Why does Nintendo keep doing this? Japan gets three games again
Why does Nintendo keep doing this? Japan gets three games again
Japan got more games overall on the NES. Makes sense.
Does a .txt of FE1 translation exist?
I guess there's a reason to finish it now.
Also Startropics, finally.
honestly no idea
no seriously what do they gain by releasing NES games monthly, no one is subscribing to the service to play kirby's adventure for christ sake. There is literally NOTHING stopping them from throwing on 50 more nes games right now along with SNES/gameboy/64 stuff, yet they choose not to for no reason.
Is Star Tropics actually good or just a meme?
To get people to sub when they do start releasing SNES games and again with N64 games.
I was honestly expecting Japan to get Startropics too because of how Nintendo loves to fuck over NA subscribers with these NES games.
>not subscribing just to play kirby’s adventure
They still want to milk WiiU/3DS virtual console eshops as much as possible.
Mike Jones confirmed for smash!
Imagine paying $20 for NES games and constant disconnects for online matches
does anyone actually care about any game that comes with the service besides Tetris 99?
But they could have my sub right now if they'd just put up some N64 games. I'd pay $20 just to play Paper Mario without any emulation bugs.
>not taking 3 minutes to download an emulator and a rom instead.
I almost guarantee its because they want to get back at the western crowd for shitting on the online service so hard
It's because modern nintendo realizes their fans are fucking stupid, and will continue putting up with their bullshit for years.
>playing games at all
Is ot just me or does star tropics suck? Everyone talks like it's a good game but the controls are so bad it's almost unplayable
Two of my favorite games. But how the hell is Star Tropics going to work without a manual?
Digital manual. The Wii version had one and a little gif to replicate the gimmick.
The same digital games we've been playing since the Wii?
it's not for 90's babies. just stop playing, you're too stupid to adapt to anything.
But Switch NES games don't have digital manuals
>he doesn't know Japanese
>he doesn't have his switch set up for JP eshop
Deal with it
At least this time we got a replacement game, twice now they've cucked us with nothing to make up for it.
Great game, can get difficult, lots of combat, some puzzles, and you weapon is a yo-yo. Sequel is better
It is hot garbage.
Fire Emblem is a hot franchise now and length and gameplay wise is a pretty "premium" title to put on this service compared to say, the fucking Yoshi puzzle game. They really couldn't shell out a quick translation?
Good once you get used to the grid-based controls
Great game. The sequel is also great.
Put FF1 on there.
Pretty underrated, the grid system can be pretty complex, the story & setting is light-hearted fun, and the music's solid.