Fallout 3 was the best of all the fallout games: Stop locking my threads edition
Fallout 3 was the best of all the fallout games: Stop locking my threads edition
go to bed, todd.
ok todd
It's all right. Doesn't hold a candle to 2 or NV though.
Even 4 was better than 3 lel.
More like worst...
I have only come to speak the truth
excuse me why is 76 on low tier and 4 is on shit tier
i wouldve figured that 76 would be shit tier and 4
low tier i guess although it barely makes that mark
It's not a Fallout game though. Fallout is not a Cowadoody shooter.
>tactics on the same level as NV
>76 and shelter above 3
>top two tiers backwards
This is just ten different kinds of retarded
fallout 3 and new vegas are shooters
fallout 4 simply refined the shooter aspect and made the gunplay feel a whole lot better
i digress
lock this thread
blew me away when i played it. first game in years I got hooke on
I like Fallout 3 very much...
but New Vegas is my favorite game.
Only Fallout 1 and 2 were good.
Fallout 4 is fine, because it's an autistic sandbox like Skyrim.
3 and NV are garbage.
This fucking game.
I was hungover playing it back when it came out and for the life of me could not fucking find my way to Rivet City through the tunnels.
I just said screw it and swam down the river the whole way.
3 is the most fun to play and has the best side quests/DLC. Vegas was just a copy & paste but somehow made it 10x more boring
oh god a fucking tripfag
here come the entitled opinions
1 and 2 are unplayable shit. New Vegas is the best
I hate sorting mods for 3 even if done right i end up with more trouble then it's worth. new vegas and 4 are so much easier.