>no browser
>no netflix app
>no twitch app
>can't manually change game icons from main menu
>no eshop music
>no messaging system
>no built-in voice chat
Tell me again, what justifies the $329.99 price tag for the switch?
>no browser
>no netflix app
>no twitch app
>can't manually change game icons from main menu
>no eshop music
>no messaging system
>no built-in voice chat
Tell me again, what justifies the $329.99 price tag for the switch?
you mean $300 price tag?
also why would I care about those features? it plays games, that's all I need.
Maybe the controllers being 80 fucking dollars plays a part in that. Even then I have yet to play a game that takes advantage of that expensive-ass 3D rumble tech in any significant way. Being a portable console was already gimmick enough, they didn't have to overdo it.
The Video Games
>Not videogames
>Not Vidya
>Not videogames
>Not video game
>Not videogames
>Not videogames
>Only useful for a genre that is hardly on the console at all
Why do you care so much about things that aren't video games on your video game console? Surely you aren't poor enough to be one of those people pornhub recorded as having used the Internet Browser to go watch porn back in the Wii days, right?
>When the fucking ps vita, a literal dead console has a Netflix app
Lmao nintendocucks are so fucking retarded I swear. I bet you beta nintendofags dont even have the balls to play with your switch in public.
>>no browser
>>no netflix app
>>no twitch app
>>can't manually change game icons from main menu
>>no eshop music
>>no messaging system
>>no built-in voice chat
only good point
>dead console that had virtually no fucking games unless you cared for weeb shit
>dead console whose only saving graces are its OLED screen that got fucking removed in the revision and that it can finally be hacked to play better games
>b-but it's better because it can play Netflix movies in 480p!
>every single new IP completely BTFO OP
>the one post sucking the PSVita's rotting corpse of a cock isn't from a new IP