yes sir, thank you, sir
Whatever happened to Sev?
Nothing. He's fine
Canonically still alive
>get downed
>get shit on by squad mates
h-heh its just banter right m8s...
What made this game pure kino? Like, damn near every aspect of it was perfect for its time. The voice acting, story, score, gameplay, presentation. Everything about this game was perfect.
Why didn't you save him, Yea Forums
the devs actually cared, both about the universe and the game (back then gameplay actually matter and they took real SWAT training to make the tactical stuff). compare that to today's AAA sweatshops
>That part were you are split from the group and end up in the droid factory
>Being super sneaky
>They stil wake up
Dat shit was scary as a kid
>alone against all these droids... they don’t stand a chance
sequel never ever
I'm gonna say it.
I feel genuinely sorry for any hostile who has the misfortune to face Delta Squad in combat.
The only game that made super battledroids and droidekas scary
Snipe their arms off then melee them to death
>What made this game pure kino?
The characters. Like, if somehow, we had a Republic Commando 2, without the same squad, the game just wouldn't be the same.
Also the gameplay was the right mix of strategy and pure shooting action. The part in the clone Warship where you have to set traps to fight hordes of droid is a nice exemple of that.
Enlighten me on this one, Yea Forums.
>Star Wars was my shit in my teenage years
>really loved the entire Mandalore Wars arc (Tales of the Jedi, KotOR the games and the comic)
>disconnected from the franchise after VIII
>bought Republic Commando a few months ago
What should I expect from it?
(On a side note, I'm also a Metroid Prime fag)
>Get oil on your visor
>Laser slides across the screen, wiping it away
It's been done in a lot of games but I always love it when I see it.
A really cool HUD with good cover shootan
>difficulty setting: hard
>that one bridge on Kashyyyk with 2 super battle droid dispensers
Are we still pretending that this game's shooting mechanics are not average at best?
Til the day I die motherfucker
The main DC-17 blaster is an actual peashooter, and the trandoshan minigun feels like a peashooter despite being OP. Other than that everything is pretty sweet
You're a Republic Commando. Best of the best. Fear is not part of your vocabulary.
>waiting to board the gunships on Kamino
>raindrops hitting your visor and getting wiped off by the laser
Pure. Kino.
Sa ky'ram nau trashyn, VODE AN!
Stop looping around and get some becta, commando!
A compelling story with engaging characters and fun gameplay.
he says "limping" m8
>Getting backwards compatibility on xbox one
Might consider borrowing my friends xbox for it
>Whoever left this bacta dispenser here should get a medal.
God why did this never get a sequel
"What was that 38?"
"Ehh, just some interference."
unironically George Lucas. The original actors for the storm troopers were all lack luster personalities and just basically drones, completely void of different voices or fun banter. Then George Lucas stepped in and said "Nah, make them interesting" and that's why they came out as good as they did.
It's free this month
>he's talking about my pod brother down there
Thread theme:
I fucking love this game to death.
Just remembering the soundtrack right now gives me chills.
The grenade launcher saved my ass so many times during that.
It has an amazing atmosphere. If you think about it, the gameplay isn't exactly special. It's too linear, too short, and too simplistic for a squad based shooter.
>Join Delta Squad.
>Delta 40, your foundation, a pure and uncomplicated soldier.
>62, the heart and soul of your team.
>And 07, the fiercest hunter of all your brothers.
>You are each a piece of a whole person. And the Republic, will call you to defend and give your lives if need be.
>blast is synonymous to a cuss word
Always makes me giggle how Star Wars has done this.
Really, all they have to do was just to make them a battle tank like in this game.
Pretty much Rainbow Six Vegas except star wars
the gameplay is shit though
Until someone says otherwise, I'm gonna say "Colonel Kurtz of the Wookies".
Honestly, they should have tried to make the gunplay more like how Star Wars actually works. Single shot rifles that usually kill in one or two hits. I think they felt like a full-auto blaster felt more tactical, but yeah, it was a peashooter.
My favorite part was when you got to fire from the AT-TE while all those droids were being dropped in through the forcefield.
that was fucking great. Why was this game so. good.
I wanted a sequel where you hunt down jedi
Delta couldn't kill a Jedi user. Their limit were Magna-guards.
Thanks to fucking Disney Wars of all things. In all their wisdom, they decanonized a lot of EU and made a specific few materials fully canon.
Because of this, RepCom is not canon, yet their cameo appearance as a team in an episode of Clone Wars is. This means that squad themselves are canon but not the events leading to Sev going missing.
Magnaguards have killed shitty jedi before.
Weren't Commandos sufficiently independent to ignore Order 66?
pre-brain chips sure and that happened pre-disney
Why does nobody ever criticize this game for being 2 hours long?
Except for mug mind control chips, thanks Disney, I believe it was stated somewhere that they had sufficient willpower in to disobey order 66
Same reason no one criticizes that Titanfall 2s story is 3 hours long, it's well made.
They could have made it like dead space 1 where eventually it just dragged on despite the game being very good it overstays it's welcome
It's the best 2 hours you could spend
The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
>Was it red-green-green, or red-green-red?
forgot pic:(
>Daily reminder that we were going to get a sequel to this.
I wish I played as Sev working for the rebellion
I only have vague memories of this game but all of them were good. There was a stage on a ghost ship that was played up like survival a Star Wars game.
And you’re supposed to be the demolitions expert
>Yes sir! Yes I'll patch you through right away. Listen up Deltas!
I cant wait for them and Droid Commandos to be added to BF2 next month and for Yea Forums to say that it's somehow "desperation"
really? i didnt know that was getting added
It's just their skins, isn't it?
Back then everybody complained that it was too short though
>tfw no Lego RepCom
2 hours of fun > 100 hours of mindless grind
Republic Commando is free with xbox gold this month. Should i get it? Is it good?
>Should I get it
Either you have gold already in which case
>not picking up every free game they give out
Nigger you fucking what
>should I get gold to play this game
In which case it depends on if you also want MGR:R and are ok spending 10 bucks to also get the first half of April games
But both can be picked up on PC as well
It came out before everyone was trying to copy COD4 and could actually make fun FPS games instead of whack-a-mole shooters with heavily scripted cinematic moments.
You'll note that we also got F.E.A.R, Prey (2006), Quake IV, Area 51, Swat 4, Crysis 1, Timespitters Future Perfect etc in the same era of 2005-2007.
COD4 literally ruined the genre for years.
Wookieepedia says if they had ever made a Republic Commando sequel it wold have heavily focused on what happened to him. He was supposed to be intimately involved in the creation of the Rebellion, but that was ancient canon, before Force Unleashed did it for the EU or Rebels did it for Disney Wars.
TFU and Sev being a part of the formation of the rebellion wouldn't necessarily clash, he might not have been there for the creation but he could have been a very early member of it
The gameplay honestly isn't that great, it's pretty damn simple and repetitive. If the characters weren't fun or if it wasn't a Star Wars game at all nobody would give a shit.
>everyone was trying to copy COD4
everyone was trying to copy halo during that period, including this game
>tfw sev vs rest of delta squad never ever
why we still here bros
Over my dead body
>Sev found and rescued by delta squad never ever
>caring about what the corporate overlords arbitrarily decide to be canon
Halo is (Or was) a good series though
Why do people have a hard on for this mediocre game?
Stop looking at it like corporations pissed in your cereal. It's just interesting to know that regarding the 'main' story, Sev never goes MIA, and that a 2 minute clip of the gang is technically more legitimate than an entire game.
Halo was atleast a good FPS.
God I fucking hope we get Delta Squad Skins (and Gregor) for the Republic Commandos
Maybe read the thread and find out instead of your drive-by shitposting.
lad i wasn't the one complaining about what is and isn't canon, the person i was replying to was. personally i wouldn't care if george lucas would have said the EU isn't canon either, i just especially don't care what some company who didn't even create star wars has to say about what isn't canon in 'their' story because they bought it.
Reminder that our bois are still cqnon, thanks ti Filoni just wanting them in the episode
Bad Batch>Delta Squad though
*ting ting* i'd like to take an opportunity to say FUCK the Republic and FUCK the Jedi Order.
*red-red-green or red-green-red
Then they show up in Disney canon but they're all Muslim for no reason despite being clones of the same guy.
FUCK the Jedi
FUCK the B1s
FUCK Grievous
But most importantly
FUCK Obi-Wan (literally)
class is called infiltrator. It's most likely commando since Arc troopers are too similiar to Officer class.
He could've still go MIA, this tCW scene could have been sometime before that, I think Filoni did it to make Republic Commando canon.
Why isn't Filoni head of Star Wars instead of Kennedy anyway? He sure cares alot more about it than her.
nothing more than bantha herders.
>Become non canon (In that order)
>Somehow come back despite this
Enemies were far too bullet spongey for the gameplay to be called perfect.
We got your back, 38.
I am the same person, and you misinterpreted how much it really bothers me.
The worst part of decanonization is no longer getting material of the same offshoot and also having a chance of having the good parts overwritten by some banal Kennedy shit.
It's vexing but not worth more than an offhand gripe.
t. Overgrown Kowakian monkey-lizard
Every clone is a Maori, dude. The entire clone army is an army of Kiwis.
without the power of the force you're not worth the effort it would take to kill you..
I want to fuck Tavion
>*flechette rifles you*
As a kid I was legit convinced there was a way to kill him the first time around and bashed my head against it for hours.
yeah i kept hiding for as long as i could.
Ventress was never non-canon user
it's actually such a brilliant thing, the only boss fight i can think of where you lose, but you think you have a chance because you can still play as he defeats you, it sums up the game perfectly.
Reminder if there were a new game Sev would most definitely never join Delta squad again because he was sworn to fight and die for the Republic, and seeing his brothers join the tyrannical Empire would most definitely be an impasse for him.
disney didn't save him
Clone Wars was before disney
and one of the guys working on it specifically made Delta squad show up to make them canon because they found out SW was getting sold soon
it was suppose to be two branching games called Imperial Commando and Rebel Commando
Sev was suppose to appear in Rebel
Ignoring the mind control chip meme, I think he would definitely follow them if they told him it was an order.
Nah. Stim packs baby!
He'd still be livid that they all just sat and watched the Republic be dismantled, that's why he'd be in a Rebel cell because Sev only serves the Republic, the Empire is an enemy.
but the Empire IS the Republic
In name only
Kill yourself, retard.
I don't think so. From Sev's perspective getting captured by Trandoshans and probably going to die was part of his duty to the Republic. But to the rest of Delta Squad they felt betrayed being ordered not to go after him so they take it out by murdering Jedi following Order 66 completely. Sev would not only be pissed thst they murdered their generals but that they let the Republic die and willingly joined the horrible Empire. Ignoring the retarded head chip meme of course with "lol no hoice lmao"
also in the systems and people it represents, its infrastructure, military and other forces
No it isn't, far from what the 15,000 Republic was.
>Why isn't Filoni head of Star Wars instead of Kennedy anyway?
He's head of Star Wars animation now if that's any consolation. Also Lucas considers him his apprentice. The thing I like about Filoni is that when he worked on The Clone Wars, he specifically made the show so it wouldn't contradict other EU sources out of his respect for it. The times that the show did contradict the EU was because of Lucas deciding to take a different route, not Filoni.
Republic Commando in a nutshell:
1. Kill one enemy group, run out of ammo because literally everything is a bullet sponge.
2. Friendlies have infinite ammo despite having such terrible AI that they hardly ever shoot and when they do they miss.
3. Waiting minigames when opening doors or blowing shit up.
4. Run past all enemies because you have no time to shoot one enemy 800 times to kill it when trying to beat an unreasonable time limit.
5. Sit still two inches away from an infinite enemy spawner to plant a bomb to destroy the infinite enemy spawner as enemies are spawning next to you infinitely. Do this several times.
The only good thing about the game is that it finally realizes how shit it is and ends abruptly.
>push buttan do thing go plce and do othar thing video grampes lollerzz
Why do you fucking idiots always try that reductio ad absurdum fallacy? It's called a fallacy for a reason.
Congratulations you just described every fps with AI allies ever made.
Every FPS doesn't force you to stand for 20 seconds next to a spot that is constantly spawning enemies to attack you. Every FPS doesn't make every enemy take half of your ammo and if they do, they actually give you enough refills. Also every FPS doesn't have literally the worst mouse control ever conceived.
Daily reminder that the Yuuzhan Vong were almost Disney canon.
COD was also a good series, back when it still on PC
What made it great was that it knew their own limitations and so used what resources they had to best effect. The spaceship mission especially was some top-tier level design, and the gameplay (while simple) always felt fun and satisfying because the game threw variety at you almost every encounter.
Still pretty obvious it got severe budget cuts early in development and got downgraded from whatever scale the original was supposed to be so it could be rushed out the door to cash in on Episode III hype.
>Geonosis map in the original Battlefront games
Fun for days.
Why is Sauron from Primal Rage a Sith?
>Rhen Var
is there still a substantial online community for those games? also mod support because the mods for that game are awesome.
You'll love the visor effects
only fps I've ever played that has cool visor effects like Prime
It's a mediocre game. What you're seeing in this thread is nostalgia bias
to clarify I mean when you get dirt/blood/whatever on your visor, not the actual thermal/x-ray visors from prime
If I fire up Battlefront 2 these days, I usually only play Galactic Conquest for my quick fix.
As shit as they might be, thank god for bots in older multiplayer only games.
>there are unironic EA/Disney star wars shills here
someone pls post the dc-17m pasta from /k/
Why was this thing such a piece of shit?
When are we going to start getting BASED Clone Wars games again?
never ever
Damn, Donald Duck is a literal nazi huh?
Didn't RC have a thermal visor though? Could have sworn it did.
Because every enemy takes an entire magazine and you get more ammo every 7.5 years
never played Republic Comand, but let me get it straight
this is the same squad that was defending themselfs from hundreds of droids on a planet with no comunication with republic in clone wars cartoon?
youre thinking of nightvision mode
But why? A Strict Clone only Clone Wars movie could make so much bank. Imagine a movie about five Clone Legions focusing on a single Clone from that Legion.
woah dude, that's totally not kino
They show up in a single episode as a squad that picked up a Jedi who was slaughtered by notDarthMaul. It's important because the cgi show is canon while the games aren't so it means Delta Squad exists.
I was not expecting this thread to still be alive when I woke up. Today is a good day.
I've never seen another star wars game where the supers actually are a shitload better than B1s. Those fuckers are scary.
You're thinking of Domino Squad.
Besides the cameo of Delta Squad mentioned by , they also did an episode about an amnesiac commando named Gregor.
This is some shit bait
>The hangar mission
was that invented in JK2?
That would be really fucking based. Imagine being an Imperial commando having to find rogue sev and right Wookiees
It wasn't though. The enemies were all bullet sponges
republic commando is an okay halo clone
that's about it
definitely overrated
Guess my best wasn’t enough...
What game is this guy from and can you fuck him
Well its now part of my experience, you long necked bitch.
>definitely overrated
Maybe here, but it's criminally underrated everywhere else.
>all these babbies saying shit gameplay
We understand that the gameplay was average and mediocre. However, everything else of the game's design helps to sell a solid game. It was short, sweet, and memorable; the game had soul. Compare that experience to most any game nowadays and it's no contest that Republic Commando was good, and accomplished what it set out to achieve.
The game's appeal is 100% atmosphere. I must have replayed it a dozen times but even as a kid I could see that the "tactical" element was kinda tacked on and shallow and that some of the guns were pretty useless. I just didn't care. That's the power of A E S T H E T I C
I'm not the only one who wanted to use the battle droid blaster rifle, am I?
I imagined it as being a semi auto weapon with a smaller mag size than your blaster but the bolts do more damage.
>not playing repcom for the multiplayer
And I imagine it having infinite ammo as it actually does ingame. Letting the player have it would balance nicely with the fact that everything takes infinite bolts to kill. Then again, having friendly AI that occasionally shoots at enemies would also help.
That would actually be a neat thing to have. Infinite ammo would make the weapon be a possible choice for the player so it's not outclassed by the other guns.
A game that is broken on modern OS. Tough luck mate.
Supposedely the planned sequel was about Delta Squad during Order 66
-The worst mouse control that has ever been programmed
-Running out of ammo right before the last enemy of every engagement dies
-Having to stand still for 20 seconds holdig a button tanking enemy shots as you plant explosives
-Having to set the difficulty to easy so you can speedrun past enemies without killing them in order to barely make it in time before a ridiculously short time limit expires
-The second best part is the one where you get a shotgun and no AI teammates
-The best part is where the game just ends basically in the middle of a sentence
Such a fucking shame.
Could you blow up the droid spawners with that?
borderline nightmare fuel
>play geonosis map in multiplayer
>acquire rocket launcher
>sit in one place where its hard to see you
>acquire kills
I love being a complete asshat, i miss this multiplayer