Damn i think itoi just called him a manlet

damn i think itoi just called him a manlet

Attached: undertall.png (586x528, 456K)

>Itoi: 5'9
>He is clearly taller than Toby in this image

>Toby is literally just meeting up with his hero Itoi to have casual chats about video games now
It's fucking hysterical the extent to which Yea Forums keeps getting BTFO

Post yfw Itoi gives Toby his blessing to make Mother 4 himself.

where is that one user who claimed toby never met itoi?

on suicide watch probably

Where the heck is this picture even taking place in, it looks like he's in a classroom?

man, that's awesome.
Yea Forums's just joking around. I don't think anyone itt is a psychopath with an unhealthy hatred for toby fox.

honestly, it's hard to hate the guy unless you just have a vendetta against POSSIBLE furries

Attached: based.webm (480x270, 1.99M)

Probably at the Hobonikkan offices where Itoi works

w h e n

>You will never meet your video game idol
>tfw even if I did he would probably just call me a gaijin loser

Attached: 1547611285602.png (1280x720, 1.43M)

I'm glad my influences(if I were to ever make a game) aren't massive gaming icons, so I don't have to worry about being publicly mocked for coming across as a loser if I ever got to meet them.

I doubt that, Itoi still has some pride in the world he created and I doubt he'd want the possibility for someone to change that and I bet Toby also agrees that the Mother series ended on a fine note.

>I don't think anyone itt is a psychopath with an unhealthy hatred for toby fox.
never underestimate Yea Forums autism

He made the homestuck opera and for that he deserves to suffer.

>you will never ever finish your game
>if you do it will never ever be good

Attached: 1545852011643.png (395x504, 168K)

I remember Itoi at one point saying something like if a Mother 4 was to be made he'd want to play it instead of creating it. I might be misremembering.

what you have to do is find a way to get an established audience before you ever finish the game. If Ding Dong ever finishes his game, it will by default do better than most indie games purely because he already has the OneyPlays audience.

the baby is you?

I've never played Undertale but I'm fairly confident it's exactly the "Mother 4" Itoi hoped to play someday when he finished Mother 3. Toby seems like a chill dude, good on him for meeting his idol and making something both of them can be proud of.

why is he hidding his face? we all know what he looks like.

obnoxious faggot

toby fox is actually two people named toby and fox
they hide their faces now so there's less chance of people noticing

Is this Jap so brain dead retarded that he doesn't realize American family names come second so it should be Fox-san?
Seriously, how stupid is this fucker?

No. Itoi said that the things that make up MOTHER are elements specific to it. Undertale does not have those specific elements, and it doesn't really come close. Itoi's Mother 4 would quite literally have to capture what MOTHER is. And out of all the games out there that take influence from the series? Undertale is honestly the least qualified. I can't say it isn't, because it is. I don't even hate the game, it just doesn't match the same feeling of the MOTHER games.

He's actually a half-dozen small dogs in a suit.


I've always wondered if really shitty games played by big youtubers actually sell well. Like if I made something kind of strange and surreal and was able to get a guy like Markiplier to play it, would his video actually help the sales of the game(even if the game sucks)? I feel like it would, at least with more open ended stuff like Goat Simulator.

please tell the elderly japanese man who's been writing professionally since well before you were born more about how to speak his language

They're friends now so are on a first name basis

wow amazing high quality monodo dool cool

How did Conan of all people become the most honest and truest video game reviewer?

>when you realize that Toby STILL hasn't followed through on most of Undertale's stretch goals

Attached: artworks-000253307111-q7y915-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 62K)

You talk like Itoi owns the series by himself. Nintendo also have a say.

It absolutely fucking does, because we are in the age of "ironically" being hypocritical, or "ironically" being a shithead, "ironically". This Irony Age can get you shit purely out of the fact people want to do it because it's "Ironic".

because he's able to play off his criticisms as jokes. Most people paying attention wouldn't think he's serious, but he's actually making real comments on the game.

>toby fox is actually two people named toby and fox
Well that explains this.

Attached: TobyFox.png (672x315, 496K)

DESU, Itoi is more like a writer or copywrighter to me, not a game designer. the career as game designer is a small fraction of him, and it has been perceived like that in Japan as well. Well, he is still doing some activities about things related to games, though.

Imagine making some RPG Maker game that ends up being successful and you get to meet all your favorite idols like Itoi that bonce ronce the cornew and des they're gona sasd ewrg wax

>his language is American

I mean, Deltarune was kind of one of stretch goals. It's that edgy stuff about being shrouded in darkness.

Why does he hide his face in every picture?

Yeah, the guy's a piece of shit, in that regard. Can't you be held legally for not doing the goals on your Kickstarter?
You're forgetting Japan does this shit different than EA. Even companies outside Japan can't exactly do shit as simple as you're making it out to be. Disney never uses Kingdom Hearts Characters even though they own them because they pretty much NEED to ask Nomura, or else Square will basically say they're done because they dishonored their agreement.

Nintendo pushes Undertale and Deltarune hard so I doubt they'd have an issue.

He said he needs to find people to make a team and- wait, that OP pic...

>clean-shaven in outdoor lighting taken from a low angle with sunglasses and a hat on
>unshaved with indoor lighting taken from head-on with a fruit roll-up in his mouth
wow, they look so different!

Itoi is more a juice salesman than a game designer in current year(not making this shit up he literally sells tomato juice)

It's actually pretty impressive. Everything is possible if you follow your dreams.

he's putting together a team, so he cloned himself so he can make deltarune exactly how he wants it

Yiff in hell furfags

Attached: p.jpg (700x775, 79K)

Kamiya and DMC2

Fitting. I'd buy his tomato juice, if I knew where to buy it.

Japan always uses the given name for foreigners. They see most Americans are pretty much immediately on first-name basis with eachother and follow suit.

Makes things a little awkward for ex-pats working there, being singled out like that in the office can feel somewhat disrespectful compared to the usual Japanese etiquette.

There are exceptions to the rule, at times. But if a clock that is broken tells the wrong time 11 times out of 12, that doesn't change anything when it does tell the time right. Majority rules.

Deltarune will be made by the guy that made Mother, a guy that made a Mother clone and a clone of a guy that made a Mother clone.

Yes autist, that's the joke.

Sounds like an English teacher problem. Any foreigner not a complete beta should be able to simply correct them.

>Can't you be held legally for not doing the goals on your Kickstarter?
no idea, I've checked, but Kickstarter doesn't have anything specified about stretch goals, just "don't put too much stuff in them"

Itoi is a joke and the Mother series sucks dick. Is there anyone who isn’t a furry and/or pedophile who likes that series? And it’s interesting to note that he became a supervisor for Smash Bros for Brawl and later and that series was trash from that point. He even shoehorned one of his shit characters that nobody likes into the game

>correcting your superiors


Shut the fuck up, cocksucker.

>point out a mistake superior made
>he commits sudoku in shame of making a mistake
>get promoted into open position

>SJW game pushing for the end of boarders is popular in Japan
Muh based nippon

Which is why it's going to be the best game ever.


Kung pow penis

I'm glad next to none of my actual influences on my own project are gaming icons. I would be a lot more nervous meeting game devs if that were actually the case.

>he became a supervisor for Smash Bros for Brawl
Sans confirmed for Smash.

You can use さん for both first and second name
and, in the first place, is "toby fox" something like nickname or alias, isnt it?

>supervisor for Smash Bros for Brawl and later and that series was trash from that point
I know this is bait, but being a supervisor for Smash just means you are one of the main dudes involved in one of the series represented in Smash, literally every franchise has a guy that is listed as a supervisor. That's why everyone got super confused when the Kirby supervisor made an Erdrick reference, because nobody knew what the actual job was.


no, toby fox is toby's full name
he used to go by the alias "radiation" but he dropped that once he got big

Probably a bad idea to introduce yourself as "Radiation" to his Japanese fanbase

He dropped that while he was still part of Homestuck, the only place that he used that name was for starmen.net I believe. He used both names to gain more popularity for undertale though since the Homestuck community already knew who Toby was and the Earthbound community knew of Radiation

Idols are for the weak.

Why am I supposed to find this great or whatever?

>idols are for the weak
fuck you

Attached: 3fe1f47a0c954821002fa453c8c77bf7.png (593x800, 331K)

Not that kind of idol.

Attached: 1549117416247.jpg (400x250, 20K)

what did you just say about idols?

Attached: basedproducer.jpg (333x500, 35K)

But it was a good nickname, both create cancer

wow I think it'S really nice of toby fox of Undertale to agree to meet random fans and even unAmerican nippy gookers

what the fuck does Itoi even do these days

what DOESN'T he do, he runs some multi-purpose company that does whatever the fuck it wants.

He's time travelling to get 13 versions of himself

>Toby Fox is actually Zun's nobody

impossible since Zun isn't heartless

Attached: ZUN_thenetstar.jpg (960x540, 63K)

no, most of his homestuck music was credited to toby "radiation" fox and his tumblr name was and still is fwugradiation (fwug stands for freeware underground, a game site he used to go on)

Reminder that Toby said nigger.

No one here hates Toby except ultra-contrarian faggots, he's exceptionally multi-talented and likable.


What does it say?

I just met with Toby Fox. He was able to make a fun game story.

>I met with Toby again. We had a fun conversation about games.

>I don't think anyone itt is a psychopath with an unhealthy hatred for toby fox.
Let me guess, you also joke around with those “irony boys” on /pol/

Fuck I'm retarded. I need to study Japanese more. How do I even make that mistake?

Is it not "a conversation about fun games?"

>Yea Forums shits on motherfags
>motherfag comes out with a video game
>the moment it hits popularity, Yea Forums targets the game and tries to destroy it because tumblr liked it
>their attempt are futile as the game becomes more and more successful and popular
>the creator moves over to japan
>gets to meet two of Yea Forums's idols, Yoko Taro and Itoi
Holy fuck I have never seen anyone dab on Yea Forums this hard.

楽しく is an adverb

Toby Fox met Yoko Taro?

yes, they had a big interview in the most recent issue of famitsu as part of a huge 48 page thing about toby himself. toby also drew the cover of that issue

Got an English transcript of their interview together?

Hey, I'm a furry and there's nothing you can do about it. How does that feel?