Is Dota 2 saved now?
Dota 2
literally a brainlet hots hero
mobas are gay battle royale is the new hot shit
>initiator and carry
Literally broken, these two are the most needed roles.
Fucking disgusting passive.
>Lich and Mars
Let me guess, the game still doesn't has a proper coop mode.
>*blocks your passive*
psshh nothing personel kid
>5x5 game doesn't have coop mode
Excuse me?
>Not Ares
>Zeus already exists
Sasuga Newell-sama
>Dies to removal
literally shit.
I need to see it, just once in this thread.
Someone post that Tony pic and the iconic phrase. Please, just for me.
If you're gonna keep shitposting, just say it already so I won't waste my time with you. SC2 is a pvp focused RTS game but it has a campaign mode and a coop mode, which btw is more popular than the pvp mode nowadays.
I think it is implied to be Ares but changed his name to Mars. Also for some reason he is Zeus' son. Read the lore page.
There were PvE coop events, retard.
Apparently they reduced Drow's breast, hips and thighs size. Also armor covered her breasts more and no leotard armor and thigh high boots. She straight up look like Warcraft dark elf.
>tfw you have a quarry to settle
we're all still around, user. anyone who shared in this game in-depth is intrinsically linked for life. gg end mid plis
oh, you want a PvE mode, just play WC3 retard
refer to
>"coop mode"
Dota 2 has some custom games for stuff of that flavor. The most popular one is Dota Chess but there's others that are regularly played (Pudge Wars, some game where you kill enemies and pick up abilities/passives)
It's probably not anywhere near what you're looking for but there is a possibility for it.
Looks just like Ashe now. No more lithe elf like body
Her front
That's the stuff. It's been a good 4 years since I last visited /d2g/. I hope you folks are doing fine. I miss all the International Shitposting, truly some quality stuff.
If I still cared about Dota, I'd have been disappointed
Because W3 has the same characters as Dota2 right? Yeah not gonna waste any more of my time with you, mr shitposter.
Didnt pantheon come out years ago?
>he still making his DOA game
>fights like a hoplite
>names mars
um dotards?
No. This guy's shitty and uninspired. His Q is Windrunner's Q and W combined, his W is his only carry ability and it's stuck on a fucking cooldown, his E is reverse Bristleback and his R doesn't do fucking anything interesting. This guy's gonna get one shield bash in and then Juggernaut's gonna hit him seventeen times before it comes off cooldown.
It hasn't been the same since 7.00 and it probably never will be again. Half my Dota friends quit the game for Overwatch (which they're now quitting for Apex), the other half just play random single-player stuff or even nothing at all.
You need to be a depressed NEET to have the time and patience for Dota (especially once you have an income and other shit to play) and most of us just aren't there anymore,
You didn't quite understand Dota if you failed to reach 6000 mmr solo.
>could have released it already but spending months making cosmetic/mtx system no one is gonna use
feels bad man
With 2.8+ sec stun on the easy to hit spear, no way fag.
Why are Dota waifus so bad compared to other mobas
It's pretty obvious that serious effort went into making LoL characters attractive and well-suited to fan-art, cosplay, literal k-pop music videos etc in a (very successful) effort to make the game more popular
The same mentality was not applied to Dota, for better or worse.
What the fuck did you mean, bitch ass faggot?
great. another fucking broken offlaner.
oh yeah post cosplay that'll show em
when dota gets a cosplayer like these they end up posted every thread for YEARS
in LoL and WoW and Overwatch they get new ones every day
Dota is not a game for normalfaggots and zoomers who can only masturbate to a cheap fap-bait trash.
Dota is a school of life for men, it's not a place for the weak of foolhardy alike.
dota will never be saved
it will forever be an eternal hell of spics
still has kunkka though so its based
Daily reminder that Omni/PA and Juggernaut/TA are the best DOTA relationships.
>30 dollar for this
kek I could only imagine
>being poor
Costs a lot more now
Now show the Lina Arcana
I kinda like, that I don’t have to learn like 30 new skill synergies and exceptions when Mars released
Mars was more respected and more of a big deal in Roman culture, especially since the original roman god that became Mars was completely different from Ares in attitude
Why does he look so ugly?
It's a dota character what do you expect?
Where's mah dota2 hero siege?
How is this hero not broken as fuck
What fucking retard decided to reduce her proportions while giving those stupid large paldrons along with the armor bits
she should be sleek this one could pass off as some tranny crossdresser
He is pretty susceptible to nukes and breaks are a thing.
And here we see Valve shamelessly ripping off League of Legends yet again. Nice.
How's Artifact doing by the way?
Who is he a rip off of?
Apparently better than poor league of lesbians losers
>Riki and Mars
Canonically he had a falling out with Zeus and changed his name to spite him.
His abilities are so basic and boring. I can't believe we waited 6 months for this shit. It's clear that Clinkz' new ultimate Burning Army was originally supposed to be his but they just couldn't get it to work so they slapped it onto Clinkz and gave him a basic cookie cutter moveset.
>It's the prize money meme
What does this have to do with anything lmao want to compare playerbase next?
Looks like a disney's hercules villain. Makes sense I guess, since the previous heroes were puss in boots and pixar "inspired".
>Is Dota 2 saved now?
The game died when they decided that Reddit, China, and TI's opinions matter more
>Earthshaker and Mars
Auto Chess saved it
It has to do with everything about the game being highly competitive and amazing to play professionally and being watched by fans.
Something that league of lesbians could never achieve because it has no esports same as OWermeme.
>blizzard reduce the problematic sylvanas
>valve does the same
jesus, even to copy they are lazy as fuck
And how much of the money that valve won was invested in the game?
>blizzard reduce the problematic sylvanas
That didn't happen in hots though. She still thicc
>compare playerbase
Oh you mean "Our game has (javascript constantly increasing one number by random amout) of players worldwide"?
Sounds like you were expecting something different instead of recycling/re-tweaking abilities from other heroes... new to Valve ways?
not him and not a loltard but league consistently has 4x the players of dota and it's not really up for debate
>And how much of the money that valve won was invested in the game?
Enough to scare shitters away from the most complex competitive video game in history.
Meh, another creatively bankrupt hero.
Call me back when they make another hero on par with Timbersaw's levels of fun.
chinese numbers never count because chinese arent human
League esports Is like 5 times bigger than your shitty ass autochess game and It's bigger in ever country Dota 2 is big in. It also has players from countries Dota didn't even manage to reach like Korea
The only thing you dotards always come with is ''b-but prize moneey'' because It's the only thing Dota 2 has that's clearly better than league and it doesn't even apply to most of the playerbase
Not him, but I know that feel bro
I watched the first Internationals and lost my shit when I got a beta key.
The problem was that the less I knew about the game, the more fun I had. After a thousand hours of it I wasn't really learning anything or getting any better and realized I didn't even enjoy it as a time waster.
you realize that removing chinese numbers from the equation would hurt dota as much or more than LoL, right
the main reason TI prize pools are so huge is chinese whales buying ridonkulous amounts of levels for their compendiums btw
>not him and not a loltard but league consistently has 4x the players of dota and it's not really up for debate
Yeah, and OW has 25,000,000 active accounts.
thats Jarvan buddy
But chinese also play Dota you dipshit
League of Lesbians has no esports, no prize pools, no salaries and no competition outside of a bunch of gooks beating some noname losers.
You don't know shit about esports, kid.
No wonder that people are running off the sinking lolbab ship lately to join Dota.
But they do? Stay mad, you're always gonna be that weird cousin that's only famous for your 3rd worlders and Autochess there'll never ever be a time when Dota 2 takes over anything
Mad about what exactly? Having superior, complex, interesting and challenging game with way more popular esports and bigger prize pools that force all dogshit Dota clones out of top-50?
Uhmm, kid, I think you are a bit confused here. Stick with your twitch zoomer garbage and shoo-shoo away from that thread.
Every fucking year in the November "post-TI" patch the game has become harder and harder to play. Every fucking patch breaks at least 10% of your fucking competencies that you have to re-learn in order to return to your skill with that Hero or that Hero's matchups.
I have to sit down and fucking remap ward positions every fucking year for the past three years. That takes time and time to relearn the new locations. And that's just one portion of the game. I know all of you can name shit that you were once good at that you have to fucking discard or re-learn.
All the fuckers WATCHING this game like a fucking sport praising these changes so their fucking pros who play this game for a living can have a spicier time whereas the majority of us trying to get good at this fucking thing have the earth shaken from beneath our feet because Valve decides to remodel the house every fucking year instead of switching out the curtains week by week.
And now with this Mars horseshit there's no reason to play the game for a month because every game and patch is going to revolve around the fuckery a new hero brings to the game.
probably the EVE Online tier gender skew
I gave up Dota 2 for LoL a year ago. Heroes like Monkey King were great, but every time a major patch hit I had to spend time relearning every single facet of the game. And now they changed the terrain /again/, which is a pain in the ass unto itself.
At least with LoL I don't spend 40+ minutes on a single game. The surrender button is really nice when your team acts like retards too.
You sound like someone who could enjoy playing dogshit garbageHotS.
Giving up DotA for a shittier DotA albeit more stable game is not something I'm prepared to do.
I'm unwilling to accept that it's impossible that we can't have a fucking stable DotA, that punishes smurfs, has a decent reporting system, that isn't a fucking slave to e-sports and Valve can maintain it and be profitable. Even if fucking 90% of their revenues disappeared they'd still be making absurd bank and everyone would be happier for it.
And if that shit doesn't come soon then fine. I'm okay with watching DotA2 personally leave my life. I left it behind in W3 voluntarily and it would only be easier to leave it behind due to the gross incompetence of Valve. Fucking useless Valve; they have no fucking clue how frustrating they've made the game to play because the faggots on Reddit only wank endless about fanart or whatever novelty horseshit Valve shits into their mouths.
this hero is SUPER boring
let me tell you
i mean you COULD play vs bots...
>let me tell you
I'm not listening to someone who's not at least 6k+
>I'm racist
I'm sure everyone else who plays loves you and that you are the best
despite the art, the abilities look like it belongs in LOL and not DOTA.
Specifically the low cooldown spammable skillshot, I hope that isn't becoming bog standard now.
Did someone say BOG?
you are not alone
>14 second cooldown
>"Low cooldown skillshot"
For comparison, Sacred arrow is 17 seconds (12 with talent) and Meat hook is 27/22/17/12 (4 with aghs)
also name is Mars in a game that has Zeus as the god of thunder...
does steam even mythology?
Read the lore. He was Ares but he became Mars just to spite his father.
It's fucking wild that LoL has become "The more stable game"
Years ago fans of DOTA praised how stable the game was compared to League's semi-weekly patches
I guess Icefrog leaving and League's design stagnating to shit basically made it happen, but still
>which btw is more popular than the pvp mode nowadays.
source for this total bullshit?
You type and argue like a typical shitter. You even managed to contradict yourself with the "Valve should try to be profitable and kill Dota's esport scene".
Please consider suicide.
Proof that Icefrog left? I quit Dota in 2015, so I haven't been following the news.
LoL will never be a more stable game than Dota.
Riot doesn't go out of their way to disturb the meta very often. It's more or less the same champions which rotate into different positions. And then you have Dota, which is full of trilane and roaming at level 1 shenanigans.
Icefrog is still there. His real name has been revealed and it's still in the credits of everything Dota related.
you're fucking retarded, it's gonna be broken in favor of the enemy team when you have a retard hotshot pick him and initiate when his team has no way to back him up properly
Literally Jarvan
Dota 2 has to rip-off LoL now?
at least she doesn't have nigger face anymore
dude they also changed the nigger face she's had for years
she looks human now
Remember when Dota was good like 5 years ago?
Ashe has thighs
Dota 2 is extremely SOULLESS
> Riot doesn't go out of their way to disturb the meta very often.
Riot makes old characters and uses the same boring meta because they can't balance for shit. New champions become overpowered and older champions become irrelevant. At least in Dota, almost every hero is relevant and good to play with different builds and strategies.
>And then you have Dota, which is full of trilane and roaming at level 1 shenanigans.
That's one way to play Dota. You're low MMR player for sure, your bait is stale and shit.
>log in for a surprise new hero
>his abilities are extremely boring and his numbers are too high
Anyone who went to playdota before Dota 2 became a thing have always known that Abdul is Icefrog's real name
>Riot doesn't go out of their way to disturb the meta very often
Ya except when they remove "toxic" gameplay elements that are just fresh new metas. They dont disturb it they enforce it. Along with being nazi's with their precious meta, they gimp themselves when designing champs because of wanting to avoid "bookkeeping" which basically translates to all our champs nuances are stat scalings. yay... really moving the genre forward.
>At least in Dota, almost every hero is relevant and good to play with different builds and strategies.
Not sure why dota players say this so often when it's very clearly not true. Watch any major and it'll be the same pool of 20ish hereoes being picked every match with the occasional hero being picked literally once for a meme strategy (that usually fails)
>being so bad at games you have to resort to playing nothing but dumbed down RTS games
>Riot makes old characters and uses the same boring meta because they can't balance for shit.
I know. That was what I meant by saying they didn't disturb the meta.
>You're low MMR player for sure, your bait is stale and shit.
I wasn't "baiting" you, you illiterate fucking retard. Way to miss the context of the post chain.
not in the west.
average ti8 viewership without chink viewbots: 523k
average worlds viewership without chink viewbots: 591k
barely 13% bigger
And in LoL, it's the same ten heroes.
DotA players say this because the vast majority of them aren't fucking pros and for 99.9% of the players the game is a fucking diverse-as-fuck field of variety.
Not everybody is a trend-chasing whore playing only the hot shit. Some people want to get good at different things and take a different path. Just because the pros play the meta and then warp the fucking meta within the duration of the tournament doesn't mean everyone plays that fucking way.
So DotA players are casual. I guess that makes sense considering the origin of dota.
Also most pros git gud at a small pool of heroes rather than a large one (Which is a result of their playstyles and preferred lane than anything else). Dendi and Bulldog are the two blatant examples of this.
>That was what I meant by saying they didn't disturb the meta.
They MAKE OLD CHAMPIONS IRRELEVANT AND USELESS, you fucking retard. If you think this is something good, then you are a lost cause.
LoL doesn't even disclose their number of weekly active players. It's fucking hilarious to see LoLbabies write rants out about Dota being irrelevant when Dota is larger and more transparent than LoL.
> So DotA players are casual. I guess that makes sense considering the origin of dota.
Good lord you argue like a low IQ psychopath. How in the world is that "casual", retard?
That's without cdr items
Indeed, my br playing friend.
Octarine core would be a waste on him. He doesn't output magic damage enough for it to be useful. In that case I can point to Sacred Arrow and meathook again.
The only time you are going to see a significant cooldown reduction would be if Mars was paired with KoTL or found an arcane rune.
who /autochad/ here?
Lifesteal seems to be core on this guy. You pop satanic and do the shield bash, boom instant full hp
no point trying to theorycraft 4th slot items. games rarely go that long.
It depends if your team mates are too retarded to push
>tfw could've won game if allies actually tried to hit the ancient instead of going for the other 2 rax
So you're arguing that the entire playerbase of league competes in major tournaments then
>Majority of top dota streams is autochess
>Still half of leagues
Nice game dotards gonna be nice watching your numbers drop when autochess gets It's own game
>witch doctor and Mars
You add in a lich or grim and you’ll get the perfect shit show
BKB is anti-fun thought
Take a step back and really think about the argument you just made. The way you measure the quality of your game of choice is purely through viewer number of a streaming website. Not through quality of gameplay, champion design, community or balancing. What's the value in liking something purely because it's popular?
Valve is never going to do that since it props up dota's numbers
Besides that, Valve has already talked to the auto-chess devs about buying them.
>Nidalee Q mixed with Vayne E
>An AoE knockback
>Damage soaking from his front
>Jarvan IV ult
Cool champ.
Damage soaking from front seems interesting but yeah it's very LoL-like in design. Pangolier was too actually.