why arent you a zoomer twitch streamer
Why arent you a zoomer twitch streamer
because I'm a boomer twitch streamer
*sips* what games do you stream
Is that fucking Clint "Seven Inches Soft" Stevens? I thought he died.
magic online
Are u talkin shit about my nigga Clint Stebens?
Because I'm nearly 36 years old.
i tried since i have no friends, no one wants to watch my streams
there we go
boomer vs zoomer is a manufactured meme to sell a certain energy drink
Clunk stebens
because even though guys have found me cute i'm too scared to stream my face for fear of feeling ugly in myself
This. Did it for a year but never gotten past more than 3 average viewers. I'm ugly and have no pesronality
My parents gave me enough attention as a child so I don't need streamer attention as an adult
CUNT isn't a zoomer you ignorant ponce
clink stebens
i browse /ck/ every day, where actual Monster interns shilled the "sips" meme daily for years. it finally caught on, but only as a kind of backfired mutation with the boomer meme. the actual boomer meme was started by leftist shills who wanted to d&c /pol/ about "neocons". the zoomer meme was a natural reaction by unsuspecting anons who felt insulted by being called a boomer. it caught on and went mainstream vis-à-vis /biz/-youtuber-redditor meme videos and /wsg/. there are a lot of normies on /wsg/ who watch twitch in addition to being a source for pewdiepie's content, so the meme spread across the web.
Everybody likes Clint.
clint is based you fucking newfag
Is Clint samefagging in here, or are you all just discord trannies?
back in my day Clint hated his life and streamed oot everyday
>tfw boomer
>stream games from 2010 or earlier
>usually get 1 viewer
>that 1 viewer chats
>its comfy
Clint is unironically better than 99.9% of streamers his age. Only funny on yt though ;^)
>his age
Hoe old even is he
why couldnt streaming be popular 10 years ago, when i was good at games and didnt hate life
he was born in 98
Cute guy here
should i stream-whore myself?
it can't be that easy or is it?
idk what the market is like for cute guys, but cute girls have it so fucking easy if they put in the smallest amount of effort on twitch. god DAMN i wish I could just be cute on stream and receive free money all day.
which one are you, Yea Forums
zoomers detected
one time that kid said he didn't know what a cuck was but he liked the word.
that one time clint told a joke
zfg desu
seething boomer detected
>ywn date Clint
Why even live
i dont know how
Y was the one I saw on Yea Forums but I never went to Chuck e cheese and always heard it was filthy and kids got raped there
oh my god thats a real person I thought from the thumbnail it was a jimmy neutron character jesus christ what the fuck
Clint is based and redpilled
His sister is pretty hot
>tfw you finally understood why everyone kept saying Clint looks like Flick from Bug's Life
Legitimately funny joke. Still makes me laugh. The IQ of his chat dropped 20 points when he stopped playing OOT. I don't watch him anymore.
based analyst
My issues with streaming are twofold :
My old equipment is aging and I'd need to replace them if I wanted to do any serious streaming but I can't piss away that much money just to streaming because :
I dislike the idea of selling subscriptions and monetizing what's at this point essentially hanging out with friends. I'm buds with several streamers who would be willing to help me out in terms of exposure and I make friends easily. I just would feel scummy about using people like that to make money or selfpromoting.
If I get to a point where I have something like 50-60 viewers regularly I might make the jump and then try to push for partner, before that it's only gonna be for fun.
I want to see her but standing straight with her arms by her side.
how do I subscribe to your blog
Sorta like this or arms straight down?
one where she isnt crossing her legs or pushing her hand so hard into her waist that it creases in an attempt to look normal
Fucking kill yourselves boomer/zoomer redditors. It's not fucking funny.
why are zoomers on average better looking then boomers
How about this?
I don't have my entire folder of her on this device so this is the closest to that I guess. I have a little over 100 pics of her on my home pc I think
Because I have shit internet. I have a great PC but my internet is so bad that I can't stream.
I was thinking about streaming my Tetris 99 games since I can get the odd win on it and everyone could laugh at my fuckups.
But £100 for a Elgato HD60S is a bit too steep for me when you can stream PC games for nothing (and i7-6700k and 1080ti PC so streaming wouldn't even phase a rig like that)
I wouldn't do face cam (I detest it), and maybe I'd do voice somewhere down the line, but my headset is a Cloud II so the mic quality isn't too great.
Though it would be fun to stream the odd VRChat adventure.
I'm on the fence about it. I hate sticking my leisure time to a schedule.
Clint is literally one of the only streamers worth watching
It's a shame his streaming schedule is so inconsistent and his streams are so short.
But I have so, so so many games bought over the years (almost 1000 on Steam alone) it's not even funny. I need a project to motivate me to play and beat some of them.
(I beat Phantasy Star the other day at least, so I know I still have it in me to finish games off)
What games does he usually stream?
He streamed SM64 speedrunning for like 2 years straight and it broke him. Now he streams random stuff and he's recently been streaming Wind Waker.
archive links?
Because I acted like a total idiot online when I was 18-20 because I went crazy thanks to malnutrition and manipulation from a girl who was emotionally abusing and isolating me without my knowledge, as well as impersonating me and adding to the flames.
If I ever, EVER got big in any medium I'd be James Gunn'd in a fucking heartbeat because droves of people still despise me to this day.
He did Wind Waker and OOT speedrunning before that. SM64 was supposed to be his relief from OOT since it was making him insane. Then he forgot to take it easy with SM64 and he nuked his stream for a few months.
Nowadays, he's been doing a lot of randomizer runs. Mostly of OOT and WW.
I am, sort of. Just started a couple of weeks ago and I'm almost at 50 followers already. I have a few dedicated viewers too which is pretty cool. Hopefully this time next month I'll be an affiliate be able to make a little bit of money from it.
Might check him out sometime, thanks broskis.
Hello Boogie
>tfw young boomer raised by Gen X parents
What kind of games do you stream? 50 followers in a couple weeks sounds pretty damn good, especially with how many streamers there are.
I try to play games with dedicated fanbases but low view counts. I'm not gonna say any specific games because I don't really want to be publicly associated with Yea Forums. no offense guys it's just PR 101
>raised by Gen X parents
So you're a millennial?
Boogie ALREADY has a big following you dolt. I was just a pathetic borderline incel type until like 3 years ago when I actually made an irl friend and escaped that psycho bitch.
Now I basically renounce everything I said in that shitty mindset, but after cutting her out of my life, the dumb bitch decided to go around calling me a pedophile just to defame me even though I'm definitely not and actually hate kids, so I can't ever get popular or try hard to be good at something because that would get me known, and these days everyone believes the accuser even with no evidence, and I was a cunt back then anyway.
The internet killed personal growth beyond a certain point by keeping an eternal record of the shitty person you used to be. You can never grow or change because you'll always get that old garbage dredged up eventually and then everyone hates you again.
Yeah I think that's for the best. Do you use a webcam or just a mic? I want to try streaming but I'm really paranoid about using a webcam.
millennials are raised by baby boomers, gen x birthed the zoomers, I would know, my sister is gen x and has 3 insufferable zoomer kids
I have a face cam. I've always been a paranoid autist about privacy so I always avoided it. But one day I decided to push my comfort zone and go for it. Honestly I really enjoy it, I think it adds to the interaction with my viewers. I always make dumb faces and I think it just increases viewer engagement.
I've always been an introverted person, but streaming and entertaining people feels natural to me. It brings out my inner showboater and I feel somewhat charismatic when I stream. Hopefully it'll help me in the long run.