What games, in your opinion, go on for way too long?
What games, in your opinion, go on for way too long?
I straight up disagree. I think Odin Sphere is a good length for what it was trying to be.
horizon zero dawn
You didn't find it repetitive the third time you have to restart the game as a new character at level 1? Or the fourth? Or the fifth?
The game is amazing to play and it's absolutely gorgeous, but I just couldn't do it anymore.
Not only does odin sphere not take very long at all to finish, the ending to the Odette story is satisfying enough that anyone who got tired of the game just after that point were probably able to put it away without trouble- Which is a sign of a well paced game.
Story driven games? No such thing.
But there are plenty grinding games that filled with absolutely useless padding instead of real content. Like Darkest Dungeon, for example.
My life
I love it, but holy shit just end for real already.
there was literally no good reason for this shit to drag on as long as it did
As bad as VII?
>25 hours
Game moves twice as fast when you absorb souls into your weapon instead of using them to grow food.
You're right. Dragon's Crown was better in every way.
I hated OdinSphere by the 4th characters playthrough. However the final boss rush was a great way to end it
Honestly no, I was kind of annoyed the second time but after I played more it grew on me.
The characters played differently. I also tried out different builds as well as learned how to became more efficient with food and potions. Different enemies became stronger at different points as well.
It goes on for too long because it recycles stages and bosses. If the same story was told without so much repetition it would have been perfect.
this company has never made a good game. ever.
cringe and bluepilled
I disagree about Odin Sphere. The length is fine, while it didn't bothet me, the repitition of stages and bosses would definitely bother some. Though I have yet to play the remake so can't comment on wjat it is like.
>world literally ends
>basically everyone dies
>most of the main characters live
>except for Mercedes
Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
That's not its problem. The problem is the lack of variety in stages and enemies.
Does the protag in this game at least to hook up with the warrior chick, or does he have a nice domestic doormat waiting at home?
i'm not sure i'd include the artificial repetition bullshit of bravely default. maybe only in a very technical sense. the actual story of the game doesn't go on too long outside of the one mindlessly and literally repeating part.
He's got a girl back in his hometown, but she's only really at the start of the game. She pops up here and there, but that's about it.
Jade (the warrior chick) actually has a lot more of a history and connection to the MC than the village girl though. So I have no idea why they didn't make her his waifu.
The story length is fine, it's just that each and every area in the game can and will occupy you for a while so when you actually get around to the plot it feels like things are moving at a glacial pace.
It also doesn't help that the game keeps doing the "go check on some mcguffin on the other part of the continent then we'll see what's what" for like .. 10 times.
In my opinion "going on too long" would mean dragging on well after the core systems of the game have been mastered, and in that sense I'd have to say MGSV. The game teaches you how to break itself with tranqs and fultons within the first 2-3 missions then you have to slog through another 45+ main missions and potentially 150 side ops of the same tranq fulton strategy unless you purposely want to gimp yourself and make things artificially harder, not to mention the fairly small and bland "open world" that basically only has one type of enemy in it.
Because Japan. They're pretty redpilled in general, but the main DQ audience in particular is in their 40s and want their self-insert's women to be as bland as their own wives.
That's why I persistently stand with the idea that the game is about Vaan and Penelo actively hijacking the princess' group for their own gains.
Most Japanese games. Tutorials are always overly long and any RPGs are full of mindless grinding.
Nier: Automata
the B route is such a slog
replaying the first route just with a less interesting to play character for what amounts to maybe 15 minutes of extra cutscenes
Only Velvet's campaign is thoroughly awful.
In switch re-release they will add new romance options.
There's 2 girls in party with solid connections to MC that can easily turn romantic.
Should have ended after the final boss "dies" the first time.
So it's the polar opposite Lufia 2 where the Domestic girl joins your party, learns how to fight, can be a valuable member of the team... but gets shafted, wrongly called out as too weak to fight, and dumped in favor of a warrior girl who barely had any scenes with the MC.
I wasn't terribly invested in the relationship, but the game goes so far out of it's way to spite player agency that they have a 10 minute cutscene of the character's enjoying married life before continuing back into the story. I never dropped a game a faster.
And don't get me fucking started on Grandia. You can't fucking encourage a person to invest so much fucking grinding time and power ups to teach a character different weapon attacks and magic and then force that character out of the party permanently like that. fuck you so fucking much I FUCKING HATE YOU!!
my nigga, this game was the shit.
the witcher 3
first you have your three main quest lines while you explore the three parts of the world most likely doing all or most of the sidequests at the same time
then the battle at kaer morhen happens
then comes bald mountain and it already feels like the game is ramping up
instead it's slowing down again and sends you back to do a bunch of main missions in novigrad, which feels kind of weird but works out because those missions are all pretty interesting and plot relevant
then you think it's coming to a close but they still give you another batch of bullshit missions in skellige before the final battle
that last batch of missions (none of witch are really great) should have just been cut, they really destroy the pacing
It's not as infuriating as that sounds. You spend time with pic related at the start of the game and she's presented as your childhood friend. Once you leave the village and travel around a bit, the MC spends a lot of time with Jade since she joins your party. And as the game goes on, you learn more and more about how the MC and Jade are connected.
Village girl only really shows up again for a bit and hangs out in the town. You can quite easily forget her existence entirely and OTP the MC and Jade.
Oh don't get me wrong. DQ has done wedding stuff plenty of times before, and I'm sure they know what they're doing (and I'm pretty sure the switch version is getting a Jade ending anyway).
anger was strictly toward Grandia. It's like when Monster Rancher kills your monster after after you've trained it for a few years, only instead of the monster dieing, the game decides for you that your monster is too weak to fight, and tells you that your player sent him away.
I just took a few month break between stories and always found it fun to go back to.
man, i had forgotten all about grandia. 11 year old me did the same thing back when that game came out. first I assumed her leaving was temporary since the egg you get when she leaves was shit and didn't at all equate to the time spent building her up, then I ragequit the game once i looked online and found out she doesn't come back. it's been 22 years since I've played that game. I should go back and finish it.
also tia is a beta friendzoned bitch and was since the very beginning, and if you had played the first game you'd know maxim and selen were destined for each other.
Nope, because like the other guy said you're seeing new parts of the story and re-learning new characters.
The only 'maybe' here is the lack of variation in stages but even then Leifthrasir was a lot better with that than the original game.
Oh, that was the real shit there since it's not like plenty of JRPGs have kids that tow along the entire game or anything, how were you supposed to expect that!?
At the beginning of Cornelius I thought it would be, but each character is so varied it doesnt feel stale and seeing the different perspectives was nice. The only complaint I'd have is that they probably should have opened with Velvet because she's the slowest character in the game.
It's the worst type of too long too, with everything that matters and makes the game fun being crunched in the later portion of the game.
Even the story, the first third of the game is about fixing a water fontain, that's your quest for 15 hours.
The greatest 2D beat em ups of all time are like an hour or so long, Odin Sphere is 30+
I like the game and bought it twice, but it’s definitely padded to hell and back.
Persona 5.
why did the price for physical copies of odin sphere spike so much recently? I remember it being like 15 bucks but now it's at 30-40
dragon quest XI
I've clocked over 100 hours and still no where near beating it
100% agree on that one. this shit just wouldn't end and the story is mediocre as fuck. gameplay and art/sound is really nice though.
I absolutely loved this game after the first route, but it was all downhill from there. 4/5 of the game are recycled, what the fuck.
Definitely Persona 5. I never played another game like it. The amount of filler and useless content is crazy insane.
For real. Persona 3 and 4 worked well because they were 60-70 hour adventures with a good amount of story, a good amount of gameplay, and a good amount of side activities/social links. I have also never seen another game waste your time like persona 5 does.