stop mashing r1
actually a good boss. I don't care for too much of ds3, but the dragon area and nameless king are great.
I died too many times to this boss, I think it's because the floor made of clouds fucked up my perspective and made me miss too many attacks in the first phase
or it could be because of his astronomical amount of health and damage output
This fight is easy as fuck.
Pic related, me carrying dipshits through it daily.
Nameless King is one of those fights that's like 100 times easier playing with even 1 extra phantom compared to fighting it solo
>damage output
his attacks are telegraphed as fuck if you're getting hit you're a legitimate brainlet
nah it wasn't that, at least not for me
the first phase was a little shitty with the camera fucking up when his mount flies to the sky
>easy as fuck
>Estus 4
I consider myself a casual player but even I dont go below 9-10
use lightning attacks on the drake and fire/dark on Solaire
the fact that they're telegraphed doesn't change the fact that they do crazy damage.
Slow down. He's not hard. He just throws people off by being a fuck-ton slower than everything else in the game.
It depends on your weapon. Some weapons are so slow that even if you swing right after NK attacks you could get counterattacked. If somebody tries to fight him with a greatsword or greatclub they'll have a much worse time than somebody with a longsword
literally roll
I literally killed him on my first attempt, solo. This was my screencap of it cause I was surprised, different character obviously.
It's not like I did it flawlessly, I was down to three estus. But it was also my first run through the game so I wasn't really playing anything too powerful or fully upgraded. Certain bosses are just easier for certain people, I found his attacks really easy to read.
lol nice epeen nerd
>is a phantom
do you even own this game?
that's the thing though, the bird phase isn't the problem at all. I can usually get through the entire phase without getting hit. It's the King itself that kicks my ass repeatedly. I beat Pontiff, Dancer, and Ultra Gundyr on first tries usually no problem. but the king is literally impossible for me.
>You don't go below 9-10
>Screenshot is as a phantom, what has half estus
Tell me your technique, senpai.
Someone shop his headpiece on to the new Vergil.
>Retard user proves he doesn't even own the game.
>tfw got stuck on him and thought "meh I'll do it later"
>forgot all the way up until I beat Gael
>nameless ended up being extremely easy after
But it means you should be quick enough to dodge them, brainlet-san.
what the fuck is your endurance level jesus
the king only has about 5 or 6 attacks, if you can figure out which one he's going to use, it gets much easier
>undodgeable unblockable instakilling fire attack in an otherwise easy first stage of the fight
Who the fuck through it was a good idea
It was my first run and honestly, it was enough to get me like 4-5 swings with a straight sword which was good enough to beat the game with.
the dark souls 2 devs :)
What attack are you talking about?
Be careful in the beginning, take your time. Second phase is actually really easy, if you can beat Champion Gundyr this shouldn't be a problem.
Or you could just go mage build.
Don't ever go underneath the bird, as long as you're only going for head you can run away in time
I really don't understand why people claim that he is the hardest boss.
Champion Gundyr (without parries), Soul of Cinder, Sulyvahn and dlc bosses are much harder than him.
the fire blast is pretty bullshit at first until you realize it's actually super telegraphed by the noise the bird makes. the camera is pretty bad though
>as long as you're only going for head you can run away in time
I live by these words
Literally just git gud.
I prefered way of killing him was with a slower weapon like a great axe. You know, the axe that the big hollows on high wall use.
It's pretty easy to cheese all those other bosses, though. The DLC bosses were really hard though, that's true
>spout shit
Get shit on nerd. Lmao poorfag cant even pirate ds3.
Of course he wont back talk now that he got exposed.
The only boss in the game I summoned for. I just couldn’t be bothered anymore. It would be fine if it was just him, but having to get past that bird every time with the camera bs and stupid hitbox sent me over the edge
did you try hitting him untill he dies
Only 2 bosses in DS3 caused me to summon a phantom, Sulyvahn and Friede. Regretted both times though, should've just kept trying.
Friede having 3 phases is a fucking bullshit, though.
She such a fuckin ho
I love it