>notification: user wants to be your friend
>have to close game and lay down for 2 hours
Notification: user wants to be your friend
>the fag that hates trannies and twinks
I'm literally doomed on this board
>get a (you) on Yea Forums
>palms get sweaty
>have no issues speaking in voice chat once I'm in
>always have a problem joining in the first place
Whats wrong with me
Who's that cute little faggot
sounds cute
>get a friend request
>close the game and play something else for a little while
>come back to the same game and never see them again
Cmon user, being a ghost isn’t that hard
I've never once received a friend request and I've never spoken to any of the people that I sent requests to
Why you such a bitch despite being gay?
Can I be your friend user
I do too.
It's probably some 10 year old who sends friend requests to everyone.
I might have this reaction to an email from a peer or something after asking them out, but a Yea Forums post? That's weak.
>en masse friend fags and immediately ask them for lewds
>Friend Request
>Oh hey click on this totally legit link
All the fucking time.
>start an argument
>some guy takes your side
>slowly back away from the conversation and let them duke it out
Yea, same here
reminder for meowie to kill itself
i always found her eyes terrifying.
who's the "girl" in the pic?
>Get a (You)
>It's someone who disagrees with your point
>Start a long, multi-paragraph post spanning argument
>Neither of you back off until the thread maxes out and 404s and several hours of both of your lives have been wasted
>mods made his porn link spam filtered
Is he really too stupid to put a (dot)?
>knees get weak
>arms are heavy
>see two anons arguing
>hijack the argument by pretending to be one of them and saying something really stupid
>watch my victim get BTFO and try uselessly to disown my stupid post
>Start losing argument
>Running out of arguments
>Someone else jumps in with fresh ammunition for your side
>Cease all involvement
I was playing a star wars rp server on gmod. We all lined up to say why we wanted to be storm troopers, I pretended to afk briefly and disconnect the router.
I can relate to the OP so much. I wish I was able to make friends like a normal person.
>state my genuine opinion
>random user insults me
>lay down and think what I did wrong
fuck off slut
shut up fag, no one wants to here your bitch shit
>play a game of league well
>get a friend request
>immediately decline it and log out
I-I don't want to disappoint them in the next game when I play like shit
dumb idiot
have you tried having better opinions
>Is he really too stupid to put a (dot)?
Yes. that's your brain on HRT
>get more than a couple (You)s
>start softly giggling for some reason
LF cute bf to game with preferably mmos
>Make bait post
>Get legitimately angry when person rightfully calls me a stupid retard
>Spend 2 hours arguing a point I don't agree with
I think I actually have autism
>Add every single person I play with
>Accept all incoming friend requests
>Constantly talking to every single friend on my list
>get a friend / guild / clan / group / discord etc invite
>politely decline without any reason
>cry inside
I want to change, but I can't
what the heck did I do?
is boipucci worth the smell?
discord should be fucking nuked
kill your self
I don't mind if you disappoint me user, I just want friends
>see a differing opinion
>in a shit mood
>snap at him
>user responds meekly
>actually feel terrible and close the tab
>state my genuine opinion
>every anons on planet earth disagree with me
>still think I'm right and other anons are dumb
cute bf(gf((bf)) here
>notification: user wants to be your fri
it's that simple
this is truly the best feeling
You're the devil
I’m just happy to know there are others out there
are you me???
kill yourself
>write a post that I know is going to get a lot of (You)s
>start laughing loudly to myself already before even hitting submit
I've only gotten a friend request once after a game and it was some support """female""" looking for a paypig
>someone makes a flamboyantly retarded post
>I spend minutes typing up the worst possible insults and logical refutations I can muster with the entirety of my ability
>"lol seething incel"
>don't feel like putting in any effort for (you)'s
>post this image
>people actually think i'm a tranny
be a dumb fag
Let me be your friend user
>laughing so fucking hard at my own joke I can barely type it out
>post it
>no replies
it's not 'what' but 'who,' and the answer is everybody
fuck off tranny you aren't fooling anyone
>Long, drawn out response to autistic post
>Keep replying anyways
>Every post gets another "SEETHING"
>Know they are just egging me on at that point, but can't stop
I don't remember making this post
>ugly black guy irl
>use anime girl and pretend to act cute and shy online
anyone else know this feel bros?
The happiest time I had as a gamer was playing FFXI, it was hard as shit but the game requiring xp parties forced you to make friends and it was great. Looking back on it now I don't know how I ever made it to endgame and actually accomplished shit in that game, or if I could even do it again with how anti-social modern MMOs have made me, but I'll always treasure those memories and friendships I made playing that game.
I don't think you understood my post, user.. I'm not able to make friends! How the heck would I manage to lewd people!?
Imagining being a passionate devils advocate, the fucking irony
kill yourself tranny
>be cute irl and not black
>use anime pictures to convey my cuteness
ya idk that feel
Hit the gym, shave your legs, become some anons girlfriend(male)
>get an impression from a post that the user is gay and submissive
>call them out on their fagginess and berate them for it
>they get hard and compliment me for it
You homos really are all the same
Not even them but I do that shit all the time, usually because I just genuinely dislike the person arguing and not what's being argued
lol retard
girl(male) here.
I'd be pretty sketch out about dating anyone that shaves their legs.
Hitting the gym is a good first step though
no but I do pretend to be black
My nigga.
FFXI was literally the perfect MMO and I pity anyone who missed on it.
The grind, the ost, the story, the jobs, places to go and visit, and content were all top notch.
It was a fucking mess, but god damn was it a fun mess to be part of.
Shut the FUCK up Saten
>make a thread
>no one responds and it dies
>Cute anime girl in real life
>Use black people images to keep my true identity a secret
im going to fuck you
galaxy brain post
based boomer poster, too bad trannies don't care about games and just want to play dress up and afk in-game while talking on discord
>post tranny bait
>reply to my own bait acting like /pol/fag
>entire thread derails
Stop that
Post boypussy pls
>reply to a dumbass post
>realize you misread the post or that the post wasn't as dumb as you thought
>close the tab before you get a reply and never open the thread again
I love you guys, I feel so validated not being the only one
>(you) addict
good shit
>8 year old girl irl
>make cunny threads so anons put themselves in jail
You sound adorable, user.
>Game: All player, go upstairs
>Game: Mission Failed, user Died
Thats my entire personality, I attract so many sissy boys.
I actually met some cool friends that way
>Pretend to be a girl in an MMO
>People believe me and treat me nice without being creepy at all
>It's the best guild I ever had
They must never find out.
I know a few black dudes online and they all use anime avatars and are giant weebs, sup with that?
>ywn gas all the tran attention whore abominations and their gutter garbage omega orbiters
>explain that I am NOT seething
>almost 30 and bald irl
>have a petting fetish and love when my friends pat my "hair" online
It hurts Yea Forums
How slow is this process in real time?
black weeb bros are unironically best
>8 year old girl irl
hahaha, you wish
>make a bait post
>start arguing with people
>someone pretends to be you and replies to others
>bonus points if he actually winning argument
Some anons are alright.
We are all little girls here, user.
really fucking slow
>make a post with an image
>actually post the wrong image
>close the thread and never come back
I'll pat your head user.
The insecurity of liking anime never really caught on with blacks
Your entire personality is making fun of fags?
depends on the spider I think but about 4 hours
>someone posts an opinion I disagree with
>get personally offended and start spewing personal attacks and ad hominems from any angle I can find to annoy the person instead of acting rationally
>notification: user wants to be your friend
>have to start game and pub stomp for 2 hours
the best vidya feel
I know that feeling
kek uggo
who else includes an unrelated image with almost every post they make to make them more noticeable?
>that 49ers fag who got image swapped with a /u/ post
>hear about all these cute-sounding traps
>want to befriend them because I'm already friends with one and he's comfy as shit and they tend to sound easy to deal with
>don't want to come off as beta orbiter so haven't tried to befriend any more
Anybody know this feeling?
a/sp/ies btfo for all eternity
Every fucking post, lad.
moms spaghetti
Only if I'm asking something to the thread
Ah, yes the Schopenhauer's way of arguing.
Anxiety making you think things are going to be worse than they actually are
There is NO cunny in TLR
*honk hooonk*
>Type out a reply to an user
>Spend a few minutes re-reading it over and over again to make sure I don't sound dumb
>Can't muster up the courage to hit submit and close the tab
>post DIscord ID
>20 subsluts later, I'm covered in boipucci
Yea Forumsirgins are lewd
Really lewd!
reminder transbians need to be gutted and shot
Avoidant disorder. You expect instant rejection, so when you peel of that bandaid it's quite comforting
>reveal that I'm a lanky manlet with a feminine face and could pass as a trap if I wanted
>5+ posts asking for pics and discord
>get a friend request
>accept it
>over time become best friends
>over time start dealing with depression and anxiety
>constantly blow up on my friend
>feel shitty about it but that doesn't make it better
>he says it's okay every time
>afraid he'll leave
>want to leave because he deserves better
anyone else haha
>Reenter the thread
>Type my message
I'm like this with literally everything aside from browsing Yea Forums.
Kind of how I stopped watching anime
I can relate so hard to this.
cuteboys are like 100X better then traps because atleast they age well
I'm not even gay but I'm incredibly lonely. What mmos are even good? I'm been looking at project gorgon
>anime reaction image
>posts information about himself in the first place
attention seeking fag just delete yourself from my world.
>make a post about a game, story or something i only know mid-depth
>some user who clearly knows shit way more than i do replies to me saying i'm wrong
>aggressively start defending my point, going as far as learning about lore or a game i don't care in the slightest about just to win the argument
>when more anons join against me feel the NEED to reply to them all, each and every single one of their points
>mfw going through 7 wikis, 4 lore pages and replying to 5 anons, all at the same time
I wish I wasn't a fucking retard
post bussy please
straight trans girl squad report in!
>looking for cute gf to play videa with
>i'll take a trap that is reaaaally convincing.
OP is shitposting but I actually had something like this happen to me. I was around 13 at the time and someone messaged me for the first time on an MMO and I ended up flipping the power switch on my PC.
>Make retarded, uneducated post
>Too proud to just cut my losses
>Feel like I'm about to have a fucking panic attack trying to defend my side
I always imagine that the people I meet are people like you anons, so I always make sure you invite you to my group, give you a place to come round to if you're feeling lonely. We're not all bad, come sit by the fire every now and then, alright?
>Accept friend request
>Friend keeps asking me to play with him while i'm busy playing something else and end up ruining my immersion
>delete friend
Making friends online is a pain in the ass
No, its berating people in a way where I dont drive them away
As someone on the other side, the best thing you can do is be at your best when you're not in a shit mood. I have the patience to deal with bullshit, but even Buddha gets annoyed if you don't stop poking him
God I love being a fucking cute boy comfortable with his gender
>but it's Layne Staley
>post that I crossdress in some /pol/ tranny bait thread
>instant replies ranging from telling me to do a flip off an overpass to telling me to tell my parents my new gender and eat hormones
>so comfortable she needs to make a post about how comfortable she is
I totally know that feel, but I do feel like I may have a worse curse
>see an active thread about a topic I really like
>threads about the topic don’t spring up often, and my threads usually go down almost completely unnoticed
>that and starting my own topics intimidates me a little
>seize the opportunity and jump in with a post, some comments and replies, as well as an image or artwork
>thread goes quiet immediately and quickly dies off
>bumps and conversation starters very rarely gets some life flowing back into it
I kinda feel bad posting in them at this point.
>add someone from Yea Forums on steam
>hey dude check out this BASED MAGA post DESTROYING liberals
>check out THIS article about SJWs dude god I fucking HATE them so MUCH
all i've ever wanted is to play videogames with someone that doesn't feel the need to type "xD" or use smileys
>do this
>thread 404s or took too long and user doesn't respond
>I still reply to it when user deletes it
This post really offends me and I am outright annoyed.
I can't convince myself I'm worth trying for. I'm constantly angry, and if I'm not I can flip on a switch without realizing it. Is it really worth it?
Proof it by posting your discord
>make a thread
>an user derails it within 5 posts
>in an argument or otherwise writing a high effort, very detailed reply that would be unrefutable
>thread is pruned / deleted or archived
[bombs internally]
I'm not a girl faggot
Nobody does this.
Literally everyone i've met who browse this shithole were /pol/tards, where are the gotdang weebs
here's a you cuz I like (you)
Post yours and I'll add you all and play videogames
If I'm feeling saucy, I'll stick around to accuse them of backpedalling myself
Im no loser with anxiety. Don't put that lame ass brand on me
I actively know that I won't be told off for joining public voice though, it's just hard to join in the first place
I just don't get it
I can't watch anime because second hand embarrassment fucks me up and everything seems to pull it. People actually find it funny?
>get a message after a match in a fighting game
>guy gives me helpful advice on how to improve
I should go back to Tekken sometime, most of the people I played against were pretty cool.
>Arguing with some user
>Thread hits bump limit before he can reply again and I end up winning the argument
>state genuine opinion
>"lol user stop falseflagging"
>find a cool/cute/lewd/whatever image
>want to post it on Yea Forums but don't want to start a thread with it
>wait for the opportunity to arise
>it never does
>forget about it
anime is only tolerable for young teens and chinks.
just read manga
>Threaten to say the C-Word
>thread instantly 404s
Based official janitors protecting the advertisers from promoting filth desu
tinks loli
dumb cute animeposter
kill yourself attentiongwhore slut
>thread about some videogame's girls
>post girl i really like that i know isn't very popular, knowing that i might not even get a single (You)
>one or two anons reply to me saying they like her too
makes me feel so warm and fuzzy
like there are a few anons that share my tastes
But what if I don't play multiplayer games and just want a friend?
>write long detailed high effort post in the middle of an argument
>it has a typo
Listen user you don't have it any better, you don't have it any worse. You're an irreplaceable human soul with your own understanding of what it means to suffer
>those holes where the legs go
Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
>someone replies to you
>someone else asks them why they're taking the bait
You mean cunny?
dumb bitch
you have shitty opinions
That's ok too!
lmao btfo faggot
>Say something
>No actual arguments against it
Non-poltards that browse here would rather throw themselves off a bridge than admit to browsing here.
This place is cancer and only an autist would be open about being here.
t. that schizo tard that thinks everything he disagrees with is bait
>get inspired by a shitpost and spend twenty minutes making something in Illustrator or Photoshop
>thread 404s before I can post it
>in a "post your character" thread
>post my character
>"hot character user, would fuck"
>i self insert as her
nonono bro you can't just say CUNNY without any buildup!
The lolichads come storming, and start forcing innocent anons into vans with lies about beer and Metallica vinyls...
why don't more anime girls have double twintails?
>finally find an opportunity to post it
>nobody replies
>but someone probably liked it or saved it so it's alright
don't lie to him.
some people are just worthless in every way
Yeah that IS true. Unless you're famous, then it's quirky and cool.
Still so jarring seeing dudes in my uni classes flip back and forth between /pol/ and Facebook
>The lolichads come storming, and start forcing innocent anons into vans with lies about beer and Metallica vinyls...
I better leave
post it
your thread was probably boring
Because God is furious with you for touching your willy at night
Well? Let's see 'em slut
What kind of dumb game show only gives correct possible answers?
>Literally everyone i've met who browse this shithole were /pol/tards
>t. chapolet
anyway, why do I want to bury my face in every cute girl's armpit?
>someone makes a flamboyantly retarded post
>spend minutes typing up the worst possible insults and logical refutations I can muster with the entirety of my ability
>he doesn't reply
>he reposts the same thing word for word in the next thread
>See potential for genuine discussion
>Spend some time typing up a thoughtful post
>Notice the thread has gone completely to shit in the interim
>Close tab
>Want to play fighting games
>Too shy to talk with people in discord and ask for matches
I wish for popular fighting games someday with matchmaking
>two anons arguing
>interject with supporting arguments to one user
>I get shit on even if I'm factually correct since another user is a rabid shitposter
>he only gets more aggressive after being proven wrong and starts pulling facts out of his ass
>nobody is there to take my side now, because the original user has left
>even more shitposters start piling up on me
>instead of being mad, just feel betrayal and sadness
Is this how sacrifice feels, lads? Because I don't wanna feel it no more.
One made by lolis.
the only eternal salvation are cute sweaty girl armpits
>see literally anything
>post "sneed"
Shitpost with futa and I WILL bump your threads
you should have stopped replying like the other user
you can't reason with shitposters
>make a joke on a thread
>get no (You)s
>next thread, user makes the exact same joke
>dozens of (You)s
fuck you niggers i had enough of this in highschool
Wrong. The right answer was 5, her butthole.
formerly chuck
based cunnyseurs
I probably have 4 bans total just for posting the word "cunny" alone. Whoever made the webm of the fatass representing the janny is a genius.
But user she toots from there!
>start a copy pasta type thread and keep posting it every once in a while
>eventually it becomes popular enough that other anons make the thread instead
I mean in general, all the characters I've ever posted
wish it happened more often though
Literally me. The one stealing the jokes I mean.
What makes them so arousing?
>gregor wants to watch your broadcast
You'd better, or you're going to end up with nubs for hands after giving thousands of headpats
It takes a very high IQ to understand sniffs, and the role scent plays in mating strategy, especially adding into the fray the role modern deodorants interfere with ideal mate selection!
>that pathetic mod who just drops "idiot pedophile" as the reason and fucks off
This site's management boggles my fucking mind
that's probably abib
>post character that's trying to be a r63 of myself
>someone compliments my character
>feels like I'm indirectly being called cute
>get friend request after playing with someone
>sure, why not, accept
>they never send any message, ever
>not even like "hey do you want to play [game we played last time]"
>no invites to play anything, even
You listen here you bitchfuck. You fucking own that shit. Feel good and look good, love yourself you sad pathetic fuck. God damn it someone post the motivation wolf or something. I hate seeing people like you mostly because it reminds me of myself.
You're better than you think you are, damn it! Negative thoughts and emotions are like drugs, easy to fall into and life ruining! Positive ones are difficult to gain and easy to lose, but like everything good they take time to cultivate! Don't give up!
Don't give up!
Do- you give up.
Does anyone want to talk to a cute femboy on discord
I'm very bored
>Whoever made the webm of the fatass representing the janny is a genius.
Post it
>Spend some time typing up a thoughtful post
>get a reply
>this but unironically
Why are you lying? I just went to the archive of that MD5 and no one said that they want to have sex with you.
Decent, would creampie your tits if desperate enough.
girly scent + her warmth + boobies
>going to end up with nubs for hands after giving thousands of headpats
Oh shieet
not exactly that character, that's just the last one i've made
I don't even get reasons anymore, it's just the offtopic rule quoted kek, it honestly gets a laugh out of me each time knowing my post probably rose their blood pressure
Yes, I’d love to, but it’s getting really late and I need to sleep
Okay user, you can stop day-dreaming now. There's no point in lying on a site where everyone is Anonymous.
I've recently gotten back into yuri, mostly loli on loli stuff
That's Yea Forums, they're infamous for their anti mod/pro cunny OC
>Did that a lot when I was in middleschool
>50+ people on friends list
>Haven't spoken to a single one ever
>Worried that if I remove them, they will notice and get angry/sad
user please come back i wanna touch you!
what if girls armpits are just cute!
>23 years old
>whenever i post it here anons either call me a manlet and to kms, or call me cute and want pics
>all i wish is that i was a 6'2 manly man
life is literal pain and there's no pills for this kind of pain
>pretend to be a sissy slut in threads
>actually am a pure boy waiting to find a bf I can devote myself to
Or sometimes your opinion will just differ from a boards contrarian hivemind
No user you don’t understand true suffering. Imagine being 5’8. Tall enough that nobody thinks you’re cute, but short enough that no women are attracted to your height.
Please castrate yourself.
Patrician and grubpilled taste
>tfw 5'6 black boy
Same actually, I'm really getting off on the thought of being surrounded by huge cocks, but outside the fantasy I'd just like to have a cute and loving bf.
i'm not a homo, i don't like being called cute
not necessary since i'm never having children
>Make an OP about a game series I just got into
>when are you stupid fucks going to get off my board
>everyone that likes this game is cancer
>stop making these threads
>"I love x!"
>"If 5 my waifu is the best"
>close thread
Yes I want to rub my penis between reimus sweaty pits
>want to be 5"2 with tall nee-san /ss/ gf
What a cutie! Do you wear thigh highs sometimes ?
>tfw balding manlet
>also dumb
>also poor
>also alone
>submit post
>notice a mistake
>try to cancel the upload but it goes through anyway
>close the thread in shame
Please be my girlfriend!
>pretend to be a serious top who’s into bottom sissy boys
>actually secretly wants to be a sissy sub
>used to crossdress and fuck myself with a dildo with my cock in a chastity cage just for fun
the problem is that women don't like men shorter than short women
so while the dream is there, the reality is not
leave manlets
Do you not catch the cunny threads? It's posted almost all the time at this point.
I want to tounge fuck raymoos armpits!
Calling armpits just attractive is a disgrace to pitpussy! They're actually Venus fly trap sniffs designed to lure out the best in men, with only the most fertile and deserving recognizing the value of a good sniff as ideal mothers
frig off Bob Page
Don't you have some physical augmentation stocks to be dumping right now?
niggers can't be cute.
Not him but in a similar boat: Mufti#7222
I'm super bored too.
>would've ignored the whole post without the mistake
>point out the mistake with greentext
lmao every time
reality can eat a dick
>Make post
>Forget to attach image/misspell something/forget to mention something/ etc.
>Quickly try to abort post
>Posts anyways
>Just don't get (You)s
At least at that point I can just pretend someone else said it
Im a boy
I prefer people who don't talk in that dialect desu
no, i have hairy, stubby legs
sachiko is cute
armpits are simply cute!
Was it Kingdom hearts?
t. jealous non-proportionate lanklet skeletal
>chastity cage
I do all of that except for the cage, why do people use it anyway?
Just to enhance the anal orgasm and force yourself not to masturbate while riding a dildo? Or is it just a sissy fetish thing?
>all people I talk to are normalfags
>even those who aren't will still probably get uncomfortable around me when I release my chuuni limiters
>it's gotten so bothersome to talk to someone that I just don't message people anymore
>the only one who can handle this is the ultra-chill girl on my friend list who just doesn't care about it and just genuinely likes videogames and anime
>we talk only 5-6 times during a year and swap show/game suggestions with some small talk
>constantly live in fear of revealing my powerlevel to anyone else
I want to cum on reimus tits while being sandwiched between her pits.
Serious question: if you could press a button that would instantly kill all Jews, or one that would instantly kill all faggots, trannies, LGBTIQQ+ etc., which would you press?
You could spend all day guessing and you won't get it
read "The Depressed Person" by David Foster Wallace. It's a short story I think you might relate to.
Utters the lankey slenderman esque creature from behind his computer screen, his long boney arms bend away like butterfly wings as he slaps his cryptkeeper fingers onto the keys.
sachiko likes tummy baps!
you fucking pathetic weak bitch
>turbo autists get friend requests
>you never do
At least I'm tall enough for the rides
Not >>>it
but I love hairy guys
jews are responsible for the rest, easy choice
I want to bury my face in her armpits and die
You are the sole reason for my suffering.
They're more than just cute, admit their lewd nature, and be free!
Play message 1
>an user from here adds me on steam but I fucking hate his guts but I still accept him so I won't seem like an asshole
how many stacks of books are you sitting on to reach the keyboard user?
This thread is quite the grab bag of topics
for immediate effect I'd kill trannies since jewshills mostly just go on /pol/, but jews are the one causing all the faggots that are ruining this place
So? I'll make you feel like a woman
cute and lewd!
pics or gtfo
>here at Yea Forums threads need to have nothing to do with the subject matter and should just be entirely unrelated offtopic shitposts
you're a cancerous newfag cunt
post it fag
considering it
post armpits
>meet someone in a game with voicechat
>they send a friend request
>hey lets go on discord
the game we're playing has voicechat that's how I met you why do you want to go on discord?????? every fucking time
>tfw fat and ugly but wanna be a sub for the man I love
>Show him what I actually look like
>nothing changes, he says Im hot and even calls my dimples cute
>He actually likes a bit of fat
Play message 2 then!
Cutelewd is the best kind of lewd!
I hate all of you.
because its easier and higher quality u fucking nerd
The alien like creature makes a pathetic attempt at banter as he hunches over his computer in a magnificent crescent moon shape. He sweats through his shirt, though not too much as it would drop him below 60 pounds. He knew he was in the presence of a CHADlet.
>not native english speaker
>want to post
>have to check up the correct spelling of every word on the dictionary even if i know what they mean just to make sure i dont say anything dumb and get called a retard
>notice a typo or a grammaticall error
>get called a retard
took me 10 minutes to write this
>want friends that play video games
>only enjoy single player games
Feels bad man. The last vidya friend I had was years ago and it turned out that he was a fag that just wanted to fuck and suck.
It's annoying playing with people who keep using voicechat to talk things who aren't game related
>Check up
Atleast I can reach the cookie jar
>/ss/ isn't real
fuck this not gay enough earth
There's vomit on his sweater already,
Junkrat primed an ready?
>can't just ignore the retarded posts
never gonna make it
At least you're trying
Meanwhile on planet me
Danganronpa threads.
>Developing strong feelings for your gamer bud
What the fuck do I do in this situation
ESL retard
>see someone camwhoring
>everyong praising them
>they're more attractive than me
>mass report all their posts to try and get them banned
>check up
game quality is good enough for me and i dont wanna chitchat 24/7 in your faggot channel
death by cute sweaty girl!
at least you try, most of your fellow third world shitholers dont
marry him like I did
Just get a chair, bro
>play prot pally in WoW
>randos always want to add me on bnet
>oblige them because why not
>que random messages of "do u have room in your group" or "want to push keys" and no other communication
>pretend that I'm not there or say I'm about to leave before toggling appear offline
I should probably stop getting their hopes up.
>tfw cute girls (male) add you on steam
>tfw they actually ERP with you and care about your well-being
>tfw they are your best friends
I-is this okay???
Just keep shitposting till people stop calling you a dumb ESL, and you'll know you finally made it
way to die instantly you dork
not an option sadly
sure its ok just send them my way
>on the dictionary
>check up
>Not weeb enough for weebs.
>Not normal enough for normalfags.
>Not a tranny.
>No friends.
user, you forgot the apostrophe in "I'M"
>Delete request
learn to suck cock and then get rejected and go on a slutparade sucking cocks irl and virtually to make up for all your unfilled holes including your heart
Sanae lets anyone cum in her pitpussy for free
They're mine sorry sorry
Me grabbing your hair
I long for death and armpits
I used to be like
But then I met the greatest man in my life, he truly has purified me, I am his alone and he is mine
its autism, pick a fighting game to get good at and let your autism work its magic
this happened to me after dota yesterday :(
it wasnt even someone i played with i am so scared
>tfw no chubby slob gf to shove her unshaven sweaty pits in my face after I come home from work
fucking kill me
>devolved into pitposting
good thread!
You're probably not going to find good people here, let alone hairy good people.
>Handsome gay gamer bud
>Playing together for more than 6 years now
>He keeps making jokes about moving together to another friend
>Can't even get a date with girl so I start to consider it
I wish I was gay sometimes it would make my life easier
fucking slut
Hell yeah dude
You're as bad at grammar as if you can't even write 'evolved' correctly.
realize its a regular looking dude behind the anime girl avatar and your feelings will fade
me on the left
Hush, or you're getting a firsthand sniff so chilly, your nose is going to freeze against her
Make sure to get the second thing before the first at least, or you'll die for no good reason!
>get a (You) on 4channel
>dopamine levels spike
>re-read my own comment a dozen times wondering what i did so right
P-post your steam id's
I need a cum slut that swallows five times a day
Can you sissy faggots just kill yourselves, please? Thanks.
It happens to me too when I try to construct some complicated sentence to describe a very specific situation.
I start throwing words and shit, and the sentence starts to get really long and looks like it's been fucking jury rigged, and it makes me so anxious that someone is going to post a "has anyone ever gone so far as even to need more to do look more like" at me.
I end up using fucking greentext and it sucks.
Nice one.
Should've kept it up long enough so that I could see that Yuu saved in the archive, though.
i want to be smothered in sweaty pits
you fucking cumslut, I bet you like it when men use you and leave you dripping
Why is this thread still up?
>Still can't string setences correctly
It's so hard to write like a native english speaker even you know a good amount of english words, reading books didnt work for me
>Flat cirno
I like big milk bags
>pitposting saves another thread on Yea Forums
You're ego is too big to actually put effort into getting to know people
this thread is proof that Yea Forums is full of autists
wtf jannies this was on topic
Yes, please glaze me in your thickest cum!
i just like armpits!
please god cover me in sweaty pits every day aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
die, fiends
did you honestly expect anything else
You will never be a girl
>bisexual into cuteboys/trap types exclusively but much more broad attraction to women
>can only satisfy my male attraction here and it's either regular dudes faking or boys so cute I just feel out of their league
why can't women have brains that let them be into all of the degenerate nerd shit my autistic ass likes
I tried, suck at them.
>Not even autistic enough to get the benefits.
keep posting pics like that so I can blow then faggot
user with that many (you)s you should report yourself