ITT: Describe games you played as a kid and can't remember their names.
>Third person
>I think main character was a kid
>Kinda dark enviroment, you hold a candle everywhere
>You enter some kinda box, and then jump out with two swords
>There were spiders, if I remember correctly
Names you can't remember
40 Winks, you're welcome :)
>Girl had blue hair
>Asked questions
>When i got them right she took off her clothes
Flash game? Walked around a town getting items for and quizzed by various girls?
>Windows 2000 or 98
>RTS asian themed
>three faction red, blue, and yellow
>yellow's first mission is fighting a bear for a gold mine
>red's last mission is escorting a monk to a volcano
>there is a unit which is a flying kite
>played on school e-mac around 2001, vaguely educational
>board game style side scrolling game with robots
>robots have treads/wheels and rob-esque heads
>certain spaces on the board have random events that either send you back spaces, ahead spaces, or lose a turn, each accompanied by an amimation
>only see one character at a time unless theyre in the same space/room
This was on a computer with Millie's math house, cro-mag rally, and treasure mathstorm
>Japanese game
>Start off as a guy
>You recruit some girl whose attacks are done with a spellbook or something
>You restart some airship, and can walk around inside it, its pretty big
Thats all I can remember, maybe you start off in a forest as the guy? but then proceed to go into a town
Some kinda game that involved psychics or something, I recall a mansion and a level that was on fire after that.
I've been trying to i.d. this game for years:
> PS1
>overworld was 3d
> the wars a level that was like a foggy first
> protagonist was a kid in a Japanese robe with long black hair
> one of the bosses was a giant one eyed golem made out of bricks that held the roof up or some shit in a room full of lava
*foggy forest
>scifi game on another planet
>you have a jetpack
>start of the game is saving some alien dudes who are gonna fall to their death
Saw someone play this when I was a youngin. Neither of us could figure out what key to use to actually help the aliens.
>waffleman has to deliver waffles to kids
>has a huge stack of waffles
>its like a Mario game except you have to make sure the waffles don't fall
>Diablo 2 clone
>Set in Asia
>Controlled 4 characters at once or some shit
That's all I know. Played it on a demo disc and thought it was pretty interesting
finally a good Yea Forums thread
I still remember the tune of the main menu but not the name, it began in a ship with you being a stowaway and getting interrogated by the capitan and then beaten up, then some monsters attack I think
Naruto game for the PS2 that is third person. I think one of the first levels was buildings on fire or something like that. It never featured sidescroll fights like the Ultimate Ninjas or the Storms.
Brave Fencer Musashi
Throne of Darkness
Uzumaki Chronicles
Holy fucking shit. You are a God among men. Time to jump back into 1998.
...secret of mana?
Probably a flash game by JSK Studio, look it up.
>you play third person, but you can rotate the camera angle
>its not turn based, you attack whats on sight by swinging a weapon
>first mission is you kill a big fucking rat
>character is 2D, in a 3D world
i recall playing it very briefly, i think the title has the word "magic" in it
sounds like one of the Ys games