Absolute dumbass, carried. Probably dies in dungeons.
Understands the fight, but not your first pick. Will fuck up mechanics but less often than you'd expect them to.
Knows the fight, but still needs optimization. Acceptable.
Good player, rarely dies, if ever, to mechanic. Consistently one-shots. Who you want.
A purple player that's in a static and has buffs fed to them

Attached: FF-XIV-Stormblood-02-HD.png (920x430, 869K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Deniers on suicide watch.

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So desperate to feel like they matter in one of the most casual MMO's on the market that they pretend greys can't clear anything with enough patience and autism.


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>tank doesn't give you a ready check and 20 second count down to prepare your opener

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What if my week one clears were orange but show up as green now

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If you’re in the arena you’re ready to fight

greys legitimately cannot clear savage content without being carried

>be tank main
>do countdowns, sometimes readychecks before them
>some asshole almost always pulls before the countdown finishes

Attached: 1551735394226.png (733x455, 44K)

Sorry I dont have time to indulge your autism. Not like this matters on anything but the hardest content anyway.

that's on them, you're doing the right thing user

don't be like my faggot friend who decided to forego countdowns because people pulled early

I start casting Ruin III at exactly 3 seconds, fag. You better be throwing your tomahawk before that timer hits 0.

you'll get 12 seconds and like it.

They're still orange on your profile

Yeah but most people won't bother to look. I'm probably going to grind out a few runs when they unlock savage.

>Beginning of alliance raid
>Do countdown before pulling
>Some faggot dps pulls at 8s
>Walk out of the arena
>Exit duty
>Play other video games during the half hour penalty.

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>WoW still making enough bank to be a top 10 PC game
>FFXIV has yet to reach such a mark
What can Yoshida do to actually create a good pull of those MMO players who are tired of their own game to join this one? and what is he not doing correctly?

Attached: MMOs_Are_Fucked.png (689x627, 207K)

>before that timer hits 0.
Hate that shit, tanks that don't even start running towards the boss until after 0 and then start crying about others getting aggro and then throwing a fit because you didn't coddle them
t. Tank that pulls at 1 when I MT

We need more $30 store mounts and cosmetics

Don't fuck up like WoW did and things will happen naturally.

>Giving gooks a monthly fee

Early game is hard to get through for most people. Some classes don't feel good until 50+ and the story doesn't really pick up til a ways in.

If someone looks up your name it will show the historical parse number first

>Be tank main
>Pull as soon as possible
Deal with it

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I start casting Holy Spirit roughly between 2-3 seconds.

I only play WAR as an alt tank because it's for babies.When I do though I throw tomahawk between 0 and 1. I don't mind so much if someone happens to hit the boss roughly around the same time. What annoys me is when some fag pulls the boss multiple to several seconds before the timer was going to end.


Just remember to release them in China first so people can excuse it with "It was made for China first"
Except its still making bank while fucking up. Sunk Cost fallacy is very real. Same goes with XIV given how many people complain.
Well they did promise to revamp the combat system to make early game feel better. The issue now is if they'll revamp the 2.0 MSQ to make it much more bearable and if the Skip Potions are gonna keep them from doing so especially when Yoshida himself has stated people tend to drop off at lvl 20.

Also thanks user. I will never not do countdowns because I like doing my rotation perfectly as well, and I do occasionally play DPS and it annoys me when there's no countdowns when I do.

I wonder what happened to him in crystal tower.

Yikes, being an fflogs elitist

I'm thinking he's actually the voice that's been calling us, and that's why nobody can fucking agree on the voice actor. Reminder CT has that dimensional gate on top of it, and we're probably going to be using it.

yikes parsing blue

How would he be tied in for those who somehow managed to not have done crystal tower at this point?

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Its so obviously Zodiark. How can there even be a debate?

They would just fucking do it. If you actually watch these fucking cutscenes how could you possibly have not done this shit

Maybe they'll make it required. Or maybe he's reaching across from another dimension at another point in time or some convoluted bullshit.
Zodiark's dead bro. What's your reasoning there? How does anything in the trailer sound like Zodiark?

>Zodiark sounding like a twink

Attached: 1547585357758.gif (360x202, 2.82M)

They will just change the dialogue for a few scenes

>Zodiark's dead
No, he isn't. Zodiark exists in the space between the Shards, same as Hydaelyn. They're 2 halves of one singular whole. The Dark to her Light, Ascian to the Chosen.

Parsing is so meaningless outside of Savage. Even Extreme primals only require people be competent with mechanics. Does it upset you that being SUPER AWESOME at this game has minimal benefit compared to most every other game out there?

>No, he isn't. Zodiark exists in the space between the Shards
Zodiark is literally the moon. It's his corpse.

Not really, a lot of grey people can execute mechanics perfectly but they cant do a proper rotation to save its life, in the end it will result on a fight lasting 2 minutes more at MOST, so yeah, parses dont mean shit you raid tranny

When the fuck is Stormblood going on sale?
Already 50 in 2 jobs and want to move on but it's $40 still and all the key sellers only have EU keys. Square you fucking retards I want to give you money.


Blue: Good at the encounter. A solid player who gets the job done.
Purple: Starting to sacrifice too much of their life for the game in search of unnecessary minmaxing. Can often be abrasive and destructive towards the group.
Green: An average player with average skill. Is trying to improve but isn't terrible.
Gold/Orange: Padded parse. Gets support from their party in a scripted manner just to show off. Takes the game way too seriously and as a result often completely ruins the vibe and can destroy statics.
Grey: Terrible player, not even trying or putting in minimal effort.

If they're doing 3k DPS in savage they're not going to meet the enrage without one or more players picking up their slack

Steam had it on sale, half off, on Feb 22nd. If you're using the direct launcher and not steam, I cant help you there

>make a clear party
>no one joins
>make a duty complete with some cheeky comment about being a trap party
>fills in 5 minutes

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He was never killed, just banished

Don't buy the steam version.

The entire mission of the Ascians is to revive him. That's also why the moon is lifeless.

people come for the show

Ok, but I'm telling you he's not "dead" in the actual sense, so its perfectly reasonable to think that he could communicate with the WoL

Faggot the dps checks have been made with the lowest denominator on mind for a looong while, the only exception being ultimate fights

You could always tank yourself :^)

I'm a greenlet at my best but I got lucky and joined a casual/mid-core group that hated being with tryhards.

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you're wrong but ok

If i start out without the toppest gear wont I have shit dps so get a worse score and look like a scrub?

keep telling yourself that bluelet

ilvl matters a lot but you can still break into a high green / low blue parse even if you're 30 ilvls behind

This guy gets it

You can only get a complete best in slot through doing raiding, also you'll always look bad coming in this late to a raid tier because poopsockers already figures out optimal strats and line up their buffs

You should never be green if you're above the minimum item level. Green parsing is the "you died or are doing something horribly wrong" range. Unless of course you're a healer in which case it's either one of the two latter things, or your group was so shit that you had to spend more time healing as a result

Yeah all your meme ''orange'' parse or whatever shows is that you most likely have autism. Having a high parse doesn't actually mean you are good at the game. For fuck sake I've had orange parses and heck even ''Ultimate Legend''s wipe me all the time in other content like Rathalos EX for example. If they can't practice and poopsock for hours they'll just do worse then your average player.

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my old O9S parse was in the higher greens on SCH but that was an i370 week one clear

A little harsh on blues. Here's my take:

Got carried. Barely understands the fight. Barely begins understands their job. That, or they fucked up MONUMENTALLY where they could have done better. Consider trying to improve in every aspect possible, or stop playing Savage content.
Understands most of the fight. Either careless with doing mechanics or hasn't bothered to learn their job well enough.Optimization may push you ahead. Keep it up.
Understands the fight, understands the job. The acceptable parse in any situation. No more need for optimizing if you're just going for clears - you've already pulled your weight. Nice work.
Understands the fight perfectly, and likely a master at their job. You've outperformed what you are expected to accomplish. Good job.
Flexing at this stage. Obviously not unwelcome in any party. Likely in a team with a very meta composition. Regardless, good job.
Degeneracy. There's no reason beyond empty egoism to want to achieve this. On the same autism tier as speedrunning world records - but at least they make money for charity a few times every year. Consider getting a new hobby, for your own sake.

It's worth mentioning that getting gold often requires joining a parse party, which is a special breed of autism in and of itself.
Healers also get a special mention. Purple DPS but grey, inefficient healing lowers your "skill". Anyone can stand there mashing a button for 10 minutes.

>Want to clear raids in 1-2 months max
>Don't want to raid with trannies going for 100th percentile
>90% of player that parse under orange make the raid tier take till after the 24 man releases
I can't win, I usually get 85-95th percentile for reference

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Well shit my bad, I for some reason thought minimum item level for the first floor was 375. Still 99% of people are going in with at least a few pieces of 380+ gear on day/week1

5 seconds for casual content.
12-15 seconds for extreme content.
15-20 seconds for savage content.

>Purple DPS but grey, inefficient healing lowers your "skill".
Could you elaborate on what you mean here?

Most gold parses are from statics.

>get invited to heal for a parse party
>normally play SCH
>forced to play AST despite having no experience
>other healer is a WHM
>rest of party is "meta"
>suddenly people notice the WHM, start sperging out
>people start switching to other jobs
>BRD is now a MCH, DRG is now a SAM, PLD is now a DRK
>whatever, we play anyway
>MCH turns out to be a parsing 100th percentile celebrity (autist who needs a better hobby)
>spend a solid hour wiping early despite nothing going wrong because the MCH either messed up their opener, or didn't get good procs
>even with me pulling out consistently amazing cards
>get bored
>keep an eye on their PF party as they wait for an hour for another AST to join

So this is the power of autism...

Tfw you vote kick the ''boyfriend''

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Healers who don't carry their weight in healing because they care more about their parse, and then don't even manage to get orange

>get sastasha
>20 second count down before pulling one mob
>mark both of them
>do this every pull
>do the extra paths

>press ogcds on cooldown
>get purple
keep pretending blue is anything but a shitter or a death

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what more proof do people need

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>Healer A has a low DPS parse, but a very efficient orange/gold healing parse (99th percentile healing, 25% overheal, etc).
>Healer B has an orange/gold DPS parse, but their healing is grey/green and has 50% overheal.

Healer A has done most of the healing work while Healer B has just spent the entire fight mashing a single button while keeping a DoT or two up.
Healer B's DPS parse is now inflated because they haven't done their job properly and made it harder for Healers who do Heal and DPS efficiently to get higher parses.

I usually get blues and purples but I've been so busy with life/work I didn't have time to raid this tier... At least I cleared BA and got my Ozma!!

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Alot of greys are those with low gear. Like for example my DRG was recently banned and he was a gold parser. He made a new account and is only in pure 380 gear which gives him a grey parse.

We'll help princess Ashe to liberate Valnain and the rest of Dalmasca. Then we'll go to Nagxia. Near the end, we'll find out there was another garlean civil war, so we go there to help. Garlemald will be a4man dungeon. Thavnair will be the hub city with its own housing. We'll get space travel and spaceship ventures

Purple is often someone playing optimally and who didn't cheese the parse with getting fed buffs or not getting targeted by mechanics, and/or doesn't have the highest ilvl gear possible for the content.

>the best final fantasy game is an MMO
what went right?

>parsing at all
anons stop, your breaking the rules!

i wouldn't go that far. But its better than 13 and the mess 15 ended up as

His story importance being behind optional (don't know why anyone wouldn't do crystal tower but it's optional nonetheless) content gives me too many doubts, we'll see when the next story patch drops.

Battle for Azeroth: The story so far
>new races are marketed as a main feature of BFA
>they are not included in the game at BFA's launch
>blizzcon mount is released early, bundled with SIX MONTHS of game time for $77.94 in September
>faction capes are included with the $50 blizzcon tickets instead of the mount (blizzcon is an event where people pay money to see advertisements)
>"Whomper" cash shop battle pet is announced at blizzcon in November for $10
>it is advertised at blizzcon that 100% of the profits made from Whomper sales will go to charity
>in reality, only Whomper purchases made before the end of December go to charity, blizzard keeps the rest
>the "See You Later" mount/b-pet/mog bundle is added to the cash shop in December for $49.95
>after the sale of this bundle ended, the digital items included in the bundle were removed from the cash shop
>this was an attempt to create artificial scarcity to boost the sales of this bundle
>"vulpine familiar" cash shop mount is released in the same month for $25
>this mount seems to be designed specifically to appeal to furries
>"Hogrus", another cash shop mount, is released only 1 month later in January for $25
>the new races are added about six months after release when the bundled game time everyone bought with the blizzcon mount is about to run out in order to keep them subbed
>one of the new races, Zandalari trolls, has the most overpowered racials in WoW history (by a large margin) to promote $25 race changes

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>it's a clear party where one of the healers isn't healing because they'd rather get a bigger parse number on their first clear
>party members keep dying due to a lack of healing from raidwides
>tanks are never topped enough for tank busters
Name a worse type of player
You can't

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Ultimate Legend is such a meme

I don't want them to join this one, WoW's community is atrocious.

Still has more subs/players than any other MMO by miles. Must be pretty good even with all those mistakes.

what is this? obviously i must be too knew to FF14 or some later game aspect due to not understanding the color thing

look up 4 entries above WoW on the picture you posted dumbo

the thing that amazes me about WoW's cash shop was how they completely gave up on the idea of selling transmog cosmetics despite that sort of shit being top sellers in other MMOs with cash shops.
Like it just baffles me that they would GIVE UP on trying to jew people out of money, its absurd.

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>people are paypig cuckolds so that makes the game good

Can I take Healer C that has blue/purple in both?

I'm wary of Healer A because I've solo healed fights and still parsed green or blue.

This. It's so fucking true
>be me, fairly decent player, clear all Savage tiers with no problems
>good enough that orange parsers who have beat ultimate fights invite me to play with them semi-regularly
>one day they're discussing Overwatch
>all of them are ranked Gold or below
>"Oh, you play user? What rank are you?"
>"I didn't play much, I got placed in to mid-diamond and stopped because I got bored."
>"Woah come carry us!"
>I join, against my better judgement
>they're all trash
>zero spacial awareness
>zero sense of preservation
>aim like they have parkinsons

>fast forward a few months, some of them want to play Apex
>I get invited
>it's the same shit again

But hey, at least my weekly clears went well.

early levels is a turn off for many new players. same thing with many of the arr quests

user, at this point people aren't still playing it because they like it and its good. They have no choice, these are the people who have devoted years of their life to the game, the idea of abandoning this game is too insane for them to comprehend.

>Favorite job
>Dreams for them in ShB
>Fears for them in ShB
>Best waifu

Attached: 1504333138880.jpg (1200x630, 379K)

>AFK in ul'dah waiting for a queue to pop
>Tab out to do youtube stuff
>Hear my queue pop. Tab back in.
>Edda's ghost is standing right behind me.


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too much effort coming up with gear sets that look halfway decent in a game where gear is literally painted on the character's body

15 was headed in the right direction. I can't say the same thing for 13.

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>Zandalari trolls, has the most overpowered racials in WoW history
What does it do?

Healer C is the best healer you can ask for, especially if you PUG a lot. Even in statics they wont do you wrong.

"""Best possible""" healer is someone who parses low, does bare minimum healing, has very low overheal, and their co-healer is the same.
These healers usually only exist in parties that aim to be #1 with every player being 100th percentile.
But usually these healers are just Healer B's in disguise.

DPS that don't use their mitigation or healing tools. Feint really fucking helps in 10s, use it you shitty melees

Meant for

This is a reminder that Lyse's tits in all the promotional art and CGI stuff are a lie and they're actually quite petite in game.

why not?

6sec channel that regens 100% health, passive gold earning bonus, slow fall spell and you can choose between a bunch of loa, each of which gives you a different OP spell

Lmao. Same thing happened to me once. When I was playing comp in OW, I was high plat on average and peaked diamond like once. A bunch of XIV raid loggers I looked up to all invited me to play and they were all gold. I guess XIV is just memorization at the end of the day

it angers me.

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When I started playing FFXIV, I used to mark every pull in dungeons for primary target, secondary target, CC target, etc assuming that it'd be good practice for higher level ones. How wrong I was.

Haven't played in months, kinda wanna get back into it before Shadowbringers or whatever. I have RDM and WAR at 70 with DRK and SCH/SMN at 60. How is SCH for healing? I remember liking them in HW because I could let the fairy do it's shit while I DPS'd in dungeons and it'd keep people up most of the time.

It's not right.

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It amazes me how bad these people are at anything that they haven't or can't poopsock. Like I genuinely don't understand how they can be ''good'' at FFXIV with their meme parses but fail at anything else. Is being ''good'' at this game actually piss easy or something?

>I could let the fairy do it's shit while I DPS'd in dungeons and it'd keep people up most of the time.
that's pretty much SCH in dungeons
they're very good, all healers are

>upload a current run of some old content (rabanastre)
>check the tranny logs
>doesn't show on my overview for the content
>nobody will ever know this parse
Feels bad

>making fun of the Cash Shop when FFXIV released a literal Whale Mount
>ties mounts to single player only to justifying $24 Account Wide prices
FFXIV is no better than WoW and is just as greedy as them. As much as both companies love to claim cash shop items will go towards something nice we'll never see any tangible proof it. I'm still more than certain the Cash Shop for XIV goes nowhere but SE's pockets solely due to the still shit servers for all non-JP regions and the lack of increase and to a point actual decrease of content count when going from ARR to Heavensward and from Heavensward to Stormblood. FFXIV's 400+ item cash shop is really just atrocious
And FFXIV should be doing something about it to try and reign them in. As far as XIV is concerned they're playing too safely and will pay dearly for it in the long run. Many of the game systems need a slight update many which could be built upon but rather than doing so they let them stagnate.

Make Jinpu 15% like in the pre release
It gets fucked up worse than DRG did from HW to SB
Pic related

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>Favorite job
>Dreams for them in ShB
Fairy/pet rework to be more like a stance. The pet concept was cool, but the execution is terrible.
>Fears for them in ShB
Casualization. The main reason I play SCH is because I enjoy having more things to do in order to resolve a situation. Even having more DPS buttons to press makes it better.
>Best waifu

They introduced Viera and set up plot hooks for the expac through optional content m8. C'mon.

It's like speedrunning - it all comes down to raw autism.
It's all memorization and execution.

It was weird at first because I was a WoW refugee and used to get bitched at if I did anything but mindlessly heal, but I eventually grew to like balancing healing and dps'ing. Kinda deciding what to go with for the remainder of Stromboli. I know I want to hit 70 on DRK before the expansion since it's the "canon" class for Shadowbringers apparently, but I also might end up making Gunbreaker my go-to tank class if it has interesting mechanics.

whats the best/easiest tank class to get into tanking with?

>tfw want those gloves for MNK glam but don't want the rest of the outfit

SE just lemme buy them for $2 or something

>Like I genuinely don't understand how they can be ''good'' at FFXIV with their meme parses but fail at anything else. Is being ''good'' at this game actually piss easy or something?
XIV raid combat is one enormous game of simon-says memorization. Even if you're retarded if you run it enough times you can understand it eventually

Know what isn't right?
They had every opportunity to make Lyse the premier waifu of FFXIV.
I mean for fucks sake, she looked the damn part in all those months leading up to Stormblood.
Given the game's growing popularity, she could have been right up there with Tifa in people's hearts as a definitive JRPG punch-wizard sexpot girl next door completely oblivious to her own hotness.

All they had to do was keep the Yda personality at least halfway intact, add just a touch of emotion and drive to her, and give her that sexy "Battle gear" dancing dress about ten hours earlier with the breast slider maxed out.

warrior, it's also the most fun and the biggest dick

Isn't this most MMO raiding, though?
The hard part of raiding was never mechanics.

It was herding a group of stubborn ass cats with keyboard into doing the mechanics cooperatively that was the challenge.

De-jank the rotation and aetherflow
Doubling down on long-ass build up shit

No dark arts, fun gameplay
Moar dark arts

the only thing different about the steam version (as far as i know) is that you need to buy all the expansions through steam and you can use your steambux to pay for a sub. the client is the exact same
the downside is that the steam version tends to go on sale less, but it really doesn't affect you if you're buying the expansions as they come out

Yeah, pretty much. Hardcore MMO raiding skill doesn't translate at all to literally any other genre of game.


tfw tranny and bluelet. I thought HRT was supposed to make me good ;_;

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>Level crunch -- start characters as a job, remove classes, ARR runs from level 1 (Actually 30) to level 20, expansions continue as normal. At level 20, a player obtains the full extent of the class. After level 20, class quests unlock sidegrade abilities and traits similar to role actions, they change the way the class is played but usually aren't chosen over base abilities for raids and such. No stat increases after level 20.

>ARR pre-30 dungeons replace guildhests with less trash mobs between pulls, designed to teach players how to handle enemies, aggro mechanics, etc. Post 30 ARR dungeons retuned to be closer to expansion ones, higher difficulty across the board.

>MSQ divided into chapters, each chapter is level scaled to the player's current level. Overall a shorter experience, each chapter rewards glamour gear, emotes, or some other carrot on a stick to do. MSQ chapters can be done separate from most non-story content.

>Certain max level raids and dungeons can be done post 20 without MSQ progression, usually ones that are sidequests instead of MSQ unlocked. For instance, Alexander can be done after hitting level 20 and undertaking the sidequests to unlock it. Gear is synced to minimum item level if you don't meet the requirements of the dungeon.

Is this user here? I don't have CC so I can't do twitch prime myself. I guess I can drop some quick mail [email protected]

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>>Favorite job
>>Dreams for them in ShB
aoe dot, no new card shit since i'm satisfied with this many buttons dedicated to it, more things that reward prediction like Earthly Star
>>Fears for them in ShB
more minor arcanas
>>Best waifu

I'd also cite AF that doesn't suck but it's too late

tryhard raider stuff, just ignore it.

Not that user but I'll drop you a Twitch code myself, I have no use for it.

>it's a "wipe on O10S because the bulwark was not on a server tick" episode
Getting real sick of this fight.

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you need to fantasia to female lizard to really get the full effect

It's color-coding for DPS parse percentiles.
100 is gold

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parsers should be gassed

you don't need to be concerned about it now if you're new. If you ever want to do the hardest content then you will want to.

Why would they bring back some nobody character who was barely even relevant in his own story content?
I have no opinions on whether I think it's him or not, I'm genuinely asking a question as to why people seem so certain it's him?

>tfw historically grey on O1S/O2S with no other completion

At least I think, I don't know who was doing what on clears during the first week and looked it up a year after the fact. I stayed in tank stance the whole fight and just tried to position properly and reduce stress on the healers.

i like my cat..

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They'll just throw in a quick line explaining who he is over the line where he says
>'member me?
to people who have done it before.

*if you play with other shitters
good players don't care about parses, the rotations and encounters in this game aren't rocket science

>tank stance the whole fight
1. Don't be a cuckold and do that
2. It doesn't help nearly as much as you think it does, in fact, it literally only helps if you're too dumb to use your cooldown during a tankbuster. These happen 3-4 times on average, with anything more being considered a "tank buster heavy" fight
3. It doesn't even make a difference for auto attacks. They heal you in the same amount of GCD's
4. You are gimping your parties DPS because of 2. You are actually not helping the healers out at all because the boss lives longer

On the other hand,
1. More threat to outthreat the cool guys who don't diversion or if you're not confident in the fight
2. More damage reduction leaves you with higher HP after a tankbuster, giving your idiot healers more time to let you die.

It's never ideal but sometimes it's the fix you need for lackluster pugs.

But at the end of Crystal Tower he ends up getting sealed inside of it until the world ends up Allagan level high tech again. Before the events wasn't he just another researcher or some shit? That's a world of a difference right there and I doubt that it can be taken care of with a throwaway line like that.

The worst thing about Lyse is the complete lack of porn of her.
Even Alisaie is getting more porn than she did.

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removing RoF and/or TK because shitters complained about it

Sorry the code was for a different region user, didn't know you were a EUropoor or a JP-onry

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Considering she's actually ugly in-game and the most annoying main character after Tataru, that's not really a surprise.

>mystery guy on poster is very clearly a male Miqo'te by the facial structure, face markings, and arm structure
>G'raha Tia is the only relevant male Miqo'te, and is a member of the Circle of Knowing alongside Thancred, Y'shtola, Urianger, Papalymo, and Yda
>Crystal Tower has a dimensional gate on top, and we've been given multiple hints that next expansion is going to involve other dimensions
>lead writer of ShB also wrote CT's story
>he's suddenly getting a minion after all this time

>1. More threat to outthreat the cool guys who don't diversion or if you're not confident in the fight
Tell the other tank to provoke shirk if it's not a tank swap heavy fight.
If you're stuck with DPS that both won't diversion AND a tank that doesn't know what provoke shirk does, you don't want to be there.
>healers can't heal auto attacks after a tank buster
you don't want to be in that party either. as someone who's pugged o1s-o12s, just don't even waste your time with bads

That's fine dude. I'm still thankful you wanted to. I guess I can just pay 10 Euro for starter edition on g2a.

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Your pugs are lackluster because you're in them. Maybe if the fight wasn't lasting several minutes longer because of a retarded MT, the healers wouldn't be running out of MP and letting you die.

I'd say its more about how all the xiv porn community rather make shit about their futa OC cats and lizards than make porn of the NPCs.
WoW never had this problem, there's tons of porn of its female characters, xiv the only way they get any art is if an autist who waifu's them forks over the cash or makes it them self.

Yeah that's about the only thing she's good for and its a shame its coming so slowly. Though I did see a new one earlier where she was choking on a giant dick so hey, slow and steady.

newfag here. what are these colours in reference to? armour?

fflogs rankings

>Kugane lamp sitting there, mocking me
I've only been there 30 minutes and I'd sooner unironically kms than deal with SE's lazy fucking platforming mess, fucking autistic japs

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>The quantity of porn for Minfilia, Y'shtola, and Yugiri will never come close to the amount of porn for characters like Sylvanas, Alexstraza, Tyrande, and Jaina.

We live in the timeline where Fran is technically the FFXIV character with the most porn simply by virtue of originally coming from a different game in the series. I don't even think Y'shotla, the most popular subject for FFXIV porn, has managed to break 150 images on the various boorus and paheals and shit.

>want to do savage for the experience
>friend puts together a static
>sets our raid time for the minute I get out of work
>nobody in the group can do any mechanics right without someone on discord shouting every single mechanic in their ear
>tank kept showing up drunk
>my co-healers kept quitting and getting replaced
>some britfag parsewhore starts screaming at me for "stealing all the gear" because only healer gear ever dropped
This was back in HW. Haven't touched savage since and I really don't have any desire to ever again.

>ARR runs from level 1 (Actually 30) to level 20
>No stat increases after level 20
Why have leveling at all then?

>class quests unlock sidegrade abilities and traits similar to role actions, they change the way the class is played but usually aren't chosen over base abilities for raids and such
Why have them in the first place if they're useless?

>MSQ chapters can be done separate from most non-story conten
>Certain max level raids and dungeons can be done post 20 without MSQ progression
Muh raids.

4/10. You're almost as shit a game designer as the ones currently employed by SE.

>>tank kept showing up drunk
This is unironically me but I do all the mechanics correctly, die the least, and always parse at least blue.

You have to deal with the retards you're stuck with somehow.

>I don't even think Y'shotla, the most popular subject for FFXIV porn, has managed to break 150 images on the various boorus and paheals and shit.
Even with that brown cat tranny who waifu'd her and commissions new shit almost weekly?

if you arent at least 93th you're trash t b h

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He's the main reason she has the most art.
There's also that Au Ra dude who waifu's Alisaie hardcore and is commissioning art of her so its slow and steady coming.

How scummy is it if I know the fight or seen until enrage, but list it as loot/duty complete for the weekly chests?

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I had a similar experience, and boy did it convince me to never join PF 'parse' parties again
>have to heal my balls off as AST in o6s, never had nearly this much issue with it before, end up being gray as fuck and the party wipes multiple times to shit I easily get through on weekly clears
>turns out the SCH did literally dozens of energy drains and never once used his aetherflow for healing, often didn't even have the fairy out because dissipation
like jesus christ you nigger if you expect me to solo heal at least fucking tell me first

Is it possible to have crafting gear as a glamour for a combat class? There's some neat gear out there but I don't want to go out and get some before knowing.

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Only the leveling sets, and I think the SB leveling sets might be crafter/gatherer only.

Most of it. Current-expansion crafter/gatherer gear cannot be glamoured, though there's an alternative to the gatherer dogi available as a Gold Saucer glamour. Sucks too since the gatherer version has a gourd bottle and would be a perfect SAM glamour

Gotcha. Danke my dudes. You're good people.

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What pisses me off about that Gold Saucer one is that it's fucking male only. That doesn't make any sense considering the real one isn't.

level blue mage, learn self destruct, bum around and hope you get lucky with someone on top of the post who can rez you up there

>DPSes get shadow blades
>They both walk into the same area on top of each other and just stop

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>tfw you get orange just by playing well, having gear, and having an ok party comp
>with no ast in the party

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I had a Tank who was constantly showing up to raid high.
He did his job properly, never had any issues, was social but always ready to be the person to call out bullshit.
Then one day he left after getting bored of raiding.

His replacement was an even better tank, but that guy was cool too.

That's impossible unless you're doing old shit

must be playing a job no one play

No, that's fairly doable if you have good uptime.

What class?


>climb Kugane tower with gf
>we take turns jumping off the top onto the lamp
>if we fail, we use the EB ring to get back to the top
>do a bit of levelling waiting for the cooldown on the ring
>I manage to land on the lamp
>she misses
>she uses her ring to get to me

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never played an mmo but love final fantasy, is this pretty easy to pick up as someone completely unfamiliar with mmos?

It was made exactly for people exactly like you

Yeah, the only thing you may struggle with are the queue times for dungeons as you start out, especially as a DPS, though I advise to play whatever you want and not feel like you NEED to be tank or healer

first mmo i've played and i like it a lot. every other one i've tried felt shitty to play.


game handholds you for 50 levels and by then youll be familiar with most kinks of the game, community is nice enough most of the time to help out noobs like you

This is why I don't care for raiding in this game anymore. Fights don't feel like fights. You whack at some giga nigger for a while and then it's just
>entire fight ends

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>latest fanfest Yoshi was talking about how in SB they couldn't show someone getting shot with an arrow cause of ratings
>opening movie has J'rhoomale shooting a Garlean, and then Naillebert vaporizing that poor fucker on the magitek armor

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>Published on Nov 11, 2012
Times change.

I've always said it feel like being in marching band again. Everyone be in the correct position at the right time, stay in step, and don't fuck up playing your part. Invariably, someone will fuck up and either wipe the raid or make things more difficult.

I do like that doing the mechanics is usually a bigger deal than playing your class 100% optimally since even overgeared players who would sail through fights in other games are unable to complete some of the raids.

Thats a good point, while personally I enjoy doing these fights blind its no fun when most statics just have one person barking the mechanics.

But it's still the same game with all that stuff still in it. I don't get why you can't show someone being shot with an arrow in a T rated game anyway

Something he said he wanted to do but still hasn't: Fucking removing the bloat of MSQs because holy fuck it's daunting and shit. not just ARR but a ton of people quit due to it. Want to play with friends? Too bad and in an mmo that's a pretty big deal like it or not.

Western ratings boards are no problem, it's the Japanese ratings board CERO which gets stricter every year.

>couldn't show someone getting shot with an arrow cause of ratings
Is this the same expansion where a himecut footslut shoots a roegadyn with a revolver until he coughs up blood, gets shot a dozen times herself while writhing on the ground in agony, and then stabs her shooter to death with magic knives that lift him into the air and bleed him out?

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can't you see the trend with all those top PC games you dumb bitch he isn't catering to the chinese enough

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Yeah. Funny you post that picture too because they also said they weren't allowed to show Yotsuyu directly stepping on Gosetsu. They had to cut him just out of frame.

There's a lot of porn of the elf boyfriends and such

>favourite job
Dork knight
>dreams for ShB
My *dark arts* dream *dark arts* is *dark arts* that *dark arts* I *dark arts* don't *dark arts* have *dark arts* to *dark arts* press *dark arts* my *dark arts* dark *dark arts* arts *dark arts* key *dark arts* between 60% of my GCDs during a given fight.
>fears for ShB
That SE doesn't unfuck DRK and the current focus on DA spam continues into the future.

>They had to cut him just out of frame.
They didn't though. The entire thing is in the frame. Where are you getting this info from?

>Mfw playing mnk
This shit is perfect why people hate it?

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Say what you will about WoW
but It had quite a few interesting fights that didn't heavily rely on positioning like bosses in XIV.
Like one boss you had to steer its pathing by damaging the legs to avoid it stepping on some shit so dps had to be really careful and do their job reactively. Can't even remember the name though.

From EU fanfest. Clearly they found a way to make it acceptable, but this is the shit Yoshi said the ratings board was making him deal with.

GL3 feels horrible to lose/rebuild and a lot of bosses force it to drop

It's a class that's good for farming but bad for learning on because you will lose your DPS buffs a lot and do shit damage as a result.

Same thing here except I was a huge TF2 fag.Still am.
>Friend and sibling que up with eachother for ranked.
>They finish all their placement matches.
>"Thats not fucking right." I think to myself since my brother is better at FPS's then I'am.
>do all my own placement matches.
>pigeonholed holed almost exclusively into the healing role because people dont like to heal.
>go with the flow heal with Zenyatta because I aint no bitch.
>Placed in Platinum.
>MFW my friend is actually godawful at twitch shooters he held my brother back.
>Tell my brother this.
>he agrees.

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I'm also an AST main and I use earthly star as a "I'll put this thing here and maybe after I instantly forget about it it'll heal someone" heal

The one time XIV had a boss like that, the entire OF threw a collective shitfit because they had to actually do mechanics and couldn't manage it.

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>Favorite Job
Either WAR or BLM. I'm partial to tanking, but BLM's rotation is extremely fun.
Realistically, improved DRK and MCH mechanics. Unrealistically, role selector.
Story is poorly executed and fails to live up to the hype. Only thing that would really turn me off is that the final few cutscenes of ShB are either resolved by fiat or simply don't make sense how we go there. Or the whole plot buildup isn't followed through on, like the empress of Ul'dah surviving her poisoning or Yotsuyu and Gotetsu surviving the castle falling on them. Something to kill the feel behind the story.

anyone else do nothing on their days off but play FFXIV?

I don't get why people cry at Steps of Faith every time it shows up, the fight is interesting enough just by being a departure from standard trial gameplay and from a story perspective, a desperate defense of Ishgard strikes the perfect note as an introduction.

Because people are surprisingly bad at it

I wonder if I'm the only person on the planet who genuinely enjoyed that trial.
>instead of a circular platform arena it's a pitched battle that spans the entirety of Ishgard's bridge
>NPC soldiers spawning in to fight the dragon horde
>players on cannons

Now it's like, I don't think anyone even uses any of the cannons. The cut his health down so hard that I just see DPS wail on his toes until he dies. He doesn't even make it past the second gate anymore.

They're newfags who fell for the memes of it being literally impossible because DF groups are incapable of doing mechanics. Most groups don't even know the cannons and dragonkillers exist.

To be fair, MNK does have a somewhat tedious rotation and very slow buildup that's easy to lose traction, but some of the oGCDs are really satisfying to hit with and the quick gcd timer kept me playing this class since 2.0.

If i recall correctly, the wow boss in question (think it was ryolith from firelands) also had its fair share of complaints Though not nearly as bad as those steps of fate complaints. Must be something about the average player having a hard time playing reactively and not just tunnelvisioning mechanics/dps.

No, I thought it was a cool concept but we're not getting another one since people sucked at it

i'm like 90% sure they're going to do something with dark arts/darkside, i can't see that shit working as is with the tp/mp merger
my actual fear is that the class just doesn't work with the combined bars. i kinda press dark arts on instinct now and don't really notice it, and mp management is the only thing that keeps drk fun for me

It takes goddamn forever and as a MSQ trial with zero drops is only done by sprout shitters. Nabriales is also goddamn awful.

>I'd say its more about how all the xiv porn community rather make shit about their futa OC cats and lizards than make porn of the NPCs.
Those are commissions you fucking moron

thats a pretty shit reason for disliking it when Perfect Balance and True North exists shit I even suggest using them in your opener because just how hard spin kick hits for and then building GL back up ASAP with it. and continue as normal.

I feel like that for Bismarck. I loved the idea of sailing on a floating island to attack a flying whale and having to reel him in with harpoons. But that's another one people hate doing.

Maybe they'll give you set charges of Dark Arts and take out the cost.

it was nerfed to shit, back when it first came out, it wasn't "hard" but missing any dragonkillers could make it quite touch and go, required decent co-ordination and reading on screen instructions.
bear in mind, this is a community that barely reads their tooltips.
now its babby tier faceroll and its just a laughable waste of time.

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There are very few boss fights where it's impossible to keep up GL3 between phases.

The only boss that forces GL to drop is Midgard which is a shit fight for everyone unequivocally, not just for monk, and even then GL only drops when there's a transition long enough to coeurl->wind tackle anyway. The real pain of playing monk is how strict the rotation and opener is and how it requires you to be in central valley or use a VPN to optimize properly

It's crazy how different Yea Forums threads about xiv are compared to WoW. Why are the players of this game so much better?

i would guess that XIV has a lot of former WoW players that got tired of WoWs playerbase

what are they talking about

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Gym routines

100% of WoW players are miserable but in XIV it's only like 90%

More than certain SE rather get all that skip potion money
>WoW West
Wow its almost as if they specified the fucking region though I agree with how much the Chinese bloat shit

because /vg/ actually does its job as a containment board for this game only
the /vg/ threads are full of the wretched of the earth but thankfully they keep that shit there

gay roe sex

>Zero awareness
And do you know why? Cause ACT can't babysit them.

Turning into Bahamut
Just adding egis instead of making the rotation more complex

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>start doing UCoB
>finally get to Nael and the group hits a wall because they can't find ACT triggers for the dialogue mechanic
>meanwhile I've never used ACT for a single thing and I've been reading up the dialogue mechanic
>teach myself to recognize the keywords
>the entire next month they're fucking stumbling over themselves waiting for callouts from the one guy with triggers while I'm the only one that's actually surviving through consistenly
I fucking hate ACT for anyting but seeing my damage. Triggers are a fucking crutch and they make people completely unable to watch the fight or handle things on their own.

But super data wrote two years ago that there just simple no data aviable about xiv
Did something changed?

If i was ever good at art, i'd just be drawing the shit out of the npcs. But yeah, can't always get what you want.

I seriously hope they don't fuck up the overhaul, I want to be a MCH again

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>tfw no aymeric bf

Perfect Balance is on a 60s cooldown. You only need 3 GCD - or 2 if Shoulder Tackle is available - to get back to GL3. These days MNK has it easy with GL management. You can't fuck up unless you're one of those monks who burns Tornado Kick as often as possible.

>mfw /cd 5 when I'm forced to mt in orbonne
>even if half the people are still catching up

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i'm 50/50 on whether they'll fuck mch up in a new and different way, or actually have it be a good class for once since brd is pretty much perfect as is so they can spend their time on mch
if all else fails you could just go gunbreaker and get fast queues while still kinda shooting things

The only people that parse on xiv are people too shit for wow
Literally embarrassing

wowfugees are the worst trash at the game though

>tfw can do rath ex ez, had my mount week one because I played mhw at the time
>don't even bother with ex trials much less savage because its too stressful
>literally cucking myself out of content I pay a sub for because I'm too much of a pussy

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Parsing on WoW is 99% gear which is as of BFA is 99% rng, fuck off

Most of the tier has something like a 36k Average DPS check with the tougher fights going way further. If 4 DPS are doing 6-7k Each that's still 8k the Tanks/Healers need to pick up. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Now imagine the DPS are averaging 5k because 2 of them are complete dogshit. You literally can't beat the fight anymore because of the shitter who can't play his class.

Someone averaging 3k like previous user was saying is actively dragging the group down to such a degree that if they don't immediately pull 7k after they're getting kicked. They only get the first chance because maybe some random fluke like their keyboard turning off during the opener or some shit happened.

I mean, I would like to play both, aesthetically, I love jobs that mess with a lot of shit like ammo and contraptions, I love the sound effects made by MCH and from the Gunbreaker trailer, it sounds pretty damn good.
I just MCH to be like it was in HW, you know, when the burst wasn't tied to shitty fucking heat gauge.

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The more you put off doing shit like savage and EX, the worse you make it for yourself. That anxiety will eventually build until it reaches a point where you can't overcome it at all.

Highly doubt they'd release such info to any non-stock holders. Issue is theyre not shy to brag about great numbers like when Yoshida bragged about Stormblood launch giving FFXIV's the biggest sub count ever. More than certain that even though the game does well by their metrics that they're not impressive compared to the competition.

I get slightly erect when he shows up in Ghimlyt, no homo.

EX trials and most of Savage are much easier than you're probably imagining user. EX trials nowadays have like one real mechanic each that you need to understand, and that's it. Just don't try Tsukuyomi first.

Not just that the longer you put it off the more good players will stop playing and you're left with nothing but trash. Like today I had 4 groups that couldn't clear 09s despite it being the easiest shit in the world

Bruh look at this dude

>Hold O, R1+Triangle when he starts the move, then again to get back in.

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow what an amazing fight

>join to help o9s clear party just because
>DPS is doing pretty good, could easily clear this
>but healers keep fucking up mechanics causing wipes
>eventually one of us leaves and it falls apart
oh well I did my part


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I don't get people's concerns about tp removal and DRK, TP is a complete non-factor to DRK currently anyways.

I'm at that point already.
I could do it if I had a regular group of friends to play with but all of mine either have their own static or don't want to bother either
I did Seiryu a couple times but my dps made me want to kms even though it felt like I was doing all that I could do. it was like 4.8k on rdm

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I've played WoW for 12 years and I've quit a month into BfA. The next week after that I've picked up FFXIV and got max level in 2 months of fucking around and learning the game.
I don't know if it's the "fresh = good, old = bad" syndrome, but I genuinely think FFXIV is the better MMORPG at the moment, even though it's not (completely) open world.
I've really enjoyed the msq, shocking I know.

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wowfurries will defend this

Is this the Bahamut fight where you can stand in a divebomb and only lose 20% of your HP? My favorite part is where he held O

Yeah, that's actually the worst thing about it. The people that care will finish the content relatively quickly, meaning that for each week, hell each DAY that you writhe anxiously, you're only further decreasing your chances of successfully clearing any given piece of content.
This applies to literally any content in the game, FYI. Even super-casual stuff like BA. All of the people that care got their Ozma mounts within the first couple of weeks.

Why not play bard instead

Nigger that's literally every raid in the history of ever. Doing the mechanics = Doing the mechanics.

Agreed, we need more boss fights that are just striking dummies that you tank and spank for 8 minutes and have no mechanics

>Even super-casual stuff like BA.
yeah. It won't even be possible to do a few months from now, if not now.
I regret not doing eureka, but there's literally no point to do it now. I'll never catch up in time for cool stuff

>tfw still get chills every time I watch this

How did they do it? Hell, it made me emotional years before I even played the game.

>Fight doesn't rely heavily on positioning
>Entire fight is attacking the boss to force him to position himself

Based retard.

I have no idea what this guy is talking about

I do, I also want MCH to be fun too

Also I refuse to believe is correct.
Everyone I used to play with is gone from WoW. Faction cities are ghost towns. How the fuck is WoW in the 10 top grossing titles in january 2019? I'm pretty sure there's no more than 5 million people playing WoW today.

BRD is for prancing homos

Because it's literally about facing down the end of the world user. The feeling of dread and hopelessness before death is something pretty universal.

>Lost interest in Alphascape after clearing o11s
>Want to go back and clear o12s
>Dread the very idea at this point

I hate brd


You also need to remember user that we're in the pre-expansion period now, so basically everyone but the most casual of players (we're talking the kind that log in once per week and that's it) are entirely and completely done with end-game raiding, and have been done for weeks. Pretty much all that's left to do for people at end-game now is crafting/gathering to make cash, farming primal mounts, and for the people that really wanna do it, going back and clearing Ultimate Coil/Ultima Weapon for their trophy weapons.

At least Yojimbo comes in a few weeks.

i'm not transsexual

What if I wanna be a prancing hetero? What do I play?

I probably won't be touching Yojimbo. It's locked behind the Hildibrand stuff isn't it? I stopped doing the Hildibrand quests shortly after the HW story arc because I found them to be really, painfully unfunny.

Seiryu is kinda crappy for DPS because of that insanely long special move/phase transition. I'm ilvl393 and generally max out at about 5800 DPS in that fight no matter how well I do, and that's good for purple on fflogs.

rdm, i guess. you'll be at least bi

HW Hildibrand was garbage but SB isn't bad at all. You could always just skip the cutscenes too. Actual spoiler ahead:
Yojimbo is actually Gilgamesh in disguise.

SB quests are actually really good. HW was a dud.

Definitely a "Fresh" = "Good" thing going on. Give it one expansion cycle and you'd probably be annoyed with it as much as others. Nothing wrong with that but it does become an issue when you see things that could be improved but are constantly ignored.
Sunk Cost Fallacy is very real and people aren't easily going to abandon a game they put so many hours in. Same with almost everyone who complains about XIV being shit. As much as they seem to hate it they can't let go cause of the time they put in. Also alongside it still having more subs than FFXIV it does also have a cash shop like FFXIV meaning it easily pulls in more revenue. Hell if I remember correctly WoW and Hearthstone are two of Blizzard's top grossing games with Overwatch and HoTS being their lowest earners now that Destiny 2 is gone.

blm and sam

Well you clearly are, why else are you here?

One day they'll make certain skills auto-apply upon arena reset, like MCH ammo and SMN/SCH Aetherflow.

Maybe I'll have a look at them. I hate skipping cutscenes I haven't yet seen, though.

As someone who stubbornly mained Arcane mage almost exclusively for about a decade, let me explain in the most basic of terms am FFXIV player can understand.

Press the main attack spell button about 95% of the encounter.
Sometimes hit two other abilities when relevant when they proc/at the end of a burn phase, but mostly hit that one spell repeatedly.
Drop Leylines down during burn phases along with any other self buffs.
During the burn phase, continue pressing that one primary attack button.
Cast Super Refresh on yourself after burn phases to regen your MP back up to full in a few seconds.

Make the god awful MSQ optional to do the actually fun content.
Retroactivly apply this to the whole game and you have one of the best mmos on the market.
>inb4 trannies who think other people have to suffer like they did for no reason.

>Make the god awful MSQ optional to do the actually fun content.

The MSQ is the foundation on which the game is built around.
While they can definitely streamline it and cut out a lot of the superfluous shit in ARR, they'll never actually make it optional outside of the "Fuck you, pay money to bypass this" skip feature. And even that only exists as a half measure, because they genuinely don't want people skipping the story.

>Good player, rarely dies, if ever, to mechanic. Consistently one-shots. Who you want.
>A purple player that's in a static and has buffs fed to them
Haha keep seething you shitter you will never hit that orange parse. Good job on finally hitting that purple parse after wiping youe group multiple times

>countdown for casual countdown
Why its genuinely a dps loss to sit there for 5 seconds not dps'ing on a fight thats a given win

it's mostly a concern (at least for me) that they're going to make mp management even easier so you can't somehow be unable to use your sword because you cast dark arts too many times
like at that point you may as well remove mp costs on everything and go without resources at all, which would be uninteresting

I want to kill everyone here who used the word "tranny", "homo" or "bi" to describe other FFXIV players.
It's because of fuckers like you WoWfags are calling FFXIV a game for trannies.

shut up cissie

hit too close to home there champ?

Shut up you tranny homo.
Besides. Why the fuck do you care what the playerbase of a sinking ship thinks about this game?

who cares what people that want to fuck animals think

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So why do wowfags talk shit about ffxiv if this is what they do?

Ive been in too many statics with an autistic tank that causes multiple wipes til enrages during prog. Just to finally get the kill a month longer than it should have taking just to be super 'happy' they hit a blue. And they dont shut up when they finally hit that purple no one gives a shit about.

Because admitting that the game you've played for 10+ years is bad is genuinely difficult for a majority of people.

>tanks who do weird countdowns like 12 or 17 seconds
fuckers, i dont get the 10/15 second pop up that way unless i check my chat.

Yoshida looks pretty impressed

>Actual Summons and not egis. Summons you have to build like Bahamut except each one does something different like buffing the party
>New shitty looking egi

>The main reason I play SCH is because I enjoy having more things to do in order to resolve a situation. Even having more DPS buttons to press makes it better.
Oh yes, you have to fish for that crit adlo to spread it. So many more things.

While agree that some of the MSQ is good and shouldnt be skipped they really need to streamline ARR but that doesn't mean the game should skimp out the endgame stuff. As it stands this game literally lives on a "Raid or Die" mentality solely due to how long most of the content lasts. Only 2 things that "lasted" past its launch week have been Savage and Eureka, which solely survived off having the Relic in of itself. There needs to be more "Mid-Core" content that's not brain dead One and Done Dungeons to further compliment stuff like the EX fights.

but ff14 is literally full of homos. It's not a meme it's reality

SMN is the one I still don't see them getting right because the only way to do an adequate overhaul is to completely seperate it from Scholar.

>I want the act of playing my job to be a science project or else my peepee can't get up from how big brained I am
Why do trannies do this

I haven't played in forever, what's that color thing?

I've seen more fags in Goldshire than in the entirety of FFXIV.

Basically DPS meter with grey being the bottom and Gold being the top.

>DPS meter
They added one?

Nah, you have yo use one 3rd party. Basically you only get in shit if you call out shitters and they report you.

holy shit this cope

Website called FFlogs where you can upload your runs of current content and get graded with a percentile based on how you did compared to all the other members of your class. Super useful for improving your own gameplay.

Gold=1st place.

They've always had one, it's just an unofficial extension. It's actually technically against the rules to use it though so if you mention that you use a parser ingame you can get banned.

There's no official parser because it encourages bad behavior, like tanks not using tank stance to increase their parse, healers not healer to increase their parse, and DPS standing in AoE attacks so they can have more uptime on their rotation

>Thinking WoWfags created this fact
>Oblivious to the state of Balmung, Mateus and Aether as a whole
user, being loyal to a brand and/or game is retarded. FFXIV is very much so a breeding ground for trannies and gays. The weeb aesthetic pretty much ensures they'd be more attracted to it due to the feminine looking males and the overall glamour options when compared to WoW. Each game attracts a certain type of degenerate, FFXIV just happened to pick up those 2.

No, it's on a website called FF logs where you can see the biggest amount of DPS your character did during dungeons, raids and bosses. And from what I know, you can also download something called a parse to see how's your DPS ingame.

>encourages bad behavior
How about they revamp beginner content in a way to get them actually used to the proper endgame content at large? How about they actually make dungeons that arent faceroll and forces the player to think. On top of that as much as the "GOTTA DPS HARD" is considered Bad Behavior the Dev Team itself has design much of the content around the "DPS Heavy Meta" as they slowly prune any sense of CC or any non-DPS focus mechanics.

>Purple: Starting to sacrifice too much of their life for the game in search of unnecessary minmaxing. Can often be abrasive and destructive towards the group.
boy I'm a low purple most of the time in most EX farms and I barely play the fucking game these days, getting purple isn't hard, literally just push buttons, it isn't that deep

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>The weeb aesthetic pretty much ensures they'd be more attracted to it due to the feminine looking males and the overall glamour options when compared to WoW

You know what's 180 degrees opposite to weebs?
Gachifags. Which is more gay in your opinion?

You are naive. You can train people all day and give them all the best advice but they're just going to do what they want anyway. The natural human reaction to a system that says a number for your damage is to think of it like a score and do everything possible to make that score bigger, even if you're objectively being worse and making the fight harder.

>There's no official parser because it encourages bad behavior
Not having a parse and making braindead easy content during leveling experience encourages even worse behavior
>Tanks Never needing to exit tank stance
>dps never needing learn to use full toolkit
>healers cast a gcd heal and go back to watching netflix for 10 secs/repeat

>Degeneracy. There's no reason beyond empty egoism to want to achieve this
jokes on you, I didn't even want it. I usually get a couple of accidental 100s just doing weekly clears every tier. Maybe just don't be bad.

not gonna lie like 50% of my FC are genuine homosexuals

Original Steps of Faith required near perfect execution. You have to hit all the dragon binders, constantly barrage him with cannon fire while the cannons are there and you'll need to LB3 to kill the boss as he's like 20 seconds away from breaking through the last barrier.

They've nerfed it severely since then to the point that you don't need to do any mechanics, just hit the dragon until it dies.

This is actually factually incorrect on a couple of counts.
Grey is the bottom of the barrel. Green is slightly better, but still below the average. Blue is the average. Purple is above average. Orange is exceptional. Gold is the cream of the crop.
Just FYI, blue parses are from 50th to 74th percentile.

>parser encourages bad behavior

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A main tank that never leaves tank stance is more useful than one that's trying hard to get dat purple parse and dies from a tank buster.

Look, I think you guys are missing the point. You and this guy
are trying to redesign the entire game from the ground up so that parsers would be a good thing, but the fact is that as the game is now, parsers are either neutral or bad for most content. The only content where they're arguably a good thing is the 1% of content that barely anybody does, the endgame progression content. And even then, people will use it wrong and play like retards in search of higher parse

you must play warrior

>things greylets say

ITT: autists, trannies and people who don't understand how percentiles work

>A main tank that never leaves tank stance is more useful than one that's trying hard to get dat purple parse and dies from a tank buster.
Tank stance is only 20% mitigation at best, retard
That's Rampart. Which is up for 30% of the time.
A tank in tank stance that doesn't use proper cooldowns is just as useless. DRK in Grit is fucking unplayable.
Fuck off and stop enabling bad play.

is Naoki Yoshida a greylet?

Naoki Yoshida barely plays his own fucking game.

>dying to tank busters

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>do what they want anyways
Which is a result of the game design encouraging this massive "You don't pay my sub mentality". Also the issue with "training" people is you're still "training" them to content that is tuned with the highest DPS output in mind. We have far seen the Dev Team move from trying to balance CC like abilities and the like in favor of simple dance dance revolution that slightly interrupts your rotation.
I'm not arguing for the case of parsers. They'll exist in most MMOs regardless of the game design but let's not be coy and pretend that initially the game did have some CC related mechanics at launch that slowly got pruned away with most future content that started solely focusing on those big numbers. The game itself designed itself in a way where the only thing that really matters is how much output you put out alongside the dance dance revolution. After 2.0 ended CC was a thing of the past because it was too much work for Yoshida to balance, the same way Elemental Weaknesses and the like were too hard to balance.
>Tank always in Tank stance is more useful
Yet the overall consensus is to DPS stance once hate is established and properly use your Cooldowns to speed up the progression of most content. All content is design with "Muh DPS" in mind cause thats all that really matters in the end whether you like it or not.

>I see other people being bad at the game
>therefor I am bad at the game
nope, that's not how it works

yes it is

auto attacks are far more dangerous to tank busters

War tank stance is just conva up at all times, war is best meta main tank. healers in an optimized setting use ogcd heals which wars tank heal benefits arent effected by ogcd heals.
Holy shit learn how to play in a group. This is also pretty much se design choice.
Also switching out of tank stance for dungeon trash pulls is pretty autistic set of optimizations but thats barely content since its so brain dead

wait what how did I miss that
What's the name of this alternate crafter gear glam thing?

averaged purple/orange when i was playing. had a gold monk in our group and they'd always give shit if i slipped up since to get those optimal parses the entire party needs to be optimal too.

Hot take: Parsing should be completely banned and those with parsing software should be perma banned as well. It fosters a toxic community and those that support it should leave.

Doing your basic rotations that the game tells you to do when you use a skill is fine.

Is this game worth playing y/n?

Chimera alone still fucks over parse faggots
Why should they redisign entire boss fight to pander you

Here's your raid bosses for the 8 man.

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It got memed on hard at release because shitters couldn't red the npc chat messages and wiped but the actual process of wiping after they realized they weren't gonna be able to kill it still took the full length of the fight: If you just read the instructions from the npcs on when to use the dragonkillers the original fight was easy.

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It's all so tiresome.

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thats not xehanort

I'm torn in between allowing parsing and banning it. It has pros and cons and I can't decide what's worse.

>male characters will never stop crying about parsing

they're probably going to be the warring triad/four lords equivalent at some point
maybe for the "garlemald, for real this time" expansion

Not even bait. Everyone has a right to clear content, no matter their skill level. I'm all for making it so PFs can't see what class other players are using too so that class discrimination can't happen either.

God damn I would love this. No way in hell it's gonna happen though, if nothing else just because the norts are too small to be raid bosses and making their models bigger would look silly.

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This is the thing I dreamed when I first heard about the 4 lords in SB. I thought we were having Golbez and the gang but nope we got furballs who can't manage their angers or sexual urges.
I hope that in Shadowbringers, we go to the moon to kick the Ascien's asses and that we will get some FF 4 content. That would be great

>in most EX farm
This doesn't apply to EX. It applies mostly to savage which is padded as fuck and you have to be turbo autist to get high purple or orange

5.0 is still the Garlemald for real expansion. People keep saying the zones are in the WoD world, but Ahm Araeng has a Garlean railroad in the background.


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>not even bait. but bait

Not even gonna give you a (You).

Counter hot take: Every game should promote getting better. Being shit in a single player game is fine but there's no reason to tolerate being trash when it's at the expense of everyone else in your party.

>tfw too nervous to do new fights
>when I do actually work up the nerve to do them, I clear them in a week of non-stop pugging
Pugs in this game are so fucking volatile. People threatening to leave a few pulls in, people just randomly dropping. No communication or, if there is communication, it helps absolutely nothing. Sometimes you get god groups that one shot the boss with amazing time, other times you get the absolute dregs of the game's endgame population. Literally clear the fights within a month, month and a half of release or just suffer for the next 6 months.

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they can use heartless and nobodies

i'm just going off yoshi being kinda cagey about whether we're going there or not, but that dude is always like that with prerelease stuff so i don't know how much stock to put in it

Heartless maybe but making trash mobs from other games as raid bosses seems like it would be lame, so besides twilight thorn nobodies would be out. Plus most heartless aren't relevant enough to be cool raid bosses, especially as tier enders.

I'm sure they could come up with something regarding the ether in order to create the Heartless

I just want to know what our capital city hub will be. With everything going on in ShB adding Thavnair/Radz-at-Han as well would be a bit much.

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when your beastmen allies in the black mage job quests go full sicko mode

Here's what your options should be:

>Work extra hard for your team
>Be willing for fights to take a bit longer for the good of the group
>Those are your only options

How does one get into this game?

You're presenting a false dichotomy. It's not for the good of the group if there's one person doing all the damage and everyone else is asleep at the wheel. It's for the good of the group if everyone is trying their hardest.

>I'm all for making it so PFs can't see what class other players are using too so that class discrimination can't happen either.
>whats this,I can't tank lb3 o11s because the party is 2 drks, 2st, 4rdm

It has a trial, do that.

You play it.

>favorite job
blue mage
make them an actual real fucking class
i dont think they can make it any worse

>never raided in my life until sigmascape
>eventually work my way to an ucob clear after 3 weeks of raiding
I don't understand why people don't have the drive to get better at the game

If they just do a Kugane-esque hub city for Radz-at-Han, it won't really be too much to juggle. It's a close port city to the general southern area of Ilsabard.

That's right. I have the right to go into endgame content as MRD/GLD without being told otherwise!

You don't pay them a monthly fee and play another mmo that's how.

How do you make a new account if you're ban, because I wanted to get back into the game?

I assume just make a new email and buy the game again

I really wanted to do uwu, but between my limited late night hours and playing SAM finding a static for it never really worked out. At least savage pugging has been mostly workable.

holy fuck, why?

Doesn't SE check you when you make a payment to their services?

I did a little bit of Alphascape with my FC as a DRG, which was my most geared job, managed an 88 at my very best and it wasn't all that padded, our ast fed all our spears to the bard and all the balances/arrows to the summoner, with an occasional spreaded balance/spear. granted, I did play recklessly, it was still fun, you don't have to get super padded for a high purple, sometimes its just getting lucky, I had a lot of crits.
never cleared alphascape, did 09-011s with my FC before stopping because I just didn't want to dedicate any more time into raiding, since its not particularly my thing.
people need to stop being so fucking autistic about fflogs, this goes for every side.

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They probably don't, and even if they did - you can just pay through steam wallet or some shit and all that would require is a separate steam account unassociated with your banned ffxiv one.

Fuck if I know but you can buy the game, the expansion and time cards all on amazon

I don't even know what are those colors. I just play the game.

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how the hell do you get banned in this game? from what I see, the GMs really don't give a shit unless you are being a massive cunt to someone.

Daily reminder that ShB will be worse than SB, please looking forward to it

I know a person that got banned for saying fuck once. He wasn't even directing it at anyone. Just said it because he was pissed off in the raid he was in.

New rules make it easier to get banned. I know someone who got banned for shouting in ul dah that pineapple on pizza was for degenerates

Black mage face during enochian and more explosions.
Gutted damage in favor of """utility""" and mobility.

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>balances/arrows to the summoner
what a moron ast, even a fucking tank does more with an arrow than a summoner does

arrow is pretty great for SMN during bahamut. You can get an extra 2 wrymwaves

Not him, but arrow increases spell speed right? So that means the smn's dots are more powerful.

name 3 gold parsers who are actual trannies

>The Lochs aether currents

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all the gold parsers on Balmung

Also Lightning-tier negative asses on girls.

>The Lochs
>implying that was worst than The Peaks

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Post your houses Yea Forums. poorfags on meme servers need not apply

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So I can still use the same debit card I used to pay for the game before?

momo sama
tatzu maki
zevo vai

I don't remember anything about currents in Peaks, but that one in Lochs, that makes you go around the entire fucking map to reach it, is an absolute cancer.

Why are MNK players like that?

houses are overrated

U mad that you're a hobo and not part of the housed elite?

The only current I remember in Lochs is the one sitting on top of that tower, because I thought it was neat.

Nice toon, fag

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Thank you

>not having a friend ferry you to all the aether currents

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>play female elezen
>get called mommy
why the fuck does this happen i dont fucking want this

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I haven't spent a single gil since HW on anything besides general maintenance and transportation and few glamour pieces.
No reason to if you aren't crafting.

>play female Elezen
>Among an ocean of Lala and Miqo
>Some players pet me or send kisses
>teleport away

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you probably brought it on yourself
Female elezen tend to have stereotypical "mommy" faces. It really shows that the race was genderlocked to male before. I don't like how most femelezens look. There are cute ones and they don't use that one mommy face.

Start the countdown while on your way to the boss.

>play any relatively tall female character
>get called mommy

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Piefken raus!

i just want to play an elf and be left alone

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I was playing a male Elezen at first but I thought the face was bording too much on the uncanny valley feel. Switched to female Elezen because they are really pretty and doesn't feel as "cringe/memed" as the other races.

only ogres were male only

>best players are transesexuals when hormonal imbalance is certain to cause physiological dysfunctions that will interfere with hand eye coordination and reflexes
You have no idea what you're talking about.

im sure it will go away eventually
this whole mommy thing is just a phase anyway


I've been unsubbed for a long time.
Should I fantasia to rabbit, or stay a hyur?

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kill yourself
join him

vieras are for people who wants to be barbies

it's not even limited to female elezen
I play a weeaboo male elezen and wear the SAM level 70 AF gear, and I get attention like you just by standing there silently or just AFKing. Hugs, pets, people gposing next to me
It's a strange phenomenon, really
I'm happy inside because it means not everyone hates us giraffes.

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If they add smol bunnies, become a rabbit. Otherwise stay. That's what I'm doing.

I really wanna make a smoll bunny girl with cute droopy ears.

tranny detected

why do only people that don't care about vieras want bunnies

I keep getting people in my ward threatening to report me because I'm "ruining" their houses and screenshots.

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they don't care, remember when people were shitting out "oooooh yeah amazon bunnies" despite the fact they were never amazons in any portrayals?
also the art of small viera were children, they won't be playable, which is good, because holy shit, the game is already filled with creepy shitheads, we don't need ones that look like literal children with rabbit ears

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it's all on them for not having purchased a plot that's not affected by cancerous neighbors
like plots 27/57 and 29/59 in Shirogane for example
Just tell them that :ˆ)

those people are swines and have awful taste
id love a neighbor with crazy over the top shit like this
if i even had a house to begin with

if people want small bunny girls i wish they would just fuck off to tera but knowing how shit normally is im sure most of them come from there and play on balmung

>all those people literally begging for playable child miqotes when the first child cat npc showed up

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uuuuuuuuuuh thigg

Sorry to inform you that nobody likes immature, attention-begging memelords in their video games.
Go be obnoxious on WoW or something.

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and those were the same people who got super offended when yoshi said he wouldn't add them because nothing good would come out of it

it's bad enough that journos have already written articles about the erp scene in this game

>tfw your FC got the largest house in the ward and does the same exact thing

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>I just want to play cute races
I love how they try to convince you they are anything but creepy paedophiles

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you just KNOW

new jumps since we haven't gotten any new ones since ARR and a more satisfying rotation
more geirskogul

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Same writer. She appears to be tying all the dropped plot threads together.

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o10s is the worst fight in the game don't @me
it's not even hard, it's just fucking miserable

Just don't break the job
They break the job
Don't really have one. Shtola if i HAD to choose.

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elezen weren't gender locked

>optional content
Everything is fucking optional you moron, no one is forcing you to play. XIV players so retarded.

If they pull it, they tank it. I wait til the boss kills them then voke

I agree, its slow paced and its not interesting in the slightest, its another big dragon fight with the exact same fucking mechanics, did we really need more Akh Morn? we didn't even get a remix of his theme
by far the weakest fight in the entire expansion

you think the chinks care what server to play on? they gotta sell that gold to the west somehow

It was funny how thinly veiled it was.
Reminds me of the mental gymnastics some adult men performed to justify being savants for a children's cartoon of technicolor horses when it first came out.

>being a tank diva
pull faster cunt boy

>Healer says for people to use second wind for the next aoe as he "Literally can't heal right now"
>Is spamming Stone
FFLogs ruined this game.

Like seriously. Do I really need to resub to patch the damn game?

>no one notices or calls out their bs
>you're seemingly the only one who notices
>but calling them out makes you look like a dick

They're a turnoff for veteran players too. I want to be able to help new players and have fun while doing it, but syncing levels sucks because you only have three skills and a cooldown until level 45
Losing all the things that make combat fun is not a good compromise for balance, I'd rather synced duty roulettes be absolutely broken than this tedious shit because I don't even bother anymore
and most are absolutely broken anyways

We're throwing a huge bash on Balmung to celebrate Mardi Gras! Would anyone like to join?

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And he still clears savage which you couldn't say about majority of the playerbase. Really makes me think what the fuck are poeple doing in this game.

*screams in caster*

Tfw ideally you need a minute because you need to cast Huton and then have Suiton ready for the opener

Most people simply won't finish the main story to get to end game. Look it took me 1 whole month to get to endgame! So I have already spent money on the base game + expac. In WoW you can be playing the endgame content in the first few days. Hell speed run to get to max level in wow is like 6 hours

explain speedrunners
you don't need reflexes only autism

>Say something
>They throw a strop and start saying about how DPS are entitled or some garbage

Better say your prayers, maybe you'll live with 200hp.

Nope, you can get the maximum 12 wyrmwaves at base sps 2.5gcd with addle.
arrow modifies recast timers directly, it doesn't grant spellspeed. Also a bit of trivia: even with smn having the image of being the 'dot class' and sps affecting dots, it's still the job in the game that hates sps/sks the most by far.
It comes down to having the weakest spammable gcd in the game as well as ruin 2 existing meaning you'll never fall a gcd behind relative to someone faster, due to a boss disappearing midcast.

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Somebody fuck this whore please she NEEDS a dicking down to shut her mouth.

Imagine not being able to hit orange outside of a static. Holy shit.

I'll take a lala-pedo over an aura-tranny anyday. At least they can keep their disease to themselves.

You can't rape a drawing also nice meme

>Like one boss you had to steer its pathing by damaging the legs to avoid it stepping on some shit so dps had to be really careful and do their job reactively. Can't even remember the name though.

Lord Rhyolith and fuck you with a wooden spoon for brining up that buggy cunt as an example of "Good boss design"

>still can't solo midas

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I hope so man

>Job: WHM
>Dreams: Scrap lilies as they are. Turn them into a decay over time thing, with each lily being a tier. Meter is charged by overheals from Cure/Cure II/Cure III only. Each lily tier increases nuke potency and HoT potency to a lesser extent. Remove or severely reduce Holy damage decay for additional targets. Medica range increased to 20y to match Medica II, and Cure III to 15y, ffs. You want to know why there are people that never cast those two? Because an AoE heal that isn't going to hit most/all of the party is a waste of fucking time.
>Crackpot lulz hope: Protect removed as role skill, returns to being CNJ/WHM onry.
>Fears: We'll probably lose Benis and a clutch-heal. Holy will probably be nerfed even more while our Lv80 ability will be Holy II, which will be equivalent to or slightly less good than current Holy.
>Waifu: Alpa, because I still think it's funny that she couldn't figure out why sneks can sleep curled up in bowls but people with legs can't. I guess the real answer is I just don't give much of a shit about any of them, but at least she was amusing.

Rydia AF4 for Summoner.

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Man, Y'shtola is fucking hot.9

>Meter is charged by overheals
Dear god no

trannies play face 1 suncat

Well realistically you'd be filling it whether you wanted to or not, the only question is if you're going to heal bomb to top off right away or just let it build naturally.

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Seething grey parse fags trying to cope.