>the streets of Stalingrad are no longer measured in meters
>but in body count
>at night the animals plunge into the freezing Volga to escape from the blazing inferno that is the ruined city
>The nights of Stalingrad are a terror for them Animals flee this hell
>the hardest stones cannot bear it for long
>only men can endure.
ITT multiplayer games that made us feel feels we didn't know we can feel
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to pet that cat.
Based Americans destroying nazi faggots
West front was war on rookie mod. East front was where the real fighting took place
Says the fat ass who can't even fight off a cold.
>into almost certain death
Far from it. They were surrounded by people in the same situation as them, facing the same trials alongside them. There were massive organizational machines in place to save every one of those troops they could. Operation Overlord would the single best planned activity of any kind in human history, with every capable mind in entire nations of populaces turned towards ensuring it was a success. Meanwhile random faggots in the modern day are isolated and alone, and when this makes them sad they retreat further away from their peers. They're factionalized away from their neighbour by pathetic identity politics and bickering. It's social isolation and a lack of common purpose that's tearing down our society, not just people being inherently soft.
Imagine a world where the """greatest""" generation refused to defend their kike masters from National Socialism...
retards existed in 1944, they just didn't have twitter back then
>Running into MG fire and pre-plotted artillery kill fields
>Far from certain death
>18 year olds
>average soldier age from US in ww2 was 25
>in vietnam it was 18 which would be an accurate comparison
>they all came back psychologically demolished
yeah i dont know doc
Rename this image to filthyfrankisdeadlol
>do nothing
>get bombed
These images are bullshit. We're still sending 18 year old men to die and there were pampered young adults back then too. It's odd that anyone would think that the problem with the world is that we're not sending more people to die in wars and we have the free time and safety to bitch about shit on Yea Forums.
>declare war
>get bombed
Just admit you want as many humans to die as possible you nefarious cephelapod
nice kitto
>you don't want men to die?? that must mean you want as many humans to die!
How does this work?
I will never understand why so many first worlders desire war so much and despise peace.
There is nothing better than living in a peaceful world. Meanwhile my country has been in war for 50 years and thanks to the new government's stupidity the war may ignite again.
>Running into MG fire and pre-plotted artillery kill fields
>Operation Overlord
Nigger learn some basic ass history and stop watching stupid movies.
Just edgy idiots online shitposting
Americans. They have never seen war and seem to think of it as some kind of game.
People achieve self actualization by differentiating themselves from the rest. It's "I'm not like the other girls" bullshit where they flex on what they see as a generation as bad because rather than going to war we talk about our feelings.
We need a new war. A race war.
That bald guy looks like one of the soldiers on the boat in the Saving Private Ryan intro.
No, we need a WAR RACE
But there's 18 year old soldiers today
And there were 18 year old cunts back then
So what point is trying to be made? You can't just point to a group that has it worse as a method of denying any legitimacy of criticism
You can because its funny? Because Sardonicism? Does your retarded brain comprehend jokes? Holy shit, I don't even want to imagine you in a social situation.
>everything you pull the trigger you're choking your wife
It's not a good joke. It's literal boomer humor of the same "kids these days chase pokemon creatures and I don't get it" quality.
And who the fuck are you to judge what's a good joke and not you absolute dunce. If you had any self awareness at all you'd quickly realize you're literally the embodiment of "old man yells at clouds" right now.
Dramatizations of the beach landing in movies aren't how it happened in history.
Except Dog Green sector happened exactly how it was portrayed in Saving Private Ryan. Ironic that someone telling others to learn basic history know none themselves.
Who the fuck are you to judge it as a good joke? You're getting oddly defensive over something you see as immature and stupid.
Is this joke "people complain when other people had it worse"? This is an awful joke, trying to pass off the most shallow social commentary as actual comedy with zero nuance. "Old good new bad", there's my joke, are you laughing? If you aren't hollering from the belly you must have autism
>invades sovereign nation without legal worldwide authorization
>WTF did you declare war on me!!!!
Difference is that today you can choose to sign up as an 18 year old. Back then you didn't have a choice because the draft was a thing.
It was not a planned assault of running directly into the enemy's defenses, user. It was a single sector of a far larger front where the advance met unexpected resistance, and the local troops were forced to improvise because it was that or die. Pretending it was some brave charge done eagerly by men who were perfectly willing because they were just so HARD and not a set of unfortunate circumstances placed on those men by poor planning from the lower level strategic officers is pretty ignorant.
extremely based and incredibly redpilled
So 18 year old soldiers of today have more bravery and patriotism then those from 1861-1975 since they signed up, and the government didn't have to force them
You claimed it didn't happen "because it was portrayed by hollywood lol". It actually happened. Moving goalposts won't save your ignorance.
Not necessarily no. Back then you people who were underage lying about their age and signing up. Soldiers today have significantly much better equipment and communication than back then. However I digress, point is that back then you would have been drafted and put into a life or death war and you would have had just the most basic of training and then sent off. There was no safe space for you, you had to make it yourself. Now people are complaining of needing a safe space just because people have an opposing viewpoint when those soldiers then had the deal with an opposing viewpoint in the form of a bullet coming towards them.
Can you stop making me upset that we fought on the wrong side?
>Now people are complaining of needing a safe space
There's plenty of examples of stuff like this in the past
im glad you posted wkuk
Non bias user here. The shit that went down at Dog Green sector may have been similar to the movies, but because it was due to a fluke and a majority of the assault was well planned and supported, portraying D-Day as what happened during the fluke is disingenuous. Also 1st user might have said something that implied it "didn't happen" because of Hollywood, but never made the claim outright. So this argument goes to him.
>I don't want the genetic makeup of my people sullied by inferior humans
>I don't want to hear words that hurt my feelings
Imagine thinking these are the same thing.
Like I said, plenty of examples
I guess words can actually hurt you in some way.
>supporting notsee germany
>the anti bank (except it wasn't)
>the anti jew (except it wasn't)
>would somehow remove jews from US goverment
Americans are fucking stupid.
Not the same guy, but isn't telling the Beatles to fuck off different than demanding a safe space? I'd say that in this context a safe space would be a "Beatles free zone" in universities or whatnot.
Saying they couldn't be played on the radio isn't enough?
>I don't want the genetic makeup of my people sullied by inferior humans
If that was the case what was with the rapes?
>fascist regime forces you into dying for fat cats or risk severe imprisonment or even execution
>living in a better world where you aren't forced into jumping through hoops for the rich elite because now we have "volunteers" who are soft-forced into it because they are too poor to afford education otherwise
How about this?
>Russia does the same
>Nobody cares
It's literally "I don't want to bear this kind of responcibility, give me another one plz". War requires a shit-ton of effort, but if you're a grunt you're not exactly making any decisions about your life after being drafted. Whether you live or die is mostly down to your commander's wit and/or pure luck. It's suicidal desires inherent in people mixed with desire for following something/someone bigger than yourself.
Read further up the post chain before complaining about goalpost moving you literal mongoloid.
There's a far cry from the modern "I can't handle someone thinking differently from me that I suffer a mental breakdown" to "I don't like X or Y thing"
Tough times created good people where as easy times created weak people.
I wouldn't exactly hold religious dogma used to deny people basic rights as the same as people needing safe space because someone disagreed with you on a subject.
>Americans. They have never seen war
>never seen war
You actually can't make up the kind of autism you see on Yea Forums nowadays.
>making fun of christianity
>"deny people basic rights"
Based Ruskies
It's called free speech, commie
You make it sound like people are reading minds to get offended, and these protests were far from as simple as "I don't like this", many campaigns sought to prevent any consumption of what was being campaigned against, some were successful
Sounds like an improvement
Is it really a joke when the only purpose is make you feel bad about the state of the world today?
>dying is good
Why are larpers so fucking retarded?
Well yes that's exactly what they did. Everywhere from objecting who you choose to marry to when you can have sex and from what contraception you can use.
[Reading Comprehension: 0]
What's the name of the fallacy where you reduce something to its most basic assumption thus strip it of its actual meaning. Because that's what you did. Congratulations.
Explain how making fun of someone's religion is denying their basic rights. I'm in need of a good laugh.
Man, Firsties are so bored and "depressed" from having everything they want to have a war for fun. Having lived in it, it's not something I want to see ever again.
Yes. Bill Hicks, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin and many other comedy legends based their entire acts around just that.
>You make it sound like people are reading minds to get offended
In modern times? Yeah they actually are and it leads to massive amounts of misconstrued statements. Like you say something about not liking how particularly stick thin a certain female model looks because she looks almost anorexic and you're lambasted apparently for being a misogynistic body shamer when really you're just concerned about whether she's actually eating properly and not under any absurd pressure.
>And these protests were far from as simple as "I don't like this", many campaigns sought to prevent any consumption of what was being campaigned against, some were successful
Some of them were, most if it came down to scaremongering and F.U.D.
Except that's not what's the point being made here? My original point had nothing to do at all about criticising religion as denying basic rights. My point was that people were using religious dogma to DENY OTHERS basic rights. I have no idea how you even got that mixed up.
Eh, you see it way too one-sided. Todays armies also have a ton of nihilistic maniacs which sign up because they literally enjoy murdering people and pain. And then these maniacs get whipped into shape like angry pitbulls and somebody lets them off the leash in some 3rd world shithole. The problem of todays world is not that there are deviations to some societal extremes, it is the deviations themselves which are too high. Today you often either have soft crybabies or madmen roaming the streets, level-headed people are in short supply nowadays.
rather not wrong dare I say
You literally just said making fun of religion is denying someone's basic rights. Retard.
Try reading properly user. You are clearly confused.
But isn't half this board in desire of a safe place from discord trannies out to black mail them with words?
God bless the U.S.
Nobody is holding you back from joining the military and yet you're here on an anime imageboard being a hypocritical idiot. Off yourself my man
Sounds like the McCarthy trials where you could be labeled communist for having red curtains
I wish people stopped being so fucking obssesed with WWI.
You're right brother. Dying for a cause is much better. Allahu akbar!
"I wouldn't exactly hold religious dogma used to deny people basic rights as the same as people needing safe space because someone disagreed with you on a subject."
At what point of this statement does it say "making fun of religious people is denying them their basic rights. Seriously you need to learn to read correctly here.
>military is formed out of necessity by and for the American people to preserve dmocracy and freedom
>military is formed out of corporate greed by goys for Jews to genocide and exploit the middle east for its natural resources
I wouldn't say my view is one sided but rather the view from my experiences growing up in this country and the history of events that lead to as it is now. For that matter i'm not talking about the USA so I can't really put any input on what it was like for that time other than what I read in history books and historian testimony.
Read the earlier posts you dumb nigger.
You are rather confused individual
This thread wasnt intended to derail from the OP
I mean that's a rather scary comparison but it's not too far off in some cases.
>Like you say something about not liking how particularly stick thin a certain female model looks because she looks almost anorexic and you're lambasted apparently for being a misogynistic body shamer
If you can find any examples, you know they are the vocal minority, something that has always existed, but has never been the most extreme dozen still get a platform
>most if it came down to scaremongering and F.U.D.
So they got emotional about something to the point where they tried to prevent other people from experiencing what they think they would experience
Do it again Bomber Harris!
None of those posts from earlier were mine you jive talking turkey fellating furry.
It’s kikes on one side, and the muslims and Marxists on the other.
Israel is our friend
You know ever since those logs leaked of lefties unironically pulling gay discord ops against Yea Forums boards I stopped replying to or taking any left-leaning post seriously. You should all do the same.
no they are just dumb
Yea that's the word
Yes user, you NEED to fly halfway around the world and have your legs blown off when you walk past an IED-rigged dog corpse so that Israel can defend you from the ragheads who live in caves.
Jews rock!!! While you're at it, cut off your disgusting foreskin, it displeases your masters!
>if they dissent, they are shills
>if they are shill, their argument is invalid
A good idea doesn't need a mountain of shills flooding a board to become accepted. A bad one does.
It's this kind of thinking that leads to the Goy in Chief we have in the White House right now.
>logs of proof showing exactly what you're doing
>does the exact same thing in the logs then critiques the logs
Wew, I knew lefties were dumb but... l a d
>everyone I don't like is the tranny illuminati
>If you can find any examples, you know they are the vocal minority, something that has always existed, but has never been the most extreme dozen still get a platform
You're right in that it has always existed but it's not really a vocal minory anymore and with social media the extreme dozen end up literally being several thousands now.
>So they got emotional about something to the point where they tried to prevent other people from experiencing what they think they would experience
Yes they are getting emotional which is what is happening now with current rendition of safe spaces. You have individuals now who are being challenged with something that contradicts their understanding of the world and/or even past events and they have no emotional capacity to handle it and refuse to listen. I will say though that the fault is not entirely with them as most people and especially some kids are not actually taught to properly manage their emotions. Like a very basic fundamental instinct is that when someone hurts you then you have this instinctive desire to hurt them back because that's innate in all of us. Takes some work to teach some people that just because someone said something mean to hurt you doesn't mean you go throw a rock at their face even if you really want to do it. You look at cases today of cyberbullying being overexaggerated in media to the point where real actual bullying starts to go unnoticed, don't take my word for it but Dan Olweus who is considered the founding father of research matters in bullying even points this out. Cyberbullying is easy to deal with, it's real world bullying that's still the big issue and needs to be addressed according to him.
Show the actual server names
Yes, and?
>greatest gen apologism
Niggers caused biggest wasteful wars and social experiment failures in rehentelyjä history. Also, political correctness was way bigger thing back then, dumb faggot.
>Never posts server names
>Never shows more but cropped screencaps of two-three people
>Never gives invites to raid the trannies
I'm starting to think you guys are faking
Are lefties incapable of arguing without relying on picking apart semantics and circular argumentation (ie I have no argument)?
It's often the opposite on Yea Forums because everyone is contrarian and would rather believe in something completely ridiculous rather than the truth as long as it fits their narrative.
Not that I'm really arguing in favor of lefties or am invested in that argument of yours, I just thought your post was a little off the mark.
>blatantly denying masses of logs detailing exactly what they're doing
Libbies really are the easiest to argue against, because you don't even need to argue. You just show them proof their entire foundation is wrong and watch them freak out.
Fug :------DDDD
Yes it was. And if OP really didn't expect this he's incredibly retarded
They've been posted countless times on /pol/
You're fighting an axiom here bud
It's extra funny because in 1944 there were definitely still teenagers that were pussies.
And you just KNOW that OP would have been one of those pussies from any era.
I want to fuck that dragon.
Okay, then post them here. It shouldn't be hard if they "posted countless times", no?
Or are you one of those faggots who makes shit up and then says "lol google it" when others ask for proof.
Nah man, theyre storming the virtual beaches of the internet now.
This. Real heroes walk among us.
It's true though, most American infantry didn't kill, most of the killing was done by artillery and air-bombing.
No, both sides are storming beaches. Theyre all coming for shit I like. They need to fuck off the internet
>the extreme dozen end up literally being several thousands now.
I'll agree with this, I think dozen I stated in my previous post were they absolute extremes, but with society as a whole drifting more towards the center since the 40s, it leads to more extremist simply because more people are respectful of people's freedoms now, leaving those that aren't to be the extremists
As for your second point, again, I agree, but these emotional overreactions are clearly nothing new, I think you bring up a good point in that we're trying to deal with new problems and just forgetting the old problems
I was more alluding to the fact that americans have never fought a war on their own soil, only far away. To them, war truly is a game, since it has never costed them anything on a personal level. Meanwhile most of Europe will be able to name at least one ancestor dead in war.
lmao. burgerfats and toothless bongistanians died in the thousands to ensure their daughters would have access to black bulls and taxpayer funded abortions.
That too.
That's why the Vietnam War was disliked, it was the first time American civilians actually saw war and all its horrors.
The people in this picture aren't wrong
I guess since we understand each other then all we can do now is just play video games.
>I like [video game]
How is race mixing communism
are you speaking of modern americans who are generationally divorced from the american civil war and such?
We do regular civil war reenactments in the states.
>America, a country founded by fighting on their own lands to secure independence
>never fought a war on their own soil
Who do you think has been promoting it?
>americans have never fought a war on their own soil
>the american revolution
>war of 1812
>There were no 18 year olds in WW2
Is this what you're claiming? Becuase nobody said they were ALL 18 years old.
Is this a literal boomer meme?
mexican-american war
civil war
2000 farmers with frontloaded muskets and an artillery piece going at it does not count as war. Neither did pitched battles in medieval Europe. Those things are practically safe and harmless sports activities compared to what war became since the World Wars.
Answer the question, how is race mixing communism
fascism is objectively better
>society shaped around war
>will never be conquered
>kill subhumans, improve the gene pool
>fat cats just want to colonise, they need your help, so you get free land
>lulled into cuckoldry by globohomo
>culture is derided and commercialised
>bad genetics thrive
>your country slowly being sold to chinese, indians, niggers and god knows who else
>immigrants hogging resources thus lowering birth rate
Communism preaches that everyone should be equal and races clearly not equal so the only way to make them equal is to force them to mix together in the same way they force people to share the same economic status.
This nigga hit the crux of the issue
their situations are incomparable
>fascism is objectively better
>Civil war
> The war accounted for more American deaths than in all other U.S. wars combined.
>200,000+ killed in action/died of wounds
>61,000 died as POW
>500,000 wounded (but not killed) in action
>400,000 disease deaths
>50,000 free civilians dead
American Civil War was akin to an American apocalypse.
Literally nothing. The only reason warmongering keeps being politically acceptable in the USA is because of this isolation from the consequences of war.
Too bad common purpose can only ever be a scam. The people enlisted for war were tools in the end. I'd rather not be one.
Australian Aboriginals aside the races are equal enough for it to not matter.
>12 person multiplayer Stellaris game, right after Megacorp dropped. No AI, small galaxy
>I go to war with my neighbouring player after he steals my land
>losing badly
>sell half my population into slavery on the galactic market
>use the money to build a grand fleet and win the war
Felt pretty good. Sad part was I spent the rest of the game playing from behind because the war destroyed my economy progression. I guess that's what happens when you sell half your population into slavery.
A few things
How is race mixing necessary in communism if they're already abolishing private property and exploitation of labor? They wanted a classless society, they never stated they wanted a raceless society
And are communists the only people that race mix? I know the communist party of America were helping out the civil rights, but do you genuinely believe that race mixing is communism, therefore anyone in an interracial relationship is a communist
That guys a retard but you're even worse
Sick fuck
>fascist regime forces tou into dying for fat cats
So you've never read a single ww2 german memoir
Europeans are explorers and conquerors, they need war or they stagnate.
If we don't go to war soon it'll too late for Europeans to ever recover.
I'd rather liberate Europe and the West from the invaders than to watch my people slowly die and get replaced.
Even if we lose the war at least we don't go down without a fight.
I bet every single one of them was happy to be there.
Marxist communism calls for revolution and in that revolution the destruction of the nation, church, community, family unit, and ultimately the individual. I'm not even speaking hyperbole, these are the actual claims of marxist communism. Having an ethnically defined community must be done away with, for communism to be possible. Having a unique identity must be done away with, for communism to be possible. What better way to do that than to race mix into one homogeneous entity?
>It's beautiful
>too bad common purpose can only ever be a scam.
I mean, we're all biological beings. Which means we all have one basic, overriding urge to NOT DIE, one would assume.
Race mixing is necessary in communism to create sameness. They want everyone and everything to be the same so if you have a person with lighter skin and a person with darker skin then they are not the same. If one person is more intelligent than another person then they are not the same. If one person is stronger than another person then they are not the same.
>the people that built the greatest civilization on Earth are similar enough to people that still live in mud huts and kill albinos because they believe their blood is magical
Fascist from Yea Forums here
Communism has nothing to do with race anything more than italian fascism does.
Racial mixture wasnt even considered in post war Russia, they were more concerned about living through the reign of a narcissistic lunatic murdering millions of their comrades for wrongthink. That aside, Marx himself was strongly against "social socialism", he advocated for "scientific socialism" and strongly opposed followers of his who tried to twist his theories into social movements about race, gender, or any kind of perceived inequality of that nature. He believed all conflicts in history was a result of economic forces and ultimately class conflict. He didnt necessarily deny the existence of biological inequality to my knowledge. I admit I couldnt slog through Capital, it was too fucking boring.
You and the people in that picture and conflating modern neo-marxists with communism.
Not him, but I'd say 'communism' is dead and gone in America, and Frankfurt school style cultural marxism is the farthest left ideology practiced with any seriousness today. For that ideology, race mixing is integral and a raceless society is explicitly the goal.
Yeah and thats why most old people are self centered assholes
Good post
Anti-war faggots piss me off, its a modern disease influenced by propaganda like All Quiet on the Western Front
Everybody should read Ernst Jünger
Are you guys retarded? Under Marx's ideal communist society, social relations are based on freely associated individuals
A "raceless" society is explicitly the goal for *every* society, the difference is how you get there.
are conflating*
Pretty much
There are some people out there who are 'real' communists, Leninists and Trotskyists. But the majority are Stalin fans, literal street shitting mongoloids who havent read a book in their life and play dress up as they go to bash le fash.
Which unfortunately is much the same as modern "fascists", or "internet nazis" as I call them. The majority of /pol/ and other places online that regurgitate infographics and "facts" they heard, they dont actually read the literature or try to engage with the philosophy beyond *muh white race*. Which is a real shame.
The Philosphy and The Doctrine of Fascism is truly beautiful, and in my opinion its the closest we ever got to realizing Plato's Callipolis before they strayed from their noble ideal.
Nah people are just being pussies. The tools to connect are there, people just aren't using them or making any effort to help themselves.
Gayest thing i've ever stopped reading in the middle. How cringey can you get?
Stop watching American war movies and pick up a history book, man.
>be americanski GI
>battle of bastogne
>get into small unit action with some germans
>pull your 1911 after your M1 runs dry
>chopped up by hitler's buzzsaw
>nazis picking through the carnage
>18 year old conscript spots your pistol
>takes it
>not only did you die and lose your weapon, but now some greasy kid is jacking off to your wife
War is hell
Long periods of peace romanticize war in peoples mind. Americans are even worse because you can't understand war if it isn't on your doorstep. They were never invaded by an army, their cities were never burned down, they didn't have to run for their life leaving everything behind.
>I don't know the ideology of communism, so I will attach everything I dislike to it
I don't even like communism either, but you guys are too retarded. I didn't start this by defending communism, I started by saying race mixing is not communism
You're retarded
>this level of delusion
Did you even read my posts? I agree with you.
>1944, 18 year olds are the puppets of evil
>2015, 18 year olds are the puppets of evil
At the bottom of a pigpile
Person X sits
Tangled up in trunks and limbs
The room is so full of fucking opinions
That only the biggest people can move at all
And when they do
Which is on the border of desperation
Some poor little unfortunate gets pinched in the process
And gets hurt
And starts shrieking
And if anybody is bleeding
They are immediately taken out
By two gorillas who take them to the main chimp
Who brow-beats them and decides to feed them fewer bananas
If none of these treatments work to stop the bleeding
They are carted off to the zoo Otherwise, we wait and sleep and sleep and wait
And scream and wait and scream again
So welcome to the hospital, you stupid animal
>t.keyboard jockey/POG whose never served
Less than half the 18 year old were axis aka evil.
ie. individuals with no racial distinguishments
>blockade oil from a country at war for their existence
>pretend this isnt an act of war and you were attacked for no reason
>drop nuclear bomb on country, vaporising 200,000 civilians in an instant
>pretend this isnt the worst war crime in history
>get involved with a conflict that you stayed out of for the whole war (and were planning on only taking the side of the winner, see the war games against Britain and the potential allegiance to Germany) and jump in at the last moment to take all the credit
>invent a swathe of propaganda to brainwash your public into believing it was to "protect freedom from the evil nartzees who wanted to conquer the world" and totally not just russia
All politics are identity politics, it's only a problem now because of diversity.
You made your bed, lay in it and stfu.
In the reserves champ
Yes, I meant to tag you in another post about how cultural Marxism is the boogeyman for alt-righters, although I agree with you on an assumption I'm about to make about you. Stalinists should be sent to the gulags to get them closer to their hero, and all communists are retarded
Then again I'm a socialist, you probably have thoughts about me as well
What an asinine post. You can't be over 22.
War used to actually be fought with honor and respect for the enemy until WW1 tho the Napoleonic wars sowed the seeds.
As a fascist I've got much more in common with a socialist than a capitalist.
Mussolini was a marxist before coming up with corporatism/syndicalism.
We have many of the same issues with society. Its these stupid historical conflicts that stop us from talking about them and focusing on the common enemy, international capitalism.
You're retarded, stfu.
Marx talked about race, he thought they were already equal
Nailed it. You're underage as fuck. Protip no one's opinions matter until 25. If I had my way that's when people would get the vote. Your brain is undeveloped.