3 x 15 years old games = $30 ?
3 x 15 years old games = $30 ?
They're being remastered aren't they, or were those screenshots bogus?
If there's an audience, why not?
It's a port of the 3DS collection, using the iOS assets
$10 each isn't bad, but I already have them on the 3ds
3 x 15=45
No, games get LESS expensive the older they are, not more.
It's like automobiles.
Nah, you're paying for the Souless Transformation(tm)!
The Trilogy has been released several times over. It's the same port as last time.
Nice try, but it comes with both English AND Japanese languages, with more being added later.
Why can't ever add in Apollo Justice 1 to these anthologies damnit? Hell why not all the damn games in one.
I'm talking about the art remastering, nimrod.
This is Capcom, remember?
They split the Mega Man Legacy Collection in 2.
You're right, I'm retarded.
Still, how the fuck else would they do it? It's not like they could replace the art assets with 3D models.
I won't even mind if they split up. As long as it comes. I wanna play AJ in HD too goddamnit.
the hd version is hideous. Play DS versions
so $10 a piece? Sounds like a rather reasonable pricing structure from a japanese "we sell you 10 year old geimu for $90" developers finally dipping their toes into the PC market. That's not how it works, fellahs.
I dunno anything about the franchise asside that detective/mysteries are involved, should I get it on PC?
If you play predominantly on PC, yes
Are these redrawn or the sprites with a shit ton of filters?
I believe redrawn based on the original art used to make the sprites.