>Yea Forums actually has a problem answering this question
Yea Forums actually has a problem answering this question
Both look like faggots.
umm gender isnt a yes or no question you bigot, so of course it's going to be difficult for some.
>talking shit about Rosa
To the gulags.
I'm a boy but the characters I play in video games are not representations of me so I sometimes play as a boy or a girl, huwhite or black, human or nonhuman
Rosa is the hottest pokegirl
I was going to say its not Yea Forums who has that issue but the mentally ill, but i realized that theyre one of the same.
God yes
I like to pretend to be a girl. What's wrong with that?
>Never picked girl
>Sword and Shield gets announced
It might be time for me.
If I don't pick her I won't ever see her again for the rest of the game.
Sacrifices must be made.
Are you a fag?
This thread is so fucking gay.
I wonder if the discord trannies is not just a meme after all.
fuck trannies
The guy looks like a goddamn palm tree, thank god the male protagonists got good again in Sun and Moon
i wnat to stick my face on her boobies.
splatter yourselves you malicious cunts
I do too, but only if I also get to sleep on top of a snorlax's stomach because that sounds super comfy.
>insecure fags who picked boy missed out on the throw animation
Nate looks fine you double nigger.
>that boy's hair
The fuck was that shit
I'd say "outside the manhands I'd hit it" but that's obviously at a concealing angle
>not playing as the cute boy
breeders please leave
>voiced by Yui
i get off on the idea of it
Same here.
I want to be Rosa so I can play with my boobs
Its actually a tougher choice than you may think.
So this was the source of it.
South Park was prophetic
Its better to just play as the guy anyway. Your sprite is inconsequential and you never see the character portrait outside the questionnaire. The female trainers you face are hotter anyway.
Isn't she your partner in doubles at the subway? She fights the subway boss with you if you pick the boy.
The real tough choice is BW1, where you either have the best male in the series vs the best butt in the series.
Games with romance options always make me consider my options very hard
>play as cute girl
>have to date some ugly boy
>play as ugly boy
>get to date some cute girl
I play both, what of it?
I prefer to be a girl but not that one.
Curtis is actually really cute but I may be biased.
>Nidoking blended with a gorilla?
>Jolteon mixed with Flareon?
>Pikachu with a gun
Gotta buy em all
i'm a boy but prefer to play as a girl
I read that kind of fast at first and I thought it said "I guess your a RETARD", honestly that's probably hotter than the "sex after losing battle" cliche.
Also, if she just lost a battle why isn't her pokemon knocked out? I can't remember the name of it sorry, its porbably some stupid shit like "jumpunny"
noose yourself
I'm a girl user, was that supposed to be hard?
Prove it
Tell us something only a girl would know.
When you have your period unicorns come down from the sky and lick you all over until you orgasm
I fucking knew it.
Same here
I played female on BW, BW2 and XY because male mc looked way gay
glad SM and USUM ones looks enough masculine (besides kinda toddlers)
i want to be rosa so i can get railed constantly by cocks
>tfw you will never have a secret romance with an idol
Boy for one version, girl for the other. You're not a poorfag are ya?
I used to pick the girl because I want to fuck her and I have a fetish for controlling women (more in a metaphorical sense than a literal one but whatever)
But then I started watching these threads
and I realised there are a LOT of insecure sad faggots out there that feel so uncomfortable in their own skin that they pretend to be a girl so they can escape from themselves.
It disgusts me a little.
I still play as the girl because I still want to fuck her tho.
I like to pretend I am the girl.
She's really a girl (male)
She started the girl (male) phrasing meme right?
>I have a fetish for controlling women (more in a metaphorical sense
>people fell for this
>That Lopunny
I'll take my reward, get lost hag.
This might shock you to know, but before 2018 Yea Forums had a huge problem with homosexual ERPers and their frequent crossdressing threads. I did my best to encourage them to kill themselves but it didn't work.
Only once someone started spamming a discord link in those threads did they start fucking off.
I never followed the link myself since I don't use discord, but what I think has happened is that people native to Yea Forums while being complete faggots set up a discord server and got organised. They aren't foreigners. They're us, but faggy.
Look at all the people posting photoshopped cats (shit tier animal) with sad eyes (shit tier emotion). There's plenty of fags still here. A Discord server just gives them a chance to feed their attention addiction.
not a tranny, just a trap
big difference
You sound like a colossal faggot desu.
Hey, I trained hard to give myself that fetish. It's better than YOUR fetish, whatever your fetish is.
Takes one to know one.
I'd fuck the Lopunny first
>itt insecure trannies
those hands hahaha
Name ONE (1) secure tranny.
Trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
I want to be a nubile young girl in the world of Pokémon.
Black 2 is the only game I had to pick the female protag because the guy just looked so bad
In this case they both look like girls, so might as well pick the cute one.
Plus, I also want to fuck Rosa through her leggings like a bitch in heat, so there's that.
Roll a d2. Easy.
why is BW2's character design kind of outlandish compared to the rest?