now that the dust has settled
was it good?
Now that the dust has settled
Combat was crap, You never really felt in control of it.
Magic was useless unless you wanted to suicide your whole party,
Story heavily relied on pieces outside of the game,
Whole thing feels like a hundred cobbled together unfinished ideas,
Barely feels like a Final Fantasy game to the point that the FF parts that do show up feel like they're marking off checkboxes on a sheet.
No, it was complete shit
It would have been alright if they just made it a spinoff. But you don't ship a completely unfinished product and make it a numbered mainline title. Shit like that completely destroys brand reputation. I personally don't hold the name Final Fantasy in high regard like it was once held in the PS1/PS2 era.
No and I'm surprised even Barry gave up defending it
I wanted it to be good and not in the Vs XIII style. SE needs better directors and teams because Nomura can't make good shit, and neither can anyone else apparently.
When was the last time Square put out an actually good game? I mean Square's internal devs.
yes but only in certain areas
fuck no, unless you enjoy sonic 06 tributes with "hold o to win" combat.
No. It really needed more time in development. Probably a good 2 years more.
>no world of ruin
>NG+ doesn't remove armiger limits
>no minigames
It was ok
Probably FF12. I say that only because it was a finished product and 13 was just shit all around.
It got good story and characters.
Gameplay is okayyy I guess... Nothing to write home about.
Music and Graphics are top notch but those don't make a video game be worthwhile.
>ywn have a Yoshitaka Amano designed Final Fantasy based on his original space opera concepts inspired by French surrealist & Valerian comic art
I'm sick of nip teenagers
It was fucking terrible.
>Magic was useless unless you wanted to suicide your whole party,
I don't get this complaint, all magic ever did for me was make my party react in shock to it, they never actually took damage from it. I used magic all the time because it was overpowered as fuck, the real issue with magic was how incredibly tedious it was to craft and constantly replace it due to the shit menu design.
It was alright, I enjoyed my time with it
Yeah, it wasn't amazing but it was decent. There are actually challenging bosses, story is decent, ending is good.
they even give you an accessory that completely prevents friendly fire in royal. user is just experiencing brain problems.
Dust doesnt actually settle until the Ardyn DLC drops and the Light novels come out
no they should have just kept it as a kh game with a final fantasy skin
Yes and Royal is worth $30
This game's biggest problem was they tried to make it an entire franchise before they even made it one game.
A lot of it was completely bungled and it's not nearly the game it should have been but I still enjoyed my time with it
It had the potential to be, but no. Too much story info spread into different medias, gameplay didn't feel rewarding at all (hold x to attack, etc).
I think they could've managed if they released the game in episodic form (and removed the really shitty CGI movie). Treat it like an homage to the old FF games and their multi-disc content.
But yeah, everything after the original open-world section is god-awful right now and nothing can really change that.
Instant regret for using a boat.
Yes, it was good at launch and better now.
Fuck the open world, linear half was stronger. The only place I actually wanted to explore was the last chapter city.
When I played through it, my initial thought was how amazing the game would have been had they been able to give the second half the attention it deserved, but I realized something. It's just an unrealistic goal to expect SE to allow a development cycle that long.
What they should have done is set up to have the game told in two episodes. Dedicate the full attention to the first game, end it at the Leviathan fight or around that point. Have the second game pick up at that point and give it the full dedication it deserved for the second half.
All the "Nos" in this thread, and i literally just bought it 5 hours ago after my 3 friends convinced me I, HAD to play it.
It's decent. Doesn't nearly live up to its potential though.
Slightly better than the base game but still not a good game
It originally was a good game but years of development hell tore it to shreds, what we got was them making a half assed attempt of making a game out of what should have been a legendary story. Most of the blame lies with SE Execs forcing Nomura off the project to go work on KH3 and FF7R while Tabata gets blamed to a lesser extent. He and his team were not ready to take on the FF15/Versus project and that isn't their fault, however what is Tabata's fault is him simply having no artistic vision and mismanaging the entire thing.
He got the game done but it's a mountain of wasted potential
>Music is astounding but poorly utilized ingame (horrible sound balance, songs getting cut, etc)
>Voice acting actually pretty good
>Story has massive chunks cut out of it, the few important plot points that made it past the years of slicing and dicing in development hell were cut and turned into anime/movie/DLC
>Characters completely wasted, most character backstory is missing and outside of the 4 bros every other character gets shafted for screentime
>Gameplay is far too simple and easy, combat is a moshpit of animations with no structure, mechanics like weapon upgrading and magic either missing or pushed to DLC
With that said the ending is fucking phenomenal, easily the best in the series and one of the best in gaming as a whole.
I enjoyed the game and its story, not a true FF game but it isn't bad imo
magic had zero depth
three elements, pick the one your enemy is weak to and throw that grenade
Trust your friends, fuck the v-ros.
But you'll soon replace those three friends.
It was originally supposed to be 3 games, then 2, then they smushed it into 1. That's why supposedly important characters like Luna get 3 lines, they had no idea how to condense it.
Even though it's not amazing I still think it's worth playing to experience it for yourself. The music is god tier and there are a few moments that will leave a lasting impression on you.
I give it a solid 5/10 for release FFXV. A strong start and overall enjoyable mechanics horribly marred by the mid and end game railroad. Some points.
> Pretty good plot
> Fair bit of side content and fun that draws out the world more
>Believable and pretty locales.
>Captures the You and your crew on a roadtrip perfectly
>Terrible execution of said plot, all over the place and clearly WIP in other parts
>Combat is ok, which is weak in ARPG. Never really felt like I had complete control and more like I needed to flail at appropriate times
>Magic doesn't exist. It's literally a simple tacked on "craft" mechanic where you make elemental grenades which does have friendly fire. To make matters worse, the AOE is unnecessarily massive
>Hard to get attached to bros. At it's release, they would bounce between being formal to best of buds.
>Due to poor story execution, mid to end game suffered considerably. Exposition and story elements are forced down your throat at a rate that says "We didn't really build up to this but we need the audience to know this stuff before the end."
>Noctis goes into stasis for a long time, in which he somehow gets gobs of character development and is released into a nightmare of a world confused and vulnerable. You never get to explore this world and this segment lasts for 10 minutes at most before the game decides it's time for you to go to the final boss. That's it. Your done.
It's so weird how they handled this. Story wise Noctis actually can't use magic because of his injury, the one they don't actually show happening in the game and barely even mention, despite it being one of the moments that helps spawn the entire story. Because of this they simply give you a lazy magic grenade, real fucking lame, while then teasing the shit out of you by putting a more normal magic system in the Comrades DLC. We don't even get a magic based party member because they cut everyone but the main 4 guys.
Not even that! I never bothered with the weaknesses. Just 99 of each element every time.
The game seems terribly unfinished. And now they even canceled most of the planned DLCs.
I'll be honest, I didn't consume any media outside this game because I wasn't drinking the hype juice so I just didn't care.
Even so, I hate the choice of just making them grenades and it hurts more knowing Comrades had a more proper magic system. I get that none of them really use magic, but they could have used some other mechanic to explain it.
Nope. It was the game that has made me give up any hope on FF for the short to medium term future. If I were to compare this game to a Disney film, it would be The Black Cauldron.
If something doesn't change, SE should just stop making games, and just publish other people's works.
the bro sessions alone are a kino comfy time. just play through it with leasure.
>his original space opera concepts inspired by French surrealist & Valerian comic art
The what now? Is there anything online about that?