Was Dormin good or evil?
Was Dormin good or evil?
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Evil, but kept his word so he's aight imo.
He was a nimrod.
you're asking the wrong questions user go play it again and come back.
don't forget the time trials either you may discover something more. also have you explored all of the map? have you climbed to the peak of the tower?
He let the Wanderer die and even mimicked his movements to make it look like he was possessed when he wasn't. Dormin also was the aggressor against Emon and his guards, shattering the ground and advancing toward them.
It might not have even been Dormin that revived Mono, but whatever genuine divine forces Emon was praying to as a way to let the Wanderer survive in some form and try to atone.
I really wish the ending wasn't so vague
I wanted to know more about all the different characters
Neither. He was an Ancient Power in the classic sense, more like a force of nature. Not "good" or "evil" in the human sense but could cut deals with humans and have his own agenda, but honest about it. Yeah he used Wander's body and had him help escape sealing, but he was 100% upfront about this being a miracle request that would cost Wander dearly and Wander accepted that, and Mono was in fact revived. It was a fair price for literally trying to mess with life and death.
I guess a truly "good" being might just do it for nothing, or maybe would help Wander move on ("you need to accept the cycle of life") or whatever, but an evil one would lie about it all and double cross and shit. Dormin was just non-human.
I just wish the world had more material period. I'd legit read an artbook on it, there was so much cool stuff, hell tons that was in the game that you couldn't even find normally without glitching. I'd love to know about the history of it all even if it wasn't a vidya.
>hell tons that was in the game that you couldn't even find normally without glitching
Unused assets typically aren't meant to be found.
There's always the movie script to look at.
>Unused assets typically aren't meant to be found.
I know, I wasn't asking for it to be in the game I was just saying man did they go the extra mile to really do a ton of world building much of which just was foundations for other stuff. The unused assets in SotC aren't just textures or something, there was that entire full model beta dam.
It just seemed like a really cool world, and I know a lot is meant to be ambiguous and subject to interpretation but I'm still a bit bummed we'll never find out more about it.
I would also love to know more about the world and the Forbidden Lands, but I think most of it being shrouded in mystery gives it that extra sense of grandeur and wonder that could potentially be ruined if they explained things more.
He's a god and is above mortal concerns of morality.
>He was an Ancient Power in the classic sense,
>But the answer turns out to be something different. The Dam wasn't a left over model floating out in the void, but part of the original vision of a much larger world map. The Dam and surrounding beta mountains all fit perfectly over the world map and show how much more of the game was planned at the outset. We can assume that due to the work involved getting the colossi to work properly and other deadlines the company faced they had to curtail their original 'larger map' version of the game and opt for a smaller world map, leaving the unfinished models where they were.
>I showed this when I overlaid images of the beta mountains and Dam on the beta map, see my video here: youtube.com
shit this I did not know actually. fuck what a shame, though they were pushing the ps2 too far already really even ignoring the budget/time restrictions.
My point is that you really can't count unused stuff as "world building."
Not enough information in the game to know one way or the other. He was absolutely a dickhead not telling Wander what was going on, but he also kept his word.
I wish all open games did this kind of stuff, where models/areas/ geography that isn't used in the main game are shoved in some out-of-bounds location far away from sight for people to find.
Dumbest post itt
Yeah I get the appeal is the mysteriousness of the world and the fact that they give you no information but eventually that shit gets on people's nerves when there aren't any answers for anything.
>Was Dormin good or evil?
This one is pretty accurate: Dormin was just an incredibly powerful supernatural force. He wasn't """evil""" he just seems that way because people make unreasonable selfish demands of him and instead of turning them away the absolute madlad actually DOES them.
Then people get fucking butthurt about the repercussions- as if anything in this world is so convenient or without consequence.
Sure it is, just not stuff we're meant to see. Seriously user I'm not joking, it's not at all uncommon for good authors, even just individuals doing books, to do TONS of extra world building that never shows up directly in anything ever put out to readers. Many good novel writers will do up entire maps and timelines and concept art or the like despite not even having pictures at all, because it helps maintain internal self-consistency. All the stuff they did and thought that went into it still is pretty cool, it's a lot of effort that then got cut but probably made what we actually saw make more sense and be better.
I mean shit, they even came up with the own fictional runic character set so that Yorda could speak runic backwards English in Ico. Obviously fans could decipher it and it wasn't an actual entire fictional language, but it's still a bit of extra autism which I like.
>Then people get fucking butthurt about the repercussions- as if anything in this world is so convenient or without consequence.
Yeah, though amusingly only retards on discussion boards. I don't think anyone in the actual game was butthurt, they just had their own agendas. Wander knew perfectly well what he was doing and wasn't worried about himself. The tribal folks probably just plain didn't want Ancient Powers roaming the world anymore period, because humans messing with that likely caused big disasters in the past (seriously, how could messing with that by humans possibly not badly fuck things up at least once in a while). It's like how people get about nuclear power, some want to use it, some would really love to put that particular genie back in its bottle because despite it having good uses the bad ones are catastrophic and they think humanity will inevitably fuck up with it (they may be right, though I think space is a sufficient reason the risk is worth it).
I'm aware of that type of autism and partake of it myself. With unused content left in games it's hard to tell what was intended to be in but had to be cut due to some outside limitation and what was purposefully pruned as a creative decision.