>hey man, can i borrow your game? i'll give it back next week
Hey man, can i borrow your game? i'll give it back next week
Meme arrow buying physical media
Meme arrow not pirating games
I shiggy diggy, kid.
I was so trusting as a kid, man. We really need to teach children to tell other children to fuck off. I let some faggot borrow my Smash Brothers 64 and I asked for it 2 weeks later and he said he traded it in at funcoland for Pokemon Cards. In hindsight I should have hit his ass but he was bigger than me and I'm a little bitch.
Okay, but only if I can borrow Pokemon Blue.
I still have your Spider Man disc inside a Wind Waker case Patrick. I don't know why I have it, but I know it's yours.
Fuck this kid
>loan my nearly complete LoZ:OoC to friend who lives across street for a week to see if he wants to buy it
>"His little sister" somehow deleted my save
Yes, I'm still mad more than 10 years later.
no way fag
>can I borrow one of yours
>NO, my mom won't allow it
>borrow a friends game
>a month later he asks if I'm done with it
>I've been replaying it constantly and loving every minute
>give it back after ~half a year and later get my own copy.
Why? That game fucking sucks.
>In high school, get Prototype for 360
>Friend comes over and sees it, we play for a bit
>He likes it, asks if he can borrow it
>I say sure, he's a good friend and I trust him
>Keeps it for weeks, dodges me whenever I ask for it back
>Finally tell him I'm coming by to get it, he says he broke it it, but thought I said he could keep it so it doesn't matter anyway
>Never got it back, never even knew if he "broke" it or not
All that over fucking Prototype. Wasn't even that good of a game. Fuck you Robert
>that kid that steals your games till you have none left
this is the real reason I pirate
I remember someone let me borrow Spider-Man 2 on gamecube and I gave it back to him a while later, don't remember how long but I did give it back. I remember telling the same kid about Melee but liked the game too much to let him borrow it.
how can you borrow digital media? Silly boy!
>"Sure!" - my little brother with muh copy of Goldeneye 64
give it back with a letter of apology, user. It's the only way to make things right
>never have this problem because have no friends
there's a solution for everything, even if it's accidental
You can with Steam with family sharinv, you can't play any came or the game on their computer would stop working, or something like that, but you definitely can, I think same can be done with the Switch.
>have this cool ass The Legend of Zelda special anniversary magazine with lots of into about the series up to the first GameCube teaser reveal trailer and Windwaker
>pic related as cover
>lend it to a friend at school so he could also read it and check guides
>Ask for it a week later, said he can't find it
>Is fine, I'm a patient kid
>He never found it
I don't have any magazines anymore and that was like almost 20 years ago, but man if it still stings. Shit like this is why I have trust issues nowadays.
lent a friend a 360 game, he lent it to some guy who was/is now a convicted criminal and heavily involved in drugs. Game probably got sold for drug money.
I lent a 7 year old nephew a stack of Wii games once and the fucking guy absolutely obliterated the shit out of them. I was a little bit upset.
>right before no more heroes comes out hipster friend in highschool is talking about hype for it and how Suda made Killer 7 but he hadnt had the chance to play yet.
>find copy of game
>transcendental experience
>the night I get to the end I even replay the whole game
>loan him game next time I see him
>get it back a day later
Oh I couldn't figure out how to get into the restaurant.
>dude you just use the wrestler it was in the manual, and I'm sure the gimp tells you to do this as well.
Oh I didn't read it
Lost so much respect for him that day.
> let a kid borrow my yugiohcards
> he ended up playing with them during class and the teacher ended taking them away
>traded the rest of my yugiohcards for Pokemon with a friend
>Friend i know was going through a portal faise after playing it on the orange box
>Lend him a copy of Portal 2 since he knew i had it
>Week or so later walking home with him from school to pick it up
>Wait outside while he runs in and gets it
>He immediately starts to shout out his little sisters names to get in here
>Yells at them for taking the game out and leaving the disc down on the ground
>Literally screaming at them so he knows i know who's fault it is
>Mfw i just want my game back and to go home
>implying he wasn't just framing his sisters
No, but feel free to come play anytime, boy.