Who are some confirmed celebrity gamers?
>pc master race
>plays exclusively on mouse and keyboard
>shits on controllers
>still plays quake
>installed a corporate line in the 90s just to play online lag free
Who are some confirmed celebrity gamers?
>pc master race
>plays exclusively on mouse and keyboard
>shits on controllers
>still plays quake
>installed a corporate line in the 90s just to play online lag free
Other urls found in this thread:
>friends with a loony alt-right racist who fucking believes in Space Leprechauns that can only be seen after doing LSD
Fuck off with this
ICKY Fuckbag
Joe's views about drugs are weird, but overall hes pretty cool and level headed.
This degeneate and terry crews are pc fans.
Also Henry Cavill was a WoW player if you believe it or not
>who fucking believes in Space Leprechauns that can only be seen after doing LSD
To be fair jones has said multiple times that that’s not what he believes, but it’s what the elites themselves believe
doesn't he hate videogames now?
This is where a lot of people disconnect with Alex Jones.
Dude has some out there thoughts to be sure. But he transitions from thought to thought so quickly, its difficult for people to follow that hes saying "This is what THEY believe" and not what he believes.
can't believe joe rogan is dead
No he was talking with Schaub like 2 days ago about how much fun quake still is
The dude's mental, people don't like to associate with wackos even if they have a few coherent thoughts a few times a day like a broken clock and they are correct in their stance.
>>friends with a loony alt-right racist who fucking believes in Space Leprechauns that can only be seen after doing LSD
You sound boring as shit. Why wouldn't you want to be friends with a whacko? He's the best sort of insane too where he just says funny shit instead of trying to kill you in your sleep. The guy would be amazing at parties.
Nah, Alex jones isn't insane. He's an entertainer and during his custody battle for his kids, he flat out admitted that alex jones the radio show host is a character he plays. He simply says off the wall crazy shit he doesn't believe, then sprinkles in his real opinion on current events.
It was only a matter of time (((they))) told him to stop the conspiracy shit but them he had to go and get Alex Jones again for the meme cred.
You just can't keep up.
>nomnomnom, i LOVE trumps shit
Good to know loser
Danny Brown
How has joe always been rich?
That’s not a surprise though. All black men are weeb period
great post lol
God forbid you be friends with someone who doesn't show your exact views, fucking sperg.
kek i'm not even conservative and you're just a boring dullard regardless of politics. I feel bad for you bro.
Only thing he plays is Quake and he hasn't played in like 15+ years
Crazy is magnetic.
Vin Diesel turning his DnD fanfiction into an entire movie.
I also enjoy the theory that Henry Cavill is not actually an asshole as many say, he's just a turbo autist that memed his way into the industry from good looks alone.
Wrong on both counts, retard. :-P
Vin Diesel
John Cena
Henry Cavill
Just the top of my head.
Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Henry Cavill, Dave Chappelle, Robin Williams, Mila Kunis, Gerard Way and I think the rest of My Chemical Romance, Macaulay Culkin, all big into WoW at some point in their lives. Daniel Craig and Jon Favreau both expressed excitement to play RDR when it first came out while making smalltalk during press advertising for Cowboys & Aliens. Jason Biggs and Sean William Scott talked about going down to Gamestop and picking up a load of games to play in their trailers in one of the American Pie commentaries, I think it was American Wedding because Gamestop wasn't "Gamestop" before then. I remember Wayne Brady having a small cameo interview on some old G4 show and talked about if he weren't so busy at the moment he'd be playing Max Payne and trying to finish it. Jamie Lee Curtis likes fighters, mainly Street Fighter, and fucking adores Cammy, I know she's attended some EVOs with her son. Hal Sparks, while not having the greatest career still counts I'm sure, but he was also on an old G4 show where he talked about how he was addicted to Diablo 2 and it caused him to fuck up a relationship he had with a girl, and almost got him fired from some small acting gig. Kevin Smith casually talked about how Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Jason Mewes were all hooked on Lord of the Rings Online for quite a long time back in I think the 2000s.
I'm trying to think of more celebs that are confirmed for enjoying games, but I'm too tired.
Fear Factor, right? Pretty sure Fear Factor set him for life, practically.
Robin Williams, named his daughter Zelda, that's how much he loves the game
I just thought they liked DBZ, One Piece and Naruto
Jack Black.
>Really into racing games
>Helped make a game starring himself
>Runs a Youtube channel about games or something I guess
Are you denying that Hillary Clinton is a god damned demon?
it's wild that there are people that legitimately think rogan has ever talked to anyone in the alt-right
having richard spencer on his podcast would be great though, exposing the world to that effeminate trust fund babby 'intellectual' would probably destroy him harder than any amount of deplatforming ever could
Where did I say that? Hillary is foul. I'm saying Alex Jones is crazy, he doesn't need to be locked up or anything. There's some things I agree with him on but he is a whackjob.
>Schizophrenia: The post
Hope you're getting help, take care of yourself.
>Avoiding answering the question
Inter-dimensional pot bellied vampire detected.
I think it's quite famous that Cavill almost didn't play Superman because he was too busy raiding
"alt-right" is the least of his problems, lmao.
cant believe this guy is 51 years old
he is mentally 23
>there is someone shitposting on Yea Forums right now that played in a raid with fucking Superman and had no way of knowing
He almost didnt get a role as a superman because he was to busy raidning in wow.
>t. Elf
Hallucinogens are wild man. I thought I found god died and moved to a new plane of existence
it's in every fucking podcast no matter the guest just chill my man holy shit
The intellectually challenged zilches of Yea Forums are way cooler & smarter than Joe Rogan! Look out for these rebel know it alls.
naw, black people fuck with anime hardcore. I knew a dude that was into clannad and he was considered "hard as fuck"
user, I am incredibly tired. The last thing on my mind is the formatting and sentence structure of shit I say on the internet. I am sorry.
cant believe people took such an obvious bait post seriously lmao good job
>Yooo my nigga, we gon watch Space Dandy or what
Samoa Joe
cant expect alex jones fans to be rational
DMT, AI, stupid MMA discussion, and universal basic income. Every fucking podcast.
Former porn actress Asia Carrera used to be heavily into Unreal Tournament back in the day.
Joe rogan is 51? I always guessed late 30s.
Michael B Jordan
I think a lot of it is from the stuff he's into, also testosterone replacement
Joe Rogaine isn't a celebrity, he's a glow in the dark gaslighting kremlin nigger working to keep his audience docile and retarded.
>I am just pretending to be retarded
UBI is 100% coming, better for more people to talk about it so we can figure out the implementation of it
In the future, undoubtedly. But Joe doesn't need to talk about the same insipid shit with every guest.
Obama was a confirmed bing bing wahoo
Dang I should have watched the video of this one.
Eddie Bravo was trolling him.
>when he starts crying saying he experienced an entire life in england in the middle ages and his kids died to the famine while he was getting choked out by his friends in school when he was a kid
what the fuck my dude
You guys are honestly worse than /pol/ at this point.
OP, Terry Crews plays PC with his son.
Spencer is now shilling for a democrat, not even joking lol. What a fucking weird dude.
How are you going to fund UBI? This is what I don't get. That would take a very large tax pool, just for Yang to push his UBI idea it would cost over 7 trillion dollars. Where does this money come from?
Way to confirm yourself as a certified zoomer.
Actually I just did the math, if you paid a monthly UBI in the U.S it would be 332 billions dollars a month.
DMT, you ignorant fuck.
Nobody knows, the only answers to this are
>uhhhh companies will pay through tax cause they're evil anyway, fuck rich people
>well, we're just gonna have to figure that out but what we know for sure is that capitalism has failed and there must be a better way.
I'd love to get enough money to cover the essentials and spend my life working on releasing free vidya instead of just 2 hours after work, but it just soesnt work without stealing it from somewhere. Somebody somewhere needs to give more than they're getting for it to work.
He was on NewsRadio making that TV money back in the 90s
I love how they say capitalism has failed whole standing on their bulging carpet of the millions of lives socialism has claimed. Bitch at least I'm not eating my dog.
>millions of lives socialism has claimed
>completely ignoring the millions and millions killed under capitalism
time traveling interdimensional psychic vampire detected
He's Dimitri Karamazov
when did reds start shitting up my Yea Forums?
give me numbers.
Black chad nerds are the best for parties.
The only thing we did wrong was fight against The Axis, granted that was a biiiiig fuck up.
>Heh I called him a zoomer
Because pleb and cuck are a little too out of style, eh? Don't strain yourself too hard,
>Because mass genocide is the goal of capitalism
Evil companies can be held accountable, meanwhile the commies had nukes.
I miss the old days.
Honestly, I never have liked Joe Rogan's comedy, but something caught my eye when he did the whole thing where he tore Carlos Mencia on stage about him stealing all of his material and getting famous for it.
Then his podcast was fairly new and I followed it for a few years and damn it was always so interesting and entertaining. At some point I just sort of fell off and now I can't say I don't like Joe Rogan anymore without somebody jumping down my throath and thinking it's because of politics.
I just wish it was 2012 or earlier again.
Is joe rogan OUR guy?
since capitalism detonates the global economy every decade or so and has to get bailed out. People see bankers and tech shitters making off like bandits while they get fired and lose their homes. The contradictions will be heightened.
Jamie pull that up
Wooden doors c'mon Jamie for real?
Pull that shit up
>You see comrade, if ruin the economy our selves and starve, the rich make less money!
Yeah I know, as is the 'irony bro' section of twitter where I'm from. Honestly Trump has either fucked up completely on the big stuff or has been co-opted.
It'll have to be figured out. If we don't get something like UBI we're just going to get even more people killing themselves with drugs, broken families etc.
It's just such a massive shift in society that has to be undertaken. Average IQ needed for jobs is going up, but average IQ for people isn't. The jobs that don't need intelligence are being automated away.
The socialism vs capitalism debate is so fucking stupid. Gov't should leverage the economy to help citizens, not worship the GDP/moloch or whatever the turning point people are into
Vampires and psychics are too different things you fucking retard.
you first, wagie
Fees Nana.
>Gov't should leverage the economy to help citizens
Yeah, but saying that in the US makes your a super red ultra commie
Which is funny because commies are internationalist, globalist in nature. I think people like Tucker Carlson, Nick Fuentes etc offer a lot of good ideas, but I'm not married to communism or capitalism, just want what's best for me and mine.
Not a single green text post pretending to be joe equating whatever topic it is down to chimps.
This is why Yea Forums sucks now. Well, ONE of the reasons.
I clicked on a joe rogan youtube clip once and now I'm mastering in quantum physics and philosophy
>terry crews are pc fans
Terry crews isnt really a PC fan, but his son wanted to build a PC so he learned a bunch of shit to help him pick out parts and put it all together. I dont know if he actually plays vidya.
Alex has had hard lives
>>shits on controllers
What's wrong with controllers?
>fan keeping hot air in instead of pushing it out
Playing any kind of FPS on controller is the most brain dead, pants on head retarded shit you could ever do.
Anthony's Everquest story of how he was kicked out of his guild is one of the funniest game related things I've heard.
he made okay money from NewsRadio but he made his "fuck you" money (that's what he called it) from Fear Factor
>Evil companies can be held accountable
That's why Union Minière, Coca-Cola, IBM, Dole, Apple, Facebook, Shell, BP, Unilever, Nestle, Gazprom, and Hunt Oil are all safely locked behind bars now. I'm not a socialist but you're so full of shit.
Fear Factor wasn't until 2001 though, and he's said he had the $10k T1(?) line to his house in the 90s to play Quake on
yea it's pretty much up to what you define as rich
he made decent money for sure being on a NewsRadio but I'm sure the money he made on Fear Factor dwarfed the NewsRadio money by comparison
>fell for the bait
Well, we know you aren't pretending to be retarded. That's for sure.
Taxation is theft, fuck big Governement. How is this controversial? The founding fathers would shit their pants if they saw the bullshit we have in place today, it might as well be a fucking monarchy.
who gives a fuck about the founding fathers? They aren't divine. Grow up.
alex is an overgrown 3rd grader, but hes fun
Seems like they had a better head on their shoulders and actually fought for what they believed in from where standing. The fact that we even have modern political families like the Kennedys, Bushes and Clintons is disgusting. Completely antithetical to what the country was founded upon.
You know what, let's not be pussies!
so reinstate slavery and exclude women from voting again. they had their head on right after all
>The founding fathers would shit their pants if they saw the bullshit we have in place today
Like niggers and bitches voting and owning property, amirite
IM NOT GAY BUT.. Eddie's good lookin'
It's funny how close you are to the truth while you shitpost.
ah, one of those temporary embarrassed millionaires...
Go ahead and show me a socialist paradise you stupid cuck. I'd rather wallow in mediocrity under capitalism than fucking starve to death. Go back to plebbit.
ah, doesn't understand socialism on even the basic level..
>fought for what they believed in
You can apply this to millions of people. Yeah, multi-generational, dynastic political families are shit, but what are you going to do? It's the same thing as someone growing up to be a firefighter because their dad was one. Combine that with multi-generational wealth that is passed along and it's the only logical conclusion.
Exept Joe is against basic universal income as he stated it would demotivate people further into doing nothing with their lives. And hes right.
>there are anons who have raided with The Rock and that UFC chick without realising
>Most retards that post here are commie faggots.
I'm very disappointed.
>demotivate people further into doing nothing with their lives
so what?
Well, hes wrong. Might want to look up the studies on lotto winners and how many stopped working.
Another faggot just throwing out the word Alt-right without knowing what the fuck it actually means. And using it to describe someone who completely isn't. Fucking Tool. I Hope you get one Joe's famous round house's to your head someday. Yeah just go up to him and pick a fight and see what happens you fucking idiot
pic related was playing MGS3 in a cave on a 10 inch CRT, using a generator for power while he was being hunted by the U.S army.
McCarthy was 100% right. Purge Hollywood.
Spotted the alt-right infowars fan lmao. Tell me, how much would you pay to suck his dick?
He would have loved MGSV, taken too soon
in case you were too brainlet to catch on
its all a act to sell his brand and it works because you are far more likely to talk about some looney toon babbling about how moloch worshipping super lizard jews are making Teen Titans GO! play 24/7 to MK Ultra newer generations as opposed to another boring dime a dozen political show .
he even admitted so in a court defense case once. you are supposed to take Alex with a grain of salt not literally.
you think he actually believes this shit?
>pseudo intellectual who thinks everything is caused by drugs
Joe Rogan is the ultimate brainlet filter, if you think he has something to say that is worth your time, you're definitely stupid.
>you think he actually believes this shit?
Listen, were YOU sitting at the kitchen table at eight years old, hearing about cyborgs?
Humanoid detected.
>Dave Chappelle
no way
Jonathan Davis of Korn is really into vidya
Its mostly really casual stuff but he supposedly dumps crazy time into them because he finds stuff like slime rancher really relaxing
I dont like joe much at all but he gets interesting people on that get me to watch a bit of his stuff here and there
he changed his mind on it by the Andrew Yang podcast. Obviously doing it right now would be a waste but once the automation shit really kicks into high gear we need it
I guess I said the right words to get a reaction out of some fags. Its easy to get something out of you people. Make fun of, defend, or just respond you people will not fail. Want me to defend the man? How much of my attention would you like?
Also, I believe Robin Williams was quite the gamer if anyone didn't bring him up. Avid player of Battlefield and Call of Duty from I remember.
>"wow dude, that thing could probably like rip your face off ....thats crazy bro... look at the muscles on that thing...wow....."
>"dude I think its like primitive you know? like the primitive side of us thats like the best way to live for our mental health is in small communities laying around in caves n shit you know?Dont have time to be depressed when every day is a battle for survival for you and your kids ya know?"
Joe is a treasure.
Globalist space elf detected. Humanoid animal hybrids have no place on Yea Forums
Tom hardy.
Are some people actually taking this post seriously or am I being troled
8.9/10 Pretty good well done proud of you ethan keep it up
What's the context? That's a big gun by the way.
How is this thread still up? I've posted in like 3 other off topic threads that have gotten pruned since I started here.
Just so you know Alex Jones isn't how he is in real life. He's playing an exaggerated character for popularity and money.
Cause you're a faggot and OP is not?
He probably still collects royalties checks on NewsRadio syndications.
>Listen, were YOU sitting at the kitchen table at eight years old, hearing about cyborgs?
Not him but I saw Terminator 2 when I was 8 so that's a big yes from me.
thank you for linking this
>ICKY Fuckbag
Joe Rogan is Seth Rogans brother because they are both funny and both LOVE WEED
it actually doesn't matter if you have the entire case open
I did this with my old computer and it worked fine. Did it because the heatsink fan stopped working.
The case is more to filter dust out than the airflow
Fuck Alex Jones fuck Joe Rogan, fuck nazis, fuck all the neckbeards pissed off about every little tranny or mexican or black person, fuck the racism and fuck Yea Forums
Just really shows how shit the US has gotten that its that fucking retarded.
cant wait for russia and trump to nuke everyoen and start the eva age in real life where were rueld by psychich vampire overlords who eat all of our babies and we have sea farms for sea brocoli and sea carrots and sea potatoes
We're already in the eva age you absolute brainlet
>mfw I was in a wow guild with Vin Diesel
No we aren't you goddamn schizophrenic fuck
>tfw pro socialist
I'm going to finally register to vote since I heard Bernie is running again.
I love how mad it makes peopel here and how American's think it's "just communism".
If not I'll just take my free monies and move away to a better country since this one just seems to get worse. Maybe someplace where money isn't all that matters and people aren't massive shitbags and obsessed about the dumbest fucking things.
>believes in Space Leprechauns that can only be seen after doing LSD
fun fact, he doesn't actually believe in it, he says that the shadow government believes in it.