Western devs can't make cute fema-

Western devs can't make cute fema-

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So why is the only cute on pictured Ciri who is made by Eastern Europeans and not western devs?

Nice bait

Europe is considered "Western" when talking about Eastern v. Western devs. This is a well established rule and pretending not to know about it makes you look stupid.

Who are the two men next to CIri? Also, Westerners are considered: Americans, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis, Western Europe, Northern Europe, and Central Europe. CIri isn't western.

How is this bait? they're clearly good looking ladies.

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Yeah because the media totally agrees with you that Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians are westerners.

>Post two characters with a case of manface and would easily pass as trannies in real life.
>Only cute one is made by easterners
What did OP mean by this?

Again, in this specific context everyone west of China is considered "Western". Other definitions have no relevance.

Middle is definitely not cute

Hell, it's barely female

>literally a man's body because Ubisoft are fucking lazy
Why even make a female character then?

I wouldn't even count Central Europe in that category
eurojank German games like Gothic don't really feel like Western games


Elise is cute.

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The white hair one is cute. The two other look like an average 30 year old white women with makeup.

>all these assblasted weebs itt
o i am laffin

Poland is a NATO member dipshit.

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Lol. So is Turkey.

So is Turkey and Pakistan does that make them western dipshit?

Supervised by a Japanese company
Eh, if that's your taste, who am I to judge.

black women don't actually identify to this. this is a straight-up walking stereotype, purposely made to be ugly

I'm not mad enough to play an Assassin's Creed game at this day and age, but I really like that lady. She isn't gorgeous like Ciri, but she's by no means ugly, in an "overworked mother" sort of way.

Only good one there is Ciri, and most women in W3 look good. NuLara is cute by Western standards but in a sort of waifubait way, while she was much better when she was more sexy than cute. Kassandra has a man's body.