Well, are they right Yea Forums?
Greatest Games Of All Time
Other urls found in this thread:
Super Mario Bros 3 is better
fuck no. Tetris is a perfect game.
No. Console games are the daytime television of vidya. Its like saying Judge Judy is the greatest TV show of all time.
>shitting on judge judy
If Tetris is so perfect then why do they need to make 100 different versions of it?
But Judge Judy IS the greatest TV show of all time
Not even the best Mario Platformer, that title goes to Super Mario 3D World, followed by Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Obviously the greatest game of all time goes beyond quantifiable factors but most people seem to be in agreement that Tetris is the ultimate game, although I personally argue that Portal is.
Although if any list contains
>The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Super Mario Bros. 3
>Super Mario 64
>Any non-Nintendo platformer
>Any non-Nintendo third person action game
>Any game in the Dark Souls series
within the top 10 can be easily dismissed.
This thread just begs the question, what is your favorite game of all time?
Had a look now and apparently the main criteria of the list is "How much did this game impact us personally, as well as the industry as a whole, when it came out?", so it makes some picks make slightly more sense Goldeneye was groundbreaking yes but it doesn't hold up today without that mouse mod so I would cut it from a best games list personally.
>Inside being on the list at all
Into the trash it goes.
>Suikiden 2 higher than Skyrim
>Overwatch on the list at all
Besides that it's a pretty standard top100, no major disagreements besides people yelling about their favourites being lower than than should
You fucking moron, there's only 99 versions of it. The latest game was literally called Tetris 99, how could you possibly have lost count?
>Not even the best Mario Platformer, that title goes to Super Mario 3D World
To put this into context, here is the top 30.
> 1. Super Mario World
> 2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> 3. Portal (2007)
> 4. Super Metroid
> 5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past
> 6. Super Mario Bros 3
> 7. Tetris
> 8. Half-Life 2
> 9. Red Dead Redemption
> 10. Super Mario 64
> 11. Portal 2
> 12. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
> 13. Halo: Combat Evolved
> 14. Super Mario Bros
> 15. Street Fighter II
> 16. Chrono Trigger
> 17. Final Fantasy III (VI)
> 18. Dark Souls
> 19. Grand Theft Auto V
> 20. Doom (1993)
> 21. The Last of Us Remastered
> 22. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
> 23. Half-Life (1998)
> 24. Halo 2
> 25. MineCraft
> 26. Sid Meier's Civilization IV
> 27. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
> 28. Bioshock
> 29. Shadow of the Colossus
> 30. Super Mario Galaxy
Also since they literally rated FF6 & Trigger as the best RPG ever 2 months prior, i had to bump them up. Otherwise they would have contradicted themselves
>I'm not going to refute your post or provide an alternative, here's a Reddit meme
this website should've been shut down years before moot left
How can you be this stupid lmao
The Tetris series started counting at zero
>1/3 of the top 30 is Nintendo Exclusive
>more than 1/2 of the top 10 is Nintendo Exclusive
>4/5 of the top 5 is Nintendo Exclusive
>reddit meme
>Kirby gijinka
>Meta Knight x Kirby
>wojak edits
>not Reddit
shiggity bop bow
to port the fuck out of it everywhere. Tetris is and forever will be the #1 video game.
>Portal and Half Life 2 in the top 10
>Portal 2, GTA V and a Halo game in the in the top 20
>Dark Souls and Mine Craft on the list at all
It's safe but there's worse options
> Nintendo (JP)
> Nintendo (JP)
> Valve (USA)
> Nintendo (JP)
> Nintendo (JP)
> Nintendo (JP)
> Nintendo (JP)
> Valve (USA)
> Rockstar (USA)
> Nintendo (JP)
> Valve (USA)
> Konami (JP)
> Bungie (USA)
> Nintendo (JP)
> Capcom (JP)
> SquareSoft (JP)
> SquareSoft (JP)
> Namco (JP)
> Rockstar (USA)
> ID Software (USA)
> Sony (JP)
> Konami (JP)
> Valve (USA)
> Microsoft (USA)
> FireAxis (USA)
> Nintendo (JP)
> 2K Games (USA)
> Sony (JP)
> Nintendo (JP)
Why are Westerners so in love with Japanese shit?
Because it's THAT perfect.
this list is fine if you're an entry level gamer
>what is your favorite game of all time?
The first Castlevania on the NES. To me, it represents what games should be about. Entirely gameplay focused, no cinematics or intrusive narrative, just pure action-platformming with superb pacing, theming, and level design. It's a concise playthrough that doesn't overstay its welcome and offers room for replayability as well.
top 10 should have GTA 3, Minecraft, Doom, Diablo 2
They're insane with all this cookie cutter kiddie platform horseshit.
Tomba and Abe's Oddysee are miles better than anything fucking Mario
>shiggity bop bow
Fucking kill yourself
Because Western games are souless garbage
>Last of Us
>MGS 3
lmao what the fuck are they smoking
Seething boomer, kill yourself faggot nobody wants you here
how am I a boomer when most of those shitty nintender games are older than the ones I listed?
> bbbut Nintendo
Yep you are seething
>No Persona 5
Trash list
lol shutup Wirefag. Judge Judy shits on your prestige garbage
Will it ever NOT be a decades old 2D Mario?
>GTA 3
invented sandboxes
a cultural phenomenom
>Diablo 2
still copied to this day
I could add more. Mario and Zelda aren't so revolutionary or good to warrant like 10 entries per franchise on these lists.
It's obvious shilling.
This reads like every single 'best games ever' list, minus Portal 2. I don't know why that's up there.
No it isn't for the simple fact that it doesn't have a save feature.
The fact that so many lists still count HL2 in their top 10 will forever cement it as the most overrated game of all time.
>5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To the Past
Fuck no. It's a good game but doesn't deserve to be in the top 10, let alone top 5.
This is a good list. Better than this shitholes opinion on what the best games are.
> GTA 3 invented sandboxes
Already stopped reading here, your a Zoomer which is even worse then being a boomer
>ignores Halo, TLoU, GTAV, BotW
80% of that list is utter garbage
>muh body harvest
also made by ex-Rockstar and it was a shit game noone cares about
I certainly don't agree with it but there are plenty of good games there.
That's a good thing you moron. Separates the men from the boys. If you can't beat SMB3 in one sitting, you're a fucking scrub and you need to git gud.
Space Station 13 is my personal favorite.
why are you here at all then?
Judge Judy is man's greatest achievement across all mediums
if a 2d mario is at #1 the top 10 must be all indie platformers since they're all pretty comparable
it's just that bugmen compiling these lists are retards who grew up in the 80's.
Indie platformers are trash.
Has there ever been another company so based?
that's my point.
go play the all stars version
hello draw
>over 2k episodes
bitch you better believe it
Based, can't stop that Nintendomination
>the background they used for Super Mario World isn't even from the fucking game
for fuck's sake if you're gonna call it the greatest game of all time you should probably know that there aren't any goombas in the entire game, or that that background sprite with eyes doesn't show up a single time either
they're only paid to put it there not to actually know what it is.
Bump, i wanna see Yea Forums Seeth
>you have to agree with underage fucktards on here to be able to post
It's funny that I'm a huge Nintendo fan, yet from the top 10 I have only beaten Portal and Mario 3.
>what is your favorite game of all time?
TWEWY, easily.
>Pokémon Go is #100
A respectable choice for number 1, even if it’s not the one I would have chosen.
You really cannot spell ignorance without IGN. There is not a single SEGA game in their top 100.
Probably Metal Gear Solid 3
Persona 4 & 5 are Sega you fucking idiot
>if you can't sit down and play 1 game for 4 hours, you need to git gud
top jej
Why is ME2 that high?
They weren't developed by Sega, retard.
holy fucking cringe
what is wrong with these normie-pandering websites? Did these idiots never have a PC growing up?
>OoT #2
You have already lost my interest.
>entry level gamer
he, haven't heard that one in a while
thanks kid, im going to bed
Correct. You can literally fly over half of the levels in SMW. Also, the power-ups are literally everywhere, so you don't feel like you've lost anything important when you get hit. I love SMW, but It's the most poorly-balanced 2D Mario game ever.
It's just another boring, predictable list based on how beloved the game is/was. Surprised FFVII isn't on here but I guess you need to throw in a few switch-ups to not seem completely derivative when you make some shit like this.
>Ocarina of Time
This is my favorite game but I woudn't pretend that it belongs on an objective best 30 games list in this day and age.
>Dark Souls
It's literally outclassed by games in its own series. Bloodborne for example is a better game than Dark Souls. So is DaS3.
>Halo: Combat Evolved
Same story.
Gotta be fucking kidding me right?
Its exhausting how mainstream the picks are. This list is just a reflection of common opinion with a few tweaks to try and seem unique.
If Tales of SYmphonia isn't #1 i shut down ign, who cares about this bullshit anyway. There's no 100 best video games, esat an ass
> Chrono Trigger isn't a masterpiece
Kill yourself Pleb
Tetris is the most boring shit ever
>how much did the game impact us personally
>how much it impacted the industry
>portal games
>impacting the industry
Same for rdr and BotW. Those games didn't have an impact on the industry and weren't particularly amazing
> Being the only good western game ever isn't impactful
>The Last of Us
Why do zoomers love this game so much?
Same reason why boomers love Planescape
None of those were "the only good western game" or even top 30 western games in particular. Halo, Doom, Half Lufe, and Minecraft were far more impactful and better games.
agreed, it's not even the best 2D Zelda game.
He meant Western as in a literal western period set game you fucking stupid piece of shit
>Im-fucking-plying tlou has good world building or story
At least you got the part about shit gameplay right
>see posts like this for years on end
>finally build a PC
>nothing but people playing League, Dota and the occasional Age of Empires
Woah that's some really high brow entertainment.
Planescape has a shit story too, endless amounts of dialogue doesn't = good story. Just like tons of cutscenes don't = good story
>Ocarina of Time
>Super Mario Bros 3
>Mario 64
>Dismissable top 10 games
Quit trying to come off as intellectual or contrarian. All three of those games redefined videogames.
Kirby is a boy though.
Kill yourself shitter
Why does the sonyloser have the onion face that nintendo switch guys all did?
Kill yourself
>We're actually in a fucking age where people cry over Ocarina of Fucking Time being in the top 10 of a best videogames ever list
Truly if there was any evidence that videogames have entered the pathetic post-modern shitstate that the rest of the world has fallen into, it would be this. Either that or the site has become infrested by teenagers who never even played it or were around to witness the effect it had on the industry.
>OoT is 2nd
I understand that it was a very important game, it being the most influencial game of its era and what put Zelda on the map, but for fuck's sake if it isn't overrated as fuck.
>ugly, filled with filler, dull as rocks
>literally SMB1
>doesn't hold up in the slightest
shut the fuck up kid
T. Zoomer, you have to go back
T. Contrarian Zoomer trying to fit in despite the fact that nobody will ever agree
Because it's so good that it's always relevant
I was born in '94. Doesn't that make me a millennial?
Man that reminds mw of my favorite series, F.
>shut up kid
>p-pathetic kid!
back to your home kiddie
This. The game sucks. I think one had to have played the 2D Zeldas to appreciate it, because I tried to get into it three times and it was awful every time. Meanwhile, I played the first Zelda recently for the first time and it was pretty fun.
How a game impacted the gaming industry should never factor into how good a game is. Only Super Mario 64 is worthy of being in the top 10.
> Yea Forumsestera still seething after 20 years
Yep, it really is the GOAT
user, even the 3DS remaster is 7 years old. While OoT came out 20 years ago.
What the heck is a zoomer in this case?
So Bioshock was impactful for being the only good dystopian undersea game ever? I don't think the setting is what generally makes a game impactful.
Was that supposed to be interesting?
How much of the list was Mario, curious to see how our main man stacks up
Halo seems pretty low for being like top 5 best game on that lost and top 10 for impact on the industry
>7 nintendo exclusives
>0 sony exclusives
nitnendo always wins baby
this is an okay list.if you had to pick the most modern game to add to the list, it WOULD be the last of us for its perfect immersion, great story, very satisfying gameplay, and great environments.
troll comment
i fucking love System Shock 2 and im pretty sure if i had to chose a SINGLE videogame to play for the rest of my life it would be it.
nice shitpost
yeah keep dreaming
This is purely based on bais and sale numbers, right?
>sales numbers
Fuck no, Tetris would be number 1 then
>Street fighter 2 when kof98 is better
>Grand theft Auto 5 on the list at all
>Botw in a top 30 games of all time list when it belongs in a worst 30 games of all time list
Gotta give them props for recognising that the first red dead was better though (on the other hand gun was better than rdr)
They are indeed correct to put super Mario World above super Mario Bros 3 but I have a bit of a nostalgia bias there.
I love ALttP but it's not even the best 2D Zelda.
Oh and
>Half life 2 above half life
>Not even the best Mario Platformer, that title goes to Super Mario 3D World, followed by Super Mario Galaxy 2.
gay 2 isn't bad but how can you possibly think the second most mediocre mario platformer is the best game ever
Where's The Witcher 3?
Because you never actually got every star. It gets difficult in post game.
>a hard post-game makes it the best mario game ever
Anime conditioning at a young age
Why is everyone complaining? IGN's best games has mostly remained the same for about 16 years
> 2003 IGN
SMB1 > Zelda: OOT > Super Metroid > Tetris > Mario 64 > Zelda: ALTTP > StarCraft > X-Com UFO > FF4 > Super SF2 > TIE Fighter > C.Trigger > Ms.Pac-Man > Mario Kart
> 2005 IGN
RE4 > OOT > Tetris > C. Trigger > HL2 > SMB1 > MGS3 > SoulCalibur > GTA: SA > CIV 2 > Zelda ALTTP > Mario 64 > Super Metroid > PD Saga > StarCraft > Super SF2
> 2006 IGN
Zelda: OOT > C. Trigger > RE4 > Super Metroid > Zelda: ALTTP > SoulCalibur > GoldenEye > FF6 > MGS1 > MGS3 > Castlevania: SOTN > HL2 > PD Saga > Halo CE
> 2007 IGN
Zelda: OOT > Tetris > CIV 2 > Mario 64 > HL2 > Super Metroid > Zelda: ALTTP > FF6 > RE4 > StarCraft > TIE Fighter > Ms Pacman > SOTN > SoTC > SMW > C. Trigger
> 2008 IGN
Zelda OOT > C. Trigger > SoulCalibur > Zelda: ALTTP > MGS3 > Super Metroid > GoldenEye > MGS1 > Shenmue II > Mario 64 > Chaos Theory > SoTN > FF6 > Halo CE
> 2014 IGN
Zelda: OOT > SMB3 > SMW > Castlevania: SOTN > SoTC > Mario 64 > Portal 2 > FF6 > C.Trigger > WoW Classic > RE4 > Super Metroid > M.Prime > Zelda: ALTTP
> 2018 IGN
SMW > Zelda: OOT > Portal > Super Metroid > Zelda: ALTTP > SMB3 > HL2 > RDR1 > Mario 64 > Portal 2 > SOTN > Halo CE > SMB1 > Super SF2 > C. Trigger > FF6
Super Mario 3D World as more levels, more unique features per level, much greater enemy variety, puzzle/challenge, collectables, playable characters, greater soundtrack, and overall more visual flair than any other sidescrolling Mario game.
I grew up with an NES and a SNES with a copy of All-Stars and I still hold 3D World above them.
Super Mario Bros 3 suffers from visual and gameplay repetition and Super Mario World has a hilarious item skew that makes capes way overpowered, you can skip half the levels and get all the secrets without trying.
because western games are much more frequently shit, especially after 2003 or so
There's 4 post-game worlds and the difficulty spikes quickly.
No unreal tournament 1999 and red alert 2 no deal
At least they didn't put SMB1 at the #1 spot like most like to do for no other reason than the game being iconic.
>Its like saying Judge Judy is the greatest TV show of all time.
Look at this guy, thinks he's a comedian.
Do I look like I'm laughing? Don't "umm" me.
Shut up and sit down before I have you thrown out!
>Super Mario Bros 3 suffers from visual repetition
How? I always found the visual style of 3 to be very well executed. Also
>gameplay repetition
Who cares about variety in a 2D platformer? It's supposed to be about platforming and platforming only. Anything that deviates outside the one core mechanic is just filler nonsense.
IDK, I feel like Castlevania 3 was basically an upgrade from 1 and with less BS difficulty and more genuine difficulty.
>Greatest Games Of All Time
>97. Final Fantasy 7
>81. Persona 5
Suck it, squarefags
Is unironically be willing to believe a sound argument for judge Judy being the greatest show of all time