Don't worry man, you can come eat lunch with us!
Don't worry man, you can come eat lunch with us!
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, finally I can stop eating and playing videogames in the bathroom stalls.
Yeah, bro. Wanna go try to pick up some girls after school?
Looks like a pretty international group...
they work for the masketta man
what did the guy with the blue shirt and waving do
Oh, so they're all Faggots...
>mfw I must be a Faggot too
He put pineapples on pizza.
Going by the theme guessing it's Adam Lanza
come up with something more witty please
oh fuck he is
I didn't recognize him with hair
It's crazy to think all the others, except maybe Lanza, wouldn't have done what they did if the bombs actually went off at Columbine. We'd have the worst domestic terrorist attack in history instead of one of the lightest school shootings.
Are you advocating school bombings?
yall niggas on the fbi list now
Can I get a quick rundown? I recognize Eliot Rodger and Klebold but not the rest
It's not so much the attack but what the media made of it. Literally all of them except Lanza were inspired in part by the Columbine media hysteria, which wouldn't have existed if the death toll was 400-500 instead of 13. We'd have seen coverage similar to McVeigh, look what this pyscho did.
Hey guys, want to trade pills? These things make me have bad rage, you know?
Harris is on the far left, I've seen sideburns a bunch but don't know him, next to Harris is Adam Lanza, Elliot Rogers, Seung-Hui Cho-Virginia Tech- then Klebold.
Redpill me on pills
Crazy to think how different it would have been if the bombs worked. They planned it perfectly.
so... you guys like doom?
So what vidya did they play? I know the Columbine shooters made some Doom wads and I remember Rodger talking about playing a lot of WoW in his manifesto.
they probably harping about it more because of the typical "muh children" narrative
Not perfect enough to make the bombs work.
lanza played the ever loving shit out of DDR
So Elliot, how’s your WoW leveling been going?
wasn't their fault the watches they used changed materials used in the timespan between their prototype bombs that worked and the real deal turn some kids into meal
they went from a conductive watch hand to a cheaper plastic watch hand
I would unironically hang out with all of them.
They seem pretty fun to hang out with, well except for Lanza, he seemed pretty unsociable
>well except for Lanza, he seemed pretty unsociable
pretty sure cho was the same
If the car bombs alone worked we would be living in a much different timeline. There probably would still be school shootings but no one actively looking to be just as media famous as the Columbine kids.
Cho's anxiety disorder prevented him from talking to people iirc. Lanza would be sociable if you cared about whatever stupid shit he cared for.
Would unironically hang out with Elliot, he seemed like a chill dude when he wasn’t sperging out with narcissism.
and elliot was the biggest douche ever, if he was cool he would be friends with his roomates
By Azura! Thanks guys!
who the fuck is the sideburns ginger
it's sad hen you realize that half of these kids were victims of mind control. Rip
no-no I'm good. Elliot was it? I get really nervous around girls I would just make you look bad
Dylan was not as bad as they say
Guys, did you do the math homework? I forgot about it and Mr. Paddock is gonna bust my ass for it.
i dont know why i laughed so hard at this
>that guy that on /r9k/ that guy got tipped off to the police the other day
>implying anyone calls out to you like that
>implying I'm not going to sit at that empty table by myself
last thing i remember about /r9k/ is some kid blew his fucking head up with a shotgun
Not a thing because it was a hoax.
>that guy that on /r9k/ that guy
how are you kids, alex?
fuck you nigger ass muncher fuck you bitch
Hey guys I unironically agree with Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, mind if I have a seat?
Guys, people keep telling me I look like a school shooter at school, what should I do?
Thanks. Do you guys wanna play Pokemon?
real question who would you try to be friends with
Stop being white.
It worries me that Notch's twitter looks more and more like the unabomber's manifesto
Suck the bully's dicks, that demonstrates dominance.
start stabbing them, nobody gonna call you a school shooter afterward
>Time of reckoning
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong place, the log cabin's two forests down
flash up hand guns and give em a wink
>Stop being white
not white
>Suck the bully's dicks, that demonstrates dominance
I'm not being Bullied, the kids are saying that I look like a schoolshooter, im not even a student, im the janitor
>thought you are joking
>check his twitter
>the fuck is he even talking about
>people replied to him are talking about Qanon shit
is that nigga on drug or something?
meant finger guns but oh well
Yeah, what's up dudes.
I just realized, how come there aren't any college or uni school shooters?
report them and ruin their lives, would be one thing if you were a student but this is much better
bomb em
Unironically yes, he's having a great time exploring drugs.
dude, cho is literally on the picture. what are you even on about?
Virginia Tech
>virginia tech literally in OP
>he doesn't realize when liberals are giving "school shooting" or "mass shooting" statistics they purposely omit "gang violence" so they can blame white people
Name 1 (one) thing any of them did wrong.
>eat lunch with us
this reminds me that one year I had a class on the complete opposite end of the building and by the time I got to the cafeteria, waited in line and got my food there was 5 min left and I had to eat my food on the way back to my next class.
Robert "Going Ghost" Stair was going to attack his college before switching to the supermarket in fear of being apprehended.
also Cho
you gottta be joking
just ctrl+f college. I mean cho is literally in the picture for christ sake
They are died.
His mental health started faltering about October last year and I've only kept following to see how much more insane it gets, also I really liked he made some pity post about how no one is inviting him on podcasts anymore recently and in that same thread boasts about how his follower count is still going up.
Columbine kids because I like Doom
I also think Eric was pretty charismatic, just psychopathic.
but he killed himself anyway, so what was the deal?
what a fucking retard
>how come there aren't any college or uni school shooters?
because when you get accepted to college you transcend such base desires.
> Eric spends all of lunch designing his shitty Doom 2 maps.
"video games"
that is probably better than a lot of all the basic shit you see nowadays
I actually feel bad for Eric and Dylan. No matter how tough anyone is being bullied sucks.
He only killed himself to follow in the footsteps of his heros Eric and Dylan. Also to release his inner ghost chick to make lesbians with another ghost chick that talked to him.
Why did they stop shooting instead of going for the highest score? They literally spared people at the end.
did he published his maps somewhere? i want to play them
>Y-y-ou t-too
>v-tech was memory-holed because the shooter wasn't white
Yep, at least one of them.
They probably didn't have the balls to kill someone who is looking them in the eyes and just left that job to the bombs that didn't explode.
they didn't know what else to do. the documentary on them said they just ended up roaming the halls looking lost before they went back and killed themselves. IIRC they spared the life of the people they knew.
a lot of them got removed right after the incident, but I'm sure they're still floating around out there.
>Adam Lanza
He didn't kill anybody. Those kids didn't even exist.
Popular myth, they weren't bullied. Eric was actually really popular.
Eric was tard wrangling Dylan most of the way through the massacre. And even mass killers get bored with it, it's the reason why serial killers escalate their attacks before just stopping if they never get caught. Eric was probably high off the power before he killed himself while Dylan just followed whatever Eric did.
It's more because Uni shootings never get much press, hell people in my state don't even remember the NIU killings anymore.
shut up user, let me praise eric. he seems to be quite agitated lately, who know what could happen
Out skill the entire fbi in a ddr duel.
Guys I'm feeling tired where can i sit?
>tfw neet cause of health issues and finally planning to go to college this summer
honestly aside from my health issues, getting gunned down by an autist or robot is my 2nd fear
>kill chad.
has there ever been an empathetic killer? instead of an emotionless robot
ayone got the virgin dylan and eric and the chad vlad meeme?
fuck off stephen no cianiggers allowed
which college? asking for a friend
Who exactly do you mean by (((they)))?
dylan wanted to study computer science to make games
In college the chances are extremely low, hell school shootings themselves are absolute anomalies and caused mostly by our population size.
Dylan Klebold I would consider one. His depression made him think he was being punished by god to be some Antichrist mass murderer and everyone he would kill would go right to heaven instead of suffering on earth,
>the janitor
wasn't expecting that just ignore them they are to be oh so edgy or whatevar or just try to find work at a different place i guess if it bothers u im sure tons of places need jannies
But he is really tired
honestly more chance of you getting into a car crash on your way to school
also take online classes if they offer
and if shit really going down, don't try to be an hero, just fucking run and hide
>Accounts from various parents and school staffers describe bullying at the school as "rampant."[52] Nathan Vanderau, a friend of Klebold, and Alisa Owen, Harris's eighth-grade science partner, reported that Harris and Klebold were constantly picked on. Vanderau noted that a "cup of fecal matter" was thrown at them.[53] "People surrounded them in the commons and squirted ketchup packets all over them, laughing at them, calling them faggots,"
>all the government has to do is use V2K technology to shoot microwaves into your head and make you go on a killing spree
it's only gonna get worst with 5g boys, their gonna have full control over anyone they want, they will put the voice of god inside your head
even their home video shows how much of a prick the jocks were
All those sources date from 2000 my friend, aka bullshit. You should read Dave Cullen's book on the shooting, bullying and jocks were used as a convenient scapegoat instead of addressing how the sheriff department knew Eric was fucked in the head and did nothing about it.
Fun fact, i was attending VT when the shooting went down. They allowed everyone to excuse their grades for the semester due to emotional grief, which was good for me because my grades were ass that semester
If Dylan was friends with someone better then Eric, he probably would have been shitposting with us today.
But Eric was a fucking psychopath who wanted to drag as many people with him.
Nice pick, but where's Anders and The Joker?
Retard. You still paid them.
Paid? I had scholarships out the ass
don't worry about it. the chances it'll ever happen is low.
I hated online classes. there are some really good professors that do online, but it also seems to mostly attract the laziest and worst ones as well. the upside is that sometimes you get a professor that doesn't give a shit about proctored exams and you basically get a free A
>not knowing
sound like underseved scholarship desu familia
So you guys think innocent people being murdered is funny?
This is an American lunch room
that litteraly makes no sense
pick up ur tinfoil and walk away