I swear, thank god Epic and journos are going to save us from this horrible monopoly
I swear, thank god Epic and journos are going to save us from this horrible monopoly
There is literally not a single good game on any of those drm stores except for Steam. All you need is steam
>muh opinions
I got Subnautica for free on Epic's store and Uplay is needed for Rainbow Six Siege, which is arguably the only FPS worth playing right now.
Origin has APEX which is decent but gets boring pretty quickly as all BRs do.
>Rainbow Six Siege
this is a joke right?
there are people that want to play more than CSGO, Pubg and early access f2p games.
>Rainbow Six Siege, which is arguably the only FPS worth playing right now
>not gzDOOM
fuck off newfag. Back to r*ddit
you can hide any system bar icons you don't want to look at and the average desktop has at least 16GB of DDR4 if not more with at least 6 physical CPU cores.
If you honestly think competition sucks because of your precious system bar, you're probably too much of a consolefag to be PC gaming anyway.
do people seriously launch all these things at the same time and keep them open?
Thanks to all the kenshi shill threads ima buy it. Odds ill buy from steam, even ima buy it off GoG. dubs and ill buy 120 chicken nuggets instead and make a /ck/ thread
Yeah, having launchers is a pain but what is the alternative? Also fuck niggers
A service which unifies them and automatically sorts all digital games you own.
Mmm, feels good
I need the UShit to play For Honor unfortunately and I'm using Origin to play Apex with my sis. Sure it'll get boring in two weeks and I wish I could use nothing but steam but it's not that easy.
>What is sarcasm?
Both are great games unless you are a contrarian edgelord.
>Steam monopoly doesn't exist guys, I swear
the other stores only sell their own games, and there is GoG that just takes advantage of the retards who overvalue the lack of DRM with old games.
Epic is the only store that aims to directly compete with Steam with big third party releases, and I hope they can nail it. Not because I give a fuck about Epic or store wars, but because the stores lowering their taxes on video games is a good thing, and you lowIQ brainlets should finally realize this. Pick up some fucking books and learn how the industry works if you seriously think this shit isn't fucking "pro-consumer" in the long run.
Stop pretending to be a retard.
My ass
Origin is packed with indie games, the same as discord nitro, the humble vault, and twitch
>pic is the only store that aims to directly compete with Steam with big third party releases that they have to bribe other companies for
>actually CHOOSING to have DRM in 2019
Both are pretty fun games.
The problem with the argument is that they're also on Steam, which isn't only convenient, but more developed and fully featured. So why would anyone with more than a pea for a brain purchase them on a platform that's NOT Steam? It's not a monopoly if there are 2-3 other established options to choose from, but one option is clearly the better one.
The Epic Store currently offers 24 games
Literally 24 games, without taking into account announced titles or pre-orders
Anyone that believes journos lies about being a Steam replacement is beyond retarded or totally out of touch