Rape Day. You're probably already aware of the controversy. I've already played, and finished, the whole game. AMA
You can see it's in my Steam Library and that I've played it recently:
Rape Day. You're probably already aware of the controversy. I've already played, and finished, the whole game. AMA
You can see it's in my Steam Library and that I've played it recently:
Other urls found in this thread:
is there rape
Is it fun? Did you fap?
It's not that fun,. Or that erotic, DESU. YMMV.
You called it a game, what's the gameplay like?
I can't wait for my favorite youtuber to make a let's play on this
Can you do a barrel roll?
Branching narrative decision making.
can you torture and kill woman?
can you chop of their members?
Fuck dead bodies?
Who is best girl?
Since it's a zombie apocalypse, can I also rape the undead as well?
Is that kratos
>can you chop of their members?
Trannies are *not* women, user.
Tiny Asian office co-worker at the start.
Many times.
I thought it was Agent 47.
>not that erotic
Then whats the fucking point?
Nice meme you pulled off there! Props to you!!
Money and controversy.
This game literally only exists in order to make money off of gullible anti-SJWs because of cheap hype. It doesn't look good (even by porn game standards) and looks like something that was slapped together for cheap shock value.
If it makes money, it's doing the job properly.
Wow OP your answers are really interesting and in depth. NOT!
Ask some decent questions then.
Not my money if they look that hideous
Go home gamer girl
This game seems like the kind you would laugh the whole time through it instead of masturbating to it, am I wrong? Every screenshot has got a chuckle out of me.
Is it really only 7k words?
how did you get a copy?
>3D Western VNs
it got a few laughs
more of what?
yeah, is that not a lot by VN standards?
entered the Konami Code on the Steam upcoming releases page
how, indeed? could OP be... a shill?
How's the music/sfx/voice?
What's with the grain filter? Looks like something rendered in Blender with only 10 samples.
I can't be a shill - I wouldn't recommend playing it
Does it have animations or is it just still images with rapey writing?
>Valve bans high effort high profile Japanese VNs from release such as:
>A Kiss for Petals: Maidens of Michael
>Kara no Shoujo 2
>Hello Goodbye
>Victory Project
>but Valve allows Rape Day
Who the fuck is running this shit
I don't have a problem with Rape Day existing but I really wish Valve would actually be consistent and allow actually good VNs to get releases
>I'm no shill!
Can't fool me, shill. That's something a shill would say.
10 second audio loop
still images
This thread would be much more entertaining if Yea Forums chose what path for you to take rather than you just talking about it.
>still images
wew lad, gonna hard pass on this. he could've thrown together some cheap animations to give us something to pound our meat to.
decent idea, maybe i'll make that thread later
>still images
There goes any interest I had in this game
Valve pls
just give me my good VNs
did you take a pic of that asian co-worker? if that so share it plseee
>yeah, is that not a lot by VN standards?
i dont read VNs, I was just surprised because that number is a little low for book standards.
she's already been posted in this thread
>no animations
>kara no shoujo 2 banned
wtf I pirated the first one and loved it. wouldve been nice to play
Is this your first DAZ gobbo cash grab?
As long as it's not underage weeby pedophile animeshit I'm content with a rape simulator on Steam.
>Kara no Shoujo 2
Really? I can kinda understand the rest if I look at it from an extreme soccer mom perspective, but those 2 make no sense for a ban unless steam suddenly hates murder.
>>A Kiss for Petals: Maidens of Michael
Wait what, really? I mean yeah it's porn and a VN, but as plain vanilla yuri seems like it'd be about the least objectionable kind. Like, if it was the old policy and no AO content whatsoever was allowed at all, that'd make sense. But it's weird to see harmless fluff like that banned when stuff way less then Rape Day gets through. I mean shit even Hatred seems more objectionable then a few of those.
>allow Kara no Shoujo but not its sequel
>allow A Kiss for Petals: Remembering How We Met but not Maidens of Michael
I hate Valve
if you wanna help me whine about it to maybe get Valve to notice pls post here: steamcommunity.com
Wait you can rape zombies too? Well holy shit. I assume the game's already out and about, now I'm gonna hit up F95 and see if I can grab it.
>not anime art style
See here: steamcommunity.com
Running theory is that it was removed because some chucklefuck reported it and claimed the game was child porn in his country. You can find the details in the discussions there.
Hilariously the game is on GoG even without issue.
If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and valve fanboys get BTFO
Either way, I win.
>one of those shitty 3D ren'py games that are in eternal development since the creator functions off of patreon
>on Steam
Does not compute.
ok yeah that reeks of internal reviewers having basically zero uniform guidelines and just are all winging it. kara no shoujo 2 was a solid mystery thing too, even if it has sex.
Is that Judge Holden
recommend me good porn games
And it looks like it's not on F95 to download and it's just the dev bitching about people being mean to him. God damn it. Interest to find if the game's pirated elsewhere and interest in the game itself is dropping rapidly.
>valve bans something that even those straight edges at fucking GOG allows
What the shit BAD END reality is this and how can I reload an earlier save.
get it on steam
doki doki literature club
fuck off
JSK games
Unironically Crusader Kings 2.
get FUCKED weeb!
>Running theory is that it was removed because some chucklefuck reported it and claimed the game was child porn in his country.
>heckler's veto
Yeah, that'd explain why it's all so arbitrary.
>game is allowed
>but someone I REPOT U which results in panic take down
>if it's a decent uncontroversial game it gets no press and falls through the cracks
>if it's a shitty edgelord game it gets tons of spam and OMG VALVE BACKED DOWN TO LYING REPORT CENSORSHIP and gets through
quality prioritization job there Valve, you don't even make games anymore just sponge off Steam and you can't even get that right.
irl shitposting
>Buy a gobbo Renpy porn game that proudly lists 7000 words as a feature
Christ, no user. I wouldn't be opposed to gobbo Renpy porn games entirely on principle but when they're so fucking short there's no point. I've knocked out 5k+ word Steam guides in an evening on a whim.
>violence and killing
>rape and sex
HAHAHAHHAHA why do normies think sexual violence is worce than physical violence?
ESLs are not welcome here, user.
That looks like a fucking grandma.
there's a grandma in Rape Day (inb4, yes you can), and the two look nothing alike
I fucking love the internet sometimes man
That used to be true for me but the last time I tried playing CK2 it was just so fucky I both wasn't having much regular fun and wasn't even getting off on all the torture and rape. They've done a few expansions since then so maybe it's gotten better, but I dunno.
Actually kind of a shame since I haven't had a really satisfying long-lasting porn game in ages. Skyrim doesn't much do it for me, Sims 4 drives me insane, Sims 3 is better but the performance is so bad it's hard to stomach, Fallout 4 never got porn mods that seemed worthwhile, CK2's been Paradoxed into hell. And then actual porn games tend to be really short. Free Cities was a standout but then the dev fucked off and the infinitechan mod helps but just isn't as good as when the dev was working on it.
It’s okay if the lower classes are killing each other.
It’s bad if they are breeding with each other though.
because most games have violence being justified as being against enemy combatants or is at least so over the top most people would never have any experience with it in real life
>ESLs are not welcome here, user.
kys discord tranny, you arent even humans
First one desensitizes people, making them useful for the army and war is a profitable American business. Second one is useless.
Not that this whole thing isn't retarded, but you're a retard too.
>violence and killing
No one does this except edgy teens. Some people think that doing it for the right cause is good though, while a bad cause is bad. I mean, most of us aren't actual anarchists. But the State is an instrument of ordered violence and killing at the end of the day.
Rape is a bad kind of sex though IRL(and physical violence too even if a specific category). There isn't any good kind of it.
If you actually dig into it, few games really have much "bad" violence, at least bad in a generally recognized way rather then one most people will argue over. The ones that do like Hatred are disliked too.
Of course you're entirely right sex triggers Americans far more then violence.
You posted this last thread and it didn't make anyone angry then, either.
I'm onto you. You are trying to troll me and I will not be trolled.
Any further questions?
>I’m not really sure how far you can kick a baby
>To be extra safe I have him mash it up into pulp so it’s not really even a baby anymore
Forget about the rape; I'm curious what the achievement for this would be.
Did you play it before this scene was cut?
Yeah I played that scene. It's just one line that basically says "you pulp the baby", you don't see anything.
That doesn't even make sense. ESL niggers would be more likely to "misuse" member because they wouldn't know that it's rarely used outside of the context of a euphemism for a penis.
>it's actually a 200 year old vampire that looks like a baby
Problem solved.
I want a copy, send me a download link so I don't have to play it on my account.
Are you conveniently forgetting about Grand Theft Auto, one of the most beloved video game franchises of all time worldwide?
why don't you want to play it on your account?
have an award
Is this a shameless Rapelay ripoff? The name even sounds similar.
I don't want people to know I have a rape fetish, rape is a step too far for most people.
seed of the dead is literally L4D3
>laissez-faire policy
What a clown.
Degrees of Lewdity
>lay-zay fayre
ugh that blue haired one
wouldn't even rape
Remember when rape was funny and cool?
It's a common fetish.
Before women took over the internet.
Imagine Detroit Metal City coming out in 2019.
Necrophilia, ryona and guro aren't though.
Course I do, Rapeman.
Don't thank me. Thank rape.
But it still could, Japan still doesn't give a fuck, it's localization that fucks things up.
>Japan still doesn't give a fuck,
They're changing user.
This is the most obvious indie dev shill thread I've ever seen
Does Yea Forums know of any good rape simulators or of games that depict it pretty well?
DOA6 must have more content than I thought
what a stupid fucking game.
i hope you get raped and murdered afterwards
Fuck off, moralfag. God forbid an adult have a fantasy that they can engage in with another consenting adult.
shit sickens me
"adults" with sick fantasies aren't adults. they are brain damaged grown up kids, and you should be killed.
I know what forums he's talking about hehe
You're a good rapist, Rapeman. Don't let them get you down.
Righteous rape of justice will always have a place in our society
Unironically, house party. It looks like a college kid made it in blender, but it's actually one of the most clever adventure games I've ever played, and the parody is so nuanced that a lot of the lines of dialog I catch make me double take, not because they said it, but because I'm not sure if it's a joke or not.
irony is their policy was supposed to not care about smut and only smack down obvious trolling like this game, yet the opposite happened
as everybody knew it would
What is the objective of the game and what is it about outside the obviously intentionally controversial name?
>Are you conveniently forgetting about Grand Theft Auto, one of the most beloved video game franchises of all time worldwide?
No? That's exactly my point though.
>at least bad in a generally recognized way rather then one most people will argue over
Much of the population thinks depictions of inter-gang violence or whatever are either funny or "historic" or that it's fine if they kill each other or whatever. Sure GTA has been massively criticized and held up as an example of GAMES CORRUPTING YOUTH plenty but it also has plenty of support so it's in the category of games "most people will argue over." That's different from some game that was literally and exclusively about some jihaddurka massacring schools for allah say.
>yeah, is that not a lot by VN standards?
Fate/Stay Night: ~800,000 words
Clannad: ~600,000 words
KS: ~600,000 words
>tfw lifelong ryona fetish after getting one of my first erections from seeing a shitty torture scene in a bad horror movie I was secretly watching in my room
>tfw can't enjoy lots of related fap material because while getting off from women being tortured, degrading, verbal abuse and rape are absolute turn offs
Feels bad to be this specifically fucked in the head.
>mocking someones laugh when you can't think of a comeback after being roasted
A complete lack consistency, not adhering to own standards, removing content based on personal tastes, hypocrisy.
I would bet money that it's a woman or women behind these actions.
put a gun to your head. thanks.
>is that not a lot by VN standards?
Most VNs I play have prologues longer than 7k words.
>Feels other functional adults in society should be killed
>But hey, THOSE people are brain damaged!
You're a threat to society and should be imprisoned, you monster.
800,000 is high for a normal book.
it is in my country
What country?
>High profile
Shit I know not everything can be Ace Attorney/Danganronpa but in your dreams are those high profile
Oh but there are muslims there...
>implying muslims aren't the biggest degenerates in the world
Legit ah? Never knew
dapat data dari study mana bro
from indon
Pepperidge Farm remembers, user
Based aborigines
you shouldn't buy the game to actually play it, buy it to stick it to the SJWs. I buy every adult game on Steam cause i know its helping BTFO all the twitter SJWs.
because men are disposable. if the violence is targeted at women you already have your outrage again, too.
I've never understood this either.
Part of it I think is that there can be a number of motives for non-sexual violence (so maybe it's justified), but rape is usually understood to be purely for the gratification of the perpetrator. The same could be said of robbery though so idk.
Man, SJWs REALLY fucking hate Valve's hands-off approach don't they?
I'm not defending this thing but it's obviously the sort of outlier Valve will ban (haven't they already)?, and SJWs use it to decry the entire system because they literally cannot comprehend a game store that doesn't curate safe spaces 24/7
You retard a ruling upper class would want the exact opposite of that, you need babies to keep replenishing the workforce and sex placates the masses
You have no friends and even the losers on imageboards could care less about your life. Ending it is probably the best option user
>play postal 2
>urinate on woman
>she runs away
>chase her while urinating on her
>she stops and starts vomiting
>take out my shovel
>decapitate her while she's vomiting
>vomit is still shooting out her neck while her body collapses
>head rolls down the sloped road
>drench her body in gasoline
>take out matches
>set the headless and poop/urine drenched body ablaze
>body burns to a nice crisp
>for good measure, urinate on it once more
Good fun for the whole family. Sex in video games? BAN THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW!
Based game for real gamers.
/weg/ lads, what do you fap to/play right now?
this a million times this
simple 3D model rendering software and simple adventure/vn game engine software should both be outlawed.
Why not? Postal 2 is on Steam.
Postal 2 is on Steam. The secret of successfully releasing these games is not to name the Rape Day.
most people think violence is acceptable under certain circumstances. for example, most people support the police or military. however, there is never a situation in which people would condone rape, with the bizarre exception of prisons in the United States.
Looks like Hitman
I have to admit I enjoyed brutally breaking the female enemies limbs as Rorschach in the Watchmen game
>Postal 2 is on Steam. The secret of successfully releasing these games is not to name the Rape Day.
What about that game that supposedly has Loli content, but doesn't really. I forgot the name, but I remember that everything was completely harmless.
>rape doesn't happen in prison aside from the USA
>could care less
heh... you thought you got him.... but you actually made a common syntax error
other cultures don't support it as part of just deserts though
that is not what I said. I said the only place where most people don't see a problem with prison rape is the USA.
Do people actually care about this? You fucking idiots care more about stupid controversial drama than you do about video games.
>most people think violence is acceptable under certain circumstances. for example, most people support the police or military.
Pick one.
the absolute state of NPCs.
rape is worse than murder
You don't know other cultures very well then
The military and police don't habitually rape. It happens in very specific, unique circumstances, but it's rare and not policy. How naive are you to think like this? Prison rapes do happen, but it's also overblown and generally not condoned. You could talk about why it's joked about so frequently, but that is a different conversation.
Honestly I'd add it in a game with multiple choices, if you're gonna be evil, that's your choice, I'll throw children in to the mix too, they can die get kidnaped and have all sorts of messed up stuff done to them, sure, some of it might have to be black screened, specifically the graphic rape stuff, but still, it would be more than most rpgs give you for options and the world would react realistically to finding out you did such things, which is, to probably try and lock you up/exceute you. And if they complained about it, I'd just say, "You don't have to do it, you can work on preventing it instead as a matter of fact, it's up to you, if you have a problem with that, go rant about it all you like, it's not getting removed."
where did I say the military and police habitually rape? I literally implied the opposite you illiterate retard.
murrilards seething itt
Right, because the victim has to live with the memory of getting his hole filled in prison by the big black guy who picks on him. That kind of experience would leave you scarred for life and it would make you wish you were dead. I fully support raping women in video games tho, hahaha.
>however, there is never a situation in which people would condone rape, with the bizarre exception of prisons in the United States.
Typical NA thought process, "rape would never ever be condoned under any situation"
You ever heard of a thing called marriage? Outside of NA it's where people swear their love of eachother before god, and swear loyalty.
Now imagine some partner in that marriage is being refused sex because the other is "angry" at them or some shit. This person has two choices, release their sexual frustration on someone else and break their vows before god, or force their marriage partner to do the duties they promised to. This is just 1 example of when rape would be acceptable.
Rape Gabe
Judging by the responses to your post, you clearly implied the opposite. You also used a wojack so you're automatically stupid or a child, which is also stupid so there's about a 95% chance you're stupid.
Now respond to the second half of his post you nit-picking fizzle
can someone explain to me why rape cannot be represented in a videogame anymore?
>say you are a jew who believes nazi germany was bad
>let's hide all the evidence and representation of the events so people can forget what happened to my people, that should fix it
i genuinely do not get it. flat out rejecting a theme in media is the ultimate way to cheapen it and make it look childish, precisely because the single time this happens in common misconceptions is for kid targeted material being instantly bad for adults. i'm not sure that as an anti-rape advocate you'd want to ban the whole theme of rape. seems like the sort of thing you'd demand it be talked about so it can be taken seriously for whatever agenda you have.
you just stated the opposite of what I said (with no supporting evidence) after misrepresenting my point. you've already made up your mind so any response would be pointless
Wait a minute, is that Ren'Py? Are WEGniggers trying to be in steam now?
muslim pls go back to your desert
Boy, Agent 47 really let himself go
people like you are the counterpart of the anti-anime chads that ostracized the style since after akira
your idiotic absolutist approach is what will be most damaging to anime, as people will connect irritating dumbfucks like you with the medium
jannies are up
RIP thread
What the actual fuck is this post? What third world shithole do you live in where you think rape is ever acceptable? At 18 I drove two hours to meet a chick for sex but she got nervous and changed her mind. So I drove back. Don't fucking rape people, dude. I feel like I shouldn't have to even say that.
I think not condoning a game where you play as a violent rapist raping practically without a reason other than wanting to rape women (zombie apocalypse is really just a setting) does not mean banning the theme of rape.
After seeing the trailer of Rape Day I'm ready to say that I don't really consider that shit artistic vision.
We're having a serious discussion, why should the thread be deleted?
>he thinks it's a muslim thing
I'm talking common sense you brainless tranny, Even the other person in the marriage who gets raped appreciates it vastly more than being cheated on. You need to learn how the fucking world works but i know you can't because showing yourself outside is a constant nightmare due to the fact you look like a gorilla wearing a dress.
It has become completely non-vidya and was barely vidya to begin with.
No user not Yea Forums but the desert
> I drove two hours to meet a chick for sex but she got nervous and changed her mind. So I drove back
What the fuck does this have to do with marriage? Are you genuinenly retarded?
>you are crafting a story
>you want to show the bad
>bad people would 100% rape, like the lara croft game where she gets capured by pirates in an isolated island
creating a list of natural occurring events, circumstances and reactions does not equal condoning.
something you americans appear to have forgotten and need to re-learn. that would help with your whole recent "every piece of artist work is a progressive moral pushing piece of social propaganda" issue in both movies and comedy.
If it had an anime aesthetic y'all would be all over it.
Dude you need to see a therapist if you actually believe this.
This is what an actual bona fide incel looks like
The point is I have the basic social skills not to rape a woman. Whether or not she's your wife is irrelevant. No means no. I'm still shocked this needs to be explained, but I'm also not surprised given where I am.
If you weren't such a pussy you wouldn't need to worry about women who live TWO hours away from you consenting to sex.
>wear ski mask
>meet cunt
>mace cunt in the eyes
>rape her
>throw her into a bathtub full of birth control and sulfuric acid
>leave cunt
Sure, that one is bad. Give me a single relevant videogame that uses rape as a primary means of communicating a narrative theme from the last 10 years.
Trannies BTFO so now they request Discord tranny backup to post (You)'s and shitpost's to make it seem like they're right.
Truly pathetic.
>that edge
I remember being 15
Nah, the responses are by retards who are reading each others replies before responding to him, and picking up the same errors.
You're obviously one of them.
On the other hand, games are escapism. I don't welcome too heavy themes in my games, especially acton-adventure ones.
>my only genious insult is tranny
Keep it up, dumbfuck.
Rape Gabe
I'm actually 22 you jackass, I was bullied by women my entire life and so I hate them and love to make up fantasies about their suffering.
>He actually thinks physically forcing yourself on others against their will is acceptable in the civilized world.
Are you one of those Sub-Saharan Africans who recently got dial-up?
Why would i need to do anything other than insult you after having thoroughly beaten you into the dirt?
Stay wrong though, man.
i want steam to reject it for the following reason
"not high enough quality rape"
Octopath Traveler has Primrose whose back story is being a dancer/prostitute and her part of her story arc deals with sex slavery and human trafficking.
c u c k
>he actually thinks he looks like a woman in his dress.
>I'm actually 22 you jackass
>I was bullied by women my entire life and so I hate them
Jesus, you can't even make up this kind of honest comedy.
inb4 mods delete thread because reasons
apparently we're a family friendly corporation now and shy away from controversy
>that reading comprehension
This what an actual bona fide numale looks like
Folks, can you believeit?
A piece of media in 2019 acknowledged that rape exists!
I'm literally shaking rn, why isn't it banned yet?
are you retarded? by fucking definition rape can never be erotic, you fucking dumb sick cunt
yeah dude it's only been up for five fuckin hours
get over your persecution complex
Valve has no control over its employees. Everything is decided on a whim.
And we know that Western woke people hate everything Japanese.
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant..
>by definition it can't be erotic
Do you know what the word "definition" means? It might be a bit too big for you.
Also women have put out literally thousands of erotic books entailing exactly that, rape stories.
Listen you shithead I'm probably older than you and my point ANYWAYS was that my anger is justified and that it's ADULT anger, not little bitch teenager anger.
Wow look at this nazi Islamophobe. Looks like we need to send you back to college because you need a refresher on diversity.
Man she looks like shit
>by definition
Which, your own you made up in your head? Women have rape fantasies and will ask their male partners to pretend they are raping them during sex.
Serial rapists get letters from female fans in jail talking about how they looked at a documentary/footage of them and it turned them on, too.
Looks like you're wrong with your universal claims.
blah, blah, blah...
Just give me some good webm of this game, user.
Your mother has rape fantasies, BITCH!
the hilarious fact you do not know is that the #1 shared theme of books consumed by the female userbase is rape stories, sometimes involving alpha gruesome males or even flat out monsters (as in literal beasts, not bad people).
keep deluding the biological reality, just cover it up, live in your little fantasy world.
There are no webms, it's a visual novel.
absolute retards.
if its consensual it obviously isnt fucking rape. you double digit IQ degenerates
Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe Rape Gabe
It really is the abyss
>Listen you shithead I'm probably older than you
You are not, and even if you hadn't posted your age, it's apparent. Also
>letting women get to you
Dude brush those bitches off. Don't let women control you. They don't mean shit and as long as you're not retarded, at your age you'll run through a bunch of them before you find the right one. And even that will probably fail. Not because of you, but because of... you know... women.
Experiencing media showcasing rape is as consensual as reading a novel about rape or asking someone to pretend they are raping them, yes.
That inherently means the claim that rape is by definition not erotic false, otherwise nobody would ask either of those things.
USA's prison rapes far outnumber the rest of the world's.
That stuff about the rape fantasies and criminals getting fanmail is true tho. It's just that uhh, yeah. They don't *actually* want to be raped they just get off on the idea and want to roleplay it.
Which is still weird and ironic but saying they wan't to ACTUALLY be raped is exaggerating, they're just horny to the point of being stupid idiots, especially when they send violent criminals love letters.
I have no interest in sexing female whores.
You faggots will praise this pile of dogshit game but you won't even rape Gabe
Please explain yourselves
>So, all this shit for a fucking VN?
Well, any good gameplay/channel?
This, when woman fantasizes of "rape" she wants it to happen with a man she considers attractive in situation where rape happens because man considers her so irresistible he must take her by force.
Women definitely don't want to be raped to death in filthy basement of some creep.
That's become very clear.
You know I'm joking, right? I'm just doing a bit until the thread 404s. No one is this autistic in real life user.
This is just Hatred all over again. Edgy faggots buying and supporting a shitty game. Mark ass rubes being worked into a shoot.
You underestimate Yea Forums.
Wasn't there enormous controversy for Hotline Miami 2 having a porn shoot happen in game that was about rape?
There was that saying that goes "if you pretend to be stupid enough, actual dumbfucks may flock to your way" or something like that
The controversy was for opening scene where it's played for shock value. There have been rape themes in games like Fallout New Vegas and MGSV and there was no controversies to speak of.
These people are such gigantic morons, if they hate the game the best way to make it unsuccessful is to ignore it. People will literally buy it to go fuck you censors, or gotta collect this game before steam removes it. Like 99% of Steam users would never notice it exists if they didn't report it.
Hatred actually had potential. This is a fucking VN with shit writing and terrible visuals.
>Hatred actually had potential.
lol no it didn't
How is hatred in any way different than any other isometric shooter other than being in detailed 3d? The hatred Hatred got was nothing but clickbait.
It literally sold itself on pure edge. It wasn't bad, but on a gameplay level it was the definition of mediocre. No one over the age of 16 cared about that silly shit.
Outside it's edgy gimmick, it really didn't have anything interesting to offer. Isometric shooter in it's art style and somewhat realistic feel is boring as fuck, they tend to be colorful and fantastical explosionfests for a reason.
Jesus, I always assume that the people here are just memeing for replies, but this post is way grounded and fucked at the same time to be irony. Some of you guys are fucking unhinged.
If you would crash on a secluded island with your little sister, would you also consider it as okay to rape her to satisfy your urges, considering there is no alternative? Are you a fucking animal?
Movement was floaty, combat was as mediocre as it could be, guns had no impact, maps were uninspiring, story as more or less non-existent.
This game looks so blatant, it almost seems like a deliberate falseflag.
I wouldnt be surprised if the devs pulled a McIntosh and went "haha were we just pretending to be retarded to show how much is wrong with valve and gaming"
Nah bro, anger out of being a little bitch for women literally is little bitch anger. You are a weak cunt and are pretty much just angry at yourself for being a weak shit, does not even take a psychotherapist to see that one.
On a secluded island she would find herself considering her options and know that submitting to big brother is the best course of actions, there would be no rapes involved. Unlike some "men" on the site I was taught to keep my women in line.
I don't get how it took him two years to make this.
Why don't you fuck off?
I’ve never seen a rape game, western or Japanese, that didn’t look like shit. No one with more than a single brain cell would wanna fund a game that would be banned by half the world and pirated anyway.
I honestly have no idea what you're implying here.
I fear that the same subset of people who think boomers against violence in video games are stupid , are against the depiction of rape in fictionalized media. Those are some mental gymnastics right there.
OP did your subconscious bother you while you raped women?
What environment did you play this in?
>if you have a problem with that, go rant about it all you like, it's not getting removed.
Worked real well for Battlefield ;)
>shitty Renpy vn
You got this from either patreon or f95 didn't you?
>Gobbo /weg/s are coming to steam
Except it would have the opposite effect for this, people would buy it like it's the best thing ever.
Milfy City in steam when?
you have to be sociopathic to troll like this. i can't imagine going to such extremes to stay in character like this just to get a rise out of other people when you could just talk about video games like a normal person, but this is a thread about a game called rape day so that was never really going to happen i guess
You really should see difference between rape themes in media and straigt up rape fetish porn. I bet there would be backlash against game focused on heavily sexual and eroticized violence even on Yea Forums.
is this the next philosophical undertale?
it's hilarious how many Yea Forumsfags got banned on steam forums trying to act like they're still on Yea Forums and they all had anime avatars, offline status and a private profile
based valve putting retards back in their place
Imagine being this much of a fucking puritan. I'm not a fan of guro, so I don't seek it out. I wouldn't fucking complain about it though, because I don't have a mental age of 5 and I don't think the depiction of something in fictional media is somehow "damaging".
People who can't separate reality from fiction have much bigger issues than potentially consuming fringe material.
Actually this happened before the "hands off" policy at Valve got implemented.
How about Sneed of the Dead?
heh... you thought you got him... but that statement is 100% correct as there are doubtfully many anons that completely do not care.
Does it have a vibrant cast of diverse characters including blacks and LGBTQ representatives?
>I bet there would be backlash against game focused on heavily sexual and eroticized violence even on Yea Forums.
people here unironically jerk off to starless. i don't think so.
normal books don't have branching narratives though. fate is 3 stories in one, after the branches everything changes completely for each story.
>'m not a fan of guro, so I don't seek it out
-guro eating into the amount of tag limits for searching really activates my almonds though.
Guro, scat, amputee and stuff like that is for degenerates, they should be purged
that's not what they seem to want these days, otherwise global depopulation by plummeting birthrates wouldn't be a thing they'd allow. but instead of trying to fight it, they protect it and destroy the lower classes who try to resist it and reform their communities.
it's possible they're banking on automation replacing the workforce to produce stuff for them, so the lower classes are no longer needed, thus it's time to erase them. but gently, through reduced birth rates and in comfort so they don't rebel.
This is exactly why you're never going to lose your virginity
It's okay if it's white people making rape games.
I don't get why realistic depictions of rape are alright but heavily stylized depictions of girls aren't.
Sounds based, but is it fun?
Oh it's a fucking slideshow I mean "visual novel"
They made a game about you.
People who say retarded shit like this don't realise that 90% of the shit they jerk off to would be deemed "degenerate" too.
not just prisons. older teacher on underage student rape is also condoned, but only if the teacher is female and student male. envious incels will say "that lucky guy" because that's the only way they'd ever get sex, while the guy gets hooked on alimony and child support the moment he turns 18 if she got pregnant, and lacking the funds he goes to prison. and even if not pregnant, he'll get metoo'd a few years down the line and get accused of rape despite being the victim.
Samefag tumblr whore. Hope you get raped or were raped.
I find it funny how even though I only fap to ecchi of underage anime girls I'm somehow considered more degenerate than niggers who enjoy 3DPD rape, torture and scat.
*sends children to the gulag because their parents were "disloyal"*
Based steam how is this any different from rape in women's "graphic novels" they read
sick fantasies such as "i'm actually a woman in a man's body", fantasizing about chopping off their dicks and taking female hormones, and fantasizing about killing real men for sexual gratification? i agree, these feminist trannies are brain damaged grown up kids who should be killed.
Or you could just not have sex for a few days until you've sorted things out with your partner.
Also god isn't real so any vows you made in your imaginary friend's imaginary presence aren't necessary to maintain.
>you must be judged by what you own, not what you say
>it's very important i see what games you own, how else am i supposed to throw ad hominems at your tastes?
but "could care less" means there are people who actually care for him. because they could care less, but they don't, which means they care more.
Is it a good fapping game, or is it just trying to be edgy?
There is nothing wrong with rape porn. Or any kind of porn for that matter, don't try to thought police or kink shame people.
Just trying to be edgy.
Modded Skyrim is a better rape porn game.
It still is
It's not a game, it's a visual novel.
I played a rape game on the apple 2e in 1992. No big deal. You literally had to type "rape woman" "kill woman".
As a sub I wish there were more games that allowed you to be the bottom. Almost every hentai game is you being the dominant.
Also if you wanna fap there is a tons of free good hentai games.
being a bottom is an inherently passive role. it is difficult to make this interesting to play.
I think that men deserve repurations for being humiliated with rape so long.
that person is probably trolling but I can 100% assure you that islamic males believe that.
>putting retards back in their place
So you're literally calling yourself a retard.
Next I want to see a game where you escape from false rape allegations from some random whore.
don't cut yourself on that post
absolute flat brained monkey retard over here
hey OP's back after he had some opiates and a nap
no, and at my desk
neither of those
the main 'target' is a blue-haired, feminist, strong-woman type. No blacks iirc, but an asian.
this isn't so much a branching narrative, as a single story you can experience from different places and times
live and let live, prude
this dev's russian, that counts as white, right?
not really
bit of both
no it's not
there is some zombie-sub in this
So is this playable anywhere?
on steam, did you see the op?
LMAO why the fuck that baby has make up holy shit...
Dios mio...
This. I know a malay who's into traps and guro/torture shit but would never admit it.
isn't this basically silent hill 3?
t.never played rape day or silent hill 3
Silent Hill 2. youtube.com
Yeah I already expected it to be something like Hatred. That one was pretty boring too, these games only exist for the outrage and it usually pays off because there are enough people buying these out of sheer curiousity.
This was the funniest anime I've ever seen. Too bad otaku hate these types of comedies.
What sort of anime communities do you go to? DMC was hugely popular years ago.
Nobody in Japan cared about it, they like innocent, cute stuff, not stuff like DMC. Not sure about Yea Forums anymore, the threads were lively IIRC but it wasn't that big of a fancrowd following the series. I have never seen anyone talking about this outisde of Yea Forums ever.
it looks like the baby's head is just a resized adult female's
>Which is still weird and ironic but saying they wan't to ACTUALLY be raped is exaggerating, they're just horny to the point of being stupid idiots, especially when they send violent criminals love letters.
It's not really stupidity. Women are just naturally very submissive sexually, and being raped is a very obvious form of submission. Also, that's not fully true about not "ACTUALLY" being raped. People just say that because there's no way to tell who has the fantasy or not without them expressly saying they have it.
>Women definitely don't want to be raped to death in filthy basement of some creep.
You'd be shocked.
Why would anyone pretend that a 3D Ren'py DAZ visual novel made by an ESL is an actual videogame?
>People with sick fantasies should be killed!
>Wants mass death for a certain subset of humanity they define by their own standards
Will you do the honors user?
how good are the models?how good are the sex scenes?, I don't mind the subject matter but if it looks like the typical low effort rendered patreon shit with no payoff I'm not gonna bother
There's a certain hobby out there where people suspend themselves in the air with hooks going through their flesh. Don't know what it's called, but that may be with looking into user.
>Since it's a zombie apocalypse, can I also rape the undead as well?
>Many times.
I hope it's female zombies you're talking about
they're not good enough to bother getting it
>Forget about the rape; I'm curious what the achievement for this would be.
baby batter sempay
retards are the people who act like they're still on Yea Forums while posting on other websites, don't get me wrong user, some of you are cool
yeah, female zombies only. there is no male-on-male rape in this game
You're a retard who thinks he's smart.
>you must be judged by what you own, not what you say
neat, was thinking it was another male zombie on female thing like 99% of zombie content out there
It's definitely not on steam, it's to be released in april it says on the page.
What the fuck is this thread I’m dying
Well not at the moment but if I was stuck on an island I might try fucking a animal
You want even more still images then?
Just having better models would be better because it looks
like it came out of a sfm or something
>Because of the implication
did you see the link in the OP, i t's already playable, has been since early February
A copy of skyrim with the right mods ;)
My point was more that it's hard to judge a VN by something that would be considered on the high side even if it were written down on paper with no images to help it along.
>platform still strongly controlled and regulated
Yeah no
Yeah I saw the OP, I still can't play it, says it's not out til April. So is it region locked or something? Is there another link? I'm EU.
Good game. Wish it was actually completed because the end was just to shut people up
it's playable in real countries already, idk, just wait another month.
Agent 47 has seen better days christ
>western VN
Because violence has been through the years. Murder means nothing in this timelime.
Who dat boy?
YEAH IMMA need a source on That image
Ugh, fucking starless. I heard the game is even worse than the anime
Switch port when?
If this game was about raping men would anyone care?
Yea Forums would still care yeah because homo but a lot of people like traps here
Ah thank god it's nothing degenerate.
>Tell me you don't want this dick. No really, tell me. Otherwise it ain't rape.
If I pre-order would that be statutory rape?
there is female-on-male rape, is that degenerate?
>make an edgy visual novel with shit 3D models
>in fucking ren'py of all things
>sell it on steam
>gaming journalists cry about how awful and offensive it is, and since they don't like it, it shouldn't exist.
>game gets more publicity, braindead retards will now pay money for this to piss off the SJWs
pretty smart honestly, wish I had thought of it.
Truth. A game's profit determines its quality.
As an art form, if video games cannot get past exploitation video games, they are doomed
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
>violence and killing
Against people that deserve it or can defend themselves, usually. Can be heroic.
>rape and sex
Sex should be allowed, but there's no such thing as a heroic rape.
it looks like house party
is it like house party?
i haven't played house party
this is an anti-rape film
it shows the horrors a rape victim has to go through
Vidya "journalists" talking about that crap.
It looks like shit, there are plenty of good looking and better wegs.
you should its a fun point'n'click adventure in 3d
tiddies are almost optional
interesting. thanks i'll look into it
That's just Postal 2 user. I understand you're too young to have played it, but that's literally how the game plays.
Depends on who's entrance is used.
High profile within the VN scene user
Danganronpa/Ace Attorney are VNs that are high profile OUTSIDE of the VN scene
I'm talking about VNs that are popular with VN fans
>disgusting slavs victimizing each other
truly tales based on reality
You've never raped anyone in self defense?
are those the ingame models? geezus fuck if I were the creator of this game and were planning a game that was gonna be this much of a fire magnet I'd have made sure that it actually looked decent enough what the fuck is that? is that chick a zombie? fucking ps2 had better graphics than that
house party actually looks better than this, it's a shame really looks no better than those shovelware rpy games you get at f95 or /aco/ was an interesting concept for a western adult game
fucking off yourself cunt
This game looks awful and the people who made should be ashamed but banning it and punishing free expression is regressive and ironic
What a strange response
>They're changing
name 3
No, it’s another shitty unity VN
If you want some 3D ren'py game to fap to then just go bang your mom in Milfy City or something.
the hero we don't deserve
>lets you rape people
into the trash it goes, only the inverse is good unless it's a mod
They could, Russians also use the word "member" as a euphemism for penis
t. ESL nigger
>Katawa Shoujo
>Fate/ Stay Night
>Fate/ Hollow ataraxia
>If my Heart had Wings
Non VNs
>Corruption of Champions
>Artificial Academy 2
only 90s kids will remember this
Do you think Valve will ban the game? I would like to read the vn.
it's already been removed
In your country yes but the store page is still up for me.
This. I should be moving out but I keep spending my paychecks on games that I think SJWs must hate so that I can BTFO and redpill this society. I have never played a single one of them.
Yeah I agree, we should be encourage acceptance of rape in ALL scenarios, not just prisons.
They'll ban it on trolling grounds. Considering they just posed a bunch of free models and put the still images into baby's first VN engine, it wouldn't be hard to make that case. It just takes Steam months to do anything.
the author is literally bitching about the controversy over at f95 and is asking where he can monetize this if steam does take it down lol. what the fuck did he think would happen?
One day, girls will be the main audience of video games and all those who are being edgy radicals right now will try to get all vidya banned
As you look at these images, remember there are people who think daz3D is a good rendering program in 2019 that produces quality results and these people prefer it over SFM or blender
Lots of weak men roll over to women hoping they’ll get laid
Women like being empowered and don’t like seeing themselves as lowly in front of people they don’t deem attractive
I hope he's not planning on charging much for that stuff the models are really fucking bad
Any Taimanin VN
Its not anime style, Japanese or feautures children so they'll allow it.
>comparing extremely long full length VNs, to this
Are you retarded? You could use Saya no Uta or True Remembrance or something and still make your point without going stupidly overboard.
>this a million times this
how can frogposters recover?
Don't like it don't play it.
God I'm glad I'm not living in the US.
Absolutely based.
They should put a Troll Face on the cover just to make it more obvious but then again that would simply make it 2/10 low quality bait.
>You retard a ruling upper class would want the exact opposite of that
not in a world where those working class jobs are automated
fantastic. I may check it out. The plot seems interesting.
Rape and sex just encourages overpopulation and using up more resources, whereas violence and killing encourages culling the population to save resources.
is this the definitive incel videogame?
I still can't tell if that makeup is racist or not but either way that song is fucking kino
No one would've heard about this trash if retarded journos didn't give it a massive amount of free advertising
No I"m pretty sure you're just some sort of nigger
At least if someone is dead, that's it, they're dead, but if someone is raped, their mind is oftentimes warped and fucked beyond repair forever.
>but if someone is raped, their mind is oftentimes warped and fucked beyond repair forever.
Stop reading doujins.
This isn't a doujin thing, this is reality. Most victims of rape get PTSD or some similar illness.
My sides.
Doujins exaggerate it a lot, but this is mostly true.
what kind of brainlet econ class did this retard crawl out of? Is Steam an official country with different industries other than videos game or is he unironically advocating for government regulation over a rape game?
>Rape Day will not launch on steam
totally didn't see this happening
You know that has a more casual use which is applicable here, right?
wasn't Detroit Metal City gonna be a GBA or NDS game? What ever came of that?
Since Steam is allowing rape now, when are we getting RapeLay?
>Are you a fucking animal?
evolution denying christfag detected
Except steam isn't using its profits for anything other than paying its employees. They aren't building our the roads or providing us with water.
Is this the Hatred of 2019?
That will never happen because women only care about money and clothes lol :v
It used to be, until normals caught up. Now everything that's immoral, even to the slightest, even if it's fiction, is considered purge material, only vanilla remains.
Some anons and the others back then told you guys WAY back then not to allow them to the sekrit club, but nope, they just had to think we're doing this because it's cool and hip.
Enjoy those fetishes being slowly considered immoral and dissolved
>Hello Goodbye
wat, HOW
Can't say I do but i would expect nothing less from Yea Forums
I don't think you understand. It's not being used in the economic sense here, but colloquially:
>a philosophy or practice characterized by a usually deliberate abstention from direction or interference especially with individual freedom of choice and action
You've never heard someone described as having a laissez-faire attitude toward something before?
I wanna be gently raped by Rapeman.
fuck ALL of you. It's not as good as postal. But it's still a good game. Fuck right off.
watch shield hero
most books are like 80,000 words.
Yeah the games decent, and contrary to what Yea Forums says:
Controversy creates crash
How is this thread still here?
because lol rape
If Steam removes it: They're hypocrites, their adult game policy is worthless and valve fanboys get BTFO
Either way, I won.
I'm still here if you still have questions.
Can you at least upload it mega or something? I still want to play this game and it will probably never get released.
Rape sim with BBC protag when?
idk how to do that
idk, best i could ever do would be to just upload every screenshot?
well it disappeared from steam, so..
Or put it in a zip file and upload it to google drive if you have that? Screenshots are fine as a last resort I guess but it would take a while capturing them with dialogue.
If you can murder innocent people in games like GTAV, why not sexual assault? Like at leas being able to grope would be quite humorous
Rape is more about power then eroticism
However having said that, rape can also be a fetish, which is why people of both genders can have rape fantasies