Never ever
Never ever
Feels bad man
I wish they took the time to really flesh out dark souls 3, because since it's so half assed I almost never feel any desire to go back and replay it
Even simple stuff like Oceiros having a one hit kill charge attack with no startup frames really ruins the game for me
Fucking hang yourself
>make blatantly unfinished game
>everyone gives you a free pass
This was true for all three Dark Souls actually, but only DS2 got in shit for it. How does Miyazaki do it?
>turns out das3 was just as bad as 2 except it didn't have the excuse of 1 year development time
guess miyazaki isn't shit without sony's assistance
People constantly shit on 1 and 3 with that explicit claim though.
It wasn’t just as bad as 2.
Why are all the Souls games so unfinished? Does Miyazaki do this shit on purpose, for what reason?
DS2 still has more soul, it dared to be different.
DS3 is basically DS1's bitch, it's nothing but a giant tribute of previous succes.
it was, there was less enemy spam but the level design was worse in 3. Not to mention the swamp obsession. Healing was just as imbalanced, except instead of infinite stones you get vials that heal way too fast and way too much essentially making it the same thing since there are a million bonfire
Demons souls Ds1 up to anor londo +dlc, ds2 dlc, ds3 dlc and Bloodborne + dlc were all solid
every souls game is unfinished (DeS 6th archstone, DaS post anor londo, DaS2/3 LOL), bloodborne is arguable with those bosses in the files but playing the game itself it isn't very apparent except maybe nightmare frontier's abruptly ending
>it was,
It wasn’t.
>there was less enemy spam
Yes, I far prefer the enemy placement and behavior with regard to level design in 3.
>but the level design was worse in 3.
Provide evidence and reasoning for your claim.
>Not to mention the swamp obsession.
Tons of awful levels in 2.
>Healing was just as imbalanced,
It wasn’t, Lifegems were completely broken for PvE.
>except instead of infinite stones you get vials that heal way too fast and way too much essentially making it the same thing since there are a million bonfire
They’re not the same and this isn’t Bloodborne.
>but the level design was worse in 3.
>Provide evidence and reasoning for your claim.
play the game? 3 is far more linear with less inter-connectivity
>Tons of awful levels in 2.
I'll take variety over repetition, there are already a fuck ton of swamps and a big snow level and they put more for DLC? Suck a dick, 3 isn't free of shit levels either demon ruins is literally copy pasta'd bloodborne chalice assets among other shit
>It wasn’t, Lifegems were completely broken for PvE.
so were estus in 3. 3 is the only game in the series I've died max 5 times to a boss, I've died over 10 time at least in all the other ones
>this isn’t Bloodborne.
if it was, estus would only heal 1/3 your health with 20 vials max. That would be the equivalent of 6 mid game estuses. Instead you rape the game with 13 estus that heal a fuck ton
>nightmare frontier's abruptly ending
What do you mean?
it just sort of ends with amygdala and a chalice rune. I know it happened to BSB too but it seems more fitting there. Felt like NF was building up to something but then it just stops, like maybe a covenant akin to vilebloods after logarius
To me it felt the same as any other dead-end area in any of the other games.
Actually it was an apology for the absolute flaming shit that is Dog SHIT 2 that ruined and poisoned the series FOREVER.
>ruined and poisoned the series FOREVER.
>game that came out right after is the peak of the series and 10x better than 3
ok sweetie
Nah, Nightmare Frontier was fine. All the build up pointed to Amygdala as the boss, and the items just from exploring are pretty good.
The only area that felt unexpectedly short was Mergo's Loft - but that's only because the Brain was optional. If you had to get rid of the brain before Micolash it would have been fine.
The real unfinished part of BB are the chalice dungeons in general. Locking good bosses, weapons, runes and gems behind these shitty copy paste areas is pure laziness. A bunch of those bosses should have been in game. Like a basement section of Byrgenwerth where you fight a Pthumerian Elder/Descendant. Or after killing Wet Nurse another section of Oedon Chapel opens up and takes you through an area with Queen Yharnam at the end. Keeper of the Old Lords should have been the boss at the end of Hemwick Charnel Lane, etc etc.
I'm aware :C