what does Yea Forums think of him?
What does Yea Forums think of him?
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chugga is cool but nintendocaprisun is better
Autism, but in a good way. His SM64DS run is based.
was he in the right?
is he ever going to get a gf?
Yes, MasaeAnela is already his gf.
He's an annoying faggot. He would be tolerable if he didn't spend months playing such shit games though.
user, I...
Used to enjoy him, but I got really tired of his overly enthusiastic squealing.
Jon is objectively the best.
>Has an extremely large collection of vidya
>Pretty fucking skilled at a few games
>Married to a goddess
>Adorable kitty
Purely a guilty pleasure. I greatly enjoy his enthusiasm and attention to detail.
It's commendable that he's been doing this shit for so long without changing his commentary style or anything. You can go back and watch a Chuggaaconroy video from 2009 and the only thing that would be different from today is the video quality.
That said, he's loud and obnoxious. I liked him a lot when I was younger but not so much anymore.
He puts in effort in editing and information, which is more than could he said about 99% of other LP’ers out there
He's wholesome. Not the greatest Let's player, but someone that you can always go back to.
genetics weren't kind to Tim, and combined with actual Aspergers he never really had a chance to be anything other than a wizard
faggot brony
He's ok. I can't watch more than 1 or 2 videos every now and then, but his xenoblade chronicles run got me into the game.
>>Married to a goddess
she looks pretty good for a 40 year old women, but I don't really see it
thank fuck chugga didn't fall for her, I can't imagine how splintered TRG would be if that happened
he actually said that he no longer watches ponyshit on a recent stream once someone asked him
I don't follow him anymore but I do like to rewatch his old Pokemon LPs. I'm too old to be watching his stuff.
>low key called him a tranny
Was he right?
>some transgender freak tries to start controversy for no reason
>finds and excuse to call him a tranny
truly based
it was a great shitshow when the fag tried to call him a "straight white male" and everyone made fun of him for thinking a man named Emiliano Rosales was white
what a fucking moron
So like, does he have a girlfriend or not?
Tim's great but fuck when is he going to stop playing Ace Attorney
Either he got a girlfriend or he has a life long best friend that's willing to play Mario Party with him at 2 in the morning. Either way I'm convinced there's something going on between them, when girls start finding excuses to touch a dude it's a dead giveaway
I watched Emile, Tim and Jon for years, seeing Jon and Emile doing really well is great but seeing the slope Tim went down is depressing
Is it not Masae? They're generally together most of the time on camera. I wouldn't also be too surprised if it was Adisaurus given they're interactions on twitter.
>stopped working out
>only girl that talks to him gets married to his best friend
>getting fatter everyday
>both parents die
>only other friend starts hanging out with this girl all of the time
is there a single more JUSTed eceleb than Tim?
I remember watching him for a time but not in years. Jumped in at Super Mario Sunshine and can't remember when I stopped watching.
99% chance it's her, and Adrisaurus is Masae's best friend, which is why they fuck around on Twitter sometimes
It feels bad because Tim is gonna run out of money sooner rather than later. He literally has no real financial support unless Emile helps him out or something. Knowing Emile, that wouldn't surprise me.
>Emile, Masae and all their group of friends were invited to Jon's wedding
>they all went
>Tim was invited too
>but he just stayed home playing Stardew valley
>both Tim's parents are dead
>Tim is in his 40s and most likely still a virgin
>Said once a gay guy flirted with him and he turned him down
>later regretted it because he said he would date another man if it meant someone loved him
He doesnt fucking deserve this shit
I mean, white hispanics tend to group with each other. I'm more inclined to believe it's her than Masae, given Masae's denial of it several times.
>he said he would date another man if it meant someone loved him
What type of mental state do you have to be in to think this
How did Tim get this bad?
yeah he was fun to watch when I was a kid
now I watch people telling everyone to shut the fuck up
>finishes Spirit's of Justice
>he learns Japanese and starts playing the jpn Sherlock Holmes Ace Attorney games
Tim is a good guy. He doesn't deserve this.
I understand the dislike for them, but they are the best to podcast and do other shit.
Loneliness and longing for compassion.
Watched him when I was younger. The only LPer I really watched.
I don’t like LPs anymore, but he’ll always have a special place in my heart.
t. Zoomer
It's so sad, but good guys really do lose out every time. Literally too pure for this world.
>>Emile, Masae and all their group of friends were invited to Jon's wedding
>>they all went
>>Tim was invited too
>>but he just stayed home playing Stardew valley
how do we save Tim?
Adrisarus is dating FamilyJules, and Masae has punched/slapped/high fived/tickled Emile too many times for me to not be suspicious of her
please Tim just play something else your Tetris 99 videos were fun just do more of those
Both his parents died within a year of each other, all of his friends live thousands of miles apart, and he always plays third wheel no matter what
unironically based, one of the few vidya e-celebs I would drink with, introduced me to so much shit growing up (EarthBound, Wind Waker, Xenoblade) and made me a huge Kumatora fag
fucking hell why do trannies make everything about themselves.
His only friends are married or with someone, unless he has a sibling he probably has no family, he's in mid 40s for fucks sake and has no one, unless his life somehow does a 180 I actually think he might kill himself
he has a sister
but she's married
That "goddess" is 42 years old.
The sister that scammed him out of tons of money? Shit
Atleast thats something
This Ace Attorney playthough of Tims is fucking kino
Watching both is best though
>I actually think he might kill himself
Don't think about that. Please God, let Tim see the light.
Used to like Jon the best because he was the least obnoxious, but the fact that he gets so pissy whenever anything bad happens to him really grates on me.
Emile is unironically the best video game related youtuber. He's pure wholesome quality and I wish I could give him a hug. Also his Mother collection is on point.
Is he not white?
Tim would only kill himself if he knew no one cared about him anymore. So as long as a couple of us autists keep on watching, he'll be fine. I hope
this, once he started to complain about only winning 5 games in Mario Party 4 instead of 6 made him fall to the bottom in my TRG power ranking. Still like him though, even if does get a bit whiny
Was this related to her Art Shop that flopped?
I think yes? He’d be spanish, not mexican.
His mother was a French immigrant, his father was a Mexican immigrant. How the fuck those two met is beyond me considering both were shit at English, but he is half Mexican none the less. Speaking of which, his stories about his father are depressing as hell, someone like him doesn't deserve a father like that.
>Speaking of which, his stories about his father are depressing as hell, someone like him doesn't deserve a father like that.
when did he talk about that shit, I know his mom divorced but was he beaten or was it other depressing shit? Emile just seem to have a disconnect from his family due to them massively treating him like shit.
Of course the fater wqs bad, just wanted green card
But he did say he met his father recently and tied some loose ends with him
>video series are thorough, well-edited, and well-researched, arguably the best knowledge resources on Youtube for any given game he plays
>can occasionally be funny
>unfortunately, 99% of the time he ISN'T funny
>normal speaking voice is about 20 decibels too loud
>thinks puns are the greatest artform known to man, builds up to them in the most obnoxious ways, then will likely spend the next 30 seconds backpedaling and apologizing just to not piss people off for whatever reason
>has no pop culture knowledge of anything aside from Nintendo and kids' cartoons
>that obviously fake laugh he does sometimes, the "hmm hmm heh heh" kinda one, you probably know the one
>the way he sometimes attempts to spew out entire paragraphs within a single breath, often running out of breath halfway through but still committing to it anyway like some sort of moron
>but there's something endearing about him anyway, because I still watch his videos over 10 years later and I don't know what I'm doing with my life
TRG is pretty good though, but that's just because Chugga is the most tolerable when he has Jon as a foil.
It's kind of a miracle Emile turned out the way he does. He's a genuinely good guy with a good heart.
I still think it's crazy that he lives within a 50 mile radius of me.
So like Emile has legitimate HFA, right?
In his nu-earthbound playthrough he goes intu more detail but he's laid some bread crumbs in other videos, most I remember is his father was strictly against video games and thought they were the devil yet he was also a raging alcholic
Pretty informative and passionate.
I wish he'd play eternal sonata like he keeps talking about
he doesn't like to talk about his father but from what we know, he says his father "wasn't a good person" and "cared more about drugs and alcohol than his family"
I have a legit soft spot for puns so i like him
Chugga was based when he said faggot and shit
Right on the nose user
Nobody watches ponyshit anymore, the show has been complete dogshit for years now
I've seen the way that fucker wiggles when he's excited, there's no doubt in my mind. He even confirmed it in one of his new Earthbound videos
While I do like him, most of the humor on his channel revolves around him being a retard or one of his friends making fun of him
If I remember correctly, he made an old "tagged" video on Youtube where he listed a bunch of facts about his life, including the fact that he was autistic. Later on Twitter he made a statement that he was "misdiagnosed" and was never autistic after all, but then I believe at some much more recent point, came out and admitted that he did have autism all along. Some anons said he tried to deny it because he was embarrassed about it, only recently owning up to it, but you have to take internet gossip with a grain of salt.
Remember when Chugga sweared in Mother 3? I miss when he would just curse and not give a crap.
For an autist, he's the best functioning one ive ever seen
>that apiril fools mega man vid where he swears like a sailor
I like all of TRG
I wish I could visit a con they were at so I could shake Tim's hand and tell him he will always be loved.
I fucking love that vid. I wish he'd do more jokes like that
"Holy shit it's a girl singing a song about video games I wanna bang her!"
He still doesn't have a GF tho.
There's probably no hope for my autistic ass.
He is okay when he isn't autistically shouting also
Protonjon>NCS>Chugga>Most Guests
>the part he didn't know what a heart shaped box meant
Was he for real? The whole morning wood part legit made me doubt
If he isn't with Masae, I'll eat my Shulk amiibo.
Have you seen the way Masae acts around him, the moment she starts punching, hitting and tickling him is where I sense a red flag.
and dont worry user, just keep yourself out there, but dont seem too desperate
What does a "heart shaped box" mean
>the video almost perfectly predicted almost every popular Let's Play channel that exists modern day
are you sure about that
>Tfw half Tim's age but already almost in the same situation as him
Death is a blessing for our kind
He is cute and pure. One of the few good Nintentoddlers.
I never knew Tim had it that bad. He's always so upbeat and chipper, I always imagined that he took everything in perfect stride and good humor, and always just liked being along for the ride no matter what role he had. I feel so sad for him now, I want to save him.
>so u make her sound like a honking horn
That's exactly what birdo sounds like though?
Oh my God, Emile
>in his nu-earthbound playthrough
oh shit, I still gotta watch that one since he goes into deep shit no one else really covers like the mother 2 manga or the newspapers,
fucking hell, hope the best for him
As an HFA, I guess probably, guys probably on anthrax or some shit. his videos are what autism focused looks like.
yeah TRG is still around while many other groups (TBF, Game Grumps) broke up. what went so right
its not about just getting a gf user, if you find one and you just cant share anything then it's worthless
just wait and see if you have interest in one person in particular.
>fucking hell why do trannies make everything about themselves.
It shouldn't be a shocker that people cut their cocks off for attention are attention whores in all other aspects of their life as well.
Now that might be the LP where he talks about his autism and not his father, I think I got confused
I've been like that since like 17. If only someone liked to spend time next time idgaf
>The whole morning wood part legit made me doubt
Wait, did Emile not know what morning wood was?
He's out of the fucking loop he said "lets do Daisy on hard" and didnt get it was an inuendo until someone brought it up, and in another stream he took the phrase "heart-shaped box" literally
don't question trannies, or else you're transphobic
>tranny starts talking about how oppressed he is and how Emile's a cis man so he will never understand
legitimately made me mad, bitch knows nothing about his life
It's incredibly obvious what's going on with them. I just figured that they both keep it "confidential" because of some foolish stance like "we don't want people shipping us or making assumptions about our lives or knowing unnecessary personal details", which guess what, that kind of shit happens regardless, and probably in greater amounts than if they just came right out with it.
He is a sheltered young boy in a man's body and his popular culture intake as shown by countless instances like in wheel of fortune for instance show
>what went so right
The group actually gets along and I think Tim balances out Jon and Emile a fair amount.
Plus, while it is a core three people, it's more like a community of 10+.
Might be more to keep the drama down if it doesn't work out.
>young boy in a man's body
wow Masae is fucked up for going after him so agressively
About a decade ago there was some report that said a large amount of autism diagnoses in the 90s weren't accurate. This gave a lot of autists hope that they didn't have autism but most of them really did lol
Literally autistic, but if he weren't his stuff wouldn't be nearly have as much SOUL as it would probably be.
>odd optimistic charm in most of his videos because he enjoys the stuff he picks
>autistically goes into every possible detail and bit of info about a game, covering shit like multiplayer that most other people wouldn't
>wholesome comfy family friendly vidya
>his stories that he has every now and then that are peak nostalgia.
Where’s that? California?
Tim looks fucked up
Chuggaa is absolutely in the right.
If Birdo wasn't trans and he did the same exact voice no one would have thought twice, but just because its trans you're suddenly not allowed to talk ANY bad ( or even in this case COMPLETELY NEUTRAL) about it for some reason.
If they want to be treated like people they need to learn to not get so fucking uppity about JOKES.
Its more of the fact that hes just socially weird and not autism
Is he really autistic? I remember watching one of his earlier LPs and he talked like a normal person.
Wait, he's in Florida? I'm in South Florida, never knew I lived in the same state as him.
>Xenoblade playthrough so autustically organized
>Did every side quest
>every heart to heart
>every possible dialouge branch for side quests
>every possible way to get items for side quests
>stated which characters have special dialouge for each side quest
The amount of effort that goes into that shit is astonishing
I can't believe this person is getting offended on behalf of a fictional fucking character. And fucking Birdo of all characters, who the fuck likes Birdo?
Tim looks fucked up, is fucked up, and was fucked up
Mentally ill people.
Same energy
Better choose those words correctly there bucko
>who the fuck likes Birdo?
trannies apparently
Where does he get all that money for all the shit he buys/gifts to his friends
I though youtube shekels were a joke
He's genuinely nice and is all about improving himself. He also isn't a bitch and remains fairly professional in the YouTube space. Emile is an investment.
I'd love to see a list of great autists vs. terrible autists.
>Chugga, Pannenkoek, lazerbot in good
>Dobson in bad
>Chris-chan in a category of chaos all his own
>tons of others I'm forgetting at the moment
>no one will EVER like you this much
He lives in Georgia and is fairly close to Gwinnett based on some old Stephenvlogs.
Probably because he's family friendly and does usually one video every few days
Autism is a spectrum, user.
I cant wait for the xeno 2 playthough where he autistically analyses the gatcha shit
>Chugga, Pannen, and Lazerbot
based user
I still think he invests his money in stuff. His house is pretty big by Georgia standards.
I always got the impression he kinda had feelings for Lucahjin too which wouldn't help things
His Pokemon Colosseum lets plays were amazing and how he actually HAD the event pokemon to trigger events!
He sounds more normal in the early LP's but if you actually listen to what he says about things that happened in his life it's pretty obvious. It's more abundantly clear that he has autism in the later LP's since he's obsessed with making shitty puns (this is a sure sign of autism as it's one of the only forms of humor they can process).
>tim will likely die in your lifetime
>Yea Forums in bad
xeno2 threads post chugga will be interesting as Emile went into symbolism a lot in his original xenoblade series so maybe the threads will get less shitposty doubt it but interesting none the less.
>was big before youtube took everyone's money away
>probably got some kind of bonus for hitting 1 million subs
>daily uploads that usually get 100k viewers
>sponsorships and con appearances (don't know if you get paid for that last one)
>got the impression
sorry for posting a tvtropes picture, but its the first link I found. Poor dude.
how insufferable these people are, they grow to be bitter and can't find any enjoyment, they gonna grow old too fast
Does lucahjin still make videos with attackingtucan?
I remember enjoying their collective shitposting a few years back
Didn't watch his XC1 LP. The only thing I remember from that Era is him getting super sick.
Did he talk about Gears or Saga at all?
Tim made a joke during a Wii Party game where a random male mii was selected with a random name that happened to be Luca, Tim responded with "Ha, all those times I wanted to, nevermind"
Im half convinced that wasnt a joke
Chugga was my favorite Youtuber when I was in middle school in 2008. I don't watch him anymore but I'm still subscribed to him out of respect. Good to know he's still the same after all these years
>maybe the threads will get less shitposty
In your dreams, buddy. I like XB2 and all, but it's surrounded by some of the most loathsome attention on all of Yea Forums, and that's really saying something.
Speaking of AttackingTucans, Tyler's a little annoying still, but does anyone else still watch him as a guilty pleasure?
>chugga has kept the same format for years
>is loved by the lets players community
>dsp does the same
>hes hated by everyone
I Don't think I've ever heard him swear worse than "ass"
This really threw me off
She did a random brief co-op LP of Minecraft with Attacking Tucans about a year ago, but that's it as far as recent stuff goes I think.
n-no, he can't
Which Runnaway Guys guest is the best and which is the worst?
Because Chugga never recorded by aiming his camcorder at the TV, and never went off on grating rants about how his failures in games were all the devs' fault.
DSP is an abrasive slob, that's why
I enjoy sometimes watching the versus speedruns he does with josh
But jesus christ, josh jepsons channel is a fucking mess, what happened to him?
I only really watched him in Versus with Joshjepson but now I don't watch either of them since Josh is too busy with his sekrit club donation streams
Last thing I saw about AttackingTucans was his coming out which didn't really surprise me at all
I like when it's the main three + Tom Fawkes. I'm not too familiar with any of the other guests except for Masae and Josh Jepson though.
Why has life been so cruel to Tim? He is too pure for this fucked up world.
>Last thing I saw about AttackingTucans was his coming out
what a fucking suprise
Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me of Stephen. The Four Swords Adventures playthrough was amazing, gonna have to give that one another watch.
Goddammit Emile, stop sperging out and go for her
What's wrong with josh?
I watched him way back when, is he still doing let's plays?
Really? I don't remember a lot of his interactions with them during either New Super Mario Bros play-through, what's so bad about Josh?
JoshJepson turned from one of my favorite YouTubers to me forgetting he existed until just now
>tyler is a homo
Doesnt really surprise me, the guy was a living shitposting gay stereotype
Post your favorite Tim moments
The Koopa Kid Comics were absolute kino
Masae no doubt is the best
I'mma torn between Lucah and Jake as the worst
He's just annoying is all, and really fell off the deep end in recent years. He also really wanted to be "the fourth member" of TRG but Emile didn't let him.
I remember watching what I think was some mario party and other nintendo couch multiplayer games with his friends and it made me feel real lonely
remember when Tyler said the N word twice on versus Sunshine and they bleeped out the -er version but left in the -a version
Jesus, Tim has not aged well. He's a super cool guy too once you get past the asperger's. He deserves better
this is one of the best hands down
>Emile didn't let him.
Why would you say Emil didn't let him?
Tom easily has the best chemistry with TRG out of all the guests I've seen.
>Emile cucking josh
176 replies and 38 Images for a literal who?
calibrary cuff paula deen
So how often do you think Jon gets laid?
zoom zoom
Knowing him he probably wanted to capitalize on the TRG brand as much as possible
>Because Chugga never recorded by aiming his camcorder at the TV
metropolitan mutant of ark
God he is a cute little retard
google it fugger
>Emile doesn't let Josh be the fourth member
>Masae slowly becomes the fourth member over time just because she lives really close by
Atleast hes vidya related, not like the 80 shitty waifu threads and literally who twitter screenshots threads we have every day
Great guy I'd say, really charitable, especially after helping out the old king of Yea Forums - Tim during his almost suicidal days 5-6 years ago.
I ain't gay but his stretches make me very uncomfortable
Every interaction I've had with Tim is extremely pleasant, he absolutely deserves love and devotion from a woman
>posts the Apiril Fools video
When I was like 10-13 years old I was really into him. Probably because I didn't have any friends to talk to Nintendo stuff about. For nostalgia's sake I've watched some of his newer videos and compared them with his older ones. He seems like a naturally chill autist who did it for fun in the old ones, but in the newer videos he sounds like a scripted super autist. But ISHYGD watch strangers on the internet play video games as adults.
>watch them play Wheel of Fortune
>commonly figure out the answer way before any of them let on that they've got it, get mad as fuck that everybody's taking shots in the dark while I know what the solution is
>makes me wish I had actual friends to play Wheel of Fortune with
>Tim during his almost suicidal days 5-6 years ago
Man the Runaway guys Dokapon kingdom LP is fucking Godlike.
>when even an actual autist is more mature than you.
Jesus christ
>Chugga has bought 20+ copies to give to friends for Christmas
>And then another 30 to celebrate the LP
>Emile guesses "Bard on the Street"
>Jon calls him out on being stupid
>Types in "Fork in the Street"
Damn I know the Feeling
Jonathan I swear to all 4 CHAOS GODS IT'S "SCOOBY DOO WHERE ARE YOU"!!
i want to be Tims friend, I almost subbed to his stream just to join his minecraft server/discord just so i could try and be friends with him, hes a good man and someone i genuinely admire. It's amazing to see that Yea Forums loved him just as much as I did.
YEAH but Jon is Canadian they don't know English so give him a break
Who do you root for in the Mario Party Games? The true chad pick is Jon
>Emile makes fun of Jon for being Canadian all of the time
>Jon casually mentions Emile being a Mexican once
>Emile jokingly calls him a racist only for Jon to back peddle and try to explain himself
I stopped watching Tim around To the Moon. Genuinely thought his shop was going well this whole time until I check again this year and now I feel really bad for him
In his "40 years in 40 minutes" videos on BreakingNCS he admitted he was still a virgin. Idk if thats changed but with Lucahjin falling for (((Jon))) idk...
I can't root for Jon after Mario Party 4, weirdly enough I root for Emile considering he's now the underdog. I don't know how Jon keeps on pretending he has bad luck when he's won more boards than Emile, Tim, and the AI combined.
I don't remember all the details but:
>Tim gave his sister(?) almost all of his money as an investment(?) for something
>all the money was lost, basicly had nothing left but his assets which didn't seem like much to him
>became really depressed, stop working out and was becoming unhealthy again, often phasing out entirely just not careing about what happens anymore
>was really evident during the Rayman Origins playthrough where Tim was extremely silent for most the game and would sometimes just not move his character at all, let Emile and Jon finish levels without him
>at some point, Emile and likely extent Jon helped him out with some charity (no idea what specifically but to help him get out of this depression)
He's much better than he was now, but I'd say he still has a lot to improve upon himself.
>chad pick is jon
smooth brained, big brain pick is The CPU
>tfw this tranny still thinks chuggaaconroy is "transphobic" 2 years after this incident
He does have bad luck usually it's just that luck isn't the sole factor in Mario Party so he usually is good at the mini games
The AI
>That time Mario pulled the rug out from under all of them on Toy Dream
>Chugga and everyone else just ignores him now
shut the fuck up Jon you Canadian fuck
I mean CPU is everyone first pick so I didn't feel the need to include him. Cause if you don't root for CPU then a human you aren't human
>all of them
Mario pulled the rug out from under Emile and Emile alone. One fucking coin, I swear to christ I want to pour a glass of water on his gamecube
>shut the fuck up Jon you Canadian fuck
Not Jon but he does get horse shit rolls, it's just even if you roll low eventually you will get some where and having coins is better than having luck since you can usually do something with them
>slowflake stopped LPing
>trasknari is dead
>soapynome is dead
>hcbailley turned full faggot
>deceasedcrab has lost all motivation
It hurts, guys. It really, really hurts. Helloween and TRG are all that's left of my childhood.
Xenoblade was his magnum opus
the amount of detail and care that went to that LP is clear. nothing will top it, really shows how much he loves that game
>hcbailley turned full faggot
Wait what, what happened? I've lost track after his 7th Saga run.
OH shit finally someone who remembers him, I loved his play through of Fetus
forever a wizard
Holy fuck I miss that dude's autistic screeching, surprised anyone else on Yea Forums knows him
Xenoblade was pretty great but for me nothing compares to Splatoon.
why the hell did he stop uploading for 2 months again?
>Trask Nari
Yeah, he was pretty cool. Still need to watch that collab between him and Lucahjin. Hopefully he's doing well at that Blizzard job or whatever he's doing now.
>hcbailley turned full faggot
Whoa, what? I haven't watched one of his LPs in years, fill me in.
He was literally almost dying.
I forgot how the game went exactly, I just remembered it being funny. Thanks for the reminder, user.
I wish we could have gotten a DC and Chugga collab
Oh shit that's a deep cut. That guy introduced me to so many dumb flash games. Do we know what he's doing now?
Chuggaa was the first LPer I got into, I saw his Super Luigi Galaxy and Mario Sunshine LPs.
I don't watch him as much anymore, but it's great to see how devoted he is.
I also heard about EarthBound from him, since it was his first LP, and I'm glad that I did
>slowflake stopped LPing
wait WHAT?!
since when? fucking hell how much did i missed?!
>everyone on Yea Forums loves Tim
someone should compile these replies to this thread about how much people love him and send it to him. Idk dude really deserves to know that we still love him
QA at blizzard
literally nothing happened
I don't think he'll like it coming from Yea Forums of all places.
Where the fuck have you been? He quit like five years ago.
It all started with Chrono Cross, and he only devolved from there. Seriously, give it a re-watch, you'll see what I mean. He goes softer, less detail-oriented. I don't know if he's gotten better recently or not, but there was at least a 6 year period where he was unbearable.
Hell yeah, dude. My personal favorite was Jumpman and Runman.
Tried getting work with Blizzard, was in a serious auto accident. In a very, very bad way currently.
His pokemon runs still hold up, and his FFVI overview is still amazing.
One day.
About 6 years ago, maybe 7. It really, really sucked.
Jon finish superman 64 already
that sounds nice, but we always talk about how he got cucked and how his friends are all fucking each other, I don't know if he would like it that much
If is to be believed then I'm sure he'd appreciate support from anywhere
if we cherry pick only the best bits maybe it would look nicer
Tim doesnt seem full SJW like Emile and Jon especially
no shade to Emile he probably just doesn't know
fuck jon though, typical canadian arrogance that "america is shit lol canada has free healthcare lololol"
He had some kind of illness that was keeping him bedridden for hours a day. Ear infection that turned into an upper respiratory infection and stuck around for a couple months. He barely had the strength to make a twitter post every week or so. Shit was scary.
The weirdest part about Slowflake quitting LPing was that he was in the middle of an LP, then just suddenly quit for like no reason. Still strikes me as really fucking odd how it played out.
>7 years ago
god damnit when did I stop caring?
im legit scared anons
Thats true. Idk if Tim browses Yea Forums but I know he browses reddit, if he does see this though i hope he knows that hes still got people rooting for him
When have any of them given indications of their political views? Chugga seems to intentionally avoid political and religious discussion at any costs, and treads extremely lightly when put into those situations.
He went full streamer, I think.
Same with Jon outside of TRG (He apparently has anxiety about recording new stuff?)
>his coming out
Wait what?
What the fuck happened to superjeenius anyways?
>deceasedcrab has lost all motivation
DC was literally never good
I still don't get what you mean with HCbailley
What's your favourite TRG LP and why isn't it Sonic Adventure?
>father was a raging alcoholic
>bans Emile from using something to escape from the hell that is dealing with violent drunks that refuse to be sober
Why is it that raging alcoholics are always desperately wanting to be in control? A fucking shitty parent most of the times I hear about them is an angry alcoholic.
I don't really understand Emile's political opinions. He thinks the minimum wage should be higher but he pisses off trannies and hates CNN because they're always on at his gym
From what I remember, he continued making content on his personal forum, but not videos. Something about work responsibilities and deadlines? And after a point apathy set in and he just stopped completely.
It's never too late, user. Give his Pokemon Red run another watch.
At least we still have Raocow.
Tim might not be full SJW, but if that crowd ever caught wind that the evil Nazis on Yea Forums were supporting him they'd probably harass Tim for associating with us in any way.
Did they do all stories or just Sonics?
Dokapon has to be the most legendary LP they've done. I love how tired they sound by the end, you can tell the game has taken its toll on them.
true, i dunno if it would make him feel better the fact that he's a bit less pathetic that we are
Tim said something about not all muslims during the paris attacks in a Mario Maker video.
Emile has treaded lightly on gay rights and shit. Jon straight up is full on neo-liberal though just the shit he says in TRG about america and american laws and how much better canada is.
Idk just gives me that kinda vibe, I am autistic but it seemed obvious
I think Super Jeenius actually did some streaming as well a few months ago, but yeah his Twitter and Youtube are basically dead right now.
The best TRG LP is watching every TRG stream back to back also Emile and Masae's solo Mario Party 4 LP
He filled a nice niche of weird games also speaking of dead lets players any of you guys watch GrimithR?
They did ALL of them. Including Big the Cat. So go buy his book.
This is the same guy that 100% FF12, you know?
His latest LP of 3DS OoT is good ole Munchkin Bailey. 13 Hearts and biggoron sword before Forest Temple
the truth is he probably doesn't have any
emile is the type of guy who just wants to be left alone and do his shit in piece
>his coming out
You're telling me you watched Versus and in all the videos you watched Tyler wasn't the most flaming faggot you've ever heard in your life?
But yeah in TP versus he said he was gay. It was really cringey and awkward how he did it
available at PetSmart
Sweet, I need to finish it then
Jake quit youtube because danganronpa autists pissed him off with how they reacted to his videos
Really? Interesting, I'll have to check it out. Thanks user, you've given me some hope.
Literally who?
who was the poor sap that had to co-commentate with him on that?
>All the Megamen is ending soon
feels weird
I could see that being the case myself. I'm autistic and sometimes I just get tired of politics
fuck leftists though theyre the only reason I actively promote my ideals and morals
Emile simply doesnt care enought to research about politics
I'll take Tyson
Wasn't there also a point where he got bit and the wound ended up getting really infected and rendering his hand borderline unusable for like a week? And in his old facts video he had an awful allergic reaction when he was small and was the only kid his parents had that didn't get LOSS'd? Emile is made out some tough shit.
Raocow is such a swell guy, and I'm glad he's doing what makes him happy and I'm glad he has such a dedicated and tight-knit fanbase that cares so much about him. I used to love his videos, but all his stuff started getting really white noise-y to me, and he started putting out like 4 simultaneous series every single day, and they were usually games I had no interest in watching (seriously, does he have to play LITERALLY EVERY Mega Man game? What part is he on now, 500 at least?) so I had to unsub.
He did have a massive bout of depression, but hes bounced back. Hes stated before that his Lunar Silver Story LP was when treatment finally started to work and it shows.
>(He apparently has anxiety about recording new stuff?)
He gets really upset if anyone so much as mention his Superman 64 LP.
>his new LP was PH instead of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>father is abusive and is a raging alcoholic
>mother miscarries 5 times
It was Josh as usual but it feels like Josh didn't know he was gonna do it like he just brought it up on the spot
I used to think chugga was cool when I was in middleschool, but now its like watching an awkward walk through
idk I grew out of him. He also doesn't play games I give a shit about.
Even so, it's weird to me that he never came back or anything. He was always super fucking anal.about his channel (which was actually a good thing), banning retards in his comments section and such. Maybe he viewed it like a job than a hobby or something.
I think it was josh
he doesn't but tyrone and jamal get plenty of that scandinavian snatch
That one's a classic. They balance out their bullshitting around with the game with story progress just right so that it stays consistently hilarious. Every episode with the Old Man in front of the Burger Shop was kino.
Remember Protonconroy?
Lucahjin would be more interested in japanese twinks
A BEE?!?
>manage to survive 5 LOSS
Is autism a super power?
The Gamma and Big bits got old pretty fast
>Emile is the only member to not get cucked
>Instead he cucks others
It doesn't surprise me that the fanbase for such a shitty series like DR is full of autistic retards.
He was also in line for a rollercoaster when it derailed. His luck carries into real life
sooo happy
>Emile not only cucks others, hes also their sugar daddy
>Jon getting the sole game over due to a mix of Chuggaa burning the rest of the lives and clipping and poor collision detection
The reactions seemed pretty warranted to me, at least as far as Jake's attitude towards characters in the game went.
Really weird how he wanted Leon's head on a silver platter for accidentally killing in self defense, but then totally forgave Celeste who acted with total malicious intent just because of her greed.
I try to take a drink.of water and it drips down the side of my FAAAAAAAAAAACE
Why did God make luck builds so OP?
whos jake
He toned down his reactions because of how his audience turned on him.
She's a girl user, you can't act mean towards girls.
>Survives LOSS
>Survives allergic reaction
>Survives Thunder Mountain Railroad Derailing
>Survives respiratory infection
>Meets his childhood idol and becomes his friend
>Meets the god that is Tim
>Meets his best friend/gf through Skype
>Has over 1 million subscribers
>All with autism
How did he do it
I mean, it doesn't surprise me, I just haven't bothered with versus in recent years.
I remember when he played Conker and got to the great mighty poo.
That video was amazing
anyone remember he11sing920? can't believe he's been dead for almost 2 years now.
>All with autism
You answered yourself
shut up asaliari it was your fault he died faggot
he's honestly my favorite youtuber as far as personality goes, he's a pure bundle of wholesomeness
Tim's Conker LP was pure comfy, its a shame he grew to hate how it turned out in the end
I used to speedrun BFD or at least was learning too, now watching it makes me want to rip my eyes out
10 Luck, son. 10 Luck.
Is solo Masae any good or just her stuff with Emile?
Emile has the luck of the devil.
>Shitty childhood
>Turned out fine
>On the spectrum, strange hobbies and job
>Made tons of good friends
>Works hard, travels to connect with fans
>Gets sick at every opportunity
>Wins every game if chance, finds shiny pokemon, always turning the tables
He’s like a shonen protag or something.
>earns money from his hobby
>has a big house and enought money to buy stupid limited edition japanese shit for him and his friends
>2 girls want his autistic d
>survive 5 LOSS attempts and a roller coaster accident
I woudnt be surprised if chugga ends up winning the lottery and uses the money to recover the n64 mother 3 prototype for a lets play of mother 3
she's okay. better than most female let's players but that's not saying much.
When is the next LP with Masae? She shows up on every stream but she's only been on Fortune Street and 3D World
Reminder that some collector has a actual copy of Mother 64 and refuses to leak it.
>childhood idol
Jon used to be his idol way back in the day, and even said that he didn't like Emile's content.
If Emile is the protagonist, what's Jon and Tim? The rival and mentor?
She's also with Chugga all the time, whenever Stephen and Mal visit she's always there, she even went to visit Stephen and Mal in the most recent trip to SC with Emile. They're practically joined at the hip
girls want his autistic d
you've seen what kind of dude his dad was, I refuse to believe he didn't inherit his father's big dick genes
Haven't watched his let's plays for a few years now since his style of comedy gets grating, but I appreciate the amount of effort genuine love he puts into them.
Emile's surprisingly strong. Or at least resilient. He still makes an effort to go to the gym and seems really dedicated to his work, to the point where he toughs through shit to get it done properly. Never underestimate what a positive attitude and being absolutely dedicated and prideful about what you're good at can do. It probably does have something to do with his autism though. Some people can harness autistic obsession and turn it into a productive drive. A lot of well-regarded people in creative positions are like this, and they're either socially awkward in person or being too happy and loud as a way to counter their awkwardness
I respect him simply for how autistically well done his Xenoblade playthrough was. Also the fact that he's a Xenoblade fan. He's a bit too much of a sperg for me to be a fan of, but he puts out good content.
>Not Jon but he does get horse shit rolls
>that time Jon used a golden mushroom in MP6 and got 1,1,2
>Chugga points out how that's the worst possible roll because it's the 2nd lowest roll but if he got triple 1's instead he would at least have a coin bonus for matching numbers
Some collector also has the Conker 64 proto and hasn't/won't release it.
Tim Stamper was teasing a release of the DREAM SNES Rom but never released it
We will never see a release of the most kino games of all time
Who’s number two?
ProtonJon. Emile has on the record said that the famous Kaizo level video was what inspired him to start LPs.
Masae and Chuggaa are cute. I never thought I'd be this invested in two random Youtubers' relationship. They're probably dating. She practically lives there.
>Fan asks how many countries they've been to besides the US
>Emile and Masae both say Canada and Mexico
>We'll never hear the story of their adventure in Mexico because they're too afraid of annoying shippers
>brown american
>makes friends despite autism
>girls want him but he's uninterested
>constantly cheerful
He's Luffy
don't forget he narrowly escaped death at Disneyland when the Thunder Mountain coaster malfunctioned and several people died. Emile was literally the next person to go on before they shut it down. He's like the demigod of luck.
>we chuggabros finally made it onto the ultimate eceleb bait post
feels good
To be fair, the castle and beyond was stupid in how clunky it was with the shooter controls.
I wish I could maintain that energy to keep up my own workout.
And to actually play my list of games.
>there are faggots out there who would deny the world these games just because they can
Well, it was nice of you to update his logo user.
>if I dont like them ill just add them to this shitty meme I made
Fire Emblem ironman let's play when?
Lucahjin user
Hes mentioned several times that if it werent for the distance and their dislike of long distance relationships they would be breeding like rabbits
yeah and seth mcfarlane totally missed that 9/11 flight.
stop being a gullible faggot
i think you've got the wrong dude user, Emile probably doesn't even know what sex is
>Lucahjin is a 40 year old woman who goes to anime cons to prey on teenagers
Chugga isnt chris chan user
that was Tim, not Emile
nah I believe him, Masae even mentioned it in their Mario Party 4 LP
Lucahjin sounds like Rule 63 Yea Forums
My mistake, i meant to say breeading a rabbit farm
>someone who was never a witness talked about it, so it must be true
Chuggaa literally had no reason to lie. He's the last person who would lie about that
sorry i ruined your night you gullible retard
>implying Emile would have to lie about traumatic childhood events to gain sympathy
Emile is getting in shape because Masae wants a strong man
Is lucahjin really 40? And more importantly, is she attractive?
>masae wants a strong autistic bf
>lucahjin wants a children stuck inside a grown man
>chugga just wants more rare earthbound merch
>A one off comment about exercise in his Luigi's Mansion LP started him down the road to /fit/
Butterfly effect is an interesting thing.
either she's doing really well or she's caked with makeup
>his whole youtube channel was just a plot so he could make enough money to buy the Mother 64 cart off that one collector
>just so he can lets play it and never leak it either
Compared to the picture that's usually posted here involving Emile, Tim and Jon compared to a recent video I saw from Stephen's vlog of them all walking in the park; he is actually really taking care of himself which is an odd thing to say for someone who makes a living off Youtube.
I've met 40 year old women who looked like they could pass for 25 without any need for makeup. It's not that unbelievable that treating your body well pays off in the future.
She's like Diet Emile. They both have similar editing and that exploring every aspect of the game thing, but Emile goes much deeper. Even their end cards look the same, which makes me wonder if Emile helped with that. Unlike most female LPs, Masae doesn't act like a gurl gaymer and is simply someone who plays games who is also a female. Plus she also draws really good art on the side.
just a fun filled trip to a restaurant with your best bud crackin dick jokes, there's nothing going on between these two behind the scenes
He did an interview with someone where he explicitly said he loved her. I'm pretty sure it's in one of these videos. youtube.com
>Tims Plants vs Zombies videos are his most viewed and get a lot of dislikes because new people think he's botting views
you shitpost but chugga is vergil but less autistic and focused on vidya and completion.
they are actually master theifs
If he LPed it he would show every fucking byte of data within it anyway, so it's not he'd even need to release it.
I guess you could say that Chugga is motivated
>Emile probably doesn't even know what sex is
>that time Lucah had to buy Chugga a book about sex because he thought "getting Daisy's heart shaped box" meant receiving a box of chocolates
Stephen probably does UI work for both. IIRC he's responsible for the encounter sidebars on Emile's Pokemon LPs.
>check comments
>it's all spanish spam and fake contests
I figured it was bots. Like the videos got put into the weird child algorithm thing for being PvZ
>Make Birdo, a character with a face literally like a trumpet, sound like a honking horn
>This is somehow a bad thing
What does the tranny think Birdo even sounds like? Can xe do a Vocaroo to educate us poor transphobic masses?
>he even gets Shigesato Itoi to explain to him random trivia about the game
>he STILL hasn't read it
>Tim of all people botting views on a years old LP
Fucking what?
Cute autism, a good lad
He'd better hurry, Itoi's getting pretty fucking old.
post yfw
Emile has a kid in 10 years names Emily
He's soulless now. His old videos had so much passion behind them
How the fuck do you manage to find a girl that likes your autism and is even willing to teach you the fucking bird and the bees?
I feel like Chugga is autistic enough to unironically name one of his kids Shulk or Ness.
/ecel/ when?
Nah Lucah's married to Jon
Masae did teach him what a queef is though, not a joke
Tim has 37 videos over 1 million views, Emile has 166.
>names his child ninten instead
I like them both
Masae pretty much has to rape him in order to get a kid.
Uh, got a video link to that?
to be fair ness is a real name
>Naming your kid Ness at any point past February 9th in the Year of Our Lord 2016
I really like her LPs, she also usually goes for full completion although not to the same hyper-informative extent as Emile, her commentary is plenty entertaining and she has some Emile-tier funny moments such as when she goes on a marine biology rant about Guppy not being a fish despite the game itself calling him such in her Super Mario Galaxy LP. Speaking of that, I would've bet money on her getting Emile's savefile at the end to show off the 121st star, and lo and behold, she did.
He's pretty gullible, I'm sure she could trick him into it
Imagine you find out your mother had a youtube channel and you watch some only to find out she's obsessed with anime teenagers and bowser
She could always convince him that if he has a child hes gonna be able to create another xeno/mother fan
>Chugga preserves Itoi in a case for his Earthbound collection
>only then will his collection be complete and his autism sated
>he goes full autist and names them Ken since that's Ninten's name in the official Mother 1 novelization
Forgot to mention that whenever she has retard moments where she misses something obvious or keeps failing at certain parts, she constantly makes fun of her own lack of attention and skill in her commentary and video annotations, which is pretty funny.
how about this girl?
>after this his autism for Xeno grows and he starts archaeology trips in Africa to try and find a real Zohar
>he even digs up itois mother to fully complete his Mother collection
He talks about it here: youtube.com
He probably knows about sex, but isn't that knowledgeable about how people discuss that kind of thing. Most of the time when he gets confused it's because of someone making a dirty joke or using sexual slang that in other cases would be innocuous (Daisy's Box). I'm absolutely certain he plays the whole "oblivious Chugga" thing up as a joke at least.
>implying he wont turn masae into his own pyra
>that recent set of StephenVLogs where Emile and Masae go visit Stephen and Mal and Emile gifts Stephen's mom an Alexa, explains her how it works and thanks her for considering him her adopted son
Cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure.
>his luck causes him to find one and he remakes the universe in his image
what would it be like Yea Forums?
I doubt he's even played any non-blade Xeno game.
And yet even though you say all that, you're still only confident that he "probably" knows about sex
A world with mother 64
He makes a timeline where Mother 64 actually came out
I remember him saying that he played Gears or Saga in a gamexplain video.
An alternate universe where everything is the same but Mother 64 is a fully made game and/or Mother 3 on the GBA was localized worldwide
>you will never have someone laugh this hard at your lame jokes
But I really like the Mother 3 we got, and it would have never happened if Mother 64 came to pass. I would hope that even Chugga would understand that it's one or the other, not both.
Well shit, it's not like he's started off a video by saying "Hey everybody it's Chuggaaconroy and I just pounded Masae right in her box! Welcome back to more Phantom Hourglass! In the last episode.."
Ken is actually a pretty cool name
That would be pretty hot though
The 3heart run was the place I stopped watching Tim. Feels weird that I was just a few dozen videos away from finding out the shop failed.
If I wanted to watch some TRG after years of not doing so, which should I start with? And by that, I mean to ask which is funniest.
After I finish JonGrumps I’ll want something to watch. I hadn’t watched any sort of LP-type shit for years, so I don’t know why I suddenly want to.
>A world where sticker star never existed and the Paper Mario sequels went back to the TTYD RPG format
The whole trip is documented in the videos from January 18th to the 23rd plus the January 22nd Breakfast Stream if you also want to watch other things like their annual gift exchange, them going bowling and Emile learning how to cook. Also Stephen throwing in his own shipping bait by using Emile and Masae as the thumbnail of a video with "wedding" in the title.
Pretty sure he does freelance editing
Mother 3 on GBA is pretty much just the scraps of the planned story for Mother 64, there were more chapters planned then were in the final game. In chugga's perfect world both versions of Mother 3 would get released.
The Mario Parties are usually pretty fun, if you can handle Jon's eternal griping whenever RNG works against him. But some really great moments came from those videos, and there's plenty of content to keep you occupied, with them having covered 7 Mario Party games, and each one having about 6 boards with each board taking about 5 videos.
thank you
>even chugga, one of nintendos biggest fanboys isnt able to defend shitty star and paint star or whatever the fuck that game is called
Probably the Sonic Adventure LP they did last year or so, honestly. I can't speak for the Metroid or SMB3 LP they did though, since I haven't watched either yet.
Mario Party is good, but I feel like it's less comedic and more about the competition. Definitely some funny moments from time to time though.
Not a good one. I say that as someone who has the same outlook on the matter.
>fucking JON of all people defense sticker star
>last year
user, it was 2015
Dokapon Kingdom.
Dokapon. All of Dokapon.
I heard I shouldn't watch it before playing the game myself because they spoil it a lot during their Let's Play.
Is this true?
>chugga isnt getting /fit/ for masae
>hes getting /fit/ so he can beat the living shit out of the mother 64 collector and steal it so he can finally do a lets play on it and fully complete his mother collection
Sonic Adventure is the best in terms of entertainment. Dokapon Kingdom is excellent but it's a slow burn of a series that gets exhausting at points and is over 100 episodes. Super Metroid is great and a lot of the Mario Party episodes have their moments.
Fucking hell. This is making me want to tear up. It's so sincere yet sad and hopeless. Especially considering what actually happens.
Hmm. Apparently Metroid was their solo LP from last year, had some notion that Metroid, SMB3, and Sonic Adventure were all within the last 2 years or so. Damn.
Don't watch any of the "Chugga plays a classic game for the first time that Tim and Jon loved as kids" series unless you like getting unreasonably angry at a man who's woefully ignorant of all non-three-dimensional games and constantly complains that the classics aren't as handholdy and gentle as modern Nintendo games.
Some of my favourites are Sonic Adventure, and Wheel of Fortune.
He seems happy with masae atleast
we need a "no way fag" edit of this.
I mean if you really care about the story in a sonic game then yeah, they spoil things pretty hard.
Does that apply to the recent Link to the Past LP, as well as the Metroid and SMB3 LPs?
That's NCS, not Chugga.
The coliseum VoDs if you like the guests (at the bare minimum the Falcon Roulette and DnD campaign)
Pokemon Snap or Super Metroid if you particularly like Tim and Emile respectively
Any of tube recent Mario Parties/Wii Party if you want to see them go at it
It's fine, he got (?) the better girl for him.
guy behind ratboy genius in great
I forgot how old Tim is now.
That quote wasn't from Chugga, it was from tim.
It's kind of weird to think that Slimkirby almost became the 4th member. But things didn't work out. Honestly I wonder how that would have turned out.
Why did Tim's parents do for God to spite him like this? He doesn't deserve it.
SMB3 has a bunch of deaths that are at least pretty funny sometimes, and Super Metroid has a lot of bumbling around until his wingmen tell him exactly which way to go instead of letting level design speak for himself, but ALttP was fucking unbearable half the time. So much whining about "but 3D Zeldas usually do things a different way!", not being able to pick up on environmental clues or remember things that NPCs told him only a couple of minutes ago, wandering around aimlessly, constantly mixing up the item menu and map buttons, being so stubborn that he insists on wasting one of his bottle slots on a useless bee through literally the whole game, and sequence breaking the Dark World dungeons so that the blue armor is one of the last things he gets, making a bunch of dungeons take unnecessarily long because he keeps dying. At least he ended up appreciating the game in the end, but the experience was painful to watch half the time.
Yeah, I got lost in the discussion, my bad. I've followed TRG for ages but some stuff is old as fuck now, dang.
>you will never be molested and raped by Lucahjin at an anime con
Why live?
Slimkirby is such a faggot. Who the fuck records themselves playing party games by themselves? He doesn't even do the single player campaigns in those.
Chuggaa streams?
Dont make me feel even more bad about myself user
Not everyone is born with charisma
outside of TRG streams, Chugga is the only member who doesn't independently stream. I think that's the reason why he also doesn't show up in Peanutbuttergamer's streams while Jon and Tim have.
they did it in the bathroom
>is there a single more JUSTed eceleb than Tim?
The answer is and always will be Spoony
It's better keeping it to three and bringing in a guest every now and then for 4-player games. Their conversations stay interesting without too many voices competing for mic dominance. And they have the option to bring in different guests for different dynamics when they want.
user goofed on that. He's the only core TRG member without a Twitch account. He does show up on Jon's channel on TRG streams and his face is an emote for at least 3 channels.
I believe one unintentional way he manages to make more money is by numbering all his lps so people want to watch them in order. There are other lp channels that just have all the playlists with no connection so viewers will just watch the ones that interest them but if you're interested in LP 1-11 you might check out the Pikmin LP as well.
>Chugga got /fit/
>now he's learning to cook
What games does he bring on the deserted island he's clearly getting ready to survive on in an emergency?
He is technically white, but he's from Mexico so that doesn't count here.
This guy gets it.
I think the best comparison would be WiiRiketoPray or whatever the fuck they are called, 4 people with mixed chemistry constantly wanting hog the mic.
Masae always looks so uncomfortable on camera. Is that just her resting face?
Is he autistic? I just figured he was really musically-inclined but not artistic at all
She's trying to contain her affection for Emile and overcompensating.
so you're saying she's tsundere?
Maybe, she's usually fine in longer videos where she can relax and not always look at the camera.
I'm not sure if she's like that behind closed doors but definitely when a camera is pointed at her
>watching a recent best of compilation to catch up on chugga lore
>feel a sense of comfort i haven't felt in years
Yes, which is why her dere moments are so precious: youtube.com
For some reason I blanked on this too even though it's so obvious. Also who says "ahead of the game" instead of "ahead of the curve"
I was with Chugga most of the time when it came to Super Metroid and I felt his pain
Maybe Zero Mission and Fusion spoiled me long enough but I found hard to enjoy SM
Was was his dad a mestizo or a Spaniard?
Only respectable Let's Player because he makes the series about the games and not about himself and he only plays the games he likes and not just games that are flavor of the month.
I met Chugga last year at the Smash Invitational, completely by accident. I was at the bar next to the stage and I looked to my left to see him ordering a drink so I tried to strike up a conversation with him. He seemed like that kind of autist that gets nervous when strangers try to talk to him so I kept the conversation about him to make him feel more comfortable and asked how he enjoyed his trip and he said he was having a great time. We talked about Ultimate and how one of his favorite additions was the fake smash ball and after a few minutes he had to go and said "nice meeting you" and complimented my homemade Cappy cap. Then he just left the theater with his drink right before the tournament started. I can't help but feel like I may have made him uncomfortable and caused him to go.
>You suck!
muh heart
I wish they'd play more Fortune Street.
There's still Geop. One day we'll get the AC Brotherhood LP, one day. Though Bobbin Threadbare has filled the void he left in on "LPs with lectures on subjects related to the game"
>child ends up a sony fan
>gets disowned
>when Emile plays Mario Party with her and compliments her on anything she gets flustered and quickly denies whatever he praises her about
>Emile learns to weaponize it and compliments her to cause her to lose focus and somehow affects her luck so he can win
they're so cute
Emile is probably just economically left and socially centrist.
As an actual autist like him talking to strangers always makes me nervous and I always try to get out of a conversation as quickly as possible unless I initiate it. Don't feel bad it's just how some autists are.
Emile will bed Masae once Mother 4 is announced.
I'd kill for him to stream a nuzlocke run
>Child starts their own youtube LP channel full of old playstation games and complains about how Chugga verbally abuses him on a daily basis
>They argue over if Gears or Blade is better
That went on for so long that I came up with different new ways of saying "the LP that just won't die" for like 70 episodes.
>I love how tired they sound by the end, you can tell the game has taken its toll on them.
In fairness that game does that to everyone
Her heart shape box is sore due to emile doing her on hard every second the camera is off
>they eventually get married and have children via artificial insemination, but never have sex because Mother 4 hasn't been announced
I think if he's not >56%, then he's probably a legit Creole.
God's way of compensating.
the stream of Chugga's Lost Innocence was a gift to the world
I saw ChuggaaConroy at a Gamestop in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Amiibos in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the Amiibo and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each Amiibo and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by asking her to streetpass him.
thanks user, that makes me feel better knowing that
>Child ends up making Xenoblade real
WiiLiketoPlay guys were fun guests and guys. Tyson, Chris, Spender, and Tyler (not the AttackingTucans one).
Not him but Tim also did a game he never played in his childhood (Pokemon Snap) and that the other two did with them working together on their channel that was interesting. I wonder when it'll be Jon's turn to do one (if he and the others will even do one) and what game it will be.
>saw it live along with the twitter feed of all the shitposts and edits
Was a special time considering it was the first TRG stream, no idea how many streams of them all together have happened since but I doubt it would ever top this.
I'm catching up with TRG on 2x speed. Halfway through Rayman Origins and I'll start from the beginning with Emile after I finish that. The most recent LP I remember watching of his is Platinum
>he jokingly names his child Klaus
>he actually ends up making anime real
At least Ken is a relatively normal name.
He enjoyed Color Splash