Why dont you love me Yea Forums?
Why dont you love me Yea Forums?
I was told this game was generic trash, that wasnt worth my time. So I didnt buy it.
reminder REmake 2 uses a shit ton of ripped assets from RE7
It even reuses the door opening noise
I don't have to explain why it sucks, it just does. Not my fault you can't wake up to the obvious.
i thought you were alright
It's great but once you play through it a few times you run out of stuff to do. Also, boat.
I just replayed it and I still enjoy it. Yes it is simple but fun. I think the worst is just not enough different enemies
It doesn’t FEEL like a resident evil game
"Bro it sucks, it just does. Explain my reasoning or even one example???? No way bro."
Oh but 4-6 did? Fuck off faggot, you're not a real fan.
>Also, boat.
Stop with this stupid fucking meme. There is literally nothing wrong with the boat after you get past the videotape.
the enemies killed it for me, they were so fucking boring
It's in my top 5, I loved it and it corrected most of the mistakes 4 made when the series took a left turn and ended up at the shitshow that was 6
I hope you're pretending
>There's nothing wrong after you get past the wrong part!
I do. Not a top-tier RE but still damn good.
But the flashback is only like 1/3 of the boat section
This is the only valid complaint. Monster design was cool at first, but fuck they could have easily spiced it up with some variety of fungi monsters
what even is this post. do you read before you decide to reply?
This is one of those split fanbase games, it was just ok for me, the demo was better, I didn't feel like I wanted to replay it again unlike RE2. But I read a lot of people love it so I might try it again after doing so much RE2 speedruns.
But I do.
>REMake>RE2>RE2Make>RE3>RE7>RE0>CVX>Shit>Everything else.
*RE1 goes in first position
But I do, the boat section sucks tho
I know its flawed but jesus I still love this game, especially in VR. Everything with Jack is just so goddamn priceless. And RE7 has by far the best collection of boss-fights in the series. The game is also still fucking gorgeous visually. It has some of the best looking environments in any game I've ever played. Being able to get up close to that detail in VR is so fucking cool. VR makes the game so much more intense its not even funny. The sound design is also incredible. You can tell there was just so much fucking talent and passion behind the game. I'd have to replay all of the games again but at the very least this game is my 4th favorite game in the series, behind RE2make, REmake, and RE4. And honestly I might like it better than 4.
and yet it's still a great game with it's own personality
Reminder that RE1,2.3 are basically the same game and still fucking awesome you retard.
>ripped assets
>same engine
Well, no shit! I guess the massive and bountiful differences are superseded by some sounds and textures.
>re0 before cvx
thats questionable
Do people really think the original re2 is better than the remake? Its feels on par with me,maybe its nostalgia
>grey as fuck game
Honestly it's the environments that turned me off. The train is pure kino and I liked the game more regardless of it's flaws.
Id say theyre both on the same level, but come down to personal preference. I like 0 more than cv
It's really good. I really don't get how REmake 2 has gotten so much more attention - my normalfag friends, who didn't really like RE7 when I showed it to them, are now on the RE2 hype train despite never having played an RE game before.
Almost no gameplay. Just a walking simulator movie
I hold them about equal. The original has the nostalgic value, better music, better B scenario, more content and the zapping system. Remake plays better, is scarier, has a better Mr. X, better bosses and better cutscenes.
saving this bait as a screencap because you're too stupid to just remember it is honestly a pretty good bit. even fits with the theme
>this is what Yea Forums actually believes
It was just okay. As others have said ITT the enemies were dull/unvaried and imo the setting was boring. An old house in bumfuck no where was already done to greater effect in the first game.
RE8 on the moon confirmed
And its now about the zero-G virus
Never bought it. Just watched a speed run of it and called it a day because RE should never be First person.
First time I played it I thought it was generic. Recently I tried to give it another chance and I enjoyed it. It's a good horror game and good shooter, maybe not what you are searching for in a RE game if you are a fan, but it'll give you a good time. 8/10
I'd buy it
Exactly right, was it too much time and money to do the b routes similar to the original?
Wasn't that just Dead Space?
For me both have their ups and downs and are on equal footing. Not even nostalgia, I just played both of them last month.
Probably had more to do with them meeting their target release date. I forget when RE5 and 6 launched but 4 and 7 were both early in the year. They seem to like that slot so I'm sure there was a big push to make sure RE2 Remake made that window.
The original feels more complete. The remake doesn't really add anything new, only removes certain things and changes what it doesn't remove so it sort of feels new. Also the entire intro section up to the RPD in the remake is garbage.
Would you not repurchase dead space if it was leon instead?