Imagine actually being brazilian

Imagine actually being brazilian

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>american level
>get shot by obese negroes

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We have a shit government with literal retards, high crime rates, amazon rainforest is being destroyed and nobody seems to care, BUT at least we have...
No, we have nothing.

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don't remind me

>hueheue brasil é o pais da zuera
fucking how? we have the worst sense of humor and memes


Santos Dummont created the first plane though.

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Left = Amerindian subhuman
Right = The Chad Bandeirantes
Who you calling monkey again in online games bro?

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Still seething about that thread the other day kek

what thread

Remember how /vint/ revealed all the console war shitposts were made by Brazilians? Good times.

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What's worse?
Being born as a Brazilian or as an Indian

I'm on to you, you fucking leaf.
Or was it the australians? I can't actually remember now, fuck.

Bit of both, but IIRC, it was majority Hues. Leafs were responsible for a lot of non-console war shitposts though.

You clearly don't because they were mostly americans

I don't need to imagine

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I loved that day. I wonder what they will do this year april 1st.

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Indian by a long shot. Brazil is a shithole but India is on another level.

it also revealed that most people who spam copypastas were canadians.