Is there a more ugly vidya character than lifeline?
Is there a more ugly vidya character than lifeline?
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The goblin-looking elf from Dragon Age.
implying americans can't be hot
>The goblin-looking elf from Dragon Age.
she was kind of cute
She aight
Even her ugly self is better than that caricature.
idk man I lifeline is a fucking swamp donkey
>Using DEmake2's Ada
They're both abominations
la creatura...
165 and 197 was peak. Anything after that was downhill from there.
Stop debunking my strawman
la goblina del espantosa! ay Dios Mio!
241 was the tipping point
Her model was unnecessarily sweaty at all times in game. Like a thick layer of slime
What game?
That's why you mod it
Vegeta? That you? Is that some new DBZ game?
Is that Rick from Rick and Morty?
Did someone break her nose?
literally a goblin with a trex body
He's so fucking hot. Even today, damn.
tfw playing apex
wish pubg wasn't 30 bucks
looks a lot more fun
America was the bad guy in WW2 and it only gets more obvious with time
It's not.
Trust me on this.
What game is this Brendon Blanco from?
Left: Soul
Right: Soulless
bond burgered
Loved how they just ripped off the ping system too, 2 weeks after Apex launched.
Yo OP sucks fuck this fake news
look in the mirror
Why is dark skin with gold lipstick always rocket fuel for boners?
Pretty sure it's DMC5.
if it wasnt for the tacky tattoo it would've been a nice design
PUBG is an unoptimized piece of shit outsourced to nameless chinese devs during its creation. It runs like garbage, looks like garbage, and feels like garbage.
Apex might not be pretty either but it sure is snappy as responsive thanks to the source engine, its literally made for FPS games.
>america was useless during both wars and only came in for "appearances"
>america was the true enemy of both wars something something jews
Is there anything Fortnite didn't rip off?
I make racist jokes all the time, but that was just unfunny. Probably a time period thing.
>japanese character design
Western designs are usually a 2 or 3 but sometimes a 9. Japanese designs are all like 6's and 7's
Left: burger
Right: burgerless
source me s-senpai
Don't understand the hate, love her accent.
Is that meant to be Vergil then, or some new character? I hope it's the latter for the sake of my childhood's memories.
>those lips
oh shit
>hover hand in 127
Oof, couldn't even enjoy the best of times
You sure?
From all shitpost threads I saw regarding him, it appears to be Vergil. Kinda glad I stopped after 3rd.
>when you sculpt in zbrush but forget to turn on orthographic mode
He looks my fat uncle.
Why is her skin so rough and bumpy. Looks fuckin gross
Andromeda femc has that will-do-anything-for-crack look in her eyes
Fuck women, fuck minorities, and FUCK trannies.
That suck then. I used to like 3 a lot and I liked Vergil's character. Sucks to see how just'd he got here.
Respawn beacons soon as well fren
have at you
Yes or no? Either this or 20 apex packs...
pretty cute desu
He's been in hell getting assraped by Mundus for a long time.
The new lifeline bling skin
I'd say 'This', on the assumption that 'This' is nothing at all. Which will serve you better than 20 makeup packs
Fucking lmao
Damn! White people age like shit.
really? is it even worse than fornite?
looked kind of cool with the vehicles
Don't you know, if black people don't moisturize constantly their lizard skin shows through the disguise. the whole kangs thing isn't a joke, they're literally ancient aliens masquerading as humans.
I find it amusing that lifeline looks like a racist caricature right out of war propaganda.
don't fall for the jew trick, battle pass out soon
fuck off subhuman
JESUS!!! Wtf happened in here?
Honest to god, the one on the left looks like it's from Shark Tale.
RE engine happened.
>Honest to god, the one on the left looks like it's from Shark Tale.
Why lads? Why do they have to shove nigger women down our throats? How many black women are actually playing this game? I imagine its in the 4-5 digit range in comparison to millions of white male teens and young adults.
They force us white kids to play as ugly black females. Its some kind of sick torture where you have to get digitally cucked just to play the game to its fullest. Sick of it!
i wish overwatch was still alive and good
stuck with goypex
I would never think this was Vergil if I didn't saw post that said it was. What the fucking fuck?
Can't you recognize a photoshopped image?
What the fuck am I looking at?
>implying he originally looks much better from it
Holy shit. How the actual fuck did they make her look worse? I refuse to believe it wasn't on purpose.
>Hehe let's fuck with the white women
The darkest of night falls around my hair No!
And the receding hairline within loses control
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
This baldness inside has a hold of me
Clenching its long hair trying to break me
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Gotta hide it now
Move fast baby, don't be slow
Step aside, hairline, its time to grow
I can't seem to control
All this sadness that's inside me
Hold it fast, they've been dancing on this
Branded by fire on the abyss
drinking pill, I just can't resist
All this receding hairline on top of me
All of this hair falling out of my head
My hairline receding is burning me red.
Frustration is getting bigger
Pull my rogaine trigger.
Embrace the Minoxidil that's within me!
No hiding, hair loss products anymore!
When premature baldness consumes me!
Nothing can save your hairline and their's no room for it to grow.
>live near Pierce
>see him in the local news
>it's because his favorite Aston Martin exploded in his garage
>see him in it again a couple years later
>it's because his house is being torched by wildfires
Punished pierce
>no job
>also rich
>still get fat
Literally how.
What fucking race is this girl, she's black, but has slanted eyes and a clear asian theme.
Why even bother posting the awful photoshop?
>Yahahahaaaa mon', tazdingo
She's "half japanese" or some shit apparently.
Why does she look different?
Her african mother was probably owned by the Yakuza and used for AV
He fell for the THICC meme
James bond likes hem thicc
>anime avatar
He seems to be getting happier with each new panel.
Obviously to shitpost. Then, nu-Vergil does look fucking terrible. He doesn't even need shop for it. They've done him beyond dirty.
>one of the most useful classes
>stuck with a fuck ugly character that is also the most frustrating to hear every 30 seconds
what did they mean by this?
>game first comes out
>you get two randoms that die to rushing peacekeepers as if they were sheep to the slaughter
>peacekeeper gets nerfed
>you get two teammates who slightly know what they're doing now
>they get mag dumped by a wingman and leave the second they go down
epic, simply epic
check my 5
why does this retard never post the ingame shit
>That image
>Debunking anything
Fuck off, retard. Go get laid for fucks sake. I'm sick of you subhuman incels fapping to pixels and claiming a digital character is either "attractive" or in some way representative of reality. You're pathetic and you're all disgusting virgins. Fuck you. That abomination is horrible to behold and a mockery of real women. Stop jerking it to anime and furshit. Stop pretending like Western developers have any kind of talent or creativity. Just stop playing videogames and go outside.
The Architect knows what he likes
No fucking clue, everyone else in the launch trailer look pretty accurate to the game I think Wraith looks way cuter in it even, but then Lifeline looks like that for some reason.
and her voice
bloodhound and wraith are cool
Reminder that the west does this intentionally despite saying they want more realism. Even if they were to pick at random, they would be forced to include naturally attractive women.
Caribbean goblino or something
they meant play pubg instead
>election tourist
>shitty cartoon reaction images from a show that got canned for terrible ratings
how badly was the peacekeeper nerfed?
Yes, I too like screenshotting a single frame in a game to explain why the 600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 frames in the game are all bad
Oh? It's el Hermano!
>launch trailer
was cringe
>stop saying pixels are attractive!
>but also this array of pixels is not attractive
>op posted an edited photo to make fun of the character's appearance
>posting an actual photo of said character isn't debunking op, somehow
Go back to /pol/ you mouth breather
How come this game looks so outdated? Is the lighting fucked up or what?
she's just as hideous ingame
Why does fortnite?
i'v been here since 2009
and flapjack was the best cartoon network if that time
Cool, so, you have spent 10 years crying about common reaction images? Show your posts, user.
have you never heard the term "Blasian"
looks like your average spic
How is the left one not racist?
>wanting to play a game that is overrun by the chinese
what's next? you want me to go see the latest summer blockbuster on opening day too?
that's what they actually look like?
>droves of retards in this thread actually falling for a blatant shop
Yea Forums manages to impress me with it's retardation every day
There's quite a few white people who believe Egyptians are white.
It's running on source engine
They originally wanted to make tf3 but stopped after realizing it looks like shit
Something tells me his popularity is gonna bomb hard now.
GJ Capcom.
The face forces to me to say n word unironically
based Architect Pierce
>edited photo
Its from the official trailer you double nigger
>Is there a more ugly vidya character than lifeline?
but why though
>Japan keeps winning even when it comes to their goblins
Based Japan.
Based Capcom.
How can West even compete?
Pro-tip: Modern Hollywood movies are made for Chinese, not Americans. You will never see another great Americentric film like Forrest Gump. That's why they adapt capeshit and other stuff with crazy CGI and a basic, easily translatable plotline.
they are white though
Anubis where tanned
Ancient Egyptians weren't fully white but DNA testing has confirmed that they were more related to Europeans than Africans, in fact quite a number of mummies that had preserved hair were red headed
but Claire is cute
Western developers generally suck shit in comparison to the japs.
That makes a lot more sense though, unironically. White people are highly capable of civilization, so looking at it objectively there's a higher likelihood the ancient Egyptian leaders were white than subsaharan black.
Lets be real though they were probably arabs
But Titanfall 2 looks much better that this f2p abortion.
t. shitposting Adafag
>op posted an edited photo
>muh six gorillion
You give yourself away too easily, Mr.Shekelstein-Goldberg-Cohen
he did not age well at all
that's fucking disgusting you nigger
Whitey is just as bad at rewriting history as darky
Note how those ingame images never have her with her mount open
t. man part of ideology that supports israel by 80%
the absolute state of Yea Forums
Yea Forumsirgins don't even know that this is all part of the Architect's kekeiku
Bond wants her plump
Egyptians where Arab if anything you stupid monkey
there paintings show them as lightly tanned