What are the most egregious examples of trash character design?

What are the most egregious examples of trash character design?

Attached: intothetrash.png (758x855, 394K)

This stupid asshole

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anything the west has shat out for the better part of the last decade

Blue hair

>hating on based pac-chad

Attached: vTVqbAe.png (400x342, 168K)

Boy OP do I have the character for you

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I think you should add man jaw and tumblr nose to that list.

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doesnt even have different coloured eyes


One's green and one's blue dude

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I always forget she has heterochromia since most fanart doesn't bother depicting it

you may be colorblind user

Meant for

beauty spots are the best

heterochromia is not bad design
in fact it's underused

Attached: Yuna.jpg (640x460, 168K)

im sitting far away from the screen and the colour difference isnt huge
still, thats some a-grade trash right there
have you ever seen deviantart, user?

Medium-long, spiky hair

what does it mean if you have the beauty spot but as a guy

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Might as well complain that there are too many Sonic-based dickgirls in the media while you're at it.

Desu I wouldn't post Yuna as an example of anything done right. She's basically DeviantArt's Anime Section: The Character

gay, homo, mega fag
basically its a way to say they like slurping on cock

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thanks for the information i'm going to confront my gay homo mega fag dad tomorrow

Isn't considered heterochromia if the character is blind and has a milky eye?

Oh that reminds me
>Bandage/eyepatch over eye meme

What if I use heterochromia settings in the game to make one eye silvery/milky white to show that my character is blind in one eye?

how else would you have a semi blind character? Your options are bandage/eyepatch, or milky eye.

>white hair
>random nose bandage
>random scar
>cross earring
>red eye
>plus everything OP said
That's a whole new level

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at least her voice is good
bonus points for alcohol