second try my delete for the original post was delayed and for some dumb reason i didnt notice
password is 4Leaks-532019
got this from a friend who said it was too risky for them to try to host it
original readme has install instructions if needed
4leaks pre-fortress 2 beta
what is this
thanks for the dolphin porn
Thanks for the dolphin porn I was running low
to the guy who needed proof
here you go
theres a lot of video in the discord folder if you need further proof, but the file is huge
Post screenshots. As far as I know this is some lostboy shit
a leak of a source mod called pre fortress 2
i havent played it myself too much since i figure it would need two or more people to play properly but i was told to post and i am a simple person
what is this
tell me you fucking fag
i will boot the game up and then go to bed
my hard drive is slow so dont expect it for a bit
This screenshot doesn't serve for nothing. Post console with build version.
i can do that
Is it older than 3226? Because we already have it
It's a mod that's been in the works for like 10+ years, it's TF2 before they ruined it with cosmetic and OP items.
i see you are spreading this information and can only assume you are talking about team fortress 2 classic
which this is not
while you all wait for the slowest hard drive ever to unpack the files here all the files you get from the download
UI looks more modern than the beta version.
>too risky to host a beta
why so?
they didnt specify
they just said that it is too risky
I'll wait for some other schmuck to download this so I know I'm not getting dolphin porn or cheese pizza.
Nigger OP
bump for interest if this legit can you make a webm OP? showing some features that get cut from from released version if theres any does it include throwable grenades
Console refused to open on the title screen, but here is the title screen.
lmao what is this
i do not have software to make webms
i apologize
there are some included mp4 files in /discord/ if you download this though
Owo what's this?
a leak of an in progress beta source mod
Just launch it with -console parameter, jesus christ
i will after i get these other images
two grenade launchers
one acts like a sticky launcher but the explosives dont stick
Which version is this OP? is it the same version that shown on 1st trailer or 2nd trailer? if it's either I have no interest.
you should try ask tyler from VNN to cover it if this is legit
outside of the grenades i think this is the last of the changes in the builds i have
its neither build
its a mod based on what i believe is the 2nd trailer
napalm grenade sets me on fire but has no visible fire
why does heavy have demomans grenade
i dont know
oh it's a mod... I though it's gonna be a very legit most earliest version of tf2
engineers grenade is useless
i tried to clear this up in earlier posts but i really shouldve cleared it up on the first post
my bad im tired
in fact i posted an entire filelist which shouldve been a dead giveaway
i found a little bit of extra content with the spy but thats about it
final post tonight
spy grenade seems to hurt you over a long time but the blood comes from the grenade itself
not you
oh so i was not just stupid
it straight up does not mention the version of team fortress 2 this is based on
it shall forever remain a mystery
anyways i need to go to bed its 3 in the morning
night everyone and i hope tomorrow is good to you all
>Source SDK 2013
dropped, also it's written on the top right of the screen when you press escape
well it is certainly not any modern build of team fortress 2
it has the old bugs like taunt gliding and crazy legs scout
but i digress
i really shouldnt have checked back
try ask valvenewsnetwork to try to cover this
or bolloxed since this is just a mod apparently if you want some attention
Hey, Tyler might be interested in this. Didn't he cover TF2:C?
why would i download some malware shit when i already have tf2
well he used to streaming it
If I'm not mistaken, sourcemods don't include executables.
dolphin porn
not good at reading huh? i already own the real game made by professionals. i don't need some shitty mod made by retards
Well, perhaps he'd be interested in this mod then. I might bring it up with him, although given how this is literally labeled "beta" and this guy's friend talked about hosting a beta(hosting the files?) being too risky for him, I wonder if these are a leak of sort, however not the leak we were expecting. What if the public wasn't supposed to see these files? I'm going to download them, but I have other things to do first. I'll report back later on what I find in these files.
I was simply debunking your claim that you'd get malware out of this. I don't know the actual quality of this mod, and you're right, it's probably shit, but hell if I'll pass up an opportunity to dig around in a bunch of files.
guy with sandbox rig here, this is confirmed malware
>dig around in a bunch of files
not a lot going on in your life huh
What kind of malware? I'm going to run on an old junker 7 PC and I want to make sure it isn't some sort of malware that spreads.
Also I have the sneaking suspicion you're literally the guy who just said "i don't need some shitty mod made by retards."
Dolphin porn?
Just to be clear, I never said it was fun, I'm just a curious fellow who can make time to figure this out.
as soon as you unzip it, you get a process that continually tries to connect to the internet (this machine is obviously isolated)
Running gag with Yea Forums, first time here? I haven't been around for most of these scenarios but people like to post about dolphin porn, lostboy.exe and a few other situations that have happened in the past thanks to things similar to this.
>pass up an opportunity
you definitely think it's fun, don't bother replying.
That does not sound like any malware I am aware of, and I don't think there are any arbitrary code execution bugs with 7zip itself.
I'd be damned if I didn't sate my curiosity, since it gnaws at me. It might be fun to see if there's an uncompiled code, I do like looking at that.
Anyways, now complying with your request, no further replies shall be made about that topic.
I said don't reply. Coming to your house now.
Nope, been here long enough to see CP get posted by retards on different boards in various occasions.
It is sad that these cases have happened, but I really, REALLY doubt with the evidence set forth by the OP that any of this is CP.
then you're clearly new to this, it looks like a pretty common worm based on the process name (achilles-gr)
Literally a two second Google search proves that this malware is non-existant.
So it's just a fanmod and not actual leaked development data?
lol. you're not gonna find this on google, kid. stop trying to fit in.
Well, the fact that taunt gliding and crazy-legs scout are enabled in this build lead me to believe this is based on a leak, perhaps the one that NicknineTheEagle has on github, which also fits the MO of the 2013 engine since this is a port of leaked source code to the 2013 Source engine.
None of that is indicative of a development build. Bacon legs and taunt gliding can be ripped from the PS3/360 version of the game right now.
That is true, and it's also worth noting that it's brought up multiple times that this is a mod by OP. Specifically, in three spots.
I'll look into it myself, but OP tried to make this clear by saying it's not a development build but a mod.
Well, if it is so common, at least ONE anti virus or maybe even an obscure website would pick it up, but with literally 0 results when I look this up, I'm led to believe that no, this worm cannot exist because you just said it was common and yet noone has reported about it.
nope, it's common amd not searchable, just like millions of other worms of the same type. you need to at least graduate from script kiddie school before you talk to me.
Booted up my junker, last thing I could do before I have to go, and guess who discovered who was lying. Me. There is no malware that goes by that process name nor is there ANY malware I can see of in this file. What I can say is that OP wasn't kidding, there's a lot in here. I'll post screenshots of what's inside later.
Sounds like TF2 Classic. But TF2 Classic isn't just "old TF2". It adds tons of major changes. The classes really dont play the same considering they have different default loadouts. Sniper doesn't even have a scope for instance