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DMC 5(people liked it)
Saw this coming a mile away. Never once appeared in DMC hype threads. You must post your face when you saw the writing on the wall.
>a beaindead hack and slash gets bombed
Seriously everyone knows real gamers play dark souls.
>real gamers
o k a y
How many times are you going to post this
Actual same fagging and shit posting
Kill yourself
It's hard to tell if people are to fucking lazy and believe it or are shitposting
It WILL fail and you know it
I appreciate the effort but you’re far to late to stop hype
The actual hard thing is to understand why barry is shitposting on DMC5 threads. It's not even related to FFXV.
so OP be honest
you still find this funny? you could at least make new ones or put some work into bait
>all these retarded "HAHA I KNEW IT ALL ALONG Yea Forums BTFO" NPCs immediately get quiet
(You) are not even trying.
>someone wasted their life making this garbage
>while I just got back from fucking a titcow with G cups and cumming inside her
Because people give him attention when he shitposts like a retard
Rolling for 7 and I will personally visit OPs house
You're right gonna go make some new bait.
Seriously, the moment I saw this I spent the two minutes requires to check out metacritic and realized it was fake. Yea Forums mouthbreathers are so fucking lazy.
>Not knowing the best way to bait DMC fans is to talk about combat and compare it to Dmc3-4
Why is it him again? This boogeyman is getting a little annoying now
I hate this board. Whatever happened to just genuinely enjoying a game and shit?
The demo was pretty bad, so yeah.
you're still depressed anyway
I haven't played it, what's wrong with it?
That never happened, but I wish it did. For you. For me. For all of us.
You're supposed to hate an upcoming game, user
Everyone that actually enjoys games either left or went to vgg. You're just stuck with the Discord shitposters now.
Boss, I...
???? This board has been like this for over a decade now dude.
o k a y
The dialogue, voice acting, and cutscenes are extremely cringe. The gameplay is basically DmC 2 and Nero is Donte now. It'a pretty simplistic and unsatisfying. The robot arms are an instant win button that do auto-combos or unleash massive one hit kill attacks. It all felt pretty mediocre and lame.
>mfw it actually did
It was in my tiny ass car and I came like in 20 seconds. And I can confirm, they actually do feel like bags of sand.
Nigga you realize that fucking MODS came out and said that there's ONE specific retard who causes the majority of shitposts on the board? And that he usually "fixates on a subject during a period of time". Reminds you of someone? You literally just have to pay attention to the writing patterns. I'm 100% convinced he was the one behind the shitposting about Nero looking like donte.
>Wanting to continue this trash thread
Let it die user.
How much of a gross landwhale was she and how much did you pay?
Screen cap?
He does look like Donte you blind, paranoid retard. Nobody needed to start that shit because it writes itself.
Im going to be skeptical and say your talking out of your arse
She was pretty fat, but I don't mind that. Plus, her fucking tits. I was basically a child at a candy store. I didn't even pay anything. We met on Tinder and still talk till this day. She's a pro-sex feminist type, but surprisingly not obnoxious.
This is some next level schizophrenic delusion. This board has millions of users daily. Stop trying to blame one made up boogeyman for things just because the notion that it might be a common opinion triggers you.
No he doesn't lol
Short hair=/= mohawk shit Donte had
don't forget to take your meds barry
>Paranoid user can't deal.
Nigga tell me you took your time sucking those milkers and didn't rush to shagging
It's going to be a yellow number at the minimum, bro. You need to be more realistic if you want to decently troll DMCucks.
Are you seriously going to repost this thread every time the old one dies? You fags say DMC fans are autistic but we aren't the ones making fake ign review edits or posting the same old baits over over for months at a time.
You can literally just check metacritic for the actual score, the troll fucking sucks
Well, I'm glad you had a nice day user. I miss sex so much
we need the f u l l scoop user
the fact that these fake metascores can be so easily shopped alone is enough to make me wonder why we take pictures of numbers so seriously
>It's so bad no one wanted to even review it
Miss me yet?
>screenshot dmc's metacritic page
>find a game with low score and screenshot it
>Crop the low score and paste it in the dmc picture
>Congrats you are now a pro shtposter
upload your brain and we'll see if you're telling the truth
stopped being depressed years ago user, it's not worth it
Anyne that found KH3 to be short of a masterpiece is the xv autist.
The person that mod called out was the one spamming anti REmake 2 threads.
Farm your shit troll points on /pol
Just post about Trump being a Jew or some shit. you'll get (you)s for days.
> This board has millions of users daily.
user... dont lie to yourself
I never played it because I don't play weeb cancer like Kingdom Hearts. That series is for teenage girls.
he is
/vg/. Yea Forums is for anime and political shitposting, apparently.
Here's the part where you realize I'm a piece of shit. I have a gf so we couldn't go to my place and her dad doesn't let her have any visitors so we fucked in the car on some random sidewalk in the dangerous part of town
I sucked the milkers to the best of my abilities but big tits are heavier than I thought. She somehow got on top and rode me while her fat ass tits hung in front of my face. Then I bent her over and came inside her raw.
>mfw I have to explain to my gf why I'm getting an STD test and ruin my entire relationship over fat tits
If it makes you feel any better, it probably won't happen again
120k posts per day on Yea Forums.
All you have to do is play the demo and see for yourself that I'm not.
Cheating on women is good.
that's what you tell yourself until you become aware of the fact that you're still miserable
>still posting this easily debunkable screenshot
>March 8th
>March 5th
Anyone got the Vs. Virgil Devil Trigger Remix with the lyrics?
Lanced Jack?
And yet I bet you're the same kind of cuck who hates women because they hypothetically might cheat on you. Cheating is never good.
How do I get hookups like this? Or a gf for that matter? Fuck, I'm ready to blow my brains out and you have it all.
and you feel good about this?
holy fuck you're based
Anime is for every board
Switch fanboys
>yfw you didn't fall for the DMC5 meme
Servers you spammers right.
I can't sorry, I don't own a dust collector
I got lucky with the milker girl. I don't normally get laid. She said the reason she even talked to me is because I'm "hot as fuck" and my opening line on Tinder caught her attention. We were even having a giggle over the kind of spergs she gets on her Tinder. She even said I was the :second biggest she had" and let me cum in her, even though she only let her ex do that. Keep in mind, I only have two pictures on Tinder and don't have your typical Chad genetics, just an awkward sense of humor.
If it makes you feel better, she was my only good match from 400+ right swipes
I'm trying to feel bad but cumming in the wettest puss after not fapping for 10 days is making that impossible.
Why not dump your gf and date this other girl you hooked up with? Kind of sounds like she's what you want.
>critics too shit to play dmc5
imagine my shock
Made me check.
post her pics, just heavily censor the background