Fighting games are one of the most unbalanced genres because it always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most...

Fighting games are one of the most unbalanced genres because it always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most experienced player.
In any other genre both players / teams have a 50/50 chance of victory; skill and experience tip the balance in favor of a particular side but it's never an absolute 100%. Meanwhile when it comes to fighting games once the match starts if the other guy is more experienced you're already fucked and can only watch how your character juggles in the air due to receiving a 50 hits combo.

And that's ignoring the fact that all of your arsenal is hidden behind arbitrary stick and inputs sequences. I don't need to draw circles with my stick and press a certain button sequence to throw a grenade on a FPS.

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>the better player wins
Oh no how can this be happening

RTS is literally look up the meta or lose: the genre. The problem is the autist community, not the games. I always have a blast playing against friends that are the same skill as me (good, but not great)

Don't see losses as failures from your part. It's ok to lose and everybody does. Use them as learning tools.

Okay and?

That's why RTSare dying?

And fighting, for that matter.

But seeing how hard it is to win in BRs, I just don't know

>Fighting games are one of the most unbalanced genres because it always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most experienced player.
That's a good thing
>In any other genre both players / teams have a 50/50 chance of victory
Not true

>saying dumb shit

What a surprise

Yeah but at least you can build something. Some barracks, a couple army units, something.

>In any other genre both players / teams have a 50/50 chance of victory;

>Also, in normal fighting games, when a beginner faces a dedicated user, it normally ends quickly with the beginner unable to do anything in a completely one-sided match. That won’t happen in Versus.
>Of course, a higher skill level is an advance, so dedicated users have much higher chances to win, but beginning players also have a chance to get through.

The OP reminded me of this part from the recent Granblue FG interview. Not sure how they're supposed to accomplish this though.

Are you complaining about losing to someone who is better than you?

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based pretending to be retarded faggot

>player that put time in wins
>op is a retarded faggot
This is fine.

Cope nigga

> because it always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most experienced player.
sounds like it's very well balanced
the better player should win

why are liberals like this

Comeback mechanics that are easy to use and stylish mode controls from GG and BB.


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Because they are never the more experienced player

I agree. I wanted to enjoy DOA6 but I just can't. Played it for a while then uninstalled. Unironically enjoyed Injustice 2 because it has single player content.

Please do not bully Kumikoposter

This is only true if they are of equal skill. I put much more time in games than others to still get trashed effortlessly. Practice is a meme, only helps for naturally talented people.

Get good fag

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Are you consistent with that practice?

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zoomers thread

>always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most experienced player
This is wrong.
Source: Sometimes I win a game, then lose a game to the same player, proving it's not a 100% chance.
Mods please close the thread now that this issue is resolved.

Yes. I was simply born inferior. I wish it didn't frustrate me but it does because I'm not good in anything.
Says the talented.

practice isn't about doing something repeatedly expecting better results. Practice is noticing what parts you need to improve in and improving them.
You wont be good at guitar if you just start slamming it, you get good by practising cords, arm position and dexterity, tangible real things that you need to get better at.

Both of you were equally skilled, having a 50% chance.

What games do you play? Does your practice have purpose? I drive my car daily but I won't be taking on rally racing.

I won about one quarter of matches played against this Nina I played yesterday in Tekken, we played for like half an hour. Clearly he's more skilled than me.

Its sounds like PR nonsense talk, they know that there is no mechanic that will seriously level the playing field between a new and experienced player that wouldn't also completely destroy the game. Even in the simplest, most low skill floor games you can think of like Divekick or something like Jump Force an experienced player will still wipe the floor with a newbie. A true skill/experience gap can't be artificially shortened without compromising the integrity of the game. The closest I can think of would be something like how Dead or Alive/Killer Instinct/the Naruto games offer repeatble ways to get out of combos but even that still favors experienced players in the end.

Getting into fighting games is a long, uphill battle where you have to deal with the people higher on the hill actively trying to keep you down, it attracts certain kinds of people, who might be motivated by wanting to be amongst a tighter-knit community than the relatively amorphous Battle Royale or MOBA crowds, or just people who want to beat the people ahead of them for revenge or something of the sort. You have to deal with the fact that there is no team to blame, all responsibility (in a perfect scenario, discounting connection issues and the like) is on you, it was your fault that the opponent won because you didn’t prevent them from pulling off their combos on you. You both typically have the same tools at your disposal in terms of characters, and so your choice of character is just another responsibility of yours.

In short, it just seems like your personality isn’t cut out for fighting games, you aren’t motivated to better yourself due to adversity.

>can't blame the team
>blame the genre instead
Some people are just pure salt I suppose.

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You don't need that much text to call him a shitter.

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I need better reflexes for starters in every type of game.
>block attack
>enemy mashes and ends up with a huge frame disadvantage
>release block
>press the fastest attack
>get smacked in the face
>look up his profile
>playing the game for a few hours in every week
>I play the game every day for months

I play many games but only one or two "seriously" meaning I spend a lot of time and effort on it for no results. My last time sink was/is (playing lot less than before) Overwatch. Gold border, forever platinum. Most of the guys I played with when the game came out got to Master in a few seasons. The weaker ones are firmly diamond (all with them having a family and adult responsibilities while I'm a nolifer) so I'm just playing it alone for years.

>it always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most experienced player.

At least I don't have problems with blaming myself because I blame myself in team games as well.

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Talent isn't real fag

Practice situations that fuck you up. If you're getting hit too much, block more and see what shit they hit you with.
Try it out in the lab and then see if you can punish that move if it's unsafe. If they whiff something that looks punishable, try and test them. If you're having problems with motions, practice movement and trying to do the things you want to do in battle.

>Those missed close range jabs
Is this the galaxy brain teabagging?

oh yea? the anime in your picture is shit.

delusional faggot whos so lazy and doesnt wanna put in the effort that he genuinely believes in his mind the made up excuse of him being talentless and its genetics/something you cant change

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I'm not looking to trash you but what fighting games in particular do you play?

I'm 1.68m. It doesn't matter how much I practice I will never be a professional NBA player.
Genetics are real.

worst bait in a while, anyone responding unironically is a cuckold.

Git gud

vidya is the equalizer. There's a motherfucker out there playing chun at tournament levels with his face.

tfw went on tilt and lost ~1k LP

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>average reaction time for normal people is around 200ms
>you can't go lower than 400
Delusional faggots have to justify themselves how their genetic gifts are rather the results of their good personality.

I played SFIV for years. Afterwards I wanted to go as low effort as I can in hope the competition will be kinder to me. Injustice 2 for a while because I heard it is joy friendly and I like DC. DOA5, now 6 (already past a breakdwon where I uninstalled the game new record I guess) because I played the series a lot from DOA2 to DOA4.

Some people really are. I suspect they’re the type that never really learned to take responsibility for wrongdoing as a child, and/or were desperate to be liked

You’re right, but I’ve had this same discussion with friends who don’t understand my love of fighting games so many times that it’s second nature to wax lyrical about it

I use the word blame for lack of a better term but really in an ideal situation there’s no need to blame anyone in an adversarial way, a losing player shouldn’t get bogged down in feeling sorry for themselves, or be annoyed with themselves. Every mistake is a learning experience.

Ultimately you should be seeking to learn from every loss and every victory, in every match in a string of losses try to observe where you were able to improve upon your last loss, and expand upon it. Similarly, don’t rest on your laurels in victory, try to understand why you were able to prevail, and look for where you were weakest, as no victory, even a perfect k.o. Is truly without flaw, perhaps your combo was suboptimal, or your execution was sloppy, always strive to better yourself anons!

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I love these posts man. Keep enjoying fighting games.

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Those are fine games. I don't dig NRS but like SF and DoA.
>hoping for kind competition
>uninstalling a game due to salt
C'mon. As you wish to win, so do others. There are obviously issues here not tied to this genre. I like getting people into the genre but if your blood pressure is out of whack playing it then move on.

Give me a fighting game that doesn't devolve into meta memery or high speed autism chess. A game where everyone is on equal footing and where something unexpected could always happen. Not something where you can put the controller down after making a small mistake because you're now stuck in a juggling loop. Fuck I want games like bushido blade or something.

I'm too shitty at fighting games, I just wish they'd make a good Metroidvania with the same character designs

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Video games are not a sport

Thanks user, I hope that you do too. Good image by the way, Ky is up there as one of my favourite GG characters

>fighting games are dying
>Complex RPGs are dying
>RTS are dead
>Arena shooters are dead
Fucking casuals

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Well, there is Indivisible, but it's more of a Valkyrie Profile clone. All the designs are done by the people who worked on Skullgirls.

Git gud Kumikek

this is also one of the reasons why fighting games arent as popular.

they are way more fun with friends. gamers are mainly neets nowadays

You're just asking for a casual game. I recommend mario party.


Setthing skillet.

I do understand others want to win but I can't take it anymore when people using me a punching bag. The genre is just makes it more obvious than your average team game where anyone can luck out someone to carry them.

You only see fighting games as black and white. Win or lose. It's not about either. It's about the journey. It's about finding the way, your way, yourself.

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Why do casualfags keep seething over games all about improving? If you're not having enough fun to keep practicing and actually deserve a win just play something else.

If this isn't bait, I'm going to kill myself and then kill you. I don't even play fighting games, but fuck you.
nevermind, you're just retarded

>It's about the journey
That's what I told my last girlfriend of 8 years. She bought that bullshit. For 8 years.

>just play something else.
I like to pick on this because it is a common advice along with "if you can't improve despite doing what you are told then you deserve where you are".
What if there are no games left because I'm shit in everything?

Fighting games' execution is too hard. It's unrealistic to expect someone to press a button within a 1-3 frame window, especially online.

More like one where people without autism can also play it.

I don't know if you were meming with this but this unironically looks good. It's simple and easy to understand while still being able to be intense.

Then it looks like video games aren't for you. So what are you going to do? Are you going to do something about it or are you going to continue being a little bitch?


I play this racing game and the good players will beat me by a whole second or more on maps I will think I have maxed out. But at the same time the bad players will look at me and think the same. If you can't find motivation to continue practicing in such a situation, then I don't think playing a multiplayer game that demands practice is for you.

One of the problems with fighting games is that they are not fathering people into the communities. There is to much emphasis on being able to memorize button combo's, at least from a normie or casual sense. Smash as a competitive game is a bit ridiculous but grows because new players are not struggling with the controls, everything is easy to execute so when they get their ass handed to them, they can have a better understanding of why they lost where they need to improve.

As long as this perception exists, the fighting game community is not going to grow.

Underrated post.

No one memorizes combos. Just practice them and muscle memory will take care of the rest. A big part of the reason smashfags are so hated is because they don't want to play other fighting games. They just want to turn other games into smash.

Yeah so mario party.

>mash as a competitive game is a bit ridiculous but grows because new players are not struggling with the controls, everything is easy to execute so when they get their ass handed to them, they can have a better understanding of why they lost where they need to improve.
Wtf I like smash now? But seriously yeah fighting games are overcomplicated. All you need is a solid and simple to understand system and the rest will follow. Is smash the only ''fighting'' game that gets this right?

People go into games wanting different things. I truly believe fighting games should have very thorough tutorials, but it still won't make the casual gamer seeking instant or constant gratification stick around. The genre was born in the arcade and thus it's steeped heavily in the sink or swim nature of that time. This is a curse and a blessing.

I bet you hate smash as well.

I've legit won games with just better knowledge of my normals, spacing etc. 'Muh combos' are worthless if you can't open someone up or lack a basic understanding of the game.

Smash is fine for what it is. A goofy party game. It can be a decent fighter if you turn off all the random shit.

I didn't say I hate that shit. But you want to win without trying to improve in any way, so mario party is great for that.

I hated how there is actual STRATEGY in only top levels of autism gameplay, if you are a casual it's all about who knows build orders and shit.

Samurai Shodown

But then there is nothing for me because I'm not good in anything.
Continue suffering of course.

Than play something that makes it a 50/50. Fighting games are made for people that like them. Not people who feels like they're entitled to a win without putting the work in. You should have fun just playing not winning. It's just not for you,so move on.I hate how casuals think fighting games should cater to them and make it easy.

I dunno man. It's like a fighter. If you can't block then why would I bother engaging in mind games with you? You're not worth the mental effort. I can just kill you no problem.

I think my problem is that it's all too fucking fast and entry skill level is quite high. I just want to actually take my time strategizing and trying to outsmart the opponent or something. Mind games are fun in vidya and I dont really feel like there is a lot of in rts, it's probably not just a genre for me.

I think fighters are better for mind games. Give those a try. You can also win without good combos if you have better mind games. I do it all the time.

Yeah having autism should not be a requirement to be able to improve. That's why smash is growing and the rest is dying. A fighting game should be easy to learn and hard to master.

You just label anyone better than you autistic. Smash has a low skill floor but I promise you're probably not improving much and would get shitstomped just as hard by a good player.

Fighting games are doing fine.

Im a 2k wins kazuya shitter
>the rest is dying
This is what nintentoddlers actually believe btw

You sound like you would enjoy turn based strategy then. Go for Civ V, or if you have friends to join ya, Wargroove or an Advance Wars of some kind. Upside to Wargroove is they have a system where players can end their turn and just close the game, and the system will pass the turn to the next player once they start up the game and rejoin that match.

Normies and casuals don't understand that, they think you have to memorize combo's inputs to be good at the game but those are just superfluous. The reality is that they could memorize every combo in existence and they will still be shit if they just keep running into damage.

Personally I think a system similar to smash Ken and Ryu is ideal for getting new players into the game. Ken and Ryu have the simplified control scheme for Smash, but you can input the traditional button inputs for a stronger version. New players have toys to play around with and can learn the game with a greater deal of control of the character, as they transition into high levels of play, understand basic core principles, they can start swapping out the simplified input to the more traditional input for better chances at winning the game. This system helps high level of play as it gives players essentially double the moveset, alternate weak and strong fireball spam for mind games, substitute certain moves with easier to execute versions to improve your consistency, ect.


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Excuse me but fluff belongs to reina stop posting her

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Is there a compilation or something for these games?

>i'm a vidya shitter, give me unfair advantages so i can fellate myself waaaaaaaah
back to overwatch with you

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Try an arena shooter or something like For Honor then. Or an RTS like WC3 where the pace is slower and micro matters more.

>In any other genre both players / teams have a 50/50 chance of victory
in starcraft a proplayer will win with a mediocre player 100% of the time, if you put a proplayer against a slightly worse proplayer, it'll still be something like 80%. you're just a salty shitter.

>every fighter i want to learn is some niche anime shit that everybody who isn't godlike moves on from to the next shiny new game after a month
>practice for a few weeks, get the basics down and all of the casuals have already moved on
>have to join a discord full of people who have been playing the genre for decades in arcades just to get a match
>nobody wants to play me there because i'm a total punching bag
Happens every time and yet I love Granblue so much I'm probably going to fall for it again when that comes out.

Faggots like you ruined Smash

The good ones (2 and 5Special) are on FightCade, though the roomfags there will probably kick your dick in so find a discord or something


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vidya isn't a linear experience. you don't need to be good at anything to enjoy it. even fighting games, competitive as they are, can be enjoyed by scrubs as long as they aren't crybabies who can only see victory and loss.
the matter is, however, that not everyone cares for improvement, and it's fine. enjoy what you enjoy, stop complaining that you can't win. it does feel like you have a taste for competitiveness tho. I suggest picking a fighting game, learning the basics and getting bodied online until you find enlightenment in self improvement

>anime bitch

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I don't know if this advice is for everyone but if you're having trouble with execution in fighting games, use a keyboard. Not to say that you can't do it in a controller, because you totally can, but sometimes you have to find what works best for you, and in my case it's the keyboard.

>friends are usually open to playing fighting / competitive puzzle games
>the moment I look up move inputs or combo setups, they duck out and stop playing against me
Should I even bother playing games like Tekken 7 if I'm only going to play against people online? I overcame this hurdle last with Skullgirls by finding randos on Yea Forums I had a chance against, but I don't think I'll ever get any friends locally to play with.

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As it should be

Stick to single player if you cant handle real world competition.

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>Fighting games are one of the most unbalanced genres because it always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most experienced player.

you're fucking retarded

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I fucking hate this. honestly I'm already too deep to drop tekken now, but I'll have to build a local community somehow so I can actually find friends to play with.

I think so. I have over 500 hours in tekken and i dont have friends. Theres a lot of people playing it so finding matches at all skill levels shouldnt be a problem.

This. It is only 95% actually. When my friend and I play fighters I usually win one in 30 matches.

Your just a casual so you should play casual games. No shame in it. You are not a "Hardcore Gamer", and you'll probably have more fun than them over the long haul.

As a casual gamer myself, I am playing Lost Odyssey, Wangan Midnight at the arcade, and Cannon Spike on my newly GDEMU Dreamcast. Always wanted to try it.

Just play the games made for you and stop reeeing at other games to change.


If we played 1000 duels in Quake 3 I would win 1000 duels as you would never be able to raise your skill level enough to surpass me.

Maybe if you practice with someone like Rapha or Cypher but against them you could play until you are alive and you would never win.

I think You are implying the matches are close. What is the point of playing when the same thing happens as if I would put down the controller at the beginning of the round. This is my problem with every multiplayer game, I don't consider getting stomped as playing the game.

Lots of people are shitting on you OP but what can you expect when you come to the internet den of autism and start a thread about a genre intrinsically linked with autism itself. Whatever valid points you make will likely fall on deaf ears. Just play something else because if you're not one of them you won't enjoy it anyway. And to be honest most things multiplayer are garbage anyway.

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OP, don't use Kumiko in a brainlet post ever again.

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>a 100% chance
this is not true you fucking mong. There are cheese characters and even an inexperienced player can occasionally win a few games

kill yourself weebshit

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>IT's a Yea Forumsappa episode
Sick of these reruns.

thanks for posting this.

prolly one of the best scenes in anime desu

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I will never not love fighting games. Best casual filter

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>people replying to stale pasta
>thread still up
Jesus christ this place sucks

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says the guy that posts a literal fag as a reply desu.

Combo memorization is the biggest scrub excuse. Spacing, punishes and movement is where the real action is

>my reflexes aren’t good
Name a more obvious way to out yourself as a scrub

That's the most valid excuse you can come with. Some people are just born retarded like that.


you sound triggered

What kind of pun is this

I hope this is a pasta

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>Want to try UNIST becase "it has the best tutorial ever!"
>Have always been shit at fighting games and can't handle losing
>Will probably get stomped by those who have been playing for years

Should I even bother?

That’s an interesting beginner mindset but not strictly true. Over a five game set yes, the more experienced player will win. But I win loads of matches in Soulcalibur against big name people by being risky and doing ‘unsafe’ things to try and catch them off guard. Now if someone is a true bonjwa whose seen it all that still won’t work, but it breaks down your hardset rule of it ‘always’ going to the more experienced player. Hell in tournament sometimes a player will bring out a weird pocket pick that’s not strictly a counter just to sneak a win in the last game of a set against someone they’re struggling against. See Infiltration picking Hakan against PR Rog at Evo for USF4.
What I think you’re actually trying to say is ‘I’m not experienced enough at this and it would take a lot of time to get to that point compared to other games’ which is true, and I don’t say that as an insult, it’s a legitimate hard rule of the genre to swallow. I learn as I play and do well, but it is frustrating to know that in order to really get better I’d have to spend hours and hours in the training mode against a dummy looking up frame data and shit. I have a job already, and that just feels like more work when I want to have fun.
But you can still have fun with fighting games without resorting to that, so long as you find people of a similar skill level. Therein lies the bigger problem, fighting game communities nowadays are so barren.

Dumb nigger you are on 4channel everything is anime here

Don't play anime fighters if you're a little bitch

Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo GameCube

To this day I have never intentionally teched a grab, I physically cannot react fast enough
It’s not too big a deal, I just play rushdown characters so I don’t have to worry about it to much

>100% chance of victory to the most experienced player

Fighting games are just boring, nothing else

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>I turn off my brain and smash buttons
No wonder why you are bad.
Do you know all technical aspects of the game ?
Do you know how to play and how to counter every character ?
Do you know every single attack ?
Do you have enough experience to predict moves by reflex ?
You aren't practicing you faggot, you are just playing.

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>vidya is the equalizer
Being good at vidya = talent
Look at all those retards trying to be like shroud, failing miserably because they are just talentless


It’s not as hard as you think it just takes a bit of time
I play Cervantes whose entire reason of existence revolves around hitting his just frame spinning attack and you get it down consistently in like a week

c... context?

>RTS is literally look up the meta or lose: the genre.
You're thinking of MOBAs, which is a shit genre for that reason. Play RTS games with a group of friends like everyone else does and you don't run into this problem.

Im pretty much op,tried to get into fighting games but I don't think I won a single match in years. Last one I tried was doa6 demo but if I got hit once I could never escape the corner.
Too much losing makes me drop the game after a while thinking it might not be for me. Lot of games do this but its up to you whether you want to stand up and fight or quit right there.

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i like fighting games

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OP pic related.
Fucking weebs

How many times have we gone through this show and dance?
Outside of adding literal forced RPS like Reversal Edge in SCVI the more experienced mind will be able to use fundamental concepts to outplay the scrub everytime. Blocking, punishing, whiff punishing and zoning are all that are needed and ever will be needed.
It'll be autocombo and a revenge mechanic, that's all it ever is

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That's just not true, even if the skill gap is massive no matter how good a player might be there will still be times where they guess wrong a bunch of times back to back and lose a match. Luck is always a factor, that's why it's better to have longer sets. That's a hypothetical anyway, in reality the players you go up against won't be that much better than you.

In most games teching purely on reaction is near impossible, you need to anticipate and read.

its a framekill, 5th dimension setups

But user, if you never play online, you'll never lose.

Well upsets do happen at tournaments. A more experienced player doesn't know absolutely everything.

You are not looking to improve if you sincerely think this.
This isn't even a competition thing this is just basic skill learning. The world owes you nothing, you need to seize what you want in life be it skills, a job or a win.

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1 frame? Definitely, no game or character should RELY on that, I should be able to use Bryan without taunt jet upper or Sagat without 1f jab links.
2f gets a bit spotty, online its pretty hard but offline its consistent.
3f is actual scrub level.

I know for a fact that my friend is the mechanically superior player out of the two of us, yet I beat him quite regularly because I have a much stronger grasp on the mental side of the genre. All the execution in the world cannot save you if your opponent reads you like an open book.

>every semi decent player is one n done
>have to babysit noobs who friend me and keep whining all day when they get bopped even though all I do is hold back and anti air to actually get matches now
FGC a shit. Nobody wants to get good or learn, just whine or take the random win from a 6f lag match and leave.

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Stats and rank systems are cancer, they incentivize the worst behaviours

Say what you want but at least /ck/ isn’t overrun by trannies :^)

I unironically think jive ruined fgcs, it was so catastrophically divisive and grew awful mindsets.
Deadass surprised when I had a purple rank Kaz rematch my Mentor ass 20 times.

"I paid $60 dollars for this game, I should have the exact same experience as you regardless of how much better you are"
this really is a pretty common modern game design trend, and the reasoning behind it usually is to polish the first experience of the game as much as possible, but it usually takes out everything that makes games interesting.

I dont see one and done that often, but then again, i also have the habit of rematching players better than me and be glad 6f matches take the win and run, that shit is annoying.

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Juggling your bitch ass around isn't "experience", its basics.

A decently skilled gamer that learns well could pick up a fighting game and beat an "experienced" veteran within a few days, if all the veteran has to show for it is "experience".

>meme quotes
Thanks I guess

Why do you think that shit is so pervasive you child

>keep getting one and done'd by random fags online
>connect to a really good player, get fucking destroyed
>ask for a rematch
>eighty matches and six hours later, finally disconnect
>only thing he has to say is "same time tomorrow"
Keep fucking trying user, it's all going to be worth it someday.
he didn't show up though

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>Should I even bother?
>can't handle losing
No. UNIST has a good tutorial and is easy to get into, but if you can't handle losing, fighting games are not for you.

I've been here since 08 user, started with SF4 and Melty. People were hungry then, I used to have longsets all day.

I can't do this nowadays even though I've completely transitioned to anime with BBtag or DBFZ. Its a long bore of either waiting in ranked or in a lobby for the types of players who I described in my previous post. It gets so tiring after you pass that "new game, new stuff to discover" phase.

>add like 10 seperate people after discord matches
>they never post in discord or inv me for more games
Im so lonely. I just want a rival to play with

Because people don't like to think they haven't got control over their lives. Because people like to think the world is just, good people get rewarded and only bad people get punished. Because people think they can win an argument with a cool phrase.

Or the opposite you little bitch.
literally git gud

Nope. Reflexes are directly tied to your experience in the situation. The more you practice something the quicker you will be able to execute it as you use less and less of your conscious mind and more and more of your motor memory.
Slow reflexes is on the surface level a good excuse but just falls apart upon any inspection. Literally just translates into “i dont want to practice.”

Opponent can go for the 20f start up overhead in any part of the blockstring. No amount of pattern recognition will brace me to react to overheads and 7f grabs

Cry more

>tfw been playing competitive with a tight circle of friends and fg players for almost a decade

i play randoms online and shake my head. having your own friends and scene to play with is just fucking great tho.

I have that, kinda, we're busy atm and its depressing to not be able to train offline for a month now.

Used to be even more people but retarded drama.

well, build orders are strategy. but the issue is anyone can learn build orders without strategizing as well.
the same can be said of FGs as well though.

if you have enough "power" then there is no need for thinking. that's how it is against weak players.

20f is more than reactable for the average person unless you're playing online, as long as you're familiar with the animation. Reacting to 7f grabs is literally impossible for anyone.

what games do you play?

To be honest the real problem with fighting games is they don't function nearly as well online as the do offline, and if you don't have a local scene you're kinda boned.

Maybe join some discord servers designed for matchmaking?

post steam ID :^)

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>player with more skill has a higher chance of winning
No shit, Sherlock. And this is how it should be. Fuck whiny casuals. Get better and have fun while you do. It's more fair than RPGs where just grinding and shit makes you deal out more damage.

practice only helps you with combos and conversions (and learning timings i guess). those are important but you also need to think about your general strategy and how to play your character and a matchup. as well as adapt to your opponent in game.

if you don't think about that you will lose every time to someone who does do these things.

this post is obviously ironic and you are all retarded

okey OP

>Fighting games are one of the most unbalanced genres because it always gives a 100% chance of victory to the most experienced player
This is how communism is born.

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>the most obvious bait I've seen in months
>112 posters
fucking christ almighty, nuke this place already

>he unironically thinks a genuine thread without bait won't die within minutes
>on nu-4chins
the absolute state of you

She will git gud. You just wait.

>people don't know how to sage and keep bumping it up in the current year
why even try putting effort