Lowly DPS players should always thank their healers.
Lowly DPS players should always thank their healers
Killing enemies is the ultimate in heals. Prevention is better than cure.
supports should give free blowjobs to tanks
>thanking a cunt that presses a single button every 15 seconds
Healers and medics artificially prolong gunfights in video games with their low-skill banal bullshit instead of allowing actual FPS skills to decide who wins.
I love my wife Mercy.
Let me show you how much I appreciate the service
i always thank them by unloading a fat wad in their mouths
post full pic op
Healers/support is generally regarded as the easiest to play role, which is why women flock to it en masse. I'm not thanking your casual ass for anything.
Out of my way healer fucking shits
The DPS role has absolutely no reason to exist anymore. We're frequently seeing tanks and healers off DPSing which has made tanks and healers more difficult and fun the play.
Meanwhile, you have briandead DPS players stood there doing damage and only damage and raging for other roles fucking up.
Scrub game. Not impressed
This is a sign of shit game design if it marginalises DPS players by making everyone a DPS.
you bloody put all the dps out of their jobs, the only people who will thank you are tanks
imagine being this TRASH
What about a support like Ana?
t. scrub that couldn't even defeat the npc's in HA
Post D.va instead, you retarded Overnigger shill.
>tfw no healslut BF
Smug mercy is a miracle of video games
>tfw met a girl on overwatch while playing Reinhardt and she was Mercy
>tfw relationship didn't work out
>tfw playing Overwatch has made me sad ever snce
Do you use mic? How did the relationship develop?
In 1,000 hours I've spoken to like one girl on there. Might be that I'm on EU server though.
Had a mic, played several rounds in the row, and she added me as friend for more. When chatting we found out that we lived just couple of hours apart, and met few weeks later, and started dating soon. Didn't work out in the end, as I said.
Are you in US?
Shame it didn't work out for you though, but hey, better than nothing.
I don't play casual shit, sorry. Try a harder game
Bet she cheated on you with a Doom Fist main
EU actually, I was just super lucky. Or unlucky, however it spins.
WTF I hate (women and) minorities now!
Games with dedicated healer roles are garbage.
>I NEED to be thanked for doing what I'm supposed to do.
Do you also demand a pat on the back for wiping your ass every time you shit?
That's ok user, playing overwatch makes everyone sad
Top kek
Fuck off overwatch faggot nigger