Here's your game journalism, bro.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Pisses me off that I gotta play my shitty PS4 to play this. Same with God Of War and Spiderman. Fucking consoles man. I got a PS4 so I can play them, but they play like shit.

I assume OP posted it because of the "white male protagonist" bullshit at 1:05 but he's too autistic to actually mention it.
Daily reminder not to use Humble Bundle which is owned by them

>I rolled my eyes at yet another gruff white male protagonist especially one with such a gruff white male protagonisty name as Deacon St. John
He couldn't even make it two minutes without needing to assert how woke he is.

smells like incel here

If IGN upsets you so much why don't you guys make your own review site?
Can you not figure out how to host a server?

Just watch play through / silent let's plays on YouTube

kys samefag

I don't have to spell everything out for you faggot, just watch the damn video

how fucking new are you

>reviewer complains about white male protagonist


Attached: right-wing-censorship- stonetoss.png (1000x1000, 102K)

fucking seething incel kys

>Just watch

you are cancer

>I liked him though

Attached: Confused-Nick-Young.jpg (970x545, 66K)

>I rolled my eyes at another ruff white male protagonist
Really nigga, maximum cuckhold right here

What's wrong with his aim? It's inaccurate as shit and then he suddenly gets headshots.

OP is an ign employee sent here to generate hate clicks for ad revenue obviously

It must be me, I hung out all day with your mom and was having sex in your room.

>what to expect from a game in 2019
>white gruff white male


Attached: Capture.png (884x86, 11K)

Come on, you really don't find generic gruff white male protagonist #7652 boring as fuck? It's a lame cop out that tries to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

No, games where you can get 90% of the experience by watching them are.

>to appeal to the lowest common denominator
i.e. the main audience for videogames.


Who cares about shitty moviegames.

Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity

comment and tell him that another zombie game is already generic and bland enough, thanks babe.

>you really don't find generic gruff white male protagonist #7652 boring as fuck?
I don't and the majority of people who play games dont

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This. IGN is a dying site and getting desperate.

fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo

Sam Witwer is a mega SJW faggot who’s besties with Wil “Basedboy” Wheaton. You’d think this ign loser would be slobbing on his knob.

Alright make the guy black. What changes aside from getting good boy points from game journalists and a million blacked threads on Yea Forums

based racist

In what way is Sam Witwer an SJW? He's based as fuck and a good actor. Dumb faggot.

Or - and this might be hard for you to comprehend- perhaps it's the norm because in general, most of the stuff that gets done when shit needs doing, gets done by gruff white men.
So they make sense as protagonists.
I mean, really expect an ultrahomo Brazilian pseudotranny from the favela to go round post apocalyptic middle America sorting shit out?
This ain't a fucking bioware game.

lmao days gone is such a meme, they've taken nearly a full generation's worth of time to develope a generic and mediocre "zombie" game that still runs like shit

>White man bad! *angry face*
>Jon Ryan
>Husband to @RissRosado
Every fucking time.

Attached: 1.jpg (610x633, 67K)

Give them those hate clicks incels

I can name the last 10 games I played and all of them either have character customization or don't have a white male as the main character.

Rather have a based white male protagonist than a fucking nigger

Guy has a point but delivers it wrong, he goes through thousands of titles to review and he notices the default pick is yes a white male, and he's obviously pushing things other than the default.

Nothing wrong with that

I kind of agree honestly.
Not in the same WOKE way as him, but I'm kind of tired of the same gruff and tough 5 o'clock shadow protagonist.

Except this is an open world game. Not muh linear movie game obsessed retard.

This game looks awful.

Found the aim assist option

>God Of War and Spiderman
Both shitty movie games where everything is scripted or a cutscene. You don't have to use a console at all, just watch them on youtube, you'll get the same experience.

There are other ways to make an interesting white male protagonist without going the safest route and having him be bland and boring. I never said he shouldn't be white. You probably think people are attacking white men when they call white male protagonists boring, because you people are really that fragile.

Please do

Racism is ok when it's done against white people apparently.

What was the last game you played with the gruff and tough 5 o'clock shadow protagonist?

Name the last ten games you played. I bet less than half of the MC's fit that description.

>married a qt passable tranny

Living the dream tbqhwy

>you really don't find generic gruff white male protagonist #7652 boring as fuck?
No I dont. I dont care so much for skin colour that I accept or reject a person based on that alone.

>It's a lame cop out that tries to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Just like the rest of this game. What's your point?

this is true though with a caveat, the 360 dudebro era of gaming was shittier because everything became a grey and brown shooter with a white male protagonist when before we had actual variety

however, politics should never be the motivator and have only resulted in an inversion of the previous paradigm where now we suddenly see black women everywhere in gaming which is even worse because it wasn't just informed by market research, it's pure ideology

variety should exist for variety's sake but anyone arguing about too many white males in gaming in this generation has to be a blind zealot because there's literally more black women with afros in gaming than there ever have been in the past

How do you know this character is bland and boring.

Shut up SJW

t. Assmad Xboner who never played them

Because he's white. Duh!

only a basednygoy could be delusional enough to believe xbots visit Yea Forums lmao

Then why mention the fact that they're white men, if the whiteness and the menness isn't the issue?
You're just a racist piece of shit, or some self hating dickhead, who thinks that by shitting on white men, maybe Theodora the woke tranny from your soc101 class will maybe give you a lazy hand shandy.

Why do white people care so fucking much about diversity to the point where they seem to care more about it than color people?
Seeing that most directors of games are white, it would make sense that the main character is white too. Hell, in the game I am slowly working on, my MC is Hispanic, not because I want to push some agenda, but because I am and it much easier for me to relate to. If minorities are really bothered by it, let them make their own games instead of expecting the "white man" to do it for them.

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If I'm looking to go into games journalism what you guys want to see from me? I dont want to fall into The Quartering anti-woke trap that so many seem to fall into, but to actually be a journalist.


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Point is, I don't play games like that anymore due to how unappealing the character type is, but most shooters, most gta games, red dead redemption, etc.

I'm not saying make him a black female transexual somalian. Just make him blonde, or a redhead, or taller than most npcs, or shorter than most npcs, or make him 50-60 years old, or make him Polish, or make him Uruguayan.
Just break away from the white+black hair+five o'clock shadow formula please.

Gruff white males make the best protagonists.

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>IGN is gonna dock wokeness points off DG like they did with DOA6


He has great triceps.

This. I've met some people at my university that try to get offended in my place over certain things that wouldn't have offended me to begin with. It's pretty fucking annoying having some dumb white girl getting upset and having going on a rant about inequality while all the blacks look at her like she's retarded because we just wanna get the day over with.


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Right, cos
Max payne
James subderland
Gordon freeman
Terry bogart
The hero from fable
And guybrush threepwood

Are all the same huh?

Goddamn these people are racist.
Imagine if white people acted like every black dude in anything was just "interchangeable nigger number 231" or whatever.

fuck off back to resetera

Attached: resetera.png (792x691, 299K)

His design isn't shit because of his skin color, his design is shit because it's the same archetype we saw a million times in the late 2000s where every big western game played it as safe as possible by making the protag the same generic template.

On the flip side the idea that you should never get offended is bad news. If you never get offended and draw a line you end up becoming the bitch rag that everyone treats bad and you have no self respect so nobody respects you in return. So there's a fine line.

can't be racist against white people though cuz my marxist university professor redefined racism as prejudice+power

It's not "gruff white males", truth is that most western character design fucking sucks. You have some great stuff in CRPGs and the platformer/adventure game craze, but outside of that it's mostly boring shit that really wants to emulate film but lacks the writing talent to make characters interesting, and produces very bland self-inserts. The one good thing about this is that they're open to using adult characters unlike Japan which is diametrically opposed to that, but they tend to be painfully boring.

Haha spic!
Haha nigger!

But yeah, you brownbros are right. Nobody is really offended. Even the sjws.
They just want to seem like they are, so people can think they're so noble for caring.


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1. Dark Souls - Create a character
2. Tekken 7 - I play Brian but there is a large variety of characters
3. God of War - Is Kratos even white?
4. Spider-Man - Parker isn't gruff but he is a straight white male
5. Persona 5 - Japanese high school student
6. Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Lara isn't a dude
7. Pathfinder Kingmaker - Create a character
8. PoEII Deadfire - Create a character
9. Monster Hunter World - Create a character
10. Gravity Rush 2 - Kat is a smelly hobo girl

Of the last 10 games I've played only Kratos fits the description of gruff white male.

He’s not wrong, though. There are a fuckton if games with generic American military man and they’re all completely forgettable because of how ubiquitous it is

Why are white men so fragile? I thought you guys were supposed to be tough?

>Spiderman of all 2018 Sony games
>Movie game

Attached: pikawut.png (128x95, 18K)

So... Only Jews can be racist then?

word filter when mods?

Go cry in a corner incel.

Depends on the environment. Banter is my favorite pastime. While I'll let people know of my stances on things, I won't turn the knob to 11 like these apologists love doing.

Exactly, you white nigger. It's like they're trying to earn brownie points by showing that they care about equality when in actuality, I just wanna go home and beat off. I honestly do miss the old banter days where the room didn't feel like a minefield all the time.

>red dead redemption
pigeon holing them as just gruff white dudes is a huge disservice to John and Arthur's characters.

>Assuming I'm white, and a guy.

kill yourself you fat roastie, no man wants you except for pump and dump. Enjoy your harsh aging cunt.

Just like with s.oy, you're going to need an insult that actually threatens modern AAA publishers paying to shill on Yea Forums

jews can do anything because they have their own special racism called antisemitism which means they're completely free of any criticism you fucking nazi

yeah, you'll find the tough white men here on... *squints* four channel dot org slash v

I love bantz too but I can take it, not everyone can then they go nuts because they never communicate shit.

It's called exclusively games

You gotta be the change you wanna see in the world.
Next time one says something "woke" just say, that if you were Hitler you'd sooner gas them than nigs or something.

In my experience, sjw types shit a brick and mentally bsod if a precious pet minority acts out.

Protagonist should of been a sassy black female.

RDR was probably a bad example since it was set in a time where people like that were aplenty, but my point still stands

black bitches be like "unga bunga"

>cuck, tranny, redditor, jew, and SJW are fine

Only if she has an afro.

Attached: 2lau2di.png (1257x333, 582K)

Holy shit.
How do I join?

agreed, all should be allowed

already called /pol/
(((they))) will regret this

Address the generic gameplay, mechanics, music, and art styles first

At least right-wingers have some variety. You retards only have that one word, it's getting old really fast.

To be fair, it's sexist against women by implying that they're a prize to be won by sexually successful men.
And therefore a man's value is based on if he can fuck them.
You're treating women as a finish line.
Fucking misogynist.

Yup. Not trying to sound like a boomer but man talking shit these days is like setting off a latent nuke. I miss blue collar work.

Deadass. I gotta start being a ghetto fuck in the middle of class when she says something dumb like that. If I can make her hate black people, I guarantee the atmosphere would lighten up tenfold.

you fuck ben shapiro's sister and suck on her big khazar milkers, i think that's how it works

Based Kraut


I hope more people do this since it will expose how diverse games actually are.

Kein Problem.

Stereotypical sassy black women with afros are god tier. They're only bad when dumbasses make them not sassy and boring. Any super stereotypical character is god tier t b h

People always cp,lain about excusives but I honestly think they're a good thing, they push hardware and drive other companies to produce games they believe are high quality to compete with others, the only downside s price but im not a poorfag so idk

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That's the quickening.

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Are you implying only straight men can be incels? All sexualities and genders can be incels, you heteronormative bigot.
I can pretend to be an SJW too.

I can do that

I'm only going to get this if the motorbiking is fun

This is the same line my girlfriend gave for dumping me.

Indoctrinate the Goyim Now

And he'd be olive-skinned if not for the cursed ash fused to his skin.

Yes, the narrative the brainlets follow is that only white males are incels.

Yes but whenever we say INCEL we really mean straight white male.

Like nigger you gonna go up to a black man or a some chick and call them an incel? Doesn't work like that. A weak defenseless white boy? Yeah he's an incel and fuck him for being white and timid.

Every time.
Piss off faggot

And also fat with skin tight leopard dress.

How fat are you

>you really don't find generic gruff white male protagonist #7652 boring as fuck?
better than a NIGGER, that's for sure

What a cuck, wants to force companies to help support him

>food analogy

Did people actually like the new Spider Man? It was one of the most mediocre games I've ever played. Web slinging was pretty good, combat was fun for the first 30 minutes and then it just got annoying how long it took to take down basic enemies. Main quest was average, side quests were awful. What was so great about it exactly?

Fuck off,IGN shill.

>Games need to innovate ti stop appealing to lowest common denominator retards
>But not with characters or story, that needs to appeal to lowest common denominator retards

hey hey people

he based

We review games right here on the spot faggit

This board is a hell of a lot bitcher over fucking nothing than I remember.

The dude makes ONE comment about gruff white male protagonists which are pretty common and getting a bit boring imo, and you make a thread about it and whine like fucking children

Get the fuck over yourselves this doesn't matter.

>X isn't bad because you can't make X

Days gone has a fucking dirtbike? Literally wasnt interested until i saw this screenshot. Can someone confirm if you can do jumps with it?

Nobody cares what you think tranny. This isn't your safespace.

Do that other user's challenge and list the last ten games you played.

why are lefties so racist?

Trannies really do live rent free in your head don't they nigger?
I'm not quite pathetic enough to chop my dick off thanks

>another gruff white male protagonist

Attached: 1315966769245.jpg (638x642, 37K)

Your posts reek of the same kind of pathetic moaning that resetera trannies do. It's a pretty safe assumption.

Nah, hes merely explaining why it's a bit more complicated than "just make your own lol"

He's from a videogame

MGS4, Kingdom Hearts, MGS3, Smash Ultimate, Slap City, Soma, some Tetris 99 while wanting to blow my brains out, MGS2 and 1 since I've been on a mission to play the whole series, and Mario and Luigi Partners in Time

If you want more black protagonists just move to Africa and play the games they make.

>but most shooters
What else would they be other than gruff men? Effeminate trans girls with guns? Soft people don't generally become soldiers.
>most gta games
Only Trevor and Niko Bellic really fit the description of gruff white male. But it's not like that's their sole defining attribute. They're well fleshed out characters. Maybe you could argue Michael as well but he's more of modern man with anger issues kind of guy.
>Read dead redemption
Again, fits the setting.

>Point is, I don't play games like that anymore due to how unappealing the character type is

AAA games in general suffer from a massive lack of any sort of creativity not just in the characters. It's all the same safe, cookie cutter bullshit again and again. But generally when they pick a character type for whatever role in the game it generally makes sense.

Yahtzee made the same criticism years back (gruff, generically handsome short brown hair guy) and no one had a problem with it. Maybe it's the way he worded it.

Says the dude posting in a thread MADE to bitch about *one* line in *one* video

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>waaah why am i getting shit for being white???

to be fair, you guys kind of deserve it. you put jews at the top of goverment and companies and you let nonwhites walk all over you while any white guy calling that shit out almost get exiled from everywhere by their own white communities.

not gonna watch a video

Reported the video for racism. which it actually is

Attached: I want you.jpg (1000x1000, 86K)


The CNN of game sites?

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only white males should be protagonists and masculinity is good

I always find it funny whenever someone says whites are superior when they demonstrate time and time again that they aren't by letting everyone walk over tem

>actually listening to the whole video
lol nice try. I know Youtube values time watched over simple views you stupid shill faggot.

>It's not "gruff white males", truth is that most western character design fucking sucks.
As opposed to the wonderfully diverse character design of Japanese games?

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Nothing wrong with racism, faggot.

>Maybe it's the way he worded it.

I've met lots of black boys that would fit the description of incel.

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it isn't. make your own government. it's been done before.

>you guys kind of deserve it.
ah yes, the old "children finding ways to fight an old men's war" mentality.

I'll take the brown&bloom bald space marine era over the hellhole we have to deal with now

Attached: 1528237226968.jpg (800x588, 83K)

Stay mad fag

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Get an adblocker retard

this shit is hilarious, thanks user

Here's the cliff notes
>It's a sony open world game
>It was fun for five hours not sure if that will hold up for 30
>I liked the main character even though he's a fucking white male

Sure but the point still stands that no one who regularly uses the word incel would use it against a black man, even if the definition matches.

It's just how it be.

>boil every character down to race and hair color on the right
>full back story on the left

Seems fair.

Only truly amazing games get nominated for GOTY.

Attached: 1440969503803.png (842x1188, 759K)

>Maybe it's the way he worded it.

Then why dont blacks, spics and women have to do that?

all the characters on the right are better than all the characters on the left

>watching youtube without an adblock
it's amazing you even considered someone wouldn't have one. Did you just learn about adblocks yesterday?

Why is he upset about the character's race and gender and not any of his other arbitrary characteristics like eye color or height?

>Sure but the point still stands that no one who regularly uses the word incel

Probably right about that. Tends to be liberals who use the term incel and they're generally pretty frail.

Attached: 1321037791813.png (397x407, 201K)

Because whites already built one for them

>its another frail white male gets offended thread
keep blaming everyone but you ;^)

Attached: DaXoKNlVMAAx9w4.jpg (939x939, 89K)

i never mentioned race. it applies equally to anyone who doesn't like the government.

You can tell he hated having to be paid to say that

I missed when IGN was simply a shitshow, now its a virtual signaling shitshow, the world is fucked. Fascist wrongthink bullshit and mega corporation bootlicking morons control everything

stay mad nigger :)

>Seems fair.

Even if you removed all the descriptions, the western characters would still look way more visually distinctive than the Japanese ones. So how does that help your argument?

If anything, the descriptions are biased in favor of the Japanese games, since they leave out the abilities/move sets of the western protagonists, which are far more imaginative than their Japanese counterparts (such as Cate Archer's various gadgets disguised as make-up and female cosmetics items, which is much more interesting than Snake's boring military gear).

Attached: 1551612034579.png (446x435, 74K)

Because by appealing to other genders and races people are more included, and inclusion is an overall good thing, representation matters

Yeah that's called starting a civil war. If that's your only solution, good luck on the battlefield I guess

>push hardware

why is this good? how did this help the PS4 at all which is painfully slow and under-powered?

>drive other companies to produce games they believe are high quality to compete with others

what would motivate you to produce high quality games more? putting your game into the biggest competitive market possible, or, being given good boy money from Sony before your game is even made?

exclusivity is purely a shill meme.

You will never be a real woman.

Then whats the issue watching the full thing, they dont make money and you would seem a lot less stupid if you knew what you were talking about

It's more of a "Is this a joke?" face in my opinion.

Okay and why aren't we appealing to midgets?
Where's my midget hero?
They are people too.

why are you saying that to me? I never said I'm going to build a government.

We (Yea Forums) have been making fun of the generic gruff white male with short hair for years now. Maybe someone here can even post some of the collages we have made.

>80% of video game devs are white males
>they make protagonists that look like them
‘I hate white men REEEEE’

R e n t
F r e e

There's plenty of games with dwarfs

reeeee gruff white male protags with gruff white male names why isn't the hero of this story a black tranny named LaDestinqua Jones?! when will we get our day in the sun? i mean, yea, i'm a white male buy I identify as a black tranny you shitlords.

You're joking but I've literally seen resetera snaps of people saying there are too many "able-bodied" protags in video games.

>Even if you removed all the descriptions, the western characters would still look way more visually distinctive than the Japanese ones. So how does that help your argument?

It's a cherry picked list user. You can make anything look good vs anything else if you cherry pick. Also why the fuck is Link in there? Visually his character design is god tier. Just him being in there at all completely invalidates the entire list.

And you'd rather he played a generic AAA zombie shooter on a console? You're cancer too.

I do, to be honest, but it's still better than angry black protagonist who's angry because he grew up in da hood #598358.

Isn't your point ironic given Japanese developers made MGS?

You've said the other side needs to do that. You're saying the only option they have is to kill you.

Why not make him, dunno, native, or full blown redneck with mullet and all, maybe make him a teenager, 16 or so yo, but then the teenagers that olay these games wont like it.

so having a black or asian male would automatically make it more interesting? thats a little idiotic.

Like clockwork




jesus christ don't fall for the bait so easily you autistic /pol/cel

that's what Yea Forums's for, isn't it

The left side of that is exactly what I mentioned as a set of the few good examples, but the right ones are very good too. Besides just having overall nice designs which current the Western AAAs sorely lack, the human characters on the right also have excellent backstories (except for RE perhaps, I'm not familiar with it), and with James especially the game uses his outward appearance of being plain to great effect in the plot. That's not something you get in most games. Usually, the generic protagonist is just a vehicle for you to either self-insert through or just accept wordlessly as another thing to make parsing the story easier (like that one character in every sci-fi story who's from a different land or time so everything has to be explained to them, who is really you). I think people would be cool with the Nathan Drake clones if they actually did anything, but really, they don't.

I'm not the government. Are you okay? Maybe you should take a nap before reading any more words.

That game looks insanely meh

I'm not exactly joking I'm just baffled that people think a game can only be good if it appeals to certain immutable characteristics, as if you can never play or enjoy a game which features a character that isn't literally you.
Have some fucking empathy.

It doesn't matter what color the protagonist is as long as he fits the setting and the story.

They still track time watched, the algorithm uses it to decide what videos to suggest to people.

>That game looks insanely meh
Its because the protagonist is white i told em

Attached: 1038040802.png (799x743, 736K)

What? You don't like Sony's exclusive template??

Attached: sony exclusive.png (525x669, 244K)

So essentially Naughty Dog's format?

Theres a reason most people play as their own race and gender when given the choice.

>It's a cherry picked list user.
Cherry picking of what? All the comparisons are done between games within the same genre and even with a similar premise.

>Soul Reaver and Zelda are both action-adventure games centered around a hub world
>Planescape: Torment and Final Fantasy 7 are both story-driven RPGs where the protagonist suffers from an identity disorder of some kind
>American McGee's Alice and Silent Hill 2 both have a psychological horror theme (both games even use the 'your environment reflects your inner turmoil' trope)
>No One Lives Forever and Metal Gear Solid are both stealth/action games where you play as a spy

The only one that is a stretch is comparing Grim Fandango (adventure) to Resident Evil (survival horror)

Attached: 1238812812.jpg (117x180, 11K)

Yeah I'm sure that's it. We should replace all white people with brown people to spice things up, in games and in real life. Oh wait.

DA:I won game of the year?

how sõy does that interviewer have to be to think that a twink ass gay pornstar name like "deacon st john" is gruff or manly?

>Warframe- Created character... Eventually
>Hollow Knight- Bug-person construct
>Gloom- Cripes, I have no idea what/who my character is
>Shadowrun: Dragonfall- created character
>X-Com TFtD- Irrelevant
>Tooth and Tail- multiple characters, all mouse folks
>Endless Legend- multiple characters, their species being more important than race
>La Mulana 2- blank slate white/japanese woman
>Dark Soul's III- created character
>Valkyria Chronicles 4- rather atypical white male protagonist, hardly gruff or bearded.

Already on it friend

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WHITE... MALES...???

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I feel like I've seen that inventory/upgrade system 100x already. I feel like I've played that game already so many times and it's not even out yet.

Source on that claim?

My personal experience from MMOs shows me that the majority of men chose to play as female characters and an awful lot of humans chose to play as elves.
If you have some data that says otherwise I'd be very interested in what you have to say.


>Also why the fuck is Link in there? Visually his character design is god tier. Just him being in there at all completely invalidates the entire list.

It's juat a green tunic and a hood. What's so god-tier about it? Heck, games where you can equip any one of hundreds of different armor sets have more distinctive designs.

Attached: Bonemold_Armor_-_Morrowind.png (600x1000, 1.43M)

>just do it for free bro

Never understood the appeal of blacks. They actually do smell and resemble apes, their hair is nappy and gross, they're often dumb and violent, etc. Guess that's why they're the least desirable but still, seems other races have chocolate fever

>uses an oil filter as a suppressor

Attached: ree.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Not the same as playing.


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Hot damn has this board changed, too so quick to hate on games that focus on politics and then they do it themselves, not even old enough to recognize this problem has been mentioned for years and years.

Attached: Generic dude syndrome explanation.png (630x630, 40K)

absolutely btfo

Link is quite possibly the best vidya design ever. If you can't see why, your opinion on character design is meaningless.

They are the superior race

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>why is this good? how did this help the PS4 at all which is painfully slow and under-powered?
They push tech limits for great effect.

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how the fuck do I get rid of back acne

Comments don't seem pretty happy about this, bet you IGN will pull the vid later today.

>mocks other people
>posts on Yea Forums

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Remember when people told sjw's to make their own games/comics/movies and them they did. I sure do.

There's a difference between complaining about a character being bland and poorly written or implemented and complaining about the character literally being a white male.
You're implying that if the same character was black he'd be more interesting somehow?

Yeah, Bayonetta 1 got robbed.

>using (((Josh Sawyer))) as some kind of basis for why this argument holds water
Wew, hes always been a faggot.

Lmao that PS4 fanboys were bragging about this game a few months ago and now here we are looking at another shitty “exclusive” Sony uses to bolster numbers but there’s still no quality

It's not that the board has changed, it's that ever since the 2014-2016 U.S. election cycle there's been a MASSIVE uptick in identity politics specifically targeting whites. The way he delivers the line in the video is absolutely unnecessary, and if the 'journalist' had half a brain and any social awareness whatsoever, he should have seen the response coming a fucking mile away.

No, I remember them subverting already existing games and preventing foreign games from releasing in America, sometimes outright and sometimes releasing with heavy censorship.

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They're definitely superior at committing violent crime, failing academia and abandoning off-spring, that's for sure.

his voice is so fucking grainy and irritating, and his diction is terrible. why is this guy doing video narration. i can hear the soi, glasses and weak beard in his voice

but thats clearly not true. console exclusives are hard capped to the hardware they are being made for, so its actually impossible for that to happen.

No one ever 'bragged' about Days Gone. It's always looked like generic garbage.

You don't have to be woke to get sick of having to play as David Duchovny clone #32,582. And I say that as a tall white guy with brown hair who usually grows out stubble. It's been a good few decades for me in terms of immersion but Jesus Christ, let's shake things up a bit. They could at least make him a ginger or something.

He's right. Rude gruff guy with checkered past who redeems himself by saving others (and probably some little kid who tags along) is an old as fuck trope that's been done to death in better media than this. /pol/ is only upset cause he said the "W" word with a hard H, which obviously means the author supports White Genocide and is going to sell your unborn children to the Black Space Jews.

This is ironic coming from him considering he has literally admitted he designs his game to be as accessible and not-frustrating to as many people as possible.

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yahtzee's entire shtick is dry, facetious humor. this IGN literally who guy on the other hand is attempting to deliver serious "games journalism" commentary and virtue signaling his own white male ass off by pejorativaly using the phrase "gruff white male" to jab at whites, males, and the very concept of masculinity all at the same time. there's also the sociopolitical climate to consider. most of yahtzee's comments were simply pointing out tropes and from a time before idpol became such a huge vocal minority agenda on the internet.

Well yeah they share the same leanings as the people running those industries.

Stop smelling yourself

>why is this guy doing video narration.
The same reason anyone works in video game "journalism".
They want a real writing job but don't have any talent so they ended up writing for video games.

There's a difference between saying: "The MC seems generic, just like similar action games". and "Amphft, not ANOTHER WHITE MALE protagonist in a VIDEO GAME, uuugh."

They are not arguing against banality and generic MCs, they are arguing that devs and gamers are racist.

>Yea Forums has daily threada and memes ridiculing the overuse of gruff white protagonists in gaming
>when an IGN journalists expresses the same sentiments, they are suddenly the devil

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You can get away with insulting people more easily when you're British.

what does the tekken guy respond to there?

So what would the reaction be if the protagonist was black, the guy doing the review was also black, and he made a similar comment?

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>based Harada giving absolutely no fucks
What a fucking legend.

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Absolutely based. Glad were reaching a point where the the west is getting its balls back. Slowly but surely

big surprise this board is shit

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I've seen Yea Forums criticise the generic marine archetype but never skin color.

>console exclusives are hard capped to the hardware they are being made for
Do you even understand how software and hardware works? The pic i posted proves that consoles can punch above their weight.
GPU hardware has theoretical power potential most often called tflops. And it is up to developers to get the most out of those tflops. First party developers are the BEST at this, especially Sony's first party devs.

>defending a game journalist
Now, THIS is the absolute state of nu Yea Forums

Amerilards automatically think brown and shitskin protagonists when they criticize a "white" male.
But what about a blonde white male? A ginger? Don't these people also exist? Not to these fucking liberals apparently.

I love this man.

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If the character is well written, no. Because I don't care about the skin, sex, or orientation of the character, as long as it is well written.
If the character is poorly written , then also no, because adding a black skin to a poorly written character adds precisely nothing.

I'll take 200 well written white male protagonists over poorly written diversity characters.
Just as I'll take 200 well written diversity characters over poorly written white cis males.
Why the fuck would you care about any of this shit. If you are entertained, you are entertained, that's all that matters.

It's so unprofessional to just blatantly and abruptly bring up fucking RACISM on a video games review and news platform populated mostly by kids, unbelievable.

IGN is retarded, but they've always seem to at least try to be serious about their business, wonder if anything will come of this?

>You're implying that if the same character was black he'd be more interesting somehow?
Yes, because he'd at least stand out from literally every fucking protagonist in a shooter game.

Do you not understand the concept of cherry picking, or? There are literally hundreds of games in these genres and you went out of your way to pick a handful of "unique" characters to support your argument and so-called "bland" ones to attack your opposition. What's your basis or qualification for choosing the games you did, other than they specifically fit the biased point you're trying to make?

>you're not part of this community
as much as I love SJWs being btfo, this is a weak argument in general, because it really dares for someone inside the community to come out and say "hey but I think the same!"
It just begs for one of those op-ed articles where someone is posting their collection of games in a franchise with a sob story about the fun they had with it, and how much they supported it, closing with "but I guess Im not part of this community according to the devs

It's almost as if you can't just make a well written character by their race alone.

Because we know this fucker wants to add more ugly niggas and sistaz and obnoxious "coloured" people into vidya for social moral faggotry points. (And because he hates his race. Like all libtard cuck)
We can perfectly critique the use of "boring design protagonist" without necessarily resort to create more darker skin characters, you know. No? Thought so.

>People who look different from me stand out
Woah hey calm it with the casual racism there buddy.
Race is just skin color, everyone is pink on the inside. Thank you very much.

how can you be tired of the "trope" of masculine white men in video games? It's like being tired of breathing or something.

>It's a lame cop out that tries to appeal to the lowest common denominator
they are trying to sell something. are you literally retarded?

His experience in the industry makes him more credible than any random user here.
Should he have censored himself then?
an article from the BEGINNING of 2014, before the US elections.
>Even in the personality department however, Brown-Haired White Guy seems to continually adhere to a fairly strict set of personality traits. He is angry on a scale ranging from “slightly” to “very” (with the anger often tied to the murder/kidnap of his wife/girlfriend). He is sometimes permitted to be funny or wisecracking, on the condition that his humor is (at least) slightly sardonic. He is cool under pressure, underwhelmed in the face of attacking soldiers, nuclear bombs or aliens chewing on his face.

>He didn’t ask for this, but he deals with it in the best way he can. He’s, you know, a dude. An average guy with a fairly generic backstory.

>He loves the ladies. Especially his murdered/kidnapped wife/girlfriend.

>The most likely explanation for this parade of dull, identical protagonists with little-to-no characterization is that the player character is often intended to be a blank slate onto whom the player can transplant their own personality. It’s one of the reasons that silent protagonists have enjoyed such a sustained popularity. Character arcs and colorful personality tend to be the domain of NPC’s, who are generally designed to be every bit as nuanced and unique as the player character is bland and forgettable.
>Some might argue that the way video game developers churn out titles with protagonists so devoid of distinguishing characteristics is a symptom of creative bankruptcy and a severe lack of imagination in the industry. On a more optimistic note, perhaps the fact that developers have managed to produce so many variations on the exact same theme is a testament to just how bottomless their well of creativity really is.
And on it goes, but is worth readin

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>it isn't used to represent the ideal
>it's used to represent the most well-liked and least-hated character design

I was about to write something along those lines but you worded it perfectly.


Experience in the industry factors into the topic of a characters race how? Were not discussing modeling or coding here retard.

>Remember when people told sjw's to make their own games/comics/movies
We're still telling them to do this.

>and them [sic] they did.
Show me where they've created their own original ideas instead of subverting existing franchises? What do you have? Horizon: Zero Dawn? Anything else?

>There are literally hundreds of games in these genres
Not really, at least not when it comes to making relevant comparisons. For instance, there are almost no western rpgs with pre-defined characters like in Planescape. The fact that when such a wrpg is made, the main character is immediately far more unique and unconventional than any jrpg protagonist I can think, a genre with thousands of games with pre-defined protagonists, is quite telling.

Why do you think Japanese developers dominated mainstream gaming for so long? It's precisely because they designed their games to have mass market appeal in the west, which is quite evident in their character designs.

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>i buy games because of the character design

It's funny how that pic looks bad without context, but knowing each of these characters and their personality/story flashes them out. I bet you dont even know half the characters here. Woods alone oozes personality.

Tl;dr the people complaining about white people dont play games apparently

What is it with IGN and not being able to hire a normal fucking person to write reviews?
Its as if they WANT people to write garbage like this so people will get clickbaited into calling them out on it

is IGN /our guys/?

If you disliked this video you're bluepilled and should spend more time meditating to gain true enlightenment.

Because, he knows first hand what brings studios to contribute to this trope, and beside is a bundle of stuff, is the design but also the voice and the mannerism, this article explains it well in my opinion.

Don't forget to pay Sam Harris a subscription to his quality meditation app so he can teach you how to do literally nothing and feel smart about it.

It's funny because while you are here bitching on some furry porn board, they are out there making babies and are on the path to replace your ass. You make me sick.

Because old Yea Forums loved big black space marines before /pol/ took over

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Fuck, remember Frank from Dead Rising and how they tried to bring him back several games later with a little hashtag under the impression people bought the game for him or remembered him in any way l m a o

Heard from a friend he is in very deep shit over this.

>at least not when it comes to making relevant comparisons.
that's the point entirely. you can only make "relevant comparisons" to your argument when you cherry pick, because most of those hundreds of other games in whatever given genre don't fit your argument.

>Should he have censored himself then?
If he was going to make the same comment about a black character, do you think he'd censor himself?
>as I wandered through the wasteland as another disgusting pavement ape I couldn't help but notice his fucking pavement ape name, Deshawn LaFaunDonellaquiKang, and think to myself, "Do we really need more pavement apes in video games?"
I'm sure it would have gone down really well.

>IGN willingly wants lawsuits and bad reputation

You are a fucking idiot

>user kees bringing up RPGs because it's the one genre where western design can hold its own

People who inject identity politics into everything they do and complain about "white males" they know nothing about don't play video games, you say? What gave it away?

>bald spess marine in bald spess marine game
>this one is good because he's black
>the rest are boring even though they all have the personalities of bricks including the black guy
Great example.

>white males make the kind of games they'd want to play
>the protags are white males

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>All these incels itt

Do you even know what the word you're spewing out of your ass means

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>gruff white male
Okay, I get the last two, but someone will need to explain what's wrong with being gruff to me.

>using a nigger for no reason is innovation

>can't be an incel if you're not a man anymore
Checkmate cuckboy.

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Not our fault western devs can't design unique looking white males because "muh realisum" and just rotates the design of #11032 space marine and #2030 nathan drake copy. Look at Every male MC in FF for example. They're all white, but they were design distinctly and uniquely enough that you can guess who they are just by their silhouette.

why the fuck would this description be on the tvtropes page for Enemy Mine

>Not our fault western devs can't design unique looking white males because "muh realisum" and just rotates the design of #11032 space marine and #2030 nathan drake copy.

>Look at Every male MC in FF for example. They're all white, but they were design distinctly and uniquely enough that you can guess who they are just by their silhouette.
Yeah, they're designed so unique that they don't even resemble men anymore.

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toxic masculinity


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He's meant to resemble a host you dimwit

toxic masculinity. if you aren't a subservient, effete girlboy locked in a castity cage then you're a threat to society reeeeeee

unless you're black or muslim, so dreamy uwu please impregnate me and domestically abuse me and oppress me with your patriarchal values.

>too white
imagine saying a protagonist is too black or jewish

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>Not our fault western devs can't design unique looking white males because "muh realisum" and just rotates the design of #11032 space marine and #2030 nathan drake copy.

>Nathan Drake, a character from a first-party title of Sony, a Japanese company

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1) Far Cry 3, literally chad-dudebro who all of sudden becomes a murder machine, the most memorable characters in that game where Vas, the Blitzkrieg guy and the gay rapist and that's about it.
2) Sam Fisher from splinter Cell convinction and onward, from that point he becomes more gruff, more angry, more muh daughter, less stealthy, more ruthless, is the beginning of the dawnfall for the series and the character
3) Cod Blops 2, do I really have to defend a post Cod4 character? I remember his dead father, the plot in general but there is nothing about hit that stands out he is basically a grunt.
4) Don't know him
5) Alan Wake, great game, although I think and is not necessarily bad that the overall world was greater than its protagonist who was used as a medium of sort, is a bit meta but is understandable in context, combat was good but I wish there had been a bigger learning curve, I like him
6) Bioshock Infinite is a piece of shit, and so are all his characters, Ken Levine lost his mind and the guy in charge of the script wrote that other pretentious self indulgent tripe that is Far Cry 5, the guy denies any sort of player agency in regards to the story, and is another gruff looking and sounding guy with a sad backstory related to his family.
7) You can apply the last 2 lines of what I said to him.
8) I like Nathan, even if he ends up being a mass murderer for gameplay reason, he does not take himself too seriously and seems to genuinely be a cohesive agent with the other characters, while other protagonists tends to either be passive or bounce off them, dude raider is the guy that nobody would have believed but worked hard to carve himself a space in the hall of heroes.
9) Ethan made the mistake of being in a David Cage game. He is designed to be bland, and that's what it is.
10) His character look are clearly part of the meta narrative as well, the game is trying to look generic and then his character ark is seen in both cinematics and gameplay. Cont

>anerican politics derail and ruin games again

what a surprise

Shut the fuck up you clown. Stop trying to ignore the issue. This is yet another anti-white piece of shit journalists that IGN supports. Why even tolerate this? Everything is down to race, and if you chose to accept the way they attack your race, you chose to dehumanize yourself to them.

Fuck IGN. and fuck the leftists they hire. There ought to be a retaliation.

>Not a sassy black girl who's also a cunt to everyone because she's badass n°36
shaking my head Sony, shaking my head...

>he thinks he has a rebuttal
Please "cont." I'm goint to "cont." laughing my ass off over your sheer stupidity.

Nice bait. But no hook.

>race realism is bigotry
What the fuck am I even reading

>Not a sassy black girl who's also a cunt to everyone because she's badass n°36
>shaking my head Sony, shaking my head...
Give it time

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Why do brown people routinely blame white people everywhere? Haven't you been on twitter and resetera, its mostly non-whites (particulary the ones from the low IQ races) that actively enjoy pushing this type of garbage. They get alot of support and they actively enjoying demanding the white man to solve this problem.

Post the tits

fuck off stormfag

Never head of this before but looks kinda cool, but what the fuck is going on with that draw distance? Half of the time it looks like stuff is rendered from semi decent distance but then suddenly more stuff pops in inches from the camera. Also wtf is that treeline render distance? Are we back to 2008 again?

Also why haven't I heard of this game before? I'm one of the ones that unironically enjoy openworld zombie crafting trash (most of the time) so how did this fly under my radar and the place where I finally heard about it was fucking Yea Forums of all things.

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jesus look at that honker

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He'll definitely get reprimanded for this. Check out the comments and dislikes, vid came out just a little while ago.

Incel is just a leftists way of trying to insult others by calling them virgins. Apparently, just calling others virgin has gone out of style for the leftists shithead. I wonder why? Anyone who uses that word deserves to be banned.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred because they are angry Sony has made another 90+ metacritic game

You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant after so many 60 rated metacritic games.

You Microsoft fanboys constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of classic games like Days Gone. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales or good games, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile after State Of Decay 2 was a broken mess

Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, not favored by developers and has no games.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts while leeching off delusional and evil Nintendo fanboys

Friendly reminder to Microsoft fanboys that you pioneered cancer on all platforms and you earned all the hate you get.

These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.

Days Gone will get a 90+ on Metacritic and mentally ill Microsoft fanboys will continually damage control and make disgusting lies like the evil, worthless, malicious pestilence they are

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This is sounds exactly like something soviets would say to put you in gulag. I'm not even joking.

Racism is bad. Race realism is racist. Therefore race realism is bad, so turn your brain off.

The majority of incels are ugly and repulsive brown and blacks. Statistics proves this. The genetic inferior are selected against and no amount of brainwashing can really change that.

imagine actually buying western video games in the first place

You know he watches her get gangbanged by niggers



>Race realism is racist
Race realism is based on statistical data.
>Statistics are racist
That's enough internet for today.

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Look at THESE honkers.

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That was kinda out of left field wasn't it? Even the normalfags in the comments are mad.

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Even those can't distract from it

This post hasn't got the recognition it deserves. This really is all that needs to be posted in this thread.

What a cuck.

i wanna fug those big khazar milkers

But it's racist so it's bad. I don't like racism because I am a good person :D

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Funny how few minutes of gameplay of Video Game can turn whole thread and game itself to a worldwide debate about skin color

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>The dude makes ONE comment about gruff white male protagonists which are pretty common and getting a bit boring imo

Go slit your throat. The guy brought in a racist comment against whites, that if he said about any other race, would get him fired and resetera on his ass. But this is clown world, and in clown world, we believe that races aren't equal while beliving that races aren't equal, so we have a trillion double standards and cognitive dissonances that we have to accept because clown world racial equality is the truth.

This guy deserves to be fucking fired and have his head smashed into the pavement. If more anti-whites were dealt that way, you send a message that you shouldn't attack whites.

So what is it leftists? Does racial equality exists, or are blacks genetically incapable of living in a first world civilization?

She'd make one hell of a truffle pig.

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Based af

She's italian.

Why do people even use consoles? Are they braindead?

Now you're talking like a real progressive person, good job user.


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Don't sugar coat this, he couldn't go two minutes without saying how racist he is. Because only racists honestly care what color their character is.

Fuck why are mediterranean girls so attractive. Even when they're objectively plain looking like cascina I still find them so fucking hot.

it's just the buzzword for a bland, generic character
I doubt people complain about DMC protagonists being white men

the fuck are you going on about

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>white males are autistic because they're good at STEM fields and use empirical evidence to support their beliefs

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>open world zombie survival game
>but what IS that?
Imagine being the sad cunt that thought he was gonna be hunter s thompson but had to settle for IGN.

practically the same thing. i'd make her beg me to cover her khazar milkers in my goycum either way.

He would have not made such comment about a black character because there is no equivalence to that situation, there is no overabudance of black characters, that is a false equivalence.
10) Spec Ops the line has a great character who tricks you into thinking that is for you to be, like most videogames but right at the beginning of the game it calls your name as a guest.
11) Deus Ex 2 sucked so much that even the developers admitted it
12) I don't know this guy
13) Woods is a funny guy, but is basically a walking trope from Vietnam movies.
14) Heavy fucking rain, at least Indigo Prophecy at the beginning gave you two protagonists who could bring 2 different point of views.
15) Resident Evil story has always been cheesy and the interest lied more in the atmosphere and its lore than the characters itself who tried to be B movie stars, heck the game themselves were for years dubbed in english only in spite of being japanese and are notorious for their awful voice acting which has improved only recently.
16) As a fan of Twin Peaks I can't quite comment on his character as itself, is quite peculiar, he is more than the reference he is making, although design wise it could be better.
17) BF4 guy, voiceless, faceless outside the cover, we know even less than in BF3 because the game cinematics always maintain a POV angle, we are just following orders, Bad Company 1-2 had much more charm, and also a generic looking protagonist.
18) I loved the Last of Us, Joe's great morality and gruff charade look more justified than other case because of the world he lives in, although his brother has not let himself get down to the same spot, a nice contrast.
19) Advanced Warfare, cont


listening to her read mean tweets about the character is cute. CUTE.


>that is a false equivalence.
Don't avoid the question. If he were to make a similar comment about someone with a different racial background, would he second guess his statement? His comment is racist as fuck, and every white person out there has had a fucking gut-full of it.

I remember a time when laughing about generic protagonists was due to oversaturation and not due to some fucking liberal agenda bullshitery.

this game isnt even out and its already forgettable

She's absolutely ugly and hot at the same time.

>gruff white male
I can see what he means but his way of saying it is seriously tone deaf.
He could've omitted the white part completely with nothing being lost, because the character archetype has been present for other cultures too in movies. Especially Hollywood and Asian cinema.

Only zoomers and marvel liptards liked that game, the only sell point is that: IS SPIDERMAN OMG MARVEL OMG MCU OMG SONY EXCLUSIVE OMG

my thoughts exactly.

Yep. Would shove a dick up her mouth to shut her up.

I think I might be in love

>that complete pseudo scientific garbage

Being a white person that doesn't have a crippling fear of the existence of my own race, no.

>He would have not made such comment about a black character because there is no equivalence to that situation, there is no overabudance of black characters, that is a false equivalence.
OK, fine. Take a Japanese game then, do you think he'd be complaining about the overabundance of Japanese people in Japanese games?
Do you want to move the goalposts again?

Do I need a driver license to say that the car doesn't work?

>we get this shitheap instead of Syphon Filter returning to form
why? Who even asked for this?

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In fairness character design is why I haven't bothered with Apex Legends.

shes insufferable

Man are you retarded. First because you like western shit. Secondly because you're biting the hand that feeds you.
Without the concept of consoles, exclusives and Platform Holders, these games would never exist.

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They unironically do.

where do you think you are? Yea Forums is the perfect review site, bootlicker.

She has a boyfriend. So...

>if his skin color changed, the game would be different and better
braindead slave. Kill yourself, you human waste.

Not really. We skip the whole review portion and skip straight to final score.

For now.

tumblristas and resetetards aren't normal or rational people.
Vast majority don't really care.

Threw up in my mouth and on myself, also pissed my pants and shitted and cummed.

Nothing to do with him being white, though? Or male for that matter, or gruff.
Hell, the racist over at IGN previewing the game actually praised the MC and the story, so CLEARLY those points don't matter at all, just the way the character is written.

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snoy was censored because mods are snoylent supporters, but incel will stay because it's an insult they use themselves toward all those wrongthinkers they are on a mission to silence.

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I want to explore those nostrils with my tongue

Absolutely but they're a minority of people that are weirdly influential in media for whatever reason.

who will give them welfare if they are the only tax payers and actually have to fund it?

it's an ldr. he doesn't stand a chance.

Fucking kike faggits

I hope bland whites murder you as well as arabs

things must be hard for you since the accident.

incel will stay because it's an ironic "insult" that literally only actual /pol/ tier incels get assblasted about and everyone else ignores


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Does this faggot go into mexican restaurants and complain when they don't serve him chinese food?

Not everyone is gonna want a high end PC to run games so more cost effective consoles released mainly to play games is a positive thing for people as a whole

Oneangry gamer already did that and you guys still shit on them its not that simple

is just as fucking bad. insted of being nonpartisan and simply not injecting far-left idpol he just screeches about far-right idpol instead.

desu if I was a game critic, I would just casually slide shit like that in my reviews soley to trigger Yea Forums. So hats off to IGN.

19) terribly forgettable, it had some very nice ideas, but it was too scripted, (in the movie sense) it rarely and barely let you play with the toys it gave you, also fairly sure that guy is not the protagonist with the robot hand, who acts like an impulsive idiot at the end killing Spacey dead eye character in spite of being explicitly told not to because the war would prolong.
20) Well his face in Dead Space 1 was not very important, and thus they gave him that generic look, but then Dead Space 2 and 3 made him a talking character but of course it would have been silly to change his looks too much by then.
20) Ride to Hell: Retribution, nobody is going to defend this guy or game.
21) GTA5, I have not played this one
22) The wiki says "Designer Keiji Inafune wanted Frank West to be an average person instead of the usual Japanese characters which are young and beautiful." Average it looks as average as they wanted it to.
23) Looks out of The Darkness 2 but I can't recognize him. Is not Jackie nor one of the coop protagonists.
24) People can fly's first videogame and while the project lead says that they did not intend to make him into a generic gunman, well in the grand scheme of things he does look generic, although this character came years before many of the ones in this image, I guess is a bit of a victim of the times.
25) While for me Driver San Francisco, is the most memorable of the series, and is nice that due to gameplay they introduced a whole cast of characters giving each story a bit of a silly motive, design wise he is so forgettable it took me a while to remember it, more of blank state design and backstory wise, but his voice fills the air nicely enough once you are in a mission, so the character lies more on the VA performance I guess.
26) I am Alive, unfinished, unpolished, CONT

Look up "special pleading fallacy".
"tu coque".
Is not just a matter of race, is a whole pack of features I already pointed this out.

Pull the fence out of your ass faggot.

Nothing subtle or professional about what this clown just did, though.

>reeeee you have to either be a tranny or an incel it's the law screeeeeeeech
fuck off back to your containment board, leak.

We will do it

Came here to post this. I don't begrudge Sony for making their first party game exclusive. More question, why they would make a game that involves aiming a gun, if it is primarily for Console. Watching the guy try and aim with the DS4 in this video gave me physical pain. GoW and Spiderman are games I at least would use a controller for, even if Sony grossly overestimates their hardware when making exclusives as well.

There is though, it's just your brain is too high on culture war to see it. That is what is funny to me.

>reeeee you have to either be a tranny or an incel it's the law screeeeeeeech
Quote me where I said this mong, I just called you a fence sitting mong because you are, no normal people rides the fence as hard as you. Find a more dignified way to stimulate your anus.

>why would you put more effort into something that's going to get you more guaranteed money than something that might flop on e very platform and get nothing from it
exclusives are the reason games progress. OR are you going to ignore we've seen virtually no jumps in technology since gen 7 started and everything started going multiplat?

>shitting on both left and right fringe idpol is "riding the fence"
I repeat: fuck off back to your containment board, leak.

Americans are truly subhumans that should be purged at any time. Whole world would be better.

>white people are the only racial group that will kill each other because one of them said something bad about non-whites

This is an amazing yet terrifying thing to see. How white people were calling for the lynching of the smirking magakid because the media literally pushed fake news made me witness how deep self hatred runs on the white community. Hats off the yids for pushing such a impressive feat.

Remember when Yea Forums made fun of all of the western game protags who all looked the same? The fucking election bringing so many people who don't know anything beyond pepe and wojak was a fucking mistake. It's an eternal fucking summer now.

>Americans are truly subhumans that should be purged at any time
you're free to try it any time, third worlder. i encourage you.

Ka faen e dette

upvote friends, we can make this a big sore for IGN

Calling non-idpol idpol is riding the fence like you paid it a months wage you genuine homosexual.


Fremtiden vår kompis ;=)

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Epic win bro XD

>Remember when Yea Forums made fun of all of the western game protags who all looked the same?
Of course I do. But I also remember Yea Forums never missing an opportunity to shit on IGN/Kotaku or other sites like NeoFAG.

You fags have literally killed Yea Forums with your constant "oh no its just trump voters posting here now!" crying all the time.

You got baited fags:
>who cares it's just ign, fuck those retards
>game looks like a template ps4 game and trash

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this. "Gruff White Male Protagonist" is objectively an overdone vidya trope. Though I think it stems back to GG, not just the election.

>go to Yea Forums for ad revenue
>everyone and their mothers use adblock because hiro is a gook who puts malware ads into 4chin


Enough is enough! rise up!

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I am not third worlder you can call me a nigger,incel or whatever but you subhumans destroy everything you touch and turn it to shit thats a fact. No matter if you're black,white or any other race if you're an american you are subhumans thats also a fact. American society as a whole and its influence is a reason why whole world has gone to shit in the last decade.

>not idpol
you're either billy himself or a legit retard. i'm not responding to your shitposting anymore. feel free to autistically screech the last word. I know it's important to you so that you feel like you "won"

It's not shitting on them though. You are just rolling around in your own piss and shit crying and screaming you are not mad. It is annoying. You have a fun idea to fuck with IGN...? be my guest make a thread, you want to laugh at some dumb shit? go for it, you want a support group to cry to everytime someone says "white male" find another site.

they haven't made their own games yet. co-opting existing franchises does not constitute creating your own original ideas, you drooling moron.

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>that grammar
india is a third world country you dumb pajeet.

It isn't even shitting on them for a funny reason or anything though. It's actually shitting on them for makig a point that a lot of people on Yea Forums made years ago. And yes, the election did ruin this website.

Nei du slutt, dette går for langt.
Tar heller heite russer og polakk kvinner enn sånne negresser

How dare they use a white male protagonist with a white male name in their game in 2019!

This is ridiculous.

26) Interesting ideas that never came to fruition, it was a good game only in my hopes.
27) I think most people will agree that Downpour is not worth considering and does not hold a candle to the others, heck is where the series died.
28) By a stroke of luck looking back into Silent HIll I found his face, Shattered memories is one that I meant to play but have not yet, I can only comment on his look which again do look very generic, if you look at the protagonists, even including the Walking dead guy, is as if from Silent Hill 3 and onward they went into a "generification", their looks became more bland.
29) Max Payne is awesome, but there is no denying that the intention was to mimick the noir tropes, so backstory and look wise it fit into the profile, but of course there is much more to its looks even if in Max Payne 3 he double downs on the gruff and brooding, a step back compared to MP2 ending.
30) Don't know this guy.
31) Murderer soul suspect, never played it, and never got strong reviews, came and went, I looked into as I looked forward to it but it did not inspire me. Character looks like a noir trope, as if all detectives have to look the same by trade.
32) Sniper Elite character is just a grunt who might as well not talk he exists solely for exposition, and in my local dub they even doubled down the grunting, and he looks constantly mad.
33) I abandoned Evil Within, the protagonist had no charm, the plot seemed to be trying to go for 2deep4u and then I found out that it ends on a cliffhanger, it ran poorly, the pc version was a joke, the controls wonky, the shooting unsatisfying, and it stopped being scary after the introductory cinematic mission.
34) Well he is a copy of Snake Plissken, of course he became much more than that, but the starting point was basically a copy of Snake and Rambo.
35) Generic sounding, at least you can customize the look, but me and my brother preferred the female character, the voice and look was better.

You can just, you know, not scour IGN for things to get mad it. You knew that right...? that you can just not read IGN at all infact?

uhm..werent hordes supposed to be dynamic events?

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yeah, fuck consoles and their companies for actually paying for video game development from their revenue, and already selling price efficient consoles at a loss

all hail Valve, all hail Artifact, which is their only product in the last 7 years, despite Valve literally making more money than Sony's gaming division

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Has anyone noticed that White male protagonists walk like this

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>i-im not responding to your shitposting anymore
Okay fence fucker.

why do you write like that?

If you don't support the opposition, then you are automatically an enemy of them.

>and them they did

did they?

to give the post inflection.

>Alpha Gameplay
Fucking dropped, if alphas don't look like 1.3.2 then fuck it, not interested.

it looks insanely gay though


You kikes and useful sjw idiots are getting REAL uppity these days. You mad that hate crimes are getting exposed to be the hoaxes that they usually are and that Captain Mary Sue is getting shit on?

>skip straight to final score
How is that bad? I want to know whether a game is worth a playthrough, not to know the intricities of a game, completely inerting the experience of playing it firsthand.


because he's a homosexual and they think sass lends what youre saying more weight

Sony is the publisher
Naughty Dog is the developer of Uncharted which is a western studio
Which means that guy in the picture must be you

I for one want to know WHY that score was given.

according to Yea Forums literally everygame not made in Japan is SJW propaganda/trash. So yeah.

Yea Forums literally spammed images about generic gruff white man in western games long before this shit was parroted by mainstream vidya journalists.

because the score is just an arbitrary number attached to a review. It is utterly meaningless. if you took metacritc scores of all games, you wouldn't even get a normal distribution.

If anyone wants real impressions.


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