should i go from a 1440p 60hz monitor to a 1080p 144hz one?
i have a 980ti and it handled most games of its time well at 1440p
but now i play most games on medium or low because i refuse to lower the resolution
there is a guy selling his acer 144hz monitor near me for $150 maple rations which is close to 1080p 60hz price
wont be selling the 1440p monitor so can always go back
>inb4 1440p 144hz
wont be able to run that res at that fps and dont have the money to shell out for brand new monitor right now
Should i go from a 1440p 60hz monitor to a 1080p 144hz one?
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It depends what you play. I play a lot of console ports so I went back to 60Hz, but the jump back was hard.
i went from a 60hz to a 165hz monitor and it is literally magic
Get the 144Hz. It's great at that price and you'll have a monitor appropriate for whatever you want to do.
i play a bit of everything
getting back into titanfall 2 right now since apex revived it
for 150$ it would be a "neat to have" thing
and ive never actually played on 144hz so would be a completely new experiece
one thing im worried about is how many games just dont run at 60+
im playin a lot of fallout new vegas and yeah i dont need 144hz but it would be nice to see
how many games just dont allow 144hz?
another thing im sad about is that this 150$ one is a 24"
and my current 1440p is a 27" :c
144hz is amazing and it will be difficult to go back if you switch. On the other hand you won't get any real benefit from it unless you play fast paced multiplayer games as console games rarely go above 60fps.
>how many games just dont allow 144hz?
the only games where I've ever had this be an issue were lazy jap console ports. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
>literally double the planes
lmao how can hzlets even compete with that kind of air superiority
>going back to luddite resolution
Absolutely not
What would doom 2 be like at 144hz?
Just as bad as at 60
Here's your (You)
You shouldn't have went for such a large resolution with that GPU to begin with.
There's nothing wrong with 1080p. Framerate is far more important than meme resolutions. Go get yourself the acer monitor my man, unless it's an IPS.
Whats the best 1440p 144hz monitor boyos? Upgrading from 1080p 144hz.
once you experience buttery smooth 144, 60 feels like 30. even when using your pc for non-gaming stuff it feels better, definitely worth it
As someone with a 1440p, 144hz G-sync monitor, I recommend 1440p over 144hz.
I LOVE the high frame rates, but 1080p is just too low of a resolution these days. The amount of detail you gain from 1440p is outstanding, without destroying your GPU.
I also think anything over 60 is worthless without G-sync/Freesync. The tearing fucking sucks.
why do you refuse to lower the resolution but are looking at a 1080p monitor are you dumb
just stick with your monitor, its better to not know what 144hz feels like
144fps at 1080p is a lot harder to achieve than 60fps at 1440p. 2080ti + 9900k can't even get 144fps in modern games
if you play single player id prefer a big 75hz ips
for mp, its only really good for shooters that are fast paced, and on a gtx 1060 i can barely get 100fps in apex @ 1080p, and siege is like 100-120 @1080p
i mean it looks cool but big monitor also helps you get long range shots and click heads easier
fuck 60 tho, 75 minimum
75 with gsync compatible is fucking smoooooooth, i took a 144 24in panel back and just do it with sync on a 75 32in
In side by side blind tests, everyone prefers 1440p at 144hz over 4k at 30fps and 1080p at 240fps.
also the 32in is a 1440 ips, 48-75hz gsync compatible range, looks fantastic
and cool thing about 32in is that you could literally run a 24in 1080p inside of it if you wanted to downscale without blur, or you could run ultrawide as well
aoc q3279vwfd8 (the d8 is important, previous model is a shit va) i wholeheartedly recomment it
so does pcmonitors review
Your fucking shitty card won't even be able to handle 100 FPS, nevermind 144.
It looks like playing at 144Hz gives you 2-3 times as many A10s as in 60Hz, so I'd say go for it. That's a lot more firepower.
32 inch is HUGE. How do you fit it on your desk? 27 is my limit.
By the way, I heard that pro gamers use 24 inch because 32 is too spaced out.
yea but they are flying towards you
youd be way more dead
>1440p at 144hz
Wouldn't you need a godlike card to achieve this? Maybe I'm misunderstanding but I thought 144hz was pointless if you're only getting 60-80fps.
I'm looking to upgrade my monitor, this piece of shit I've had for 8 years is starting to get burn in and all that usual shit. Do you guys have any recommendations?
Maybe it's a 2nd person game and he's playing it from the viewpoint of his target, idiot.
144Hz is definitely worth it.
If you play games like CSGO I would recommend going even further into 240Hz since it does make a small but noticeable difference.
big desk, put it as far back as i can, you get used to it
also can watch animes from the bed
again, you could downscale to an irl 24in picture on it, with black borders, you could run ultraide on it for the equivalent height of 24in monitors
i was definitely overwhelmed like the monkeys in 2001 space odyssey, but you get used to it, and its worth it i feel, especially for sp games, or clicking heads
also forget about pros, see whats comfortable for you
also 144fps is just hard to achieve compared to 75 1440p i feel like
What happens if you play games that your GPU can run at over 75fps? Does the sync still work?
You need a good enough card yes. It is pointless if you can't get over 144fps yes. Godlike? Do you consider 1070 godlike? Because thats what I have. And obviously you won't reach 144 fps in every game, especially newer titles, but its reachable for alot of games. 240hz is usually only for games like CSGO, Rocket League, Overwatch, esports titles etc.
I would say no, I would take 1080@144hz over 1440@60hz personally, but only if you're upgrading from 1080@60hz
in reality they're both on about the same tier, most games look fine in 60 and it's really hard to go back to 1080 once you've had a taste of 1440
save up for a monitor that'll do 1440@anything over 60, 4k is a meme because nothing can run at high framerates at that resolution even with the best computers
gsync/freesync only works in its range, tgis is true for all the monitors with the technology
to have minimal input lag you need to cap the framerste at -2 (blurbusters recommend -3) fps from your top refresh rate
best is an ingame cap, second is rtss but it could cause slightly more delay, everything else is kinda shit, but surprisingly running windowed or borderless introduces windows window manager vsync, which caps the fps @ refresh rate and has no input lag with gsync, although the fps could probably jump over the limit sometime, i havent tested it
google blurbusters gsync 101 to see indepth stuff about this if youre interested in more detail
How big is the difference between G-sync and free-sync if I am using a N card
Barely anyone actually caps out the 144hz framerate monitors, but at above 90-100fps you barely notice minor fluxuations in framerate like you do at lower framerates
Is what I'm thinking of buying, Yea Forums. I want something that's 144 HZ, but I have 0 idea. I play mostly fighting games on PC and the occasional FPS.
Frames>resolution. Unless you can afford both,then do that
I'm just wondering how it would work with the display options of most games. I guess capping everything at 60 would be the best way to do it.
I have the VA version of this monitor and yeah the ghosting sucks but doesn't the IPS one have backlight bleed?
also to me personally, 75hz with gsync feels smoother than no gaync 100hz, but i may be imagining. gsync is fucking smooth though. 144hz is just a different feeling, it starts feeling more real in motion. tradeof for me was smaller screen, worse color and contrast cause tn, and i couldnt output nough fps even @1080p
For most cases it's the same. Freesync and Gsync do the same thing in the end. Gsync just does it in a more expensive way.
You've missed my point mate.
They're meme resolutions when you don't have the money to support them with good enough hardware, but bought into them anyway because of peer pressure.
>4k at 30fps
Aye that sounds like console peasant survey to me.
144hz is a meme framerate when you can get 120hz much cheaper
Yeah, usually to make the most out of 144Hz monitors you need to play at low settings and/or low resolutions(720p or lower).
I have a 1060, so I'm not going to be hitting those mega resolutions and frame rates. I can barely break 60fps in most games. I think my next monitor will be a 27 inch 1080p that is 75hz and has freesync. Seems like the most appropriate monitor for the 1060.
all the pros seem to get the benq one.
Yeah no pc 4k player plays at 30fps, its usually 60fps and a lot of us are ready to jump in the high framerate wagon with next nvidia series
4k 144hz HERE WE GO BABY
yea it has a bit, but that doesnt bother me personally and i only notice it on a black background, i think the VA version has more problems with other stuff but i forget
pcmoitors's review has all of it
well, for that monitor, capping at 72-73. for me 75 to 60 feels worse than 100 to 75 or 60 to 30 fps, but mayne im crazy, its all prsonal sensitivity
the actual differense is that not many freesync monitors are gsync compatible
even less officially
144hz is only really good if you play fast paced and or competitive games over 1440p or 4k. I know most netcafes around here have 144hz if you want to give it a try.
1080 on 27 will look worse than 24 or 1440@32in (same ppi as 1080@24)
i also have 1060 (3gb), im the user with 32in monitor
Wrong. A lot of games still look nice and smooth around 90-120. Helps a lot with immersion.
big ips screen with geat blacks and colors and contrast helps with immersion too, gsync@75hz
Well console gaming on 720p on my 40 inch with the PS3 was often good enough for me. Right now I'm on a 21 inch 60hz piece of shit screen. I play with a controller mostly, which let's me sit back. 21 is too small and 27 is as big as my desk design allows for. I've got a 1060 6gb blower card. It's only just breaking 60fps at 1080p in the more demanding recent games. Many games don't even let it reach 60fps on ultra. I have no reason to go for 1440p. To be frank, I honestly don't believe that going to 27 inches could in any way look worse than 21 inches. It's going to be an improvement in every way.
Most fighting games are locked at 60fps, they won't see any improvement on 144hz monitors
If you could read you would see I answered if the question of going for higher res or framerate
720 on 40 inch must look like grand dogshit, and its probably a tv and probably has a LOT of fucking input lag
yea youd have to step your settings down obviously
>To be frank, I honestly don't believe that going to 27 inches could in any way look worse than 21 inches
its plain math, google screen pixel densities and compare
now i dont know how 1080 would look at 27 compared to downscaling to 1080 on a 32 1440p monitor (it looks softer and less sharp), but i gueas if you sit far back with controller 27 1080 would be alright maybe?..
id look at reviews desu, pcmonitors is my go-to, they go indepth
I have a 1440p60hz monitor right now and I'm waiting for 1440p144hz monitors to go down in price before I make the jump.
Sure 1440p isn't that important for playing games, but for anything else I do on the computer, which is a lot of shitposting, I've become extremely attached to the increased screen real-estate.
I'd shell out for 1440p144hz or wait for prices to drop. There's no rush anyway, since you aren't used to 144hz you're not missing out on anything yet. It's after you make the jump that you won't be able to have anything else.
What's your pc hardware, and how big is your current monitor?
25", 1080
Wow, only 25 inches. I thought it would be bigger when you had the cash for a 1080.
1080 have been cheap for a long time fren.
You have to get a hefty PSU to go with them. And you need a big enough case, with sufficient airflow.
The typical Gamer pc has that, 1080 is not premium anymore I myself have it and Will change it when Nvidia release an actual decent graphics card
It's always the same question. For a good 1440p 144hz IPS monitor am I stuck with the over priced AOC/Asus shit that cost 800/1000€
for 1080p 24" its perfect, 27" its too big.
I made that mistake and ending buying one 1080p 144hz 23,5". user, remember that hz/fps are bound to cpu and resolution to gpu. (i have an i5 7500 and a gtx 970, i can run games over +60fps fine)
I got this recently and its fantastic, although I have not much experience with monitors.
Also a reminder that GSYNC works on freesync monitors now (however only on display port).
Well, I guess there had to be a reason for display port to exist and be used over HDMI. I never eallynsae the point.
>for 1080p 24" its perfect, 27" its too big
This just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it is too big if you are using a mouse and keyboard all the time, and the desk doesn't have enough room to pull the keyboard back.
I got a 1080p144Hz screen and I don't feel like it was worth the money. It's super basic but it was uncomfortably expensive. I suspect the lack of technology in the one I bought is the fault of my lackluster experience.
If you go high framerate, make sure you by a screen with the technologies that make individual frames crisp. Those strobing back lights and the dynamic refresh rates (freesync/gsync), and all those. Otherwise you end up like me, with an unimpressive display that cost way too much.
pixel density
Search about pixel density
I bought the 25" on purpose. I didn't want a huge monitor that I will have troubles seeing the entirety of when I'm sitting close.
legally blind
1080p @ 60hz is really the g-spot. You won't notice the jump from 60 to 144 except on games that make heavy use of the mouse (ex: I use 144 as my desktop refresh, but 60 in games).
And anything above 1080p is barely noticable after 2 or 3 minutes of play - it just makes for nice screenshots. But, the trade off is it taxes your GPU keeps it running hotter than it needs to. For example, I was playing Hitman 2016 yesterday ($2,800 PC, i9 CPU, 11gb 1080ti, 32gb RAM, 1gb m.2, the works) at 1440p, 60fps, maxed settings, and after about 6 hours in-game cables started glitching out and stretching across the screen. This happens when your hardware starts running too hot. When your hardware runs hot, it shortens the lifespan of the components.
So just because you CAN run 144/4k smoothly, doesn't mean you should. There's no reason to stress your computer more than you need to. It will just shorten its life.
144hz is the best shit ever. you'll shit on your past self for ever being happy with 60 fps
people originally played doom 2 on like 300hz crts or something
But Anthem is a shit game with shit optimization that's been even bricking PS4s. Why would you even WANT to play it?
everything you just said was completely wrong lmfao
ah fuck i just realized i got trolled
4K 60 fps with Gsync
There is nothing he said that was wrong. It's the exact reason laptops have a short lifespan. They can't maintain low temps and it destroys the components.
relax man i already told you got me, you won dude
please remember that with a 144hz monitor, if you want to achieve higher framerates you will need a very good cpu
I assume you haven't upgraded in a while so that 980 ti will be bottlenecked by newer, more cpu intensive games, so ultimately underperforming and not anywhere close to a high refreshrate
Funn you say that. This applies to both mac and Dell laptops. They CAN run cool, but they don't. They are programmed to not use the fans unless over a high tempurature like 70c. They are also insulated so as to to feel cool even when hot. This gives the illusion to the user that their laptop is running cool and quiet. The only laptops I've used that don't give a shit about running the fan and making noise all day are lenovo thinkpads.
I love how the i5 8th gen CPUs were such beasts for games. They're only 10 fps behind the i7 CPUs. If you have an i5 or higher from 8th gen or higher, you're set. Don't know about AMD CPUs, though.
>getting a 1440p 165hz IPS Gsync monitor
unironically the best purchase I've ever made
i5 8400 is at least on par with a i7 7700k, and it's better than a Ryzen 2600x.
i5 8600k is faster than a i7 7700k in every way.
You high? I can feel your I5 purchase confirmation bias through the screen.
I'm real happy with mine. I got a much better deal than anyone who bought a 7th gen CPU. That's for sure. As for 8th genners, I'm still well off. The i5 runs more quietly than the i7, and it's not at all much weaker in game applications. I chose the best value for money option.