Beyond Good & Evil 2 will be always-online

>Will we always need an internet connection even if we're playing BGE2 solo? (o_gilgamesh, Twitter)

>Beyond Good and Evil 2 is an online, multiplayer game with a rich co-op and seamless experience. As such, the game will only be playable with an internet connection in order to have seamless navigation, receive dynamic updates, and play with friends (which is certainly better when you're playing as a Space Pirate!). The choice to play co-op, however, remains yours to make, so playing BGE2 solo is absolutely possible if you're into that lone Space Pirate kinda thing...
straight fro the horse's mouth

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Attached: fuckmonkey.png (625x416, 510K)

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>Beyond Good and Evil 2 is an online, multiplayer game with a rich co-op

Fucking dropped.

The game has looked like shit literally every time they've shown it. I don't really know what the fuck people are actually expecting.

We got monkey pawed.


go back to fortnite you waste of oxygen

There are people who legtimately think that AC games are "the best" and who literally take the collossal hackjob that is a game like Odyssey and believe its good because they wasted over 100hrs on it.

I mean, I dont know either, but they certainly exist. I wish they didn't though.

Still don't understand why they decided to make a small fan favourite game's sequel into this giant godforsaken always-online bullshit title.

Go back to tumblr with your nigger shit game.

They want to turn it into some games as service freak experiment.