So is this game now called Mortal Wokebat or Muslim Kombat? Which is more catchy?
So is this game now called Mortal Wokebat or Muslim Kombat? Which is more catchy?
Other urls found in this thread:
sexy kombat
Mortal Kuckbat
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex.
what's your aim, friend?
wait why is jade a southeast asian bitch now, I thought she was black?
I call it just boring desu.
She was never black. NR even describes her as "dark skinned". Saying things like: "First dark skinned female fighter in games right over here!" and shit like that.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Well I know who my opponent will always be.
looks black to me
How long until that user posts his Futa Fapfiction complaining that MK doesn't cater explicitly to his definition of "sexy" or "Visually appealing"?
Don't say another Goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say anything else - word one - I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueld by my hatred for you this fear eangine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it beings, you will hear the sound of children screaming - as though from a great distanc. A smoking orb of nothing will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch sream down my face, my dark work will being. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.
Based Jade, being more attractive than her MK9 counterpart. Thank you NRS for finally fixing the women
Based, fuck video games
>not black
>dark skinned
The fuck do you think dark skinned means?
goddamn that is one ugly ass bitch
How have the devs responded to the feedback?
There are plenty of races with dark skin. Also, Jade isn't even from our realm anyways.
Moral Wombat
its called Burka Kombat 11
I'd go with the more inclusive wokebat.
are you pretending to be a retarded negro or what? also she was never black.
>Muslim Wokebait
Epic win my fellow kekastani!;)
So is Jade actually muslim now or are people just shitposting?
Do they have muslims in Outworld?
retards shitposting and mad ninjas having hoods
If by muslim you mean she wears a hood then yes
>The MK Threads the few times we got good threads is full of retards now
Are things like this that made me enjoy that games are shit for you people...holy fuck Yea Forums dont deserve nice things
Skarlet doesn't have a hood, she has a goddamn burqa now
>or are people just shitposting
Welcome to Yea Forums. Try and get as many (You)s as you can.
Holy shit its shoped?that Sonya is way better
Maybe you should be mad at the sjws for ruining this franchise?
>7 minutes
Nope. NRS, like they always do. Are working on models until the game releases
so wheres the baboon nose, nappy hair, and black skin? not seeing it. that looks like a hispanic woman or a mulatto at best
based retard
Your right.
Its not like jade didnt ACTUALLY have that look in 1998 on its TV show
nope from the event retards just post the same image over and over
Eat shit.
Sorry i am not braindead like you sad fucks.
Its fucking obvious that they are showing more clothes because of EVO faggotry.You people are really that stupid to not realize that the sexy outfits will be unlockables?Geez
How exactly is a hooded thai ninja Muslim or woke?
No because the hypocrisy of people bitching is SJW tier cancer.
People here bitched alot that MK9 and MK10 girls looked like trannies and now the same vocal minority want to say they are DoA tier hotties?Fuck Off
ronda is cute
More like they made her cute
They fixed her Big Round face
i hope we get some good SFM
>his definition of sexy or appealing
Get the fuck out of here redditfag. Theres pretty and theres ugly
If we are talking about Ugly then the MK9 and Deception girls everyone calls sexy are definitely ugly as sin
They'res a lot of MK11 shills in this thread bullshitting that MK11 women are hotter than the past entrys in the series shill harder cucks.
>There's pretty and there's ugly
MK11 has pretty and MK9 has ugly
Maybe it is because you're from plebbit and want to come here and act like you're still on r/MK or whatever and post your dumb memes and opinions? Just go back, honestly.
>horseshoe bullshit
Lol fuck off fag
yeah bro MK9's women were so hot
I think you won.
Epitome of a sexy face
Yep, MK9 were hot.
They had far sexier outfits which doubled as better designs all around
Is that Tremor?
fucking SJW's and their tranny acceptance horseshit
put a man in a dress and it's still a man
this game would look amazing with huge boobs and sideboob and underboob
Moral Kuckbait.
If you men with bolt-ons
Yes MK9 women were hot, we'll in agreement.
>i play fighting games for the women's fashion
confirmed faggots
MK9 women don't look like trannies cuck MK11 women do.
>Battles between violent barbarians with an extreme disrespect for a functioning, alive human body
>Everyone is Muslim
Ed Boon is fucking based and redpilled
They got boob windows on underboob
>MK9 women don't look like trannies
Actually the batlle is between Orderrealm this time
Post Scarlets face in mk11 and talk to me about trannies again
>everyone acting like the girls won't have their sexy costumes sold to them as dlc
Also i self insert as girls
Woke is such a faggy term
>MK9 women's masculine jawlines, shouldlers and waistlines
>Not Trannies
my sides
I don't know what you guys are talking about and I don't care, I just came here to say that girl has big boobs and surely sue was designed for paizuri right?
Okay, now post a maskless MK9 skarlet. and not the edited model with the sharp teeth, either
Here's her face in MK9, ignore the teeth
Still their best comic
Classic costumes are in the base game, brotherman.
>That Male bodybuilder jawline
>giving me arbitrary hoops to jump through
Lol, clear signs you're losing a debate BADLY.
Looks alright to me:
Yours on the other hand, jesus fuck kill it with fire
MK11 women don't look like trannies KEK
Now post the updated model
Holy shit user is fucking retarded. That's not even her in MK9, that's a model made by a freelance artist.
It's so sexy and feminine
Fucking kek, how will the plebbit shill ever recover?
hell you can post the old one and they still sound like retards
Post the new one faggot
she wouldn't look so bad if her jaw wasn't as square
>Tells me to post an MK11 face
>I oblige
>Tells you to post an MK9 face without a mask
>Cries arbitrary hoops
fucking lmao
>Then agrees with me that MK11 Skarlet looks better than MK9's
now I'm confused
Muslim Soul
He just added a different costume user
mortal kombat is shallow trash for low iq retards who are easily amused by disgusting violence
literally anyone who likes this shit is a moron
how can you make something so bad the original lookk good
Ok, but it's still looks like a tranny. Is this it?
I wish. It's Skarlet.
Someones triggered
That's an old model.
looks mestizo to me
>early access provided by WB
that's not the most up to date version, as it's still a reveal event version. For the umpteenth time, NRS is KNOWN for working on detail up until release
>lacks reading comprehension
Surprising no one really. Maybe read a bit slower, you clearly cant comprehend the conversation
I thought they were saying he was a sandnigger.
Yikes bro just stop posting
The face is completely different in the comparison.
This is his edit user, the costume it's self all he did was removw the mask
Fuck you, I like that shallow trash.
Oh, so you're just incapable of proper posting format. Gotcha. Go back to liking trannies from MK9
I think I posted the new one.
The eyes are a different color.
Fuck off Dobson, low effort tie-in TV shows are not canon.
No, you didn't.
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero" - a story based on MK9, the last real Mortal Kombat entry with actually attractive women - and no, there are no black women in the story. Jade is a brown skinned woman with green eyes
apparently 01:14:59
Here's a video and yes it still looks like a tranny and posting Overwatch memes how much of a cuck are you?
so are retards going to pretend they wont have things like this in the game
>doesnt know what a colon : does
Wew this keeps getting better and better
There's no part of the franchise that isn't low effort.
>The fuck do you think dark skinned means?
Generally when people say black they're referring to negros. Latinos, asians, Indians, Italians, and arabs can all be "dark skinned" but you wouldn't consider them black.
Pic related are Indian and are darker skinned than your average US black person but you probably wouldn't call them black unless you're retarded.
Did Jade model got updated too?
She doesn't look as much of a nignog to me as I first thought.
man you are one assblasted fag
>Sonya MK1
>Sonya MK3
>Sonya MK4
>Sonya MKvDC
>Sonya MK9
>Sonya MKX
>Sonya MK11
SJWs like you love to project don't you?
>NRS is actively paying people to shill AGAINST the most beloved game they've made this century
based and redpilled OneAngryGamer posters sure are retarded. But hey, anything for based bonerculture!
That wasn't Jade though, her name was Qali
>s-s-s-she is a tranny
fucking fool
>Race debate in fighting game
>Being a Tranny Loving faggot who faps to MK9's male kitana/sonya/jade/sindel/skarlet
>Calls others SJWs
too hilarious
Are you aware that NRS literally used Sonya's face for Skarlet in MK9 because she wasn't meant to be seen without a mask? You're unironically defending MK9 Sonya.
Every single chick from the Mortal Kombat series is ugly as fuck
Why the fuck would a thai woman be a goddamn ninja in the first place? Why not a thai kickboxer? Ninjas are supposed to be Japanese, why would south east asians who suffer endless racism from Japanese study a martial art from people who hate them?
SJW shills are fake MK fans so they wouldn't know that.
isnt everyone supposed to be older in 11?
regardless, id still suckle the chocolate milk out of those saggy udders
Reminder that Frost is getting revealed tomorrow for International Women's Day!!!
Not True.
>fake MK fans
Anyone who bases whether or not they buy the game on the basis of visible skin%
>he thinks this she-goblin is attractive
I hope you're joking
Try harder shill.
The outfits in 9 were garbage and no amount of tits will convince me otherwise. A happy medium would be appreciated but I'd rather take good covered up outfits over bad skimpy outfits; I like super hero stuff so maybe the outfits are only good to me but the point still stands.
That face is ugly as shit, wtf is with that wide manjaw?
And they say that Netherrealm are pandering to feminist.
I just don’t get it. Why aren’t companies allowed to change their vision of the product they sell?
Each character will have dozens of costumes to change their appearance to your liking, but you think they have to be titcows in leather bikinis to qualify for a Mortal Kombat game? Why does any FG have to have cumsluts to sell copies?
he says as he posts a non official model with a covered face(Being a staple of muslim communities). The official MK9 outfit had very low res chains that were basically just a texture on her thigh
t. man who fapped to jade many times
BOING look at those BAZOOBLAS I mean jesus christ those Mudd flaps probably brap so hard Haha you think she poop with those cheeks?
Imagine DOA without the titties
because apparently the 3D era and MK9 are the only games that matter
That's a sjw argument are you a shill do you even care about MK?
remember when Yea Forums said this was mk11 sonya
DOA without titties would be MK without Gore. MK without titties is DOA without Ryu Hayabusa
How about instead of complaining constantly just don't buy games that push an agenda you don't agree with? I know the "vote with your wallet" trope has been beat to death but it's true. If you complain and still buy the game anyways then you're a mouth breathing neanderthal and you don't deserve to have an opinion.
Try harder shill and I never fapped to Jade.
>an SJW argument is pointing out that people who don't buy games over trivial matters aren't fans
nigger what?
>do you even care about MK
Yeah, I only played the 10 mainline games currently out as well as Shaolin Monks excessively over the years
Fighting games should be violent. Better than shit like DOA and Tekken where there's no violence and the fighting looks like anime slapfights.
Who said I wasn't going to buy the game?
Imagine if you bought video games for gameplay and not because they are neckbeard fapbait
>as he posts a low res chain literally attached to the leg model
Thanks for proving my point? And no, I was the one who fapped to jade, retard. What is it with fucking potatoes and their belief that everyone who doesn't hold their worldview is a shill? Shit happens in Trump threads on /pol/ as well
>MK without titties is DOA without Ryu Hayabusa
He's been in every DOA game I think, so you're actually right. So you're right
MK11 is like DOA without Ryu - fucking weird.
Them tits
Harley Quinn is ugly as fuck though
I certainly never did, and I'm not sure where you got the idea that that's what I was accusing you of came from. I'm saying that the kind of people who cry and refuse to buy because of something as trivial as the women not showing enough skin aren't actual MK fans, and aren't worth catering to.
Dude I'm not even in this argument but the mental gymnastics you're going through rn...
I'm calling her ugly bro
Where’s the agenda?
You're wrong, they are fans and they are worth catering to.
Considering these characters will likely have 6 skins on on release, there's a good chance at least one will be more revealing. maybe not MK9 bikini armor levels, but more than enough to suffice
I like how a thread about one user being such a brainlet he's sperging out on skin color not gameplay gets this many replies.
This is how I wish more women in fighting games looked, this is the body of a female warrior, not a stripper
I'm a fan and want Stryker/Jarek. Why am I not being catered to? It's because I'm an insignificant minority of the fanbase. Just like the people willing to boycott MK11 because of VS%
MK series has no gameplay so who would discuss it?
The sjws who want to tone down the sexuality aren't worth catering to. They won't care to buy the product anyway.
>but it's true
It's not though, 1 whale is worth 100 or so non-buyers.
>Harley Quinn is ugly as fuck though
But dude there is a lot of fans that don't like the tone down look of the females.
You fags said the same thing about MKX but it turns out that was the best selling MK game.
the gameplay in the new games are fine shitposter
Зaткни eбaлo, пёc. У тeбя вce кaчecтвa пca eбaнoгo, вce, кpoмe вepнocти.
She has the same issue all injustice females have, her face is fat with fat cheeks and a big wide manjaw/chin.
We seeing the same MK11? Jade looks fine, Sonya looks fine, Skarlet looks... Well Baraka looks fine. SJW's aren't worth catering to, but neither are the fags like Billy D crying about lack of skin
Of course. But the majority aren't BOYCOTTING the game because of something as small a detail as whether or not you can see Kitana's armpit
Too bad they have the faces of actual apes
>pic related belly button
Then why is MK at EVO?
A black tranny?
you are a retarded fuck
Oh great another triggered right wing thread
because NRS, just like frenchbread PAID to be there. nevermind the fact that MKX did very well in its two Evos and MK9 was popular enough to get THREE Evos
Why is BB Cross Tag and Smash Bros at EVO? Money, duh.
Her face is fine, and who cares, look at her damn body holy shit she's hot, her legs are amazing
So fuck off back to /leftypol/
Hopefully the Xenomorph returns, so I can spit acid in her face.
keep ALL /pol/ off Yea Forums
You clearly dont know business or demographics because those are the type of people who will buy your game, and be loyal from then on
nice assblast
or maybe fuck off back to /pol/ because you snowflake faggots make these threads every fucking day. Literally right wing SJW’s
No, just for that I'm gonna get /pol/ to raid Yea Forums
>THe most loyal fanbase is the one who cares about seeing Cassie's Bellybutton
Wow user, you totally proved you weren't a brainlet, man how can i argue with such tight logic.
as if we'd be able to tell the difference lol
are you 15? wait you’re a /pol/tard of course you are
Their is no such thing of right wing sjws unless you are talking about Rino cuckservatives and it's so gay that leftist can't come up with their own insults they have to steal right wing insults towards them it's kinda pathetic.
You underestimate the power of sex appeal. Sex sells kid, get over it.
You seem to be suggesting that you MUST show skin in order to be sexually appealing. This is not the case
First off a 5 year old is probably smarter than you and how am I being immature?
>Their is no such thing of right wing sjws
t. Right wing sjw
Fuck off
Jade implies asian, dark-skinned asian generally means Indian. So i think Indian, not African.
You got two typos, but otherwise nice job.
Why are everyone posting MK9 pictures where every face was utterly hideous? Why not MKX which made everyone look considerably better?
In this case, it is because the mk11 female designs are awful
>MKX was called sjw for not being as sexy as MK9
>Still outdid it in sales and is the best selling MK game to date
Those kind of people are the ones shitting on the new DOA6 simply because one of the characters tits aren't as big as before.
Seems like a lot of people disagree
holy shit, you all are obsessed with trannies. not once can there be a decent discussion without you all talking about trannies.
MKX was called SJW by Yea Forums as well user
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
Oh, you mean the game reviewers are giving poor reviews to because the devs still included sex appeal? You fucking bug catchers are laughable.
>a lot of people
>literally like 2 or 3 redditors getting bodied in this thread, including you
That's the whole point of sex appeal cuck. LMFAO!!!
>Mortal Kombat then:
>cool ass ninjas with ninjutsu magic, monsters and gods from other realms and hot chicks, gore fatalities
>Mortal Kombat now:
>cool ass ninjas with ninjutsu magic, monsters and gods from other realms, gore fatalities
almost nothing changed and yet this isn't the Mortal Kombat i know
also shows how much devs value their integrity, shame
What __fun characters could they possibly put ion this game? MKX had them all; Leatherface, Alien etc
but indians have big hook noses, she doesn't
False since the beginning of time
Yes that game, are you gonna say shitposters haven't been doing the same shit they've been doing here?
Clearly you haven't seen the MK Community at large not giving a fuck, and that's no even including shitholes like reddit or resetera
Look up Kitanas Tournament costume, that's mk9 tier.
>her face is fine
>her body is hot
there is something wrong with your sexuality user, I'm sorry
>hot chicks
I want Jesus in the game, the Revelations on with the white sword that come out of his mouth, not the peaceful hippie one.
Apparently to Yea Forums it wasn't even the Klassic costume wasn't enough
>That Goldberg Tattoo
>exciting gameplay
But MK 11 isn't a japanese fighting game...
No I'm pretty sure plebbit and retardera are the only places you're referring to, and that's as far away from the "main fanbase" as Yea Forums is, maybe you should just go back to your home site kid.
what's wrong with her then?
Look at the damage control. Those ugly faces, more than half of them were covered with a you didnt care as long you have the more classical and faithful design than this aberration in 11.
>apparently to Yea Forums
You keep saying this. how about posting proof they specifically said that. I'll take a link.
>go back to your home site
Alright, I'm here, been since 2009. Now what?
Three typos, ackshuwally.
KI has way more exciting gameplay than any jap fighter
Holy fucking kek like anyone believes you. I got here in 1978, what now?
Everything about this is hideous: the skin tone, the face, and especially the color scheme. Why'd they have to fuck with the delicious brown girl?
holy fuck you're caboosebruised
You didn't prove me wrong.
She's still brown tho
a game I like the female kombatants in
a game I like the female kombatants in
a game I like the female kombatants in (so far)
Wow, must be alone
my dick
This shits just shameful to see. Sonya is an SF agent and she’s supposed to be barely clothed? Kitana is thousands of years old Warrior Princess and she’s supposed to wear a bikini in lethal tournament fights?
It doesn’t make sense. The idea that any woman from MK is obligated to be half-clothed doesn’t make sense from a lore standpoint or a logic standpoint.
Additionally, you look fucking dumb trying to appeal to anyone by referring to them as “muh hot women”
Those community forums are strictly modded by the way.
>This shits just shameful to see. Sonya is an SF agent and she’s supposed to be barely clothed?
Just incase you'll say those posts don't count here's more
this is bait
So what? Are they not supposed to be real women?
Does sex sell or not? how cucked are you?
That's exactly why it has exciting gameplay, jap fighters are fucking boring.
Did DOA ever outsell Mortal Kombat?
cage and noob are the best so far
pls give me a choco gf
>That fucking smile
I love Johnny
DOA extreme beach volleyball justifies the bikini shit because it’s leisure beach games.
Mortal Kombat is the story of transporting between realms of existence to fight in a tournament to the death against demigods and magicians. BDSM chains aren’t the best apparel.
Actually, it's not even whales.
They're willing to toss away profit away to keep the agenda of the cult intact.
"Those 2 million shitlords don't matter anyway"
>cage is back to his mk9 self
Thank God, much better than MKX's personality vacuum dad
>its another Yea Forums general shill thread
Do your job you fat hideous janny and banish this to /vg/ where it belongs
For all the cucks complaining about people wanting MK women to look sexier look at the males they aren't covered up why is a game geared towards a male audience have less female sex appeal but the male characters get to be sexualized how cucked is the MK community?
>i'm gonna get polsmokers to raid vee guize! Srsly i'll do it!
>how am i acting immature guize??
cant lost i all
The women have always been sexy try harder shill
It was a joke cuck.
>ctrl + f "edenia"
>0 results
>300 replies of "reeeee she's black/asia/etc"
none of you fucking retards played the games
If a robot not having a shirt is sexy then God help you. Also the faces are fixed and that's all that matters.
>The women have always been sexy
I'm a MK fan and it was never set in stone that Jade was black to be fair. She was asian in that terrible movie
yea and motaro has 2 legs in that movie, totally canon
Try harder shill and I don't think he's a robot isn't he a God like Rayden? Fake MK fan.
Motaro had 4 legs in the movie he had 2 in MK Armageddon Fake MK fan.
He's a robot, he claims to follow the Goddess of Time Kronika
nu-mk fans are fucking cucked
Says the tranny lover
She looks like Rosario Dawson
I can't find info that says he's a robot. But it did say he follows Kronika.
Because you're jelly the way they look doesn't make them trannies cuck shill.
She's Edenian, retard
And you're the tranny lover leftist cuck.
Well he has lines all throughout his skin and along with his blue blood he may be one. All the Gold along his arms and chest seem to be actually apart of him.
god this game looked so shit, it was fun tho
Them having manjaws and broad shoulders make them men.
I'm not the one calling MK9 girls hot for being men with tits.
Is this what you think or is this cannon?
After seeing the jade reveal I'm kinda torn. Don't get me wrong I love bikini ninjas and all but there wasn't ever a real reason for it. There's a lot of fighting and general weapons in the MK universe. It'd make sense to wear a little bit of armor or at least clothing for the appropriate weather right?
I do really appreciate functional female armor though. There's plenty of porn on the internet if you want some jerk material. If you're looking for it in vidya isn't it kinda weird after a while?
MK11 females look like tranny sjws and look fugly and 0 sex appeal you just can't take criticism of your game shill.
It's what I see on his body, also one of his intros shows his head cut off but he reverses time to put it back on his body.
The MK11 females look like they actually have functioning vaginas unlike the 3D MK games that have I SAID IT'S MA'AM tier """""women"""""
And this comment also applies
The user is a legit futafag so of course he likes the trannies.
A god can't do that?
Try hard shill
Shinnok definitely can't but he isn't the God of Time becuase Khronika exists and for him to be completely obedient he couldn't be a God imo unless she is an Elder God as well.
How about you actually google what he says to google and check for yourself?
>functioning vaginas
So yer 12
Google what? Are you even paying attention to this conversation?
Guess you're to used to having trannies in your game
Is everyone you disaree with a child?
This one doesnt even look like a tranny, you're getting desperate
>Google what?
Did you even read the anons post?Why would you tag me with this guy and then get mad when I call him a futafag?
>having a manjaw and broad shoulders doesn't count as tranny
I wonder how that works
I remember seeing customization videos and they could alt colors and alternate costumes. Obviously 6 would not be the limit for Noob's costumes, but I wouldn't get my hopes up for a ton of costumes.
Though we do know for a fact Johnny has at least 4 almost entirely different outfits
Johnny was so shit in MKX but so far he's been the best reveal. Curious to see what they've done to Cassie and the Briggs
I guess you like trannies in your game?
You have to go all the way back to the Deadly Alliance to prove your point? were the graphix was shit
I guess you do
I guess you do. Duh duh duh
I'm showing that the "they used to be so sexy" argument is shit. I'm using MK9,MKA,MKD,and MKDA
And I guess You do!
You have to go back to a 15 year old game to prove your point.
While showing a sexy picture of Kitana?
All you are is a MK11 shill
Holy shit when did Yea Forums turn into /pol/ 2.0?
I can also use an 8 year old game
>Trannies are sexy
Nice should of mocaped Jade.
I wish I got paid to shit on this series
Nigger are you 10 yr old or something?
Not an argument
Official neatherrealm's art and artistic goal for Skarlet.
I wish I got paid to shill it and gas light fans for not liking the look of the females.
This is the official artistic goal for Skarlet, not a sexy fanart.
She's showing off quite a bit of undead skin
Did NRS pay you 1 dollar to say that?
You and me both
How did she end up like this?
Put her tits aren't big enough.
MK11>>>>MKNine operations
Sure they also said they'd let me fuck Jades eye socket after 20 posts.
Oh look, it's the "tranny" guy who claims MK women were "trannies" therefore the newer games are not being censored.
Can you please tell me what type of person are you, and what motivates you to post for weeks about this; more than anyone on the subject?
Here's Sonya from MKX next so Sonya from a game that was sold to children.
wide jaws are on a lot of women. It isn't manly at all
>How did she end up like this?
The artists weren't censored. That was probably one of the sexiest MK characters of all time.
Wasn't MKvDC counted as the worst game in the series?
user she has actual hips and ass in those deawings but zero in game
>MKvDC Sonya
lmao that would imply there's something actually being hidden from us
How is that sexualized? It looks dumb, but it's clearly designed to drag attention to his little energy source on his chest. Probably a plot point
Forgot pic
Yeah because that's a argument against sexuality in video games.
You're literally praising a game that was in fact censored solely because an outside company told them not to add blood.
This isn't a discussion about the game; dear shill. Stop sliding.
>I'm an effeminate man and boobs that are too large and women that are too tall are trannies! Therefore; the new games aren't censored
>Well, women were sexier in MKvsDC? Wasn't that a BAD GAME!? Check mate.
This is a discussion about how sexuality is being censored; please, you'be been acting retarded for almost a month now. It's time to stop.
For men no, but for women yes. So if men are sexualized than the women should be to.
>so obsessed that you see trannies everywhere
Are you autistic by the way?
>This isn't a discussion about the game; dear shill. Stop sliding.
But it litterally is also MKvDC had tons of censorship
I want to fuck her in the ass and then pull out and piss and cum all over her stupid fucking smug face until she submits and admits that she’s weak. I need to make her fall in line and realize that she’s pathetic and stupid just like all other women in existence. I’ll rip that stupid ass costume off her roastie body and parade her naked in the streets as I fuck the shit out of her and make her cry and whine.
I fucking hate women.
I second that.
The problem is the boobs look fake as fuck. If you're going to do big boobs have them react to gravity somewhat.
Oh look. Another alt-right incel who can't play games unless he can fap to every female character in the game
No, why are you seetheing so hard?
Be careful these sjw shills get triggered when you sexualize there empowered female characters that don't need no man.
>Big boobs
Bolt on boulders*
Another alt-right incel who can't play games and has to fap to every female character in the game*
VNs should've never been let back in. The casuals came flooding and have been pushing their shit ideologies because they aren't good enough to gain control of a game by winning matches
Am I arguing in favor of censorship? Idiot.
Can we talk about you? What the fuck motivates you to make these posts? I'm asking a serious question; what the fuck is in your head? Why do you have to slide and shill; why not just say it? Just say what's in your mind without doing a logical fallacy.
Or anons might cry somone finds this character sexy
you tell me
I'm not, that was a serious question.
holy shit you're retarded
>Am I arguing in favor of censorship?
Considering you tried to claim MKvDC had no censorship you are
Why? You should explain yourself like a functional adult next time.
>Considering you tried to claim MKvDC had no censorship you are
When did I claim that?
Also, what is motivating you, what the fuck are you doing here and what's your argument?
There’ll be sexy costumes in the game. Even with the censorship that Injustice 2 had, every girl still had some skimpy gear. Also, Skarlet is kute.
is this just stills taken at a better lighting or is it an actual thing?
SJW incel plays games
Holy fuck that looks like shit.
I think that Injustice 2 had the cutest girls Netherrealm ever managed to create
>Injustice 2
It's rated T, and DC won't let them do whatever they want. That one dude posted much lewder shit from earlier builds on his IG account before getting fired for it
that looks incredibly good and that's the artistic direction the game should've taken
Mortal Hijab?
It's a mix of movie and nu-Enchantress. She is supposed to look like shit
Are you a functional adult? Is anyone on this site a functional adult?
>game where you can decapitate Muslims
In your first post user I also already showed how you're praising a heavily censored game.
Actual thing
This is who NRS got to do butt mocap.
She still looks like a tranny. LOL
Yeah that’s what I meant. Without DC, NRS has a lot more flexibility with their costume and character design.
>She is supposed to look like shit
Why is she supposed to look like shit? She's supposed to be muscular enough to fight a grown man; that's what MK women are supposed to be. Not spaghetti arms divorced looking feminists.
Not to mention the game lore is heavily based on Conan the Barbarian, think of Ken Kelly paintings, which have a sort of physical idealism. Even a witch or wizard would be a muscular warrior, look at Quan Chi and Shang Tsung.
What would be even more based if we could decapitate jews.
That's the third post and you haven't realized that you are being fallacious. I'm not even going to bother trying to explain to you further. You can look at any of my previous posts if you feel like figuring things out.
Also, what is motivating you and why the fuck are you making these posts?
She looks like a man
What do girls buttholes smell like?
/vpol/ has gotten so deranged and removed from reality, I can no longer tell what outrage is trolling and what is a genuinely angry /pol/lack who unironically perceives a female ninja wearing a ninja hood without the mask as a hijab.
Jade is from Eden, she has nothing to do with Earthrealm religions.
Somali women aren't black
That's what I said!
He needs to cover up that goes against MK's core values.
Mortal Kombat has always had really shitty designs. At least in MK9 they tried to salvage the female characters by giving them sex appeal (the costumes were definitely revealing but the success of this aim varies). With MK11's girls we are at last exposed to the fact that NRS can't make truly appealing characters worth shit.
Jade is probably the best example I can think of, and the most recent one too. None of Jade's designs look cool or aim to do so; it's just clutter and overdesign for the sake of giving her something to wear, whatever it may be. I know you can change the colours of your character, but that maroon/dark-green variation of her's is a textbook example on why colour theory is so important - what an awful colour scheme. Her designs would be forgivable if they actually told of her fighting style (Graphic Design 101: show, don't tell), but nothing she wears shows that she uses her weapons and why/how she uses them. For fuck's sake, Jade's idle stance doesn't even show her bo staff or her boomerangs - you know, the things she fights with? What part of her design screams out, "I'm a zoner who's good at keeping my opponents away and irritating them so I can start my offensive game against their carelessness?" (Or however the fuck she fights? All the trailer showed was combos and fatalities, and her design isn't helping me reach a conclusion.) Also, why the fuck does she wear green? Skarlet's design also leaves much to be desired, but at least her red outfits allude to what she fights with. It's like they just picked a colour for Jade so they could have another kunoichi in the game. (Wait a minute...)
Questionable design choices have always been in Mortal Kombat - that doesn't make them acceptable.
>boner culture
>Her designs would be forgivable if they actually told of her fighting style (Graphic Design 101: show, don't tell)
Ok then, tell me what this guy's fighting style is. Oh wait, you can't tell? Guess what? Irl you can't tell how someone fights based on how they look. MK 11 is going for realism, so this color theory bs is exactly that, s and for cartoony japanese fighters, not a realistic one.
>people arguing over the ethnicity of someone not even from the same dimension as Earth, let alone its ethnic identities
Dumbass, you know damn well if we made first contact with an alien species, and one of their representatives had nappy hair, a bigass nose, and dark skin we'd all say they were space blacks(or space niggers), quit frontin.
he says as he uses ebonics
Yea Forums is just sperging for no reason again, huh
And if they were dark brown with features that could pass them as local from anywhere between Somalia and Indonesia?
Who the fuck cares about Indonesia? No one cares about jungle asians.
There hasn't been any gaming controversies for a while (other than Anthem failing, but there's no shitposting potential in that subject when everyone agrees it's shit) and Yea Forums needs to be upset about something.
No he didn't? look at the time and date on
Looks like a coloured, not black
She has to go back.
I'm saying if their ethnicity is too ambiguous to pinpoint, what's the point in debating?
Is that some kind of autistic attempt at politicizing pro-sex appeal in media?
From the gloves I'd say MMA or something Brazilian.
I'm saying if they look black, we gonna say they black period.
you think I don't know who fucking BENSON HENDERSON is? You kidding me? BJJ and TKD
How is that my autistic attempt at politicizing pro-sex appeal in media and I love the sjwisms. LOL
>what's his fighting style bro?
I presumed a mixed martial artist judging from his trained but not weathered body, the one very modest tattoo I can see on his arm and the gear he's wearing. The fact that he's in a promotional shoot doesn't hurt either. Of course my suspicions were confirmed by the fact this guy fights in Bellator MMA.
This is a really stupid argument. Different styles of fighting require different muscle developments. Not only that, but different uniforms are used to optimise the performance of an athlete. Compare a Muay Thai athlete to a Judo expert, and those two to a boxer. When they're all geared up for their fights, even an untrained fight can tell these guys are different in some way. What can I surmise about Jade's fighting style when it is fictitious? The least NRS could have done was made her look like a bo staff practitioner, but they give characters similar physiques out of necessity for not having to animate every single fatality combination.
If it's realism you're going for, it's more realistic for Jade to wear something that optimises her performance in battle and for her physique to resemble that of a bo staff user's. Of course, that would take some research effort to design - it's much easier to decorate some random outfit with senseless glitter and slap it on. Fighting games might shoot for realism, but they are consumer products in the end. As a potential customer, why would I want to pick such a lazy, thoughtless character?
While we're talking about realism, I don't think I've ever seen Ronda Rousey fight with a cloak on.
Does she look black to you?
You didn't coin the term, did you?
Coin what term?
No, but neither did Jim Sterling
nigga fighting games aint supposed to be realistic, how do you explain lolis and schoolgirls and demons and shit fighting, its just a game, relax man
Boner culture, ya ding-dong.
Here's your naked slut now fuck off
>amerimutt programmed to only think of negroes
Nah, I didn't coin that term but did Billy D? And if so you got proof and if he did why is that bad?
I love all the salt from the defenders of this shit. NRS makes all females into ugly gorillas. It's beyond a joke now.
If you're okay with this either you're gay, a cuck or have shit taste.
Nobody wants that slut!
Literally no one cares about Indonesia. No one knows where it is, no one knows what they produce or contribute to the world. The only asians that matter are Chinese, Korean, and most importantly Japanese. Indonesians are just fake asians, same for thai and vietnamese.
>dumbasses still complaining about girls
>mfw Kabal and Johnny are in
>mfw waiting for Samsung or Crunchy
>Mortal Kombat
>Blood and gore is so cringe where are my ass and titties
I'm not asserting anyone in particular coined the term. I just think it's stupid.
>NRS makes
This. It's been an NRS staple since the games went fucking 3D back in the late 90s
Is she here to job or get Kotal Kocked to death?
That's probably worst than liking trannies.
Not him but she actually uses a sansetsukon so wouldn't that be a bit different?
>criticizes wanting tits and ass
>posts an anime image, a medium known entirely for ass and titties, not blood and gore
Kys everybody wants ass and titties butthurt feminist.
Are you jelly that you didn't coin the term?
Nice try tranny
So, who’s going to have the best interactions and why is it Shao and Kotal
Your story sucked ass.
When I say nigger, I think of the Irish, I think of Balkans, I think of Greeks, Italians and Slavs.
Whatever martial art they use, the design should at least have a fitting body type or appeal to the sort of person who would want to fight like that.
Pic related is lean but strong enough to use his weapon how he does in-game, and whoever the motherfucker is who wants to poke, prod and somersault some niggas with a three-section staff would want the chav with a sleek jacket to represent them. Two birds with one stone.
It's going to be the biggest dick measuring contest in Outworld
>"I play Mortal Kombat for the sexy women!"
Said literally nobody but Mileenafags.
If I wanted to play a game with hot babes and alright to shit gameplay I'd play Dead or Alive, and I do, so I'm playing Dead or Alive right now.
I'll also be buying MK11 day one.
wtf is a white guy wearing a durag for, that's a black man's thing
Because chavs also dwell in ghettos and it fits the character
That's a bandanna not a durag.
user I will have to request that you delete this, it goes completely against my narrative
Yeah her current design has those big flopping titties... oh wait no she doesn't
this is how I can tell you never played it, those things were hard as rocks and barely moved
Can you please stop shilling? I'm not the person you replied to, but can you please stop being fallacious?
Also, why are you making these posts? You haven't yet answered me. I want more sexy women in mortal kombat, what do you want? Why are you shilling?
>Had the right idea on sexy female design but didn't have the talent to execute it
>Have the talent to execute that design just choose not to
It's not healthy to deny reality, user. The women in MK9 are not hot. They're muscular in a really un-sexy way, wide-shouldered, square-jawed, they have no hips or asses, their boobs look like they belong to some third-rate vegas stripper and they barely jiggle at all. The only reason anyone thinks they're sexy now is because so many porn artists drew/modeled them looking sexier than they actually did.
Nope. You are deflecting to subjectivity. Please, explain what do you want, what are you doing here? Why are you posting here for a week about the same topic, being fallacious and deceitful about the same topic; what is your goal and what do you want?
what an entirely fucking braindead comment
>that mons pubis
I just want to bring awareness to people hopping in this thread;
90% of pro MK11 posts are made by 1 guy:
Yea Forums needs desperately need ID tags with the large influx of extremely mentally ill people that will post for WEEKS to shill for a game.
You got me dude, I'm being paid by NRS to tell you their previous games were ugly and trying to subconsciously tell you to buy the new game by not telling you to buy the new game at all. Also I am absolutely the exact same NRS intern you've been chasing for a week, and not someone who's only made like 4 posts in this thread at most.
>450 replies
>100 Original posters (assuming no VPN)
This thread is fetid.
>tfw the one faggot that ported her and blackfire to XPS won't share it because "porn shouldn't be made because it isn't canon" (what?)
Yea Forums is probably more than half underage, what do you expect out of horny teenagers? The only thing they find beautiful are women with big boobs, everything else doesn't mean shit to them.
That's not Jade you fucking idiot, actually watch Konquest before saying something about it
Moron Cockbait
Face it; MK9's designs were hampered only by the 3D modeler's ability to make it happen.
No one will be wearing this in the game. They're probably going to wear a jacket and something else to cover the legs, but we'll never see this much skin on a character in the game. You can quote me on that.
>he bought?
We're Never gonna see that in the game. Its probably going to be covered up with some fabric, pouches, or some other exerciser
No this will not happen for the game.
>Robin Hood outfit
>that makes you a muslim somehow
Technically speaking, the new Sub-Zero has a more arabian-styled costume.
>he thinks that's anything like Robin Hood
I expected nothing less from a dumb shit Mr X poster.
It should be more Chinese or Mongolian inspired. That would make more sense.
How many of the people in here are actually interested in PLAYING MK11?
Me, now that i know mah boi Erron Black is coming back.
With the new mechanics I'm a little turned off by it.
I was until the Kabal reveal. I was already on the fence having been unimpressed with what was shown so far and that pushed it over the edge. Canceled my pre-order and I'm now just watching the shit show unfold and judging from what they've done to Frost if that's legit then my choice was the right one.
Which one?
>there are people on Yea Forums who seriously defend tubmlr's "respectful redesign" shit that's happening with the MK characters
The new meter system, the slower pace, among other things.
new design unironically looks better , old ones looked like tacky transvestites
Add some pokies and its a winner
t. people who don't actually play fighting games
there is a reason why western fighters are always quickly dropped from tournaments, despite being just as, if not more popular than japanese fighters
>see the redesigns
Dear fucking got that's ugly. Also, for me anyway, that anime was so over the top that the outlandish skimpy outfits never stuck out. Kind of secondary for me.
Why do people want tits in mortal kombat
other fighting games I get, but there's something unpleasant about people getting all bonered up about a game where people's spines get pulled out constantly
>Add some pokies and its a winner
Holes? if so I would agree. Both of the new designs for Jade comment the crime of covering up her most defining feature which is her dark skin. Her skin pops the green on all of the costumes she's worn giving a unique look to Jade. A balance of both Skin and Cloth. These new design throw off the balance and make her look generic in my eyes.
>he seriously thinks this has anything to do with whether the design fits into the artstyle or not
this is literally just "showing sexy woman is disrespectful"
NRSfags defend MK11 (and X already did this to an extent) with how they are "only doing this because it is more realistic thus it's more fitting", completely ignoring how these games are fucking anything but realistic and they still have multiple half naked male characters like kano or the new guy and even fucking Scorpion shows more sideboobs and skin than any female character in the game
>there's something unpleasant about people getting all bonered up about a game where people's spines get pulled out constantly
Ever heard about Gore fetish, shits disturbing but get their rocks off seeing people getting dismembered. Gorefags have been lovers of MK for years.
>why would people something not removed from a franchise they like?
i wonder shill. i really wonder
>Why do people want tits in mortal kombat
maybe because the series had it for 20 years and it was never a big deal because the gore was always comical
Dark skinned =/= Black.
The former refers to just skin complexion, the latter refers to race (meaning certain mental and physical features).
Jade is a dark-skinned Edenian. Drop this WE-WUZ shit
Yeah but it's not comical anymore, I miss the goofy gore the the earlier games. Its too realistic now, and thats what bothers me I guess
I'm just saying man. Tumblr had problem with Kill La Kill skimpy outfits and saw only that.
>(meaning certain mental features
you are fucking retarded
Where the fuck is this from?
Seethe subhuman nigger. You will never achieve what we did.
But it's not official, right?
She looks too good.
if you seriously judge people based on the historical achievements of the area where they were born then, maybe you should also account how whites were shit throwing caveman before the middle east and south europe brought culture there
maybe you should pick up some history books between /pol/ browsing and learn how and why cultural advancement works in the world
Europe > world
Keep seething. It nourishes me
Oh you meant the model not the costume. My bad. But Yeah I don't think its official too, like you said "Look too Good". There's a name on the right hand corner though. That might help.
I could only imagine how these MK9 costumes would look on the new models. A man can dream, though I hope that I the men of culture in the modding community help us see the dream become real.
the fuck are you talking about. The gore is more comical and goofy than it ever was. I guess the better graphics do also make it also look more realistic, but it's not like there is any seriousness behind it, it just goes for that "ouch, that's gotta hurt" reaction.