Games don't have souls. They're computer generated programs printed on a disc and/or cartridge for our entertainment
it has soul but it's too bland
Soulless means new game that is popular, right?
mario game #100000000000000
wow sure looks great dood
cant wait to jump on stuff
I liked it.
it's just more BING BING WAHOO. get over it.
the hard work and passion of the developers is what gives games a soul
a shitty unoriginal cash grab made with no passion like the game in the op is soulless
97 and seething.
npcs(the majority of human population) don't have souls so of course they can't notice if a game is soulless, for them there is no difference between a soulless and a soulful game
it could have scored 100 and sold billions but nothing changes the fact that it lacks soul
All videogames are cashgrabs, you were just a stupid kid and didn't realize it
>It's no masterpiece
explain games like zelda botw then
the ip is well known and would have sold no matter what, but instead of making a cheap copypaste of the older games(most fans would have been content with that) they decided to change everything and take risks, because they genuinelly wanted to make something great
I didn't even like botw but I can clearly see that it has soul, unlike odissey
There's more love, care and attention in Mario Odyssey than 90% of all video games ever made.
Please stay and seething little baby just because Nintendo made yet another great game
what a trash video. joseph anderson is a hack. none of his criticisms hold any water and he completely misses the point of a few design decisions that he bases his entire critique on. I wish i could get those 2 hours of my life back, what a fucking waste.
>lazy skyrim clone
>taking risks
This is the second worst 3D mario game after 3D Land. Almost all of the kingdoms are bland and the game is incredibly easy to beat, including all of post game.
What part of all video games are cash grabs did you not understand? Nostalgia and bias have made you retarded.
The NPC is you.
You have to wake up every day in a world where Mario Odyssey is one of the highest rated games of all time and there's nothing you can do. Nothing. How do you cope?
Kek these shit opinions. Nobody gives two fucks what you think. See?
It's the best game on the Switch and IMO should've been the launch title
>darker side is incredibly easy
nigger what
By your logic, no one gives a fuck what you would think, moron
Cope harder
like I said, if they were just cash grabs no one would feel the need to innovate, if your ip is famous and sells you can just do a cheap more of the same and make easy money
why some developers don't do it? because they're humans, they have a soul and realize tha money is not the only thing that matters, they want to leave a piece of them behind
you are a soulless npc if you can't understand that
>no one gives a fuck what you would think
Yes nobody does. But the difference between you and is that *I* think Mario Odyssey is fucking amazing. And *I* wake up every day in a world where Mario Odyssey is considered fucking amazing by the vast majority of Planet Earth.
You have to wake up and seethe. Whats that like?
go to bed Gladium
or at the very least stick to BOTW threads
The only reason people think this game feels """soulless""" compared to other marios is because the absurd amount of moons devalues how good it feels to get a moon
it's as good as 64. keep whining.
Literally no argument. Oh well.
I dont get how anyone could ever argue odyssey is bad when it takes the ONE thing that made Mario 64 a timeless masterpiece (Its movement mechanics) and expanded on them massively
if you think super mario 64 is good and odyssey isnt youre missing the point
if you think all platform collectathons are bad then odyssey just isnt your genre
>Missing 9 purple coins in Bubblaine
>Thought I've explored literally every inch of the kingdom
>Can't find where they are so leave
Kind of lame.
What is the appeal of Mario? I honestly don't get it
its satisfying to move mario around
thats it
Nintendo make fun and engaging video games. This is alien concept to a generation of kids weaned on shit gaming experiences.
I think part of it is that they nerfed parts of Mario's old moveset so certain aspects of it feel lackluster compared to 64. Stringing a bunch of long jumps in 64 to gain distance feels a lot more satisfying than just mashing the Y button and holding crouch to roll around and a lot of people have commented on how short Mario's wall jump is in SMO
Id say the truck load of hat mechanics make up for shorter long jumps and shorter wall jumps
i will agree the roll is weird and out of place though
It simply feels good to play. Level design in terms of mechanics and visuals are often quite clever. Its just a damn solid videogame series.
remember when you had that toy when you were younger that you loved and would use every time you would play
thats mario
Can I do all the moves without motion controls?
Is it pro controller compatible?
Good to hear, thanks.
I have the game and got to fossil falls but kinda put it off ever since because I got addicted to BotW and am still playing smash
>all the moves without motion controls
Throwing down requires a ground pound and you can't throw up, but you don't really need either since you can tap Y again to have Cappy home in.
>Is it pro controller compatible?
Also before some idiot chimes in, no you don't require motion controls for ANY moon. That includes the one in the air that needs the frog, the one with the Cheep Cheep that requires spinning (which you can do with the stick) and the one in the desert with the Bullet Bill.
You'll be fine with the pro controller, it's just a little harder to do the motions. There are some moons that are much harder to do without motion controls so it wouldn't hurt to use them in those cases.