It really is just the perfect gaming console.
I can take it on the go. I get stares from cute girls when I have it with me. The game library is amazing and comfy as fuck.
It really is the greatest piece of gaming equipment I have ever purchased.
It really is just the perfect gaming console.
I can take it on the go. I get stares from cute girls when I have it with me. The game library is amazing and comfy as fuck.
It really is the greatest piece of gaming equipment I have ever purchased.
Just wish they would release some damn games. The switch could be a huge success if the eshop was on the same level as the wiiu. I dont get it.
How do you get the wood. Is it a decal?
No, it's real wood. I'm a carpenter by trade.
why the fuk dus every switch dweeb have a skreen protecktor?
Not sure if I believe you.
>that kid.jpg
Because it has a fucking plastic screen.
That D pad is so gross and doesn’t even try to look official
Ah, the classic example of saying "I like the thing but I'm too stupid to explain why"!
Knowing that it's only just begun is maximum comfy.
Hack it m8. Emulates older retro systems great with Retroarch (N64 is still a bit messy but some games playable) and shitloads of great indy ports that I wouldn't have played on PC
Because the screen is plastic lol
>I can take it on the go
Do people really do this?
I’ve had mine for 4 months now and don’t use one. Screen still looks like it did out of the box
>cute girls stare at you
For all the wrong reasons
>I get stares from cute girls when I have it with me.
Yeah, probably not for the reason you're thinking.
I hope not. Imagine being an adult and you can’t have 20-45 minutes free time without filling it with video games
I bought that set and ended up fiddling with the back plate so much just to get it to fit right that I can't even be bothered to deal with the joycons.
And I mean, fuck me, it was just the back plate. That should have been the easiest thing.
I don't either and I've had it since launch. Joycons are looking a bit chewed up though.
>soon enough we'll get animal crossing switch and it'll be Japan time 2.0
can't fuckin wait
What? Post pics.
I travel for 4 hours by train every weekend to visit my gf. Of course I take it with me, I'd be a retard if I didn't.
Would have loved to hack it but I bought it last november so I think it got patched or something. Ill have to look into it again
>mfw being a switch owner who doesn’t give a flying fuck about smash
Much better than the official one which doesn't even have a pad.
My back plate had excess plastic on it. I shaved it off with a craft knife.
It looks like icing
If only it had games