are addicted, check out the general right now it's fucking hilarious
I feel sexual pleasure when I sit on hellfire ramparts and shoot new DK players out of the sky.
They should go back to the general.
shit story and no content, hell no
How did Blizzard fuck up this badly. Game has never been in a worse state.
Since Cataclysm the game has been on a cycle, and we are currently in the "shit expansion" part of the cycle. The expansion after BfA will probably be pretty good.
It's been really impressive just how bad BfA is though. Like seriously complete fucking garbage and I don't know how they're going to turn it around after this.
Oh, they're part of the first Alliance boss. I play Horde, so I didn't know there was a Zandalari equivalent to the Dark Irons the Horde fights.
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
Switch servers to a high pop. What region are you on? Your guild isn't gonna go anywhere my dude. It's too late in the tier to find good players if you aren't already progressing on mythic content. It sounds like you enjoy keys way more anyway and on higher pop servers there are lots of M+ focused guilds. You and your guild have different wants from the game, which is going to end with you leaving them anyway, so you might as well just go now. The longer you wait the harder it becomes to find a good guild to join.
I've been unsubbed for a while, but the game is essentially free whenever I get the itch to come back. The AH is its own minigame that I've always liked to play and I'm also a RPfag. I'm still booty blasted I got spooked into cashing out about 3m gold around 200k per token because I thought BfA actually looked like it would spike the token price. Shame on me, for sure.
is there sfm porn of this model?
I probably would if I didn't already have every class at 110, and even multiples of one class. New races are useless to me in the current life of the game.
last expansion will likely be the last so it's difficult to get excited knowing there are no more adventures ahead
No, but I might come back for 8.2 for Gnome shenanigans.
>An expansion after this
not happening.
You'd think that after working on the same game since the early 00s they'd have an idea how to make it not shit.
Well then it sound like the kragwa guy was removed also I found one of his spells ini wwohead
themed devotion aura
you do realize the next expansion is going to be for the mobile phones right? Or consoles
I want a Gnome wife bros
I agree. I loved 10 man even if it was less prestigious. Raiding was always more about playing with a team of people for me than it ever was about prestige or gear anyway. I still enjoy 20 man raiding but fuck me if I don't have to grit my teeth and bite my tongue at least 12 times a night because the same motherfuckers keep missing mechanics and we can't just bench because it's harder to fill out a 20 man raid team.
>no 3 foot tall wife who's good with electronics
Why live
I don't want to play Classic. I played it back in 2005. I played the shit out of it and I'm not really all that interested in doing its content again.
What I really want is an alternate universe where the game never shifted away from Vanilla's design. Where the game has everything it does now, the better graphics and new races and new zones and raids, but designed the way the Vanilla designers would have, and without all the modern bland convenience, streamlining and homogenization that plagues the modern game.
>same motherfuckers keep missing mechanics and we can't just bench because it's harder to fill out a 20 man raid team
This is exactly what broke me. I decided I'd rather not raid at all than be hamstrung by the warm body boss.
I'd love to be in the timeline where the internet at large remained too nerdy for normalfags to penetrate. I really miss the early/mid00s atmosphere of being able to assume the other people you were playing with were just big dorks like you (because 99% of the time they were).
We do M+ just fine and thats 75% of what I do. I just need to break these people of their desire to raid until they decide to actually go find a tank. Id be content pushing us to +15 keys and beyond then arena/griefing on weekends.
Sylvanas has plot armor because nobody asked for her to become a "villain". It's a result of blizzards inability to be grey and shallow nature of their villains combined with the general lawful good autism of Alliance players that puts her in this retarded situation.
Rather than get pissed at her being "protected" you should be more pissed at how shit writing has made her "slated to die in a raid" to begin with.
I haven't played since getting Cuting Edge with Uldir and then the game went dead, at least I got the number 1 spot as a dead class Prot warrior in my region. Sadly there's no incentive at all to go back to the game, even trying to level up a character and thinking back that I must level up my necklace again makes me feel disgusted
huh if Sylvanas dies who is going to lead the forsaken? Nathanos?
WoD had fun class design and no azerite on sight
Probably the light undead Calia.
I fucking hate this raid tier and I'm playing one of the specs that's actually playable. I'm 4/9M and I fucking hate every second of raiding.
Lilian, Calia
The world would be a very different place right now if smart phones didn't exist. It's exhausting to think about how they've changed not only the internet but the world at large for the worse.
They weren't, Zandalari Crusaders are adds in the fight against Ra'wani Kanae
Probably, but the Forsaken without Sylvanas wouldn't feel right even after years of botched writing.
I remember when this "Sylvanas MUST DIE" shit started in cataclysm and fags on the forum wanted Lilian Voss to be the new leader.
Sylvanas won't die Anduin will resurrect her and make half-elves.
If they want to add half elves they should just use Finall Goldensword especially now that kultiras is a thing.
Should have stayed dead.
this is the part I hate the most about WoW... when does a character die? can't you just resurrect them as many times as you want?
Calia, in a new council along with Zelling, Voss and Derek.
It fucking sucks. Good players are hard to come by because Blizzard has made all content below Mythic so stupid easy that the majority of bad players don't even realize they're bad now.
So I honestly lost all interest in current WoW after early legion and just want to play classic. But recently a friend left me thinking, classic will only need you to have an active subscription to play, but probably won't have WoW token. So I could play retail and farm tokens, so I can play classic "For free".
What do you guys think? is it a viable idea? like how hard would it be to play current wow just to farm tokens until classic is released? Or is gold farming fucked at the moment? Also I'd probably just wear welfare gear since I'm not interested in any kind of scheduled raiding.
Which class would be the best for farming gold btw?
BFA story is such a fucking joke and that's going by the retard standards already set in current WoW.
Why the FUCK are the Lightforged Draenei siding with the Alliance over petty faction disputes when both the Horde and the Alliance were instrumental in defeating the burning legion once and for all, you know, those guys the LF have been in a 10,000 year war with?
Why are DKs and DHs even fucking participating in this stupid ass conflict?
I stopped playing halfway through Legion due to shitty class balancing and retarded amounts of RNG on loot.
Grinding dungeons/raids for weeks and weeks only to be rewarded with a shitty legendary that goes straight into the bank? fuck that
Classic can't come soon enough.
I'd rather pay $15 / month instead of sitting through shitty fucking retail garbage
You aren't going to break them of their desire to raid, nor should you be trying to. They want to be a raiding guild so let them be a raiding guild. If you don't like raiding and just want to do keys then you should find a guild that is focused on pushing keys or start your own. It's really shitty to try and break your guildies of their desire to raid because you want to do keys more. It's a guild. It's not all about you or what you want to do. Find a guild that aligns with your goals and don't try to force a guild that doesn't to do so. That's shitty.
Plenty of people play retail and get tokens to play "for free" right now. So yes?
>tfw no vampire MMO
Probably better this way tho.
>Why the FUCK are the Lightforged Draenei siding with the Alliance over petty faction disputes when both the Horde and the Alliance were instrumental in defeating the burning legion once and for all, you know, those guys the LF have been in a 10,000 year war with?
Yeah especially because they finally liberated argus, instead of fixing it they just went to die in azeroth.
The fate of Argus is unclear. It could be gone for all we know.
Considering that it takes a good 15+ hours of farming to get enough gold to buy a wow token, compared to working 1 hour of my real life job to pay the $15 for a month sub...yeah, no thanks.
Also the army of light was suppose to be really small now they lightforged have massives armies as you can see in drustvar and tiragarde.
>Having to deal with anyone from Azralon or Ragnaros
I never truly realized how accurate that comic was until recently. How can entire servers be full of such dickheads?
Lightforged siding with Alliance makes more sense than Nightborne on Horde
>grinding dungeons/raids for weeks and weeks only to be rewarded with a shitty item
>wants Classic
I love that shitty recon.
>n-no, zul had us kidnaped...i-it doesn't count
Avoid these players like the fucking plague.
>Also the army of light was suppose to be really small
Actually it was supposed to be fuckhuge and made up of a diverse group of various species that the Legion fucked over the years, but so much for that.
Well is not a retcon because that user is wrong, the zandalari empired fought vs the pandaren when lei shen died and mop was a group of zul loyalists, it was explained during mop not retconned during bfa.
Dude just play the AH. You can make the price of a token in a few days with not even 30 minutes of work, and that's just being casual about it.
>Giving blizzard money
Then maybe someone should step up and recruit. Or maybe one of them should actually learn to tank instead of rotating whose going to bite the bullet and fuck up for a couple weeks. I go along with what they want. It doesnt work out. We go do what I want after and it all works out peachy keen. Im getting the content I like out of it while everyone agrees that we should really step up attempts to recruit and we need to find a real tank and everyones going to rotate a schedule spamming trade and general and facebook and reddit. Then a week goes by and nobody tried to fix anything because they all assume its the GMs job at the end of the day to go out and find people to make up our raid group.
people are moving onto FFXIV.
Zul didn't kidnap shit. He warned Rastakhan about the Cataclysm, and just to get rid of the fucker Rasrakhan sent him away with whoever bothered to follow him. Zul was essentially a free agent from there, Rastakhan just wanted the fucker out of his hair. I'm more curious as to how Zul lost all of his sweet gains.
That's... not going to happen my dude.
I've been thinking about starting 14 but I'm not sure I want to start again from scratch or use my own money to pay for a sub again. I wish they'd let you turn bnet money into, like, SE money or something.
I'm a third worlder... I make like $15 usd a day for 9 hours of work... and a quarter of that goes to transportation alone.
Teach me your ways master.
I preordered it but never bought gametime once it came out
I intend to start playing, FF14 has no fucking pve content so I'm looking for another timesink. Gonna roll a destro or an affliction warlock.
The active player count begs to differ. It's down almost 50k compared to the player count when BFA came out. At best, 30k people came from Wow and actually stayed to play the game.
fair enough. it's tough having to start all over again in MMOs due to the big time investment. but I don't mind myself since I'm a NEET and got all the time in the world.
That's exactly my point. You are in a shitter guild and are trying to make it work for you. You will be much happier in a guild more aligned with your skill level and content level. The fact is, neither you nor anybody in your guild is as good as you seem to think you/they are. That's not a knock and I don't mean disrespect but that's facts. There is no reason to be running Arms over Fury for example. If your warrior was good, he would be capable of tanking Normal and Heroic no problem. From your posts you sound like the big fish in a small pond that doesn't want to go out into the ocean. You guys are never going to be able to recruit because you guys are stuck on bottom of the barrel content, and you're never going to get to where you want because you're enabling it rather than moving on.
that's luckybancho census which uses very specific criteria that doesn't count new players or free trial accounts.
if you parse yourself with
is there any chance of BfA having a sale in the following weeks? it's still fully priced for me in the store, I don't want to pay $40 just for world of dailies on top of the resub.
You overestimate the average wow-lore fan's intelligence. They'll put up with nearly anything. Everyone else doesn't care as long as it gives fun mechanics to play.
Not till the summer sale but maybe they will have a springbreak sale this year.
Well why should it count trial players? The only parameter that matters is the growth of lvl 70 players who stay active. BFA came out how long ago? There has not been a growth of lvl 70 players in the last 6 months.
I unironically love Void Elves and want to marry one.
>Teach me your ways master.
There are a bunch of blogs out there that can give you a tl;dr on how to set up TradeSkillMaster and such. I'm probably the wrong person to ask for a specific strat on how to break into gold currently because I am "old money" (WotLK and glyphs) and that has tainted my ability to be objective.
I'm playing OSRS now.
Fight had so much potential
>dealt with the loa of death and made him his chosen
>Bwonsamdi protect me and kill these invaders!
>gets jobbed out
>how do you kill death?
>well...maybe you've lived too long and its someone else's turn to be king how's that
then of course the slap in the face afterward
>our goal was to drive the Zandalari and the Horde killing their king...which drove them closer
>we should attack them now while they're down
>no leave them time to mourn the loss of their king otherwise we're no better than they are
thanks Blizzard for making every character in the game morally gray
>Jaina Proudmoore: we musn't fight, we are the good guys in this situation
>also Jaina: those savages will pay for what they've done to Derek!
Based and voidpilled.
>There has not been a growth of lvl 70 players in the last 6 months.
you're absolutely retarded. why would wowrefugees/new players already be level 70? it takes a while. also are you telling me that people in general stopped leveling so there's no growth on any server worldwide?
No thanks. Void Elf men get actual facial hair and the women are posh purple cuties.
>Only endgame content is raiding or mythic+
>RPvP is a fucking joke
>Waited 6+ months for these fucking fuckboy races
>Releasing content that actually removes content
Fuck this. I was having more fun on Archeage, where your "endgame" could be trying to take and claim castles, pirating, making cross-continental trade runs, warring against other guilds, dungeons, leveling every class on one dude, hunting for illegal farms in the mountains, flipping homes, fishing. I could go on and on and on, and all of this is done perfectly on a free to play Archeage server.
just run the github thing yourself and you prove yourself wrong.
Currently Unsubbed
I was trying to do this thing, I thought this was THE ONE. The one where I don't come back. So I go to park my main Trio in their final spots and I notice that I have the materials to do the fucking Mechanical Pet thing on my hunter. To appease the autismal headcanon I have for my characters in my head I need to go get this dorf a mechanical pet. So I go through SoO again and get all the things to get this MechanoScorp thing and when I go to tame it...
>Creature level too high
Even though its the same level I am.
Apparently this is a known bug, you have to be 'Max level' before you can tame this thing, and the goalpost for that moves with the expansion. So i just went to park my hunter and fucked off.
This game is a pile of broken shit that won't ever be fixed in lieu of making NEW broken content to drive sales rather than making a quality product.
/end blog
Im getting what I want. I have a great roster for M+ progression. My guildies can grumble all they want about wanting to raid but until they actually put in some effort towards having a raid team then Im going to keep getting what I want out of them. You keep projecting this desire onto me like I want to go somewhere with a better raiding team or something but really I just want them to stop wasting 3 hours a week trying and failing to even do heroic BfD when we get the same gear from M+ anyways. We could go on to never set foot in any raid ever again and I wouldnt care, if they want to raid so bad the doors open to multiple Heroic/Mythic raiding guilds we made friends with pugging uldir in 8.0, fuck one of them took our 2nd best dps because he really did want to mythic raid.
>Releasing content that actually removes content
What are they removing? Also remember they didn't release the new allied races until the good goy mount offer expired.
The only reason I currently main a Void Elf is because I have a strong deep-seated hatred for Blood Elf playing cancerous faggots, and playing a Void Elf, I get to yell obscenities as I dominate them in a battleground.
>Advertise new Allied races as a feature of BfA teasing us with Zandalari and Kul Tirans.
>They aren't released when the game launches
What a massive fuck up. Seriously everything in this patch should have been in patch 8.0
All of the upcoming 8.2 stuff should have 8.1, etc.
>The only reason I currently main a Void Elf is because I have a strong deep-seated hatred for Blood Elf playing cancerous faggots
They better not add helves or all of them will go to the alliance.
My guild went on permanent hiatus after we beat Jaina. I'll probably come back when they add back flying, just to level my alts and get ready for the next expansion. Other than that my sub has run out and I don't even miss it.
So a retcon?
Then again, the whole Zandalari turning evil/Zul stroyline itself was a retcon, so this is just a retcon on top of a retcon.
This is Blizzard in a nutshell. They must have some real brain dead idiots for a writing team.
I'm actually glad it was emo elf and not high elf, because I didn't want those faggots migrating to us
We're also currently in that update limbo between the final major patch of this expac and when the new expac comes out at the start of summer.
Another thing is steamcharts which shows a current average of 9.5k players and is always rising, keeping in mind that most people do not play the game through steam.
nope, quit 2 months in and i just heard the guild i was raiding for years desintegrated last night
Same with me and the Nightborne.
I want more female hairstyles dammit. Port some of the Night Elf hair styles over and I'll be happy.
literally all of them will go alliance if the add them lmao, they will probably had the same class grid (even dk) just to enable them.
They originally were making the new Portal Rooms to consolidate all the world portals so that world travel would be a lot easier, so players could more conveniently see more of the game. Instead, last second, they reneged their intention and removed 10 fucking portals, along with the portals in the rest of the world (except for when you need one for a quest), spouting the bullshit that it will promote more natural world exploration. Because, you know, people totally want to go to Wrymwrest Temple for the fun of it by flying all the fucking way out there. Thanks, Blizzard.
It's not like they haven't done this before.
>new HD models for Warlords!
>oh but Blood Elves we are delaying for next patch because they are one of the most playable races, and it would keep those shitters who play them hooked
>6.1 becomes the worst patch ever in the game because it added a self camera, twitter integration and those withheld Belf models, and thats literally it
>HD models aren't even that good
And to top it all off, they've totally removed the option where you can toggle on old models.
Did you take 6 months to get to 70 you fucking mongoloid? If there has been an increase in the number max level players, it would've showed. Not only has there been no increase, there's been a decline.
>there's a shitload of lvl 20 trial characters that don't get to max level or ever pay an actual sub, yay signs of growth
Nightborne don't know Darnassian though
No dude, I'm saying go find a guild that is focused on pushing keys and stop trying to convince your guildies that want to raid to focus on keys. Otherwise, tell your raid team that you're not raiding anymore and only doing keys. If you don't give a fuck about raiding then don't raid. I don't understand what you are complaining about, really. You don't like it that the guys that you run M+ with are trying (and failing) at raiding consistently? So, what? Either help them or don't, but using them to your own ends is trash when you could easily just go to a guild that focuses on keys and get a way better group than you have currently anyway.
>removed the cot portal
>asked why that portal is important
lel also super fucked the alliance with no port to old dalaran
I did this not even an hour ago and at no point was I bitching.
>Jaina's locket
>grab cooking quest
>go to Dragonblight for chilled meat
>2m flight at most
What a crisis I overcame
Believe what you want to believe.
I play them because Male Blood Elves have always had the best casting animations and females have the best stealth animation.
Its worse than you think user.
>no portal to new Dalaran because of the whole Northrend issue, instead we go to Aszhuna for whatever reason
>Mists portal doesn't go to Vale of Eternal Blossoms and instead drops you off at the main alliance/horde villages in Jade Forest
>no portal to Ironforge/Undercity or Darnassus/Thunderbluff
>Draenor portal is to Ashran, and weirdly, all the city portals (including the 4 removed ones) still exist, so the whole "portal hopping" issue Blizzard is supposedly fixing is already fucked
>no portal to Dalaran crater to FU Alliance players for Christmas and Hallows end events
>fairly certain Silithus portal is gone now, which means Uldum is going to become a massive hub for Caverns of Time and Silithus hoppers
I buy each new expansion, do all the quests, do the opening dungeons and raids, and quit until close to the end of the expansion where I look at anything new they added. There's no point in poopsocking WoW anymore. No glory or camaraderie to be had like in the BC/early Wrath days.
The truth? I will do just that, thank you user.
not only are you ignorant but you're also a huge faggot.
>Expecting average Joe to have gone through the laborious task of farming for Jaina's locket or buy it
You may be autistic.
>no portal to Ironforge/Undercity or Darnassus/Thunderbluff
>fairly certain Silithus portal is gone now
No that portal is still there.
There is but only if you find a good group of people, which is difficult to do in today's game.
My biggest complain is world pvp not being worth a shit. I heard the new expansion had something to promote world pvp? I just want to play an mmo where I can somewhat ruin someone's day with no stupid repercussions like jails times or karma or losing equipment and all that garbage that korean games have.
imagine being this sad
unironically this
Which starting zone is the most detailed and best looking in WoW?
>run a car dealership
>50 people come to take 50 cars on a test ride, no one actually buys a car
>'my dealership is growing guys'
Typical intelligence level of a ff14 player
>Average joe doesn't want shadowmourne, all its rewards, or even invincible
>can't spare 30k on a convenience item
Average Joe has 4 friends to do it as well.
well now all the servers are pvp/pve because of warmode, you can turn it on or off, first it was nothing but horde so blizzard gave the alliance free mythic tier gear to the alliance to force them to use warmode.
>troll paladin
holy shit what a garbage game glad I quit after BC
you didnt quit fast fast enough user troll paladins exist since vanilla in lore
what do you mean by free mythic gear? can I still get that?
>run a hotdog stand
>in one week 30 people pass by per day and take a look compared to 10 on average
>actual hotdog sales going down every month
>'my business is growing boyyys''
Panda one. It's the most recent.
Overall Forsaken starting zones are the superior ones since Cata.
If I want to try WoW for 1 month with all its features, how do I go about it? Do I just go download the try free version and get 30 days of game time? Would that include all the expansions?
Nope, it forced all the alliance players to turn war mode for it so it balanced out, it was free gear with a 30% bonus of gold/azerite/exp now is 15% with no gear.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
WE are going home
yes, it's still pretty good if you're not a moron who plays garbage Warfronts
that isn't to excuse the main features being trash but the game itself is just a bit worse than Legion
and yes I am excited for 8.1.5. cause it brings lots of stuff
No, user. I play a Monk and a Priest. I do not give a fuck about a shitty tabard nor a mount. I would rather borrow a Mage than waste 30k on a teleport to Dalaran. I do not have interest in farming weeks upon weeks of old content for it neither.
cute drow ranger
They can want to raid all they like but until they get their shit in order and stop volunteering to do shit they wont actually do I am going to keep pushing for the guild to do higher and higher keys. Because when these people tell everyone theyll go recruit and theyll go find an actual tank and healers and melee dps but what they actually mean is that theyll go and ask trade chat once if anyone is looking for a raiding guild. Then they turn around and bitch that the GM/Officers dont do anything to recruit (which isnt really fair, the GM prefers M+/arena and the officers actually have gone out and found people who just turned around and left after getting gear). I like these people. Theyre fun people. But trying to get a raid group together thats doomed to fail every week at the outset is really fucking stupid when we are getting to the point that we are going to be outgearing heroic from our weekly keys. Im the GM and they all know Id rather do M+, guilds split as of last night was 3 for M+ 3 for raiding and 3 "lmao whatever you guys decide" so Im starting to shift it. As soon as we hit 5 people who want to just M+ I will start blasting trade myself with the hot new M+ guild on our server cluster
I might give it another shot when 8.3 comes out but right now I'm fine with staying unsubbed.
>600k active lvl 70 players
>number in decline for months
>'Wow's fucking dead broooo, we've got millions of Wowfugees playing the game, it's just that they haven't reached lvl70 since September'
>so it balanced out
No, it didn't. It imbalanced it greatly in favor of the Alliance for one week and now it's back to Alliance getting stomped constantly because Alliance only does stuff when there's an easy and imbalance reward.
You buy the latest expansion and pay for 1 month of sub time. Blizzard doesn't do free game time.
Wait, I have the base game and Legion, if I buy BFA now, I'm not gonna get the first month sub free?
I already miss it bros.
>30 days of game time included
15 September 2018 - 627,000
1 January 2019 - 608,000
>will give blizzard sub money instead of staying in private servers
>literally funding BfA and being proud of it
You showed them user.
>inb4 b-but it has more subscribers who cares!
Nigga, almost a 50% drop is fucking bad.
wew lad
No one is saying that Wow didn't lose a lot of subs. It's just that those subs did not go to FF14, barely a fraction, if that, went there.
literally calia, they didn't make her undead for nothing
Wow some whales buy WoW tokens, mounts and pets on the store, the game is so alive!
Please, both Mists and Legion were mediocre, they weren't bad, but they weren't great either. For me personally Mists was the real nail in the coffin, I hated it. The next expansion is probably just going to be something mediocre too.
that same website calls LoL and Dota 2 "MMOs"
I dropped wow for good in early WoD, and there's nothing they can do to bring me back
Whenever I get the itch I play on some private server for a couple weeks
>do a long ass quest chain to get the sceptre of tides or some shit as horde
>some time it is destroyed offscreen
>entire quest chain turns out to be irrelevant and ends with "lol pranked u" with the zandalari army jacking off on a beach
that was so fucking garbage I aint even mad
>some time it is destroyed offscreen
It wasn't destroyed the alliance left it in the beach.
>Zelling, Derek
Fucking lmao
One is dead and the other went back to the Alliance
>Doing island expeditions on alts to level them with Darkmoon buff
>Get a group with someone from Goldrinn and someone from Ragnaros
>Lose by 800 Azerite
>To literal NPCs
>derek new hd model have a dagger
Sylvanas knew Baine was going to betray her. He is already mind controlled and he will kill Catherine for sure.
>Q up for the warfront gearing an alt
>10 minutes in out of nowhere a bigass DEFEAT in my face
>Look at the map literally every single player except myself was in the iron mine
>One of three people not from rag
I didn't even know it was possible to lose a warfront
You can't actually, Ion himself confirmed it.
Try to use something different than a warfront next time, you can't lose a warfront its in the code
Zelling isn't dead, just imprisoned alongside Baine. Derek is being taken to Calia.
You absolutely can. If your team doesnt deal with the adds AND doesnt upgrade the great hall fast enough it will end after a while when the enemy squads overwhelm your guards.
>want playable vulpera
>playable zandalari and kul tirans aren't even out yet
>they were advertised for the expansion
It'll be 2021 when vulpera will be playable I'm guessing
They ever explain who actually told Vol’jin to make Slyvanas the War Chief and why/how Vol’jin became a Loa?
>trying to get scarab lord
>the rival guild mass report you
>insta banned until you can talk with a gm
>a day suspension for saying butt
If there's only 1 player in the whole warfront doing something its already won.
Still ongoing. It'll probably be the next big bad in the 9.0 Shadowlands expansion.
Thats not much of an exaggeration but we had almost the entire team afk in the mines for some reason. A smart team of 4 could probably clear it eventually
>They ever explain who actually told Vol’jin to make Slyvanas the War Chief and why/how Vol’jin became a Loa?
Not yeyt but now we know it wasnt bmonwani, bolvar or eyir. We still don't know who turned his god mode off either.
Only 1 player that buys the demolishers wins the warfront
Did they change the cutscene? Sylvanas killed Zelling and only imprisoned Baine.
Why are they so perfect?
Oh shit dude as GM you should just tell the shitters to walk, no joke. You don't take a vote on what type of guild you want to be senpai. You'll never please everybody and since you didn't start as a M+ guild your 3 dudes that really want to raid aren't gonna get with the program. You pretty much have to just tell them that you're not bothering with raid this tier and it's a M+ guild. Throw them a bone and tell them that you will re-evaluate raiding next tier. Shit nigga I thought you were just some raider with no control over the situation if you're GM just push the issue.
Still have his ashes in my bag. I Hope they're used for something
I want a Lightforged wife.
>purple haired elf with crazy eyes
yep thats definitely perfection there my friend