Weeknight UNIST Thread - Mika is cute! Cute!!!! Edition

We currently have several lobbies going on PC, first one is "pclobby" and second one is "vee".

If there are any lobbies on PS4 please post here as well.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Darn, nice work blowing me up again atic.

The soundtrack for this game is sick!
How's the gameplay?
Is it more mahvel or sf?
Is it guilty or skullgirls?

Which girl is the cutest?
Can I main a titty monster or are they all low tier?

More like Under Night in-Choke cause thats all I'm doing!

>Can I main a titty monster or are they all low tier?
here's your tier list, bro

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More importantly, is there a decent playerbase?
I know anime is the future, but putting your time into a dead game seems painful

where did icey run off to

It seems to be picking up speed since a few weeks ago one lobby was barely filling up, now we're filling up one lobby and half another.

Had to work all fucking day plus extra and just now home. Might just hop on PC instead since its past PS4 times.

Game got into evo because of how dedicated the playerbase is

Maybe we have a Lobby 2 being run by hippie now?

Beats me. This lobby emptied out a fair amount.

Let me know if it's more free and ya guys wanna move over.

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well it helped that Icey mailed Mr. Wizard a Mcrib.

Oh god
what the fuck

Does Chaos eddie/lizard thingy have overheads that I need to look for or I can block all of his follow ups low?

I'm not going to be a part of this.

I see whatcha mean in the case of "Edition".

is pclobby dead? vee is at 5-6 players atm.

You tell me.

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is there any point of trying to get into this if im in europe?
ive noticed that any fighter that isnt tekken 7 or sfv is more or less dead here

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No, pclobby is at 6? players. If you don't see either lobby, change your download region.

Just because you don't call it a general doesn't mean it isn't one.

but my dude, were all /vg/ at heart here!

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You will definitely find people to play with now if you are willing to accept trannycord

All Azhi attacks are mids and he can't cross you up. He's a pretty tame puppet character.

Looks like the Mag vs Brain Orie mirrors are more imminent than I expected

Taking a break tonight?
PS4 lobby

I'm not supporting this

Hippie is gonna be fucking pissed when he hears about this

So basically a dead game that wrote a huge under-the-table check to Evo to get in?
Since it's a dead game, it might actually be your best chance at placing if you nolife til the competition.

Appreciate the enthusiasm, but for future reference just take it a little easy, if you thought it was hard to find threads before, it'll be a nightmare having to stay on bump watch, people getting lax and missing each other, and nothing really happening most of the time. People tried this before and it didn't work out.

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Ah you mean the thread. Sorry that it's come to this (though I imagine it won't stay this way for long unless the community really does grow from here on).

ggs fellas
ill get the hang of the yuzu/vatista mu sometime

How often are there UNIST threads? I don't really go on Yea Forums often, and whenever I do go on, there aren't any. Are they only late at night?

GGs PC dudes. I'm gonna call it a bit early tonight. I aint feeling too good

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Actually since its dead as fuck, it's more likely that Nintendo bribed Evo to NOT put Melee as a main game, thus driving higher sales for Ultimate

At least it's staying on-topic with the usual thread discussion and not devolved into waifuposting and such yet.

>Wanted to learn unist
>my brother played it for a long while and is relatively good with chaos
>cant learn because he bodies me and talks a lot of shit
>don't own the game myself and don't want to have him shittalk as I try my hardest after practice
It hurts ;_;

Buy the game or pirate on PC and practice some BnBs.

>PCfags are retarded

He's learning Orie too? Nice

Forgot to follow up with "and then buy the game to show Frenchbread your support" after the pirate part.

>try out a bunch of characters
>like enkidu a lot
>he's the only one whose mission mode i've 100%'d so far
>hear he's bad
I'm sure I only got through his mission mode because I'm an executionlet and half of his shit being hitting the same button over and over.
Is it a bad idea to learn the game with him or is he only bad in the sense that he's less effective than other characters?

more like mikafags

Mag has had a pocket Orie since mid last year I think.

Nah you're good to play him. Just practice against real opponents and learn how to approach them.

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Just stick with him if you like him. I suggest looking into other combos though, since his mission mode ones aren't optimal.

how full are the lobbies?

Not even retardation would make such an OP. That shit is blatantly intentional

We're 4/8 on at least 1 PS4 lobby. There were a bunch of other players here earlier so I imagine they migrated to another lobby.

UNIST is very balanced so play who you want, Enkidu just needs to work harder than most. It just so happens hes not great at getting in and since most characters have big buttons, zone, or both he had a tough time getting started.

No character in any major fighting game is ever unplayably bad apart from some obvious joke characters
Even Dan Hibiki has won tournaments.

If you like a character, play them; fuck the tier list.

There's a 7/8 lobby on PC

If I played Aka back when he was shitty as hell, you can play Enkidu.

If anything it's the opposite. EVO let a bunch of companies bribe their way to an EVO spot, and decided to also throw in UNIST to distract people and make them think it's not all paid for.

>Unironically blaming French Bread Money on UNIST getting in
LMAO holy shit, you can’t make this shit up

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Do you guys ever grind so hard that you actually get worse the longer you play? I honestly feel kinda physically sick right now

is there a way to play online on a pirated version

PS4 has 6 in one lobby and 3 in the other, i just checked.

Obviously you should take a break

fatigue is very much a real thing
take breaks

yeah, some days i feel like i'm getting nowhere but i generally feel like i benefited from the grinding after a nights sleep.

Pretty sure there's no LAN option for this game.

Many times I have lose streak nights that can be tough to get through.

I'd have to agree with that. I've found that when grinding a combo, either taking a break for a while or sleeping helps my consistency a lot after coming back. It takes a bit of time for things to set in.

get someone to play on parsec or some similar program i guess

>FINALLY fucking using the 171AD os
it's time

Shit sorry dia, picked hildy without thinking.

Please, no one look at my Hyde inputs..........

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You being here will be a good opportunity to practice my antiair OS because it hasn't come out once tonight. Everyone else at my locals is getting it down and I can't be left behind.

With how his walk speed and dash are, I'm guessing it's all a waiting game and learning how to dash block, or going for his counter/parry? He doesn't seem to have any real tricks or gimmicks aside from the parry and all his chargeable moves, which is part of why I like him.

Akatsuki seems pretty popular. What changed between UNIEL and this game?

they made him not suck ass

>all these 3 and 4 bars connections
Am I dreaming?

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Damnit, I just wanna play some fuckin video games but somehow that’s taxing too. Doesn’t help that I got btfo multiple times on top players streams and obvious new people. Why do fightans gotta be so fun but so exhausting?

they couldn't figure out how to balance him, so they just gave him ABSOLUTE GORILLA frame data.

>arcsys paying for literal who game to the public instead of just GG again

that makes sense

Darn, and here I thought I had somiething going against waifu there. Good stuff!

>play PC for the first time
>actually winning matches consistently

Even if its not as clean as I would like, I can safely say that getting beaten up for months on PS4 has made me a better player.

His dash speed is slow, so you have to exploit your projectile invincible moves, use dash blocking, and just be patient. His counters are not really for getting in.

I'm trying to play much more patiently.
Good stuff to you too

>brain, mag, and atic all playing orie
My peanut brain can't take this

mine can't either. playing orie is too much thinking for me right now. i'm going back to phonon.

Enkidu's dash block is shitty, his parry frame data is so bad it's not even worth using outside of run up parry or parrying on enemy wakeup antics, and his charge moves can all be easily punished. Yeah, it's a game of complete patience with Enkidu. One funny thing you can try with him that usually always lands is doing half charge 5C (or any other overhead) and then FF, because the first hit is a low and it's hard to see it coming out of nowhere.

Also remember those stomps, 22EX is Enkidu's only safe move

Can anyone stream? I kinda wanna watch how the lobby is going but I don’t wanna take a spot since I can’t really play right now

Ha, got the vorpal FF combo route again

I think there are multiple lobbies on both PS4 and PC

Aahhh fuck you dia. Why did I do that?

ggs to that other yuzu, that was fun playing against you, orie, and the mika

That was literally just a gamble I put out since time was running out. Don't feel too bad about it.

Darnnit haha, threw away that round real good. Fun times were had.

>that GRD break during that one time sairou took to the air and I was spamming 3BAD attempts
Why on earth am I so bad at this OS Jesus Christ

ggs pc lobby

Safe or positive? I figured he's close range only but close range with mostly unsafe moves sounds weird.

Not him but I still wouldn't keep trying to prod more activity than what we're already getting. Unless actually getting booted to /vg/ is going to tell you to it's time to stop, then I don't know what else to say. Do shit in moderation, damn it, 12 hours isn't being moderate. I don't want this to go to /vg/ what's so hard about this

ggs good taste in color

Well I tried to start it only 2 hours earlier than usual yesterday because of people complaining about not finding lobbies early enough.

Somebody else started the thread before this one way earlier than that (I believe it was 3PM?).


ctrl+f "+" and be ready to cry, user
22B is +0 and 22EX is +3 but B has slow startup and EX costs meter. 22A is -3 but it's pretty safe considering literally nothing else of Enkidu's is. If any of your attacks are ever blocked and you're not going for a mixup then just hit a stomp button because your turn is over

I should note that when I made the thread yesterday it quickly 404d in about 10-20 minutes so I don't think this is gonna be a regular thing unless the people playing now keep trying to start it.


>React to assault with shield
I make the worst decisions I swear

are you going to keep trying to make these regular now? with people that make these sort of OPs?

*while downback

I tried and failed to make the thread so I'll just let others make it if they want and if people want to play games then play games.

I understand that some people don't like the potential for lowering the quality of the thread but if it helps more people get interested in playing the game I'm not gonna shoo them away outright.

Besides right now it looks like it's mainly just the regulars playing right now in any case (at least on PS4) so I don't see the problem.

Which one is harder execution-wise, Seth or Yuzuriha?

The intentional is admirable but i genuinely don't think there was anything wrong with what was already going on for a while.

Both are savant tier but Yuzu is definitely harder


I only checked 2 hours earlier cause that early thread was mentioned yesterday, and I was surprised there was a thread up today. It was even made incredibly early.

Definitely Seth

>getting stand tech now instead of the OS
Well at least it's not crouch tech

Seth it is, then.

Aside from Waldstein, who are the least played chaacters?

Fellas, what do I actually do during/after blockstring? I just want to avoid getting perfected, or helplessly destroyed anyways.

Probably Chaos and Carmine.

Do you guys ever play earlier? I've seen the threads the last couple nights and I had gotten the game recently, had been meaning to for a while. I wanna get some experience, but I cant play this late my apartment is small and I will wake my wife up clacking my stick around at 1 Am

>Orie AA os beats backdash
good to know.

At least I did it a couple times, but then I got those retarded stand techs and 2B. I'll be so happy once I get the timing and input for this dumb OS consistently.

Haven't seen anyone play Nanase or Carmine in Yea Forums lobbies plus only person who plays Enkidu is hippie.

On the flip side, Aka, Orie, Phonon, Mika, and Linne are the most popular.

Lobbies have been going all day but the community is unreceptive to starting earlier threads because it could force these threads to get washed up in /vg/.

Well that and trying to avoid lowering the quality of the thread when something gets more popular.

Have ya tried joining the unist discord to get matches?

On defense? You can attempt to practice your shielding and try to mash out when successful I guess. It's really about considering what your opponent likes to do if he can't open you up and reacting accordingly.

And if you do get opened up a lot think hard about what actually hit you and to mitigate it later on.

Why is Seth so cool, bros?

Going to skip for a bit Pc lobby, gonna get something to drink.

depends who you are playing. During a blockstring just block and use green shield to get GRD. Wait for a hole in the blockstring and then use a reversal or fast A.

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Getting hungry and sleepy, so i'm gonna peace out now. GGs guys, haven't played against some of the people a saw tonight in a while.

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GGs man. Always good to see ya.

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I was hoping to get to fight you a bit tonight. Oh well

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GGs m8. Thanks for the fun times!

Yeah this OS is going to take a while.


I dont do discord, but I probably will for this.

Luck you then, since it's easy enough to pick up matches without too much interaction if you're not in the business of socializing and there's a fair amount of skilled players there. Best of luck on your journey.


That was a nailbiter of a finish there. Great game.

Who #WiFi here?

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That reminded me of that Tari vs Squish clip where Tari timerscams Squish by just running away to the end of the screen and Squish just dashes and hops his way after him futilely in pursuit.

since the evo announcement you can pretty much find good ranked connections any normal hour (ie. 5PM-1AM) but the threads are usually at night for the lore

Whenever it happen it absolutely breaks my heart

Closing my pc lobby at 2. Fun games, but let's try to chill a bit on the threads.

Don't be that guy.

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Hhhnnngg. I felt that one Brain.

Since Sion is in this, does that mean this is in the same universe as Tsukihime?

It's not sion, it's "eltnum"
Different character, different VA

It was a stupid move so I deserve it. I might have to lab her and...Byak might be similar. Got frustrated at 2b? just no-selling any pressure attempt.

Darn, I was so afraid to approach that I couldn't commit to anything there haha.

I need to relax those nerves.

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It's just some random Alchemist, you're thinking too hard. She's not even real.

ggs to the guys in vidya time, gonna get some sleep

Thanks for the games pc lobby, I better go to sleep now. Had lots of fun. Ggs.

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Thats it for me. GGs lobbies 1 and 2

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But she had the same family name. I would say at least related.

GGs! See ya next night.

Actually finally got it once complete into punish combo and then fucked up everything else.


Ah you got me dia. Good shit

ggs pc lobby
a lot of people showed up today

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Alright I'm out. GGs all and let's not try to get banished to the shadow realm.

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You should play, or maybe watch, her arcade mode to get an idea of who this mysterious person with a gun really is

How does this game compare to Central Fiction

All ogre boys. See you PC players next time.

I don't really understand how UNIST frame data works with the passing link/reverse beat stuff, but I'm guessing that's not good frame data, is it?
What's the strategy with him if he has a bad approach, average/below average reach, and all of his buttons are pretty unsafe? And what makes him competitive with the rest of the cast outside of player skill? I'm guessing he at least does big damage once he gets in.

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Darn haha. All those opportunities and still came up short.

Still practicing that move I see?

be a footsies god
Just play the system mechanics well

He's got some good long low reach and once he gets going he puts out some nice numbers. He also has the benefit of not being execution heavy.

Fuck phonon. ggs my dude

ggs was fun in the pc lobby

Shall we move onto the other lobby when waifu exists? How full is it looking over there for you guys?

Also GGs waifu! Thanks for the fun matches.

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okay nope, I'm officially too tired tonight. That round end was awful execution.

GGs all, and thanks for the replays Atic.

Great games Dia. I love fightan ya with my Yuzu even when I'm not feeling great with her.

ggs everyone. I'm out. All of you in lobby 2 have gotten a lot better. Somehow you're harder to deal with now despite playing Hilda recently, Icey.

Exits that is, whoops.

GGs! Til next time!

GGs man!
You were so close a couple times tonight.

Good fucking games Atic.
Some of the most intense and fun matches I've had in ages.

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>that failed OS crouch tech at the end that ultimately cost me the final round
Man fuck this OS, seriously.


Yeah ggs, our matches are always really fun. You're pretty much one of the only people in these lobbies who consciously does the assault/throw thing regularly so I need you in order to practice this stuff.

Eh I doubt it, but the matches were definitely very fun. I think playing Hilda is just helping me clear my mind and see things differently.

Darn I wish I could throw tech good.

>love UNI's style and want to get good
>every time I play a game that requires high thumb motion my joints start RSI burning after 20 minutes and don't stay inflamed for days afterwards
I just want to play Linne and have good times with my fightan buds.
Monster Hunter on the 3DS was a mistake.

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They said they want to update [st] rather than make a new version

Darn! Soo close hahaha.

Thinking about that one I shoulda tried to use the charged hien to mix it up.

EVO is still 6 months away.

If nothing else, your keep away seems to be getting better. I was legit impressed by how you dodged my DPs. You should still try to incoporate some throws like Lamp does instead of always assaulting. Then again, I'm still bad at shielding those properly.
Ouch. Do you know if using a stick would help with the issue?

Sorry for your circumstances. Maybe try someone who has less inputs to do to maximize damage?

and the game is still 40 dollaroos and never been on sale for a affordable price

fucking this

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$20 at gamestop on ps4
$30 on voidu for PC

>$40 is not an affordable price
>can't manage to save 15 more dollars within the next 6 months

So basically just understand how to use my buttons and my opponent's tendencies instead of relying on safe EZ-neutral tools?
Sounds daunting, but also like it'd teach me neutral fast.

I've never tried a stick, but that might keep enough pressure off my thumbs. How much do they usually cost?

The new version is more than likely a patch and dlc, just to let you know.

Well once you get into your opponents head is when is time to mess people up with Enkidu.

I'm jealous of lamps ability to run up to you and grab ya, though I'm jealous of a lot of things lamp can do with Yuzu that I can't

>this general-esque OP
what the fuck is going on here, don't you remember what happened to GG?

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Is this hippie? If so, the popularity gaining of PC players has made it so people tried to start an earlier thread (with success). I believe the OP being the way it is is the result (since the person who made the OP likely is a new player).

I think some people do hold them wineglass style, so it might actually work. They're a bit pricy though. A lot of the recommended ones are $150+ assuming there isn't a sale.
You might be able to get a qanba drone or something for cheap and mod the buttons and sticks later if you like it. Others know more about stick choices than me though.

That being said, the thread hasn't derailed into "that format" yet and it's nice to see people picking up the game that wouldn't usually have.

Doesn't stop the usual night players from playing either so it's harmless (so far).

How does Enkidu mess people up? Mixing in the overheads or staggering attacks to catch people trying to mash out once they get scared?

Footstomps are your friend and it'd be wise to practice using them. I know I need to use it more often. Also it sounds like you have a pretty good idea of what to do. Try it out on real opponents and then you'll likely get a better feel of how to play him.

it is not, but I don't want us to meet the same fate as fighting games that have already died on /vg/ with constant name drama. the OP pretty much reads like an invitation to be relegated though with how obnoxious it is.

Are there any low-input characters to speak of in this style of fightan?
I dabbled in UNIEL just enough to develop a liking for Linne, but she does seem pretty heavy on the inputs.

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me neet

Darn, trapped me at every turn! Nice job closing me up atic.

I've been keeping my eye on this game since the announcement for EVO, and as such I've been watching 2018 top 8s in the background during work for the past two days. It's fascinating how there are so many different characters I've been seeing at the top, and how every match-up is enjoyable to watch.
Even Waldstein who I don't really like the design of is great to see in action. Nothing beats watching Byakuya or Yuzuriha though, there was one match between a Vatista and Hilda though that was pretty great.

I've been curious about picking this game up, but my only real context for fighting game was a week of practice of Karin. Anybody kind of similar here?

Don't check the PS4 store, it was like $70 when I checked last.

In my opinion, Enkidu, Akatsuki, Wagner and Mika are all pretty easy execution characters to work with.

oh fuck off, if only french bread had the money to throw around for a shitty fighting game exhibition that has lost any kind of entertainment value besides surprise reveals.

I know I wrote 5 more matches but I'll just shut the lobby down on the hour

There are alot of startups coming here since the announcement of EVO. Mostly on PC with a few coming to PS4.

Sorry, I meant, any characters similar to SFV Karin in UNIST. It's not a big deal, but having a start with a playstyle I'm a bit familiar with (even if it's been a year and a half), would probably be helpful.

I understand your concern. I also don't see this lasting too much longer (unless these new players really do stick with the game).

You mean like a rekka character? Enkidu and Hyde I guess.

Hilda or Wagner if you want an ojou

And now the Hiens are coming out more consistently, haha. Definitely wanna practice that one. I think I'm gonna choose this opportune time to dip out (1:00 AM). Thanks for the games lads, see you next night! GGs

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God I fucking love doing 214c orb into 22a/b

Newfag here, definitely sticking with this game if PC stays alive. MB was one of my favorite fighting games so this is definitely giving me my fix. Also want to pound the shit out of people with big hand loli

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My opinion is that outreaching to the newfags isn't worth risking the banishment of the currently existing community. Call it dismissive because it is but why try and shake things up when things were already fine, new people were already coming to the late night threads and other people came back to it. Mods don't give warnings before they move threads, why keep risking shit?

Fuck Merkava and fucl doing 66C cancelling. I can't get that shit done fast enough so I always kedp dropping combos. I just wanted to play big snake man but that 66C>66B>66C is killing me. Maybe I'll go back to jewpuncher.

Your run up overheads will no longer work Icy, ggs

ggs, one day I will truly be a robot and OS right.

Good games everyone had a lot of fun tonight. My hilda still needs a lot of work but I love playing as her. Also the matches I had with Dia were far too intense and even more fun. I don't know if I hate or love the Linne match up vs Yuzu but he always makes it fun.
I'll keep doing them till they do work.

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GGs guys, I had fun. Someday I'll catch up to everyone again.
Stick to the usual thead format newfags.

I'm certain it was /vg/faggotry at work, no one can be that fucking stupid

Well if people are gonna show up what difference does it make where we meet?

If anything the move to /vg/ might improve not running into weirdo tripcode users. People already address eachother here with names with nobody getting uppity with eachother.

The only real difference would be 1 consistent thread instead of 5 threads a week. This also would likely not have happened if it didn't make EVO.

There's a lot of newfags coming to the game, myself included, so some of them probably don't remember the fate fighting games get. I would say worst case scenario get into the discord and just never touch the voice chat aspect of it because I really want to see this game thrive.

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Have you never been to /vg/?
It all degenerates down into idiocy because that's what 24/7 threads do. You might not believe things might not get worse but where /vg/ is concerned it will ALWAYS get worse.
Please don't fucking try to test this with these threads, please.

How close is this to Melty? It's by the same devs isn't it? Was thinking on giving it a try.

>what difference does it make where we meet?
Have you never visited /blaz/, or even any thread on /vg/

Far more grounded, but it still has reverse beats and a blood heat equivalent, so it'll feel familiar. And if you really miss Melty, you can always play Eltnum

I dunno, /ggg/ looks alright to me.

I know that /afgg/ is pretty cancerous to be sure. Too much trip/name worship over there. I appreciate when we get tournaments hosted from there though.

>image spam during dead hours
We don't need any of that shit, there was nothing wrong with what was already going on.

Feels slower, several characters have longer range than fucking Neko Arc Chaos's SHEXSHEE leg. I too came from MB and I'm loving it so far, but learning the match ups is gonna be another process to go through and I proceeded to go 15 matches 0 wins the other night. What characters did you enjoy playing in MB?

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24 hour threads result in filler. It will turn the threads into a lot of image spam to keep them active. This will be along with some adopting trips and wishing to become a personality in the general.

Plus of a bunch of people who won't play the game hanging around

or people could just find games on trannycord during the day like most of us and wait for threads at night, death might be preferable to /vg/

I mean it's either that or let the thread die out, which happens anyways in these threads.

Not letting morning people get the chance to set up threads for lobbies is pretty messed up, but I see where you're coming from with not wanting to ruin the current setup you've had for years. Anyways, I won't be participating in making early threads myself so I'll excuse myself from that, but if people are down to play and I'm available I'll play whenever.

That does exist too and I'm sure many people will choose this option since these threads don't usually gain traction anyways. I think that EVO hype is still in the minds of new players for the time being and personally think it won't last.

This is literally the SAME thing that happened when the PS4 version came out in English. 2 lobbies a night, newfags trying to make more threads, the community got blasted. Stop.

>don't play or talk about the game newfags
I get that you oldfags are afraid of /vg/ but saying nobody but the old guys are allowed to make threads or talk about the game is stupid, especially when it's an EVO game for fucks sake.

>let the thread die out, which happens anyways in these threads.
I fail to see the issue

>Not letting morning people get the chance to set up threads for lobbies is pretty messed up
Just create a new thread? Why does everything need to be condensed into a general

Literally the top and bottom. Same as this mage.

Attached: heh.png (500x813, 73K)

So you're saying it's okay for morning players to start a thread so long as it doesn't last too long then?

Nobody is saying you cant talk about the game. Just be aware of where you are. We have these threads in a way so that we keep the community we have crafted. Now you want to join that community. Cool, we would love to have you. Just play by the rules the community has then.

As long as it doesn't devolve into the usual general format, bumping needlessly with the same 10 images and canned replies regurgitated endlessly

is the pc lobby up

>don't you remember what happened to GG?
Getting banished to be a part of /ggg/ was the greatest time I've ever had on this site, even if felt like a mistake at times.

post more memes

An attempt at a 24/7 thread will inevitably die off like /unig/ did from lack of people to bump during dead non-NA night hours since there are no EU people here. The other alternative would be to be banished into /afgg/ where they're exemplifying /vg/ problems by going crazy with the tripcodes and inane e-celeb drama. The nice thing about these threads is that they are up at a regular schedule for the sole purpose of a nightly lobby then die off once that purpose is completed.

Not him but I don't see the issue, it's not like the old regular players here have a monopoly on discussing the game. These threads are late at night simply because every other time that was tried never attracted enough players, and if UNIST actually has become popular enough to sustain that kind of activity, which I do doubt, then let people go for it.