Simple things that ruined entire genres thread?
Simple things that ruined entire genres thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
optics or ADS?
Half Life 2 ruined singleplayer FPS games
CSGO ruined multiplayer FPS games
Portal ruined experimental games
Left 4 Dead ruined co-op games
TF2 ruined non-realistic graphics
Steam ruined PC gaming
Valve ruined everything
the fps genre was on its way out until COD3 invented ADS
What you like ruined video games
I'll give credit where credit is due:
Half Life 2, yes.
CS:GO? yes.
Portal? no. it saved it,
Left 4 dead? yes.
TF2? no. it saved it,
Steam? no. it saved it,
Optics wouldn't really exist without ADS, I think. The whole "bring the gun to your eye level" also gave devs incentive to include different sighting technologies like ACOGs and reflex sights.
>the ads chad vs the hipfire virgin
>Optics wouldn't really exist without ADS
Well yeah, I was just asking if his complaint was ADS to begin with or the introduction of red dot sights to ADS.
good one
i will add
>survival mode
anyone have that ms paint comic about ads
Lootboxes. Grinding in general is shit, but now companies have a direct financial motive for making your experience as mind-numbingly boring as possible.
Holy shit what an insufferable underage. Kill yourself.
But coop games weren't even truly a genre until l4d
Literally what
By being a good experimental game?
By bringing developers back to the pc market and letting people self publish?
is today opposite day?
The first cod had ads you retarded zoomer.
indeed, Fuck FPSes and Fuck COD
>zoom is only within the optic instead of the optic just being a hollow tube and your eyes magnifying the entire scene
Why don't more games do this? It can't be that demanding, it's not even close to the amount of rendering needed for 4-way split screen and games have had that for generations.
Post the iron giant one
ADS literally just slows down the gameplay and dumbs it down heavily
Quake and CS are the only FPS that require skill since there's no ADS
Fuck off blizzdrone
>holding to hold a button before shooting instead of just shooting somehow magically removes all the skill requirement
Imagine being a dev and thinking that this is a good feature. This is the most cancerous shit that has ever infested video games. Just looking at it makes me puke.
Don't forget Enemy Territory
Hitscan / one shot snipers ruined online FPS games
t. retarded zoomer who has no idea about video game philosophy and specially how fps actually work
>being a vocal minority
I thought Yea Forums hated minorities xD
>being a vocal minority
More like not being a console pleb and a vocal majority on PC
This. Snipers are fucking gay and most devs can't design maps to accommodate them.
>pc players don't want ADS
ay yo whos consolepleb dis is?
Aiming down the sights typically slows movement and aim, discouraging twitch movements and dodging shots.
>literally every shot is a dice roll
woah... so this is the power... of boomer """"""""""skill """"""""""... wow...
You retards will argue about anything
the only fps game where ads shouldn't be in is a twitch shooter, but even then in titanfall 2 it's more efficient to hipfire your way through
>Ctrl + F
>0 results
>no argument
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!
he meant 1.6
I always feel like at least one person has to die in order to deal with a sniper. Kind of a shitty methodology.
there is your argument not break your neck on a fortnite dance move faggot
hl2 moved shooting genres towards story-driven realistic shooters rather than gameplay driven ones like DOOM
csgo invented the lootbox and skins market which now plagues all online shooters.
L4D introduced forced co-op moments (hunter/charger/smoker/jockey) into co-op games when co-op should be focused on teamwork providing more ease to a hard but not impossible goal.
tf2, portal, and steam are all wrong though.
>Quake and CS are the only FPS that require skill since there's no ADS
Meanwhile CS makes you stand still via movement recoil instead of ADS, so it's the exact same thing but even worse because you can't move at all instead of moving slower.
Good job retard
>now break your neck on a fortnite dance move faggot
You first
Hit markers.
Literally who brought up CS?
The 1.5 second cool down in ffxiv mmorpg. I quit it at level 52 because I couldn't take it anymore
>leave out quake because he can't refute it
Look at this retard and laugh.
The first guy who made the argument you absolute retard
>leave out CS because he can't refute it
I could go on about how the Halo franchise has changed for the worse for a myriad of reasons. But somehow this is worse than anything I can point out. It's everything wrapped up into one nice little package.
Meanwhile in every modern consoleshit shooter you need to stand still and stagger your trigger pulls before every fight. No strafing allowed so everyone can have a turn.
>game need go fast!! me need fast go for happy!!
I agree with you on most of it. But
>L4D introduced forced co-op moments (hunter/charger/smoker/jockey) into co-op games when co-op should be focused on teamwork providing more ease to a hard but not impossible goal.
I feel like the example you give directly conflicts with the observation and claim you make.
Especially one shot body shot kills. Whats the point of having a headshot system when you can hur durr to center mass
It's still more movement than CS. Are you stupid?
Literally everything you just stated is factually wrong. How young are you?
only for the scoped rifles, kid
Two weapon limit was a worse thing than ADS.
there's nothing wrong with aiming down sights
they're a symptom, not the cause
So Halo then?
Although in a warfare shooter it kind of makes sense. You have a primary and a sidearm.
e-sports and "ranked" system.
Ranked has ruined so many fucking games, it's unbelivable.
Now, some of you might ask, "how does ranked ruin games?"
>Introduces e-sports faggots to a niche games, because they think it's possible ticket to "making money playing games"
>creates an obnoxious elitist community within game's fanbase, a role that was usually reserved to "containment" servers and clans
>makes most games hostile to beginners, because nobody likes losing, especially when you're getting constant flak from autistic fags who act better than you for having played thousands of hours
>Unranked players are mocked, and even ranked players are mocked until they reach a 'certain acceptable level'
>bitch-ass ranked players being "armchair commanders", trying to give orders to players in casual matches
>e-sports created a cancerous multimillion business that steers the development of modern games to appeal to a shitty minority
are you even old enough to post here
>there's nothing wrong with aiming down sights
i agree when it comes to single player military simulators or first person rpg's but in multiplayer its absolute cancer
Detective vision
git gud
This and usually coupled with a "tagging" system. Absolutely ruins stealth games. It wasn't an issue for me personally in BamHam because the point is that Batman is the predator, whereas the thugs are the prey so it's a different style of stealth. But the side effect of that is now every game has to mimic BamHam in the worst way possible. It just makes games absolutely lacking in challenge and as tense as happy dog.
>git gud
I did, several times, and I realized I stopped having fun in the process of chasing stupid ass exclusive vanity items and badges
My favorite part of e-sports fags is the utter autism it produces.
I mean, there are people who literally LOOK UP your stats on some website, and then prepare accordingly or nitpick about your habits or favorite setups
It's ridiculous.
Halo and the PS2 ruined everything
Imagine unironically thinking ADS is a good mechanic.
>pressing a button and waiting for a slow ADS animation as your FoV lowers to make the enemies bigger and easier to hit even though they are barely moving from also ADSing
>better than simply seeing an enemy and shooting them while still being able to strafe/dodge at the same speed
Low IQ zoomers need to fucking kill themselves
This. Pretty much every game has wallhacks now where you don't have to keep track of anything anymore, just avoid the enemies you can see through walls.
>not using just a simple red dot
>criticizing cod4
cmon man it changed the FPS genre forever. It was the best COD hands down
Costs money in some games.
Twitch ruined online gaming for me.
Nothing like getting reminder of how average you are by watching some streamer play the game 100x better than you.
t. retard
You need mental help, not only is what you're saying a bad opinion but it just plain makes no sense
I don't think ADS is inherently bad, but it's definitely a mechanic that is overused in genres that it doesn't belong in. I think it's perfectly ok in games like STALKER such as shown in and milsim like shooters. But then it just gets tossed around in more arena like shooters such as NuDOOM and Halo 5 and it just betrays the core of the genre.
The tagging system is literally having the game do the thinking for you. Only way to make it worse would be to highlight the patrol routes in neon orange.
>muh ADS is bad!
Fuck off boomer
I'm glad it did. Anything to piss off autistic kids is ok with me and cs fags? man i hope they die of aids LMFAO
Damage indicator numbers in shooters.
Why the fuck do children hate immersion?
ADS if fine only faggots hate them and or people who can't aim
t. retarded underage who started with waw
holy shit are you old enough to be on the internet?
t. guy who played COD1 in CPL
I'M old enough to fuck your mom. Currently inside your mother's ass
Anonymous5, coL, Team3D?
Escape from Tarkov
NuDoom doesnt has ads you fucking nigger
>people who can't aim
lmao its literally the opposite
Yeah it does. It can be set in the options.
Plus it enforces a development of "the meta" which immediately worsens a game.
I think like 2 or 3 of the weapons have it. It's not an egregious example of ADS gone wrong but it is there.
Having ADS in your game or not depends entirely on the type of playstyle the mechanics encourage.
Getting mad over ADS in itself makes you a premium faggot.
>"the meta"
this is also the most cancerous redditors speak
>The Meta
God I fucking hate games that pander to a Meta instead of just designing to allow player creativity. I missed when games allowed exploitative play. I think Payday 2 still allows you to go fucking bonkers with builds, but I don't know if that's because it's just so jampacked with content that the devs just stopped trying to keep up or if they intentionally designed it that way.
ADS is literally how guns are fucking shot IRL you fucking literal retards, if any of you betas had ever actually fired a gun in your pathetic lives you would know that aiming from the hip makes your accuracy fucking awful. hating on ADS is just an excuse and you goddamned well know it.
>inb4 "lel t. zoomer xD"
even if i was that doesnt make me any less objectively correct, fucknuts
good thread guys
great job
Who the fuck plays video games to experience real life? Running around at 30 mph and shooting aliens or demons sounds more fun to me.
low quality bait
Are you seriously so dumb that you think the only reason people don't like ADS because they dont think it's realistic?
>oh fuck oh geez oh FRICK my dude i cant think of anything to counter-argue with, i'll just tell him he's baiting, wont he look silly THEN, heh ill even post a fedora to let him know how superior i am to him HEH
99% of the autists saying ADS is bad has them blubbering something about "c-cowadoody bad" or how it made the genre casual or some stupidass bullshit like scopes havent been done for ages before and arent literally the same fucking thing. i can get that some games arent meant to be realistic and have their own appeal to people that want such an experience but so many retards make out the advent of ADS to be the point where everything went to shit and ohhh man werent games like CS 1.6 and quake 3 so much better guise amirite fellow OLD SCHOOL GAMERS???????
>If it's not Q3A or UT2k, it's bad!
Yet the genre moved on from them and has only thrived
>new good
>old bad
>old good
>new bad
See, I can be retarded too
You already demonstrated that with your first post, pal.
>ADS to be the point where everything went to shit
It is because every shooter tried to copy the "realistic" military shooters that made it popular. ADS isn't the sole reason shooters got shitty and samey, but it is one of the reasons.
You mean the post where I didn't say Q3A or UT2k were bad games?
Look how hard hes trying to fit in.
No, the post where you assumed that anyone who doesn't like a specific mechanic only plays a specific kind of game.
Aim down sights is best. It's more life-like, more immersive. It separates movement and shooting, which are the basis of modern combat. Fire and maneuver.
Shame FGC is slowly being swallowed by e-sports.
Soon there will be no more banter, trashtalking, etc.
wait what
how'd HL2 ruin 'em though, wouldn't it be HL1, since, you know, HL1 effectively killed off games in the style of Blood, Quake, SiN, etc?
based on the fact that the majority of the time people complain about ADS, they play arena shooters and whine that every single FPS isn't an arena shooter. Then cry that every new arena shooter isn't exactly what they want. See: Toxikk
How the fuck do you retards fall for such obvious bait? It is so clear I was joking. "TF2 ruined non-realistic graphics" "Steam ruined PC gaming" how fucking dumb are all of you lol? Go back to redbit you braindead npcs.
>things that ruined entire genres
How about the thing that ruined every online game that includes it?
this, for me, is the single worst thing that has happened to online gaming. I can excuse lootboxes before i can the matchmaking meme.
wow aren't you a big boy. why don't you fuck MY ass too while you're at it!
>I was merely pretending!
>that made it popular
this. EXACTLY this. just because there are people that like how games used to be before ADS or other factors that "casualized" the genre does not mean that there is a far larger group of people that enjoy the "new" way games are. whether or not they're "le filthy casuls" for enjoying it this way or whether the "older" style of shooters was better is an inherently subjective argument to make, but here's an objective one: you are in the minority, and very likely will stay that way indefinitely. as long as there continues to be a far larger group of people that like the way shooters are currently, things will stay as they are, and no amount of fedoraposting or "this is bait" nonarguments will ever change that. i would say to deal with it, but you have literally no other choice OTHER than to deal with it.
>Then cry that every new arena shooter isn't exactly what they want. See: Toxikk
You mean the game that launched for $20 in early access, had one map, and was released at the same time UT4 was announced to be free?
Only fucking retarded boomers like playing hip fire shooters... Go back to playing doom you fucking wizards...
Now do Warsow, Quake Champions, and Shootmania Storm. Also, UT4 has a small base as well, so thanks for putting another Arena shooter on my list
I only hate ADS when it gimps hip fire to the point of being unplayable
Let me compile a list of failed modern shooters too.
>Hop on server
>Regular gets on
>Kills 3 people in different spots before the third guy that died could even react
>No one bats an eye because this honor system simply rewards seniority.
>Get on new server
>Kick ass
>Immediately kicked
Don't even fucking pretend 95% of servers aren't pure cancer, MM is exactly the same
Go ahead. Problem is, there will be a lot of successful modern shooters, where there hasn't been a successful arena shooter since the 90s
I'm mad that op isn't a kobra sight
Nothing wrong with matchmaking if its there to get enough people for a game
Stay upset get mad enough to have a stroke so we have one less faggot around. WHY DON'T WE ALLOW KILLING FAGGOTS ON SIGHT!?
Haven't people been using ADS for thousands of years?
And they all drop off the face of the earth as soon as the next fad comes along.
COD4 was an extremely simple game
...which supports my argument that the genre has moved on?
whats fun is that hipfire is seen as a shitter way of playing to normies
>cant spend a day finding a server that rewards competitiveness
>matchmaking is nothing but a gamble to weather or not youre going to have a good time playing
The genre has moved to microtransactions too, does that make it good?
Just like my dick inside your ass!
The argument is the other way around
>If it's not ADS it doesn't exists since literally every game is ADS
>there are actual ADS apologists in this thread
Of course. Yea Forums even unironically discusses fucking phone games as well.
This place has gone to trash.
>Comparing ADS, a game mechanic to MTX stores, an industry function
spotted the redditor
Yes, they're both cancer.
And you claim you weren't an Arenaboomer
Where did I ever say that?
There is nothing wrong with ADS.
>T-That's not me
Sure it isn
>th-that's not real!
>n-nice photoshop!
The only thing I don't like about ADS is every game that has it makes it seem like you hold a gun extremely close to your face when firing it.
Your face is literally pressed against the gun if you're using a rifle.
True but not in the way most games depict it.
There is usually more than an inch between your eye and the sight though.
You're actually aiming down the sights all the time in Doom.
Psuedo milsims and slower pace games would still be better without ADS though. ADS in any game is utter cancer.
You forgot the biggest problem with this, every single thing in the game needs to be perfectly balanced. If a weapon is a little to OP, nerf it to hell. Map slightly favors one side, completely rework it.
Sure these fixes can be fine, but too often do devs just fuck everything up.
MW2 had it right by having plenty of overpowered weapons for everyone to use.
This is another problem, too many games now restrict certain weapons/abilities to only a select few characters or even just one, and only one person in the game can use that at a time, so instead of everyone being super powerful, only one person is.
CoD ruined FPS
You're only half-right. If anything it's the bad imitators who ruin the industry. (Except for Steam, which you're fully right about. Fuck Steam for all eternity, for it brought Online DRM and people are cool with it. Screw GabeN, that cunt. People are making memes about him and honest to god believe he's the savior of PC gaming. Ridiculous. Thanks to Steam every game on PC has its own launcher. Every game can't be shared or reselled. Every game is not a thing you own, it's merely a license. Every game is a "service" now, encouraging a "ship now, fix later mentality". Now you have assholes from Valve and other companies knowing what games you buy and how long you play. Gabe Newell can choke on his pile of cash for all I care.
arena FPS had selectable reticle types taking on the shape of various kinds of sights. it was an indirect representation of ADS without sacrificing gameplay for "realism" (i.e. drawing an obstructive sighting apparatus on the lower half of the screen). ADS as implemented in console oriented shooters is a retarded metaphor that implies your character isn't using the sights at any other time and is literally just shooting with the gun held at shoulder height.
surely you can turn these kinds of markers off
im calling him a retard because cod 1 and 2 did have ads, retard
The deals though
That is outright what they are doing though, there's a reason non ADS fire is almost always called hipfiring.
why do autist hipsters get triggered by ADS?
its a god send for the whole damn genre
>its a god send for the whole damn genre
lemme answere these real quick
1.healthpacks are clunky and cartoonish, especially in the backdrop of more realistic looking settings like afghanistan and etc. also regen only happens in singleplayer
2.go to the end, get keycard, repeat the level backwards is TOTALLY not linear
3. shit like that depens on the devs and have no impact in gameplay
4. cover based gameplay goes to third person shooters, staying in a spot is just asking to get shredded by penetration ammo or grenades
5. >le ancient gamer have to restart everything maymay
6.boss fights are clunky and cartoonish, see 1.
7.enemy variety doesnt really matter when its weapon variety that matters. its the same soldiers using different guns with different stats
8. im not autistic enough to be bothered by a color scheme that gets replaced by the very next mission
an extra player should not be 100% necessary. It should ease the burden by dividing the work among multiple people. it shouldn't be "I literally need someone else for this or it is impossible."
There's a mod that makes you the only survival, and in its early stages, it broke the game because you would get oneshot by all the special infected. Later on, the creater just made it also remove specials
Tell me why ADS is bad.
that's your fucking fault, you fucking idiot, for even having an eye for AAA shit. simply seek out good games
>betamales who've never fired a weapon the thread
i want to whine about realism but also want to live in a fantasy where everyone hipfires like theyre rambo
I'm sorry you hate fun, zoomer
>video games have to be realistic
but you're not seeing him
Care to use your other brain cell to explain?
>mfw playing Thief Gold for the first time
for the love of the nines, todd just give me a simple goddamn minimap
yeah but a lot of fps games have a crosshair in the middle of the screen anyway, even if youre firing from the hip, so what benefit does ADS give in that scenario? to be more realistic?
Not a single video game has realistic optics.
Modern Warfare 2 is almost as old as Doom 2 was when this picture was made
>lets shamelessly rip off ubisoft's already retarded obsession with tower climbing
As a mechanic to increase accuracy.
I'm not sure why you went out of your way to agree with me but thank you
>video games aren't allowed to be realistic
There's nothing wrong with ADS. It's just over saturated. I just want to be like rambo every once in a while but that's impossible when every single FPS and their mother needs to be 'tactical' and 'realistic'.
It's okay for there to be tactical and realistic games.
but please
give us Rambo's some fun too.
Ads isn’t really that bad if hip firing should be accurate as well. Something like killzone 2 or bf:bc2 get it right
I'm getting seriously burnt out on games, I just switch through RE2R, Squad and Cities Skylines but games have just become something I turn on for 30 minutes to avoid doing school work for another 30 minutes. Please help. Also please come out with some fun FPS games that are simple and not open world shit.
Nobody said that. Stop being retarded.
You can play L4D solo, retard. You can even kill the AI and beat it solo. You're just bad.
Half life is the only good thing to ever come out of valve.
That's literally false.
Truly, factually impossible
Special Infected have too much HP, are too fast, and require another person to get off of you
>all of those mods on a game that's already perfect
That's a yikes from me, chief
voice acting ruined a lot in general. it takes the imagination away and video games should be about imagination. even worse -- they don't HAVE to make a fucking cutscene every time characters need to let out something important. it can be done in-game
generally, taking away imagination and the player's ability to create in-game seems to be the goal
Look it up dumbass, every level has been beaten solo on every difficulty and recorded.
just because the gun is black?
fucking racist
Based Bortic Poster
The only special infected that have too many hp is tank. How can you be that bad in l4d?
LMAO retard
The overuse and poor uses of cover systems have hurt a lot of third person shooters. A lot of these even play worse than the time crisis rail shooters.
no but it did bring all the normies and women into gaming
valve is fucking overrated trash though
>tfw you can fire however you want in VR
Fucking this.
I didn't think it was possible to be this bad. The bots are a bit retarded, sure, but they're still useful for drawing away infected. Unironically get good.
Stramnigger cope.
it's still possible.
Impossible is what they make in Sven Co-Op maps.
Two people need to press one thing simultaneously, or you won't even start the map.
Goodbye, chink.
Tienamen Square
unironically true but only because all other game publishers are fucking sheep
>what is low ready
ADS is fine in games aiming for realism and/or slower pace, hating it in all cases is retarded.
What, for multiplayer? The only time ADS shows up in single player is as an optional attachment for 2 weapons out of the whole selection. It’s definitely not universal, and those attachments are honestly kinda garbage compared to the other shit you can put on those guns instead.
Please kill yourself. You're completely beyond hope.
Ubisoft open world
It just fuckin sucks