The future is digital!
The future is digital!
Then why does it have a disk drive?
To be honest, I'd buy it if it didn't cost the predictable $300. Fuck, just sell me the system without controllers or game pass or live for $100 and I'm in.
disk and disc have different meanings
both optical drives and hard disk drives are digital though
Reasons to own physical media:
>Poor 3rd worlder who has to buy used games
>Poor 3rd worlder with dialup
>Someone who feels obligated to share their games with a poor 3rd worlder
>Toy collector who fills his bookshelves with aluminum video game cases and dolls instead of literature
There is no reason to own physical games unless your life is shit.
Cope. Enjoy not owning your games.
streaming is the future grandpa
physical media is finished
if you think this is a bad thing blame pirates.
He thinks owning the disc is owning the game
They can lock you out of using your disc anytime with a firmware update stop coping
And Fortnite is the best game ever right?
Reasons to own physical media:
>Trade games with friends
>Sell games I no longer want or need
>Play at a friend's house just by bringing the game rather than the whole console
There is no reason to own digital copies unless you are a friendless reject.
>he forgets that version control on games is much harder with digital only
>can't play AC Unity with uncapped framerate on Xbox One X with digital only
>can't play the less censored Estival Versus with digital only
>Trade games with friends
>Sell games I no longer want or need
to who? Gamestop? they'll give 2-5 bucks MAX
>Play at a friend's house just by bringing the game rather than the whole console
just login with your account, even with a physical copy of the game you'll likely need to install some day1 bullshit
>muh theoretically propable scenario that never ever happens
Yeah, but you have to remember: Yea Forums doesnt have friends.
Yea Forums is full of neets who just want to pretend their games are real.
that's not the point, the point is that you're already locked in to the system and they can do anything they want as long as you're connected to the internet
>buying used games is bad
>implying physical games usually aren't cheaper than I downloads
I'd rater buy a discounted game new from amazon or retail instead of having psn leaking my creditcard-info and waiting for their sales. Especially if I buy a console near the end of its lifecycle. Buying used is okay to me, I'm used to cheap pc-keys, spending 60bucks on a game is waste of money to me
>to who?
Amazon and ebay, friends or other retailers who deal in used media.
>2-5 bucks MAX
I got 40€ for RE2 remake. Thats 40€ more than the 0€ you get for it cluttering up your library.
If it makes the hardware less expensive, why not
Why have shitty physical books when you can just go digital, you fucking hypocrite?
Haha you fucking idiot
>just login with your account
yea, nothing better than having to install a +50GB game on your friend's shitty internet connection which takes several hours you fucking idiot.
Certainly way better than just throwing in the disc.
>even with a phyiscal copy of the game you'll likely need to install some day1 bullshit
>disconnects it from the internet
Books smell good and have page feel.
Discs are only good to stick your tiny ass dick through while you cry, nerd.
It is , blu ray drives and its successors will only be more expensive because of licenses and fees
>he traded in RE2
Found the pleb.
It really is, sadly. Not even the switch cartridges are safe anymore. All physical copies of games are unfinished product just waiting for gigs upon gigs of day one patches now. Physical media is worthless at this point, as you don't truly own the finished product anymore.
>Books smell good and have page feel.
Pretty poor reasons for keeping obsolete printed media that's heavy, wastes space, and is a huge fire/pest hazard.
>buy physical
>even complete editions sometimes require updates
>buy digital
>at some point the service shuts down so you can never re-download the games you bought
This is why vidya is a secondary hobby to me.
>fire/pest hazard
Space waste is an okay point, but fuck me, how dirty and shitty does your house have to be for books to be a legitimate fire and pest hazard
discs degrade like milk.
I didn't even put an optical drive in PC, they're useless.
If you're really anal about preservation, just dump ROMS onto a hard/ssd and shelf them.
physical media is gay.
just pirate everything and burn it to discs if you're autistic.
>discs degrade like milk
My copy of Tekken 3 that I bought when I was 13 (30 now) would say otherwise.
It's the same with digital, except the property that you bought with your money, is now trapped in cyber space giving you no options to sell something you bought. It also gives these rat infested greedy fucks more control over what they can do with your content. Wake up on day to see that you must pay an even higher fee to play your own fuckings games, Or that you must be connected to the internet etc.
for video games, I go largely digital
but as someone who uses my console as a 4k blu-ray player, physical is immensely better than the compressed bullshit on streaming or download
This is what a shill looks like.
the foil WILL crack eventually, through contact woth air and sunlight.
I like the boxart and guidebooks too, but it's a literal waste of space nowadays.
>buy game
>say a word
>money stolen
>optical media in 2019
Enjoy your shitty bandwidth and long loading times.
To me, piracy is all about game preservation at this point, simply because of that very worry. Obviously that won't help with live service games, but everything else is kept safe when you have fully archived backups of games. FitGirl and Core are my personal faves, because they cram all the recent updates and DLC in one easy to use installer (repack).
PS5 going to be digital only, confirmed.
Everything breaks eventually user but by the time it does it'll either be at the end or long after your lifespan so it's a non-issue. Shit you're talking about only happens if you're an uncultured ape that treats their shit like literal shit, I don't which is why I still have working copies of the games from my childhood.
I pirate everything.
Imagine paying for GTA Vice City woth half the songs gutted due to copyright and 90% of the ped audio missing because R* PC ports are great that way.
>To me, piracy is all about game preservation at this point
Agreed. The way I see it is the people who shit on piracy don't give a fuck about protecting the media we enjoy and I don't respect anyone who dosn't want that shit available at all times.
just sell them unless you have kids to share them with dude. It's free money.
>just sell them
Why in the blue fuck would I sell games I still play?
>commit wrong think
>perma banned from single player game
Oh, I know. Case in point, Chuchel. I bought it back on release day, and shortly thereafter they changed the main characters artstyle to pander to sjw's and their whining that he looks like he's wearing blackface. They ended up making the character go from a black ball of fuzz, to an orange ball of fuzz, and forced everyone to update their game to the new design. I ended up uninstalling it, and downloading a torrent of the game, pre-patch. So stupid.
its like im actually reading a damage control post from the Xbox one reveal
never change Xboners
Cope harder digital subhuman, you’re a joke.
>books to be a legitimate fire and pest hazard
It's true. If a fire ever broke out or if a fucking mouse or roach/bedbug ever got inside your home, you can bet your ass the books will certainly make things worse.
Your house doesn't have to be filthy for a freak accident to happen.
>1TB for a digital only device
This isn't close to enough storage. RDR2 takes up 100GB by itself.
same thing will happen to HDD's
Soon to be offloaded by xcloud
keep collecting your toys bugman.
>he says on a board for videogames
Hards have a very long shelf life since it's a metal cylinder, they're just prone to failure without warning with high mileage
Piracy is the only good way to have digital games desu senpai.
you really, really don't belong here.
Thanks, Lori.
Microsoft is going third party soon.
>actual netflix for videogames
>actually wont suck
Sign me up senpai.
This. Also you don't fuck the environment that much if you go full digital.
>games will get netflixed because white pepo will pay anyways.
no thanks