Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?
Have you ever considered falling in love with a video game character?
"Considered"? No. Has it happened? Also no.
I love Kasumi!
have you ever considered killing yourself dumb waifu faggot
I love Reisen!
That's rude.
already done
No but I do have an existential crisis every time I get a waifu in vidya and realize that I'm blocking out the desire for a gf because I know I can cut it
I though that waifufags were creepy and disgusting for a long time
Then i fell in love with some god damn video game character, i didnt even notice it happening
At least its not all bad, my life is lot better now because iam trying my best to be the kind of person she could be happy for
Well user, who was it?
I love Callie!
It’s not love. Love requires reciprocity which anime drawings and vidya polygons are incapable of. You have never been in love. You just get boners from anime.
I love Aigis!
I don't fall in love with bench juice.
Have you ever considered to take your shitty spam somewhere else you mentally ill incel?
but i do love natsuki!
I love my gorgeous wife!
It's better than a lot of what gets posted here. Repetition is boring, but it's not that bad as long as repetition is the one and only flaw.
My fox wife.
I have already.
Disgusting frog.
100% me too
Straight up invasion/raid threads.
I already HATE Sofia!
Three years is a long time for a raid.
Rise >w
I don't believe you user
There was once an user that wanted to deito Lucifer, seeing as I haven't seen him in a long time he might have done that.
I love Fuuka!
Unrequited love is still love
a RELATIONSHIP requires reciprocity, but none of us claim to be in a relationship, just that we're in love.
Or what else would you call it when you meet someone and have feelings for them but can't tell them?
For me, it's the Remimi
Arc is nice but akiha is best turkeyhandle