Name a more memorable final boss with 10/10 dialogue and music
Name a more memorable final boss with 10/10 dialogue and music
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Slave Knight Gael
Final boss?
That's a final boss?
There are still people on Yea Forums who haven't played AC?
I haven't.
The games look too boring and generic to my liking. I'm not a turbo autist plane guy so theres that too.
You can cool your head off in solitary.
Knew what this video was going to be before I even clicked the link.
I rewatch it every couple of weeks. > STANDING HERE gives me chills every time.
I can understand where you're coming from, because I used to think the same thing. Knew fuckall about planes and figured it was just some dumb cowadoody jet sim. But then I bought Zero, completely blind, after hearing
Hop on over to /aceg/ and download the Holy Trinity from the OP. You'll probably like them.
I'll make a hard pass but thanks anyway I've played enough games to tell when something is generic. plus Yea Forums is bad at recommending vidya
>replying to bait
I cant, pixy is the best final boss ever
Mihaly is objectively the best boss.
>pronounced "Me High"
He sure is.
Ace combat games are fuckjng amazing and play nothing like a simulator.
I've played them since I was 8 on the psx, so you can't out circlejerking or memes for my recommendation.
his fight is good but it lasts like 2 minutes
his setup was interesting but hes a pushover
"heh, nothing personnel but this battle will end with this final shot"
hes also an objective asshole piece of shit, while pixy is actually relatable after what youve both been through
He wasn't as fleshed out enough as Yellow 13 or Pixy were though.
Killer track however.