Meanwhile in Pra/v/en ...
Meanwhile in Pra/v/en
I hate butter.
Kill all Rh*doks
Ragnar throws another feast
spicy webm
thats such a fap worthy movie
I'm sure this week's blog will include the release date...
I just started a new playthrough.
As Rhodok
With controller on PC
What are the best M&B mods to play for the next few years while I wait for Bannerlord?
You can play all of the mods if you are waiting for bannerlord to release
In no particular order.
Viking Conquest
Gekojuko - Daimyo edition is good, original + Sengokuku and Hamato sub mods is better.
Prophesy of Pendor
god i wish there was a kenshi mod for mnb
Played the shit out of it half a decade ago, played the full release and fuck all has changed or been added to warrant playing again. Might be better once mods mature a bit more, or you know, the devs finish the game.
Why does he have a coin slot on his head?
>Viking Conquest
a trash meme mod made DLC that really isnt worth playing for more than an hour with all the ridiculous and senseless shit they put in, without thinking it through.
>actually recommending the cringefest that is PoP
is there like an isekai mod for mnb?
devs said they abandoned the game
That's a whole lot of shit taste in one post.
In my game it is day 100 now and i've been doing nothing but tournaments and leveling up, i'm level 20 now and don't know what my next move should be. Probably start setting up at guilds at all capitals I can, huh?
Ignore the dickplomacy memers.
If you don't want total conversion get diplomacy or Floris(expanded not evolved as evolved is just a copied from the original and made by a guy who cant code).
If you want conversions: A world of ice and fire, Gekokujo
You know you have your CD key on display right? And that anyone wanting to cause trouble could say that it was stolen and prove it by repeating the key to steam support?
Trashing VC is not shit taste in my book, but pretty based actually.
I got it for free and I still felt ripped off.
No they couldn't because you got the game in your library for how long?
They also ask for the receipt(I had this happen with the orange box) to be put next to the box when you make a photo.
don't you mean Pravend?
Does the shit taste come about as a result of spewing shit?
>diplomacy over dickplomacy
Don't listen to him.
>muh rape lmao
fuck off
Is 'you just have shit taste' the only argument you have here? Is that about it? You see other people not liking something and you just jump in saying they have shit taste to validate yourself?
Thanks. Looked up Floris and it seems to be recommended a lot. Evolved has multiplayer but I dont care for that so I guess Expanded is alright? Its from 2015 if I see correctly. Will I have compatibility issues?
try nova aetas
Viking Conquest is one of the most feature rich and polished mods available for Warband and until you post anything other than a shit opinion void of any substance, i'll keep calling it like I see it pleb.
You can disable rape and regular sex too, I think, but you get all other regular additions. It's a better version of diplomacy.
>nova eatass
>polished mods
not him but l fucking mao!
lets start with the obvious one:
>buggy as fuck
>ai sucks big time and doesnt know how to handle new features
>game progress more of a slog than ever
>everything needs to be bigger meme with an empty world
>shitty """""realism""""" features that aren't thought out beyond the most superficial level like your troops stealing your items or your marshall taking your troops away with you not being able to do anything about it
>I'll keep calling it like I see it
yeah and I call you a fucking retard. dont @ me with your underage shit
>remember liking pop when i was younger
>play it again now that im older and it has a lot more features
>while some things look better a lot look worse
>they upped the damage random bandits and shit do now so it is practically unplayable
Jesus christ why did they do that?
No there won't be any issues. Dont play with reworked trees though. Take vanilla or expanded when starting a new game.
Plus Last Days of the Third Age
You're 80% finished with video games after you've literally recreated the charge of the Rohirrim at Pelennor Fields, not just figuratively recreated it.
Most of that shit was already prevalent in their meme mod Brytenwalda, and I always wondered why TW thought this shit warrants a DLC release.
Only autists liked that mod.
The weirdest thing about VC for me was how it was supposed to look better, but the textures looked absolutely terrible.
>Hasn't played it since release
And i'm just going to keep disregarding your shit opinion.
I just cant imagine this in Warband's engine to not look like a complete clusterfuck.
Speaking of clusterfucks, how is that Warhammer mod going? Warsword something
It's a clusterfuck of IMMERSION you philistine
>the sound of 100 horses hammering their hooves right next to you
>orcs losing their shit and fleeing instantly
>wargs leaping and knocking knights down from their mounts
>you're dive bombing trolls like a four-legged jet fighter
>then a mist descends, you can't see where your army is, you get surrounded by a horde of Haradrim cavalry and you think you're finally done for
>suddenly a bear charges in from nowhere and starts headbutting every sauronu ackbar he can see and you remember you have Dimborn in your party
But stay away from Goblin Town.
How is the quality control of the mod?
best modern age/firearms mod? No napoleonic shit
Fire and sword. Not technically napoleonic.
I said mod
>Mount & Blade mods
>Quality control
I legitimately don't know how people can stomach any of the Warband fantasy mods, or most of the mods for that matter, stuff like Gekojuko looks absolutely heinous.
Is this Caligula?
How "modern" are you talking?
The Parabellum is great, but it's WW1.
Hello Sir! want to buy this 268 coin tattered leather glove?
early modern, around 16th century
that shit isn't even enabled by default, unless you go out of your way to enable it it's just diplomacy that's been updated in the last century.
oh sweet summer child, any 'dlc' for this game is just a sponsored mod.
you should still ignore him though fire and sword is pretty shit, your better off dicking around in carribean! if you want guns that badly, though that is also shit in it's own special way.
how is Renaissance?
not sure haven't played or heard of that one, maybe another user can pitch in about it.
There's this largely incomplete modern warfare mod that is mostly good for stripping weapons and equipment from to put into other mods.
Ever wanted to wield an RPG-7, invade a castle with a T-72, or call an AH-64 Apache to rain hell on a particularly annoying OP lord from a mod? You can do it with Calradia: Modern Warfare!
Reminder that we finally got a release date on BL
Ymir is my waifu.
you can pretend you're an isekai protagonist
Can I instert dickplomacy into Floris expanded somehow instead of diplomacy?
Its been my go-to mod for years, and is basically vanilla for me at this point. But I like dickplomacy's updates.
This shit actually works?
take your stale memes back where they belong
Is this diplomacy by being a jerk to people?
How easy is it to weld mods together?
it's more like diplomacy by jerking off on people
really depends on the mods, obviously anything that tries to touch the same systems is going to take more nitty gritty work and screwing around in notepad++
you don't
people who download rape mods should get more jailtime than real rapists
>tfw first time download wedding dance mod for original mount and blade and enter dark knight monastery with bdsm nuns and knights whipping prisoners
>then visiting half nude amazon nation
Good times.
either explain why it's shit or dont say anything, you useless faggot
Do people older than 12 actually download and play this shit?
how can you get hard at poorly animated low poly models
PoP is one of the rare mods that are not just a reskin of native and actually adds something.
This thread has made me realise that M&B actually has a terrible community and Taleworlds is waiting for you all to die of old age before they release Bannerlord.
>filthy barbarians, sand niggers and horse fuckers
I wish there was an M&B game about a civilization worth remembering
Warsword Is fun af
Say no more.
Sargoth, home... At least it was before I fucked everything up.
you are really paddling in shallow waters then, PooP has some issues, though it's different at least, I saw someone in the thread recommend ACOCK and wanted to vomit.
Sarranids had some nice cities.
'ate rhodies
'ate khergies
'ate nordies
'ate sarries
'ate vaegis
Love feasts
Love me lance
Love butter
Simple as
If you mean game of thrones mod, yes, I agree.
Both ACOK and AWOIAF suck absolute ass, really buggy, laggy and over challenging.
my favourite part is the permanent stat lowerings from random events.
What is Fires of War?
Can confirm it does, although jank is plentiful.
Is there for Swadian units even a point of choosing sergeants over knights?
They're cheaper. I used them mostly for sieges and garrisons
I kind of want to play that but I hear its hell without a solid state drive.
I do have a small ssd boot drive though, maybe I could squeeze it in on that, how large is the file?
Is there any decent or even passable Roman Era mod?
Raid Villages you scrub.
Become a lord to build up your own right to rule
Choose a faction and fight their enemies, gain followers and do some big battlan